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+ <p>All greenhouse heating systems can be complex, but heating systems for institutional greenhouses are among some of the most exacting. That’s because many organizations grow a wide variety of plants with disparate temperature requirements. At BioTherm, this is not an insurmountable challenge. Our custom heating systems are specially-designed for the inherent complications of greenhouses for organizations--including further specialization based on your unique needs. With over 35 years of experience designing institutional greenhouse heating systems, BioTherm engineers can offer research centers, schools, and other institutions incomparable experience and knowledge that translates to better, happier plants.</p>
+ <p>Furthermore, BioTherm will deliver all of these benefits and top-quality products at reasonable prices. We know cost is a major concern for all institutions, which is why we offer affordable payment plans upfront-- not to mention years of energy savings through our heating systems afterwards.</p>
+ <p><strong>Institutional Greenhouses with BioTherm’s Innovative Root Zone Heating Systems</strong></p>
+ <p>Institutional greenhouses perform better with root zone heating systems. BioTherm developed the first commercialized root zone heating systems for commercial horticulture in 1980, and we’ve developed a reputation for excellence and innovation by staying at the forefront of radiant heating technologies for greenhouses ever since. All our products are optimized for the ideal growth conditions for any plants you choose to grow, as well as any exact research requirements. We know that consistency is key for many institutional greenhouses, which is why we carefully calibrate all our systems beyond the minimum industry standards for ideal performance and energy efficiency.</p>
+ <p>BioTherm’s custom heating systems give institutional clients:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>easily customizable and adaptable systems, so you can change greenhouse focus and setup without worrying about over or under heating plants,</li>
+ <li>sustainable and energy-efficient greenhouse heating, and</li>
+ <li>system startup to get projects started successfully and on schedule.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><a href="../../assets/uploads/main/Biotherm_InstitutionalBrochure_FinalOutline_SinglePages.pdf">Get our brochure now</a> to discover why we are a trusted provider of heating systems for institutions or <a href="../../contact.html">set up a free consultation</a> to get any specific questions about heating your organization’s greenhouses answered in person.</p>
+ <p><strong>Get the Perfect BioTherm Products to Serve Your Organization’s Greenhouse Needs</strong></p>
+ <p>BioTherm is committed to quality. That’s why we only use the latest and best technologies in our greenhouses. Explore some of the most common systems and products we often use in institutional greenhouses to learn more about which ones may be right for you.</p>
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+ <h3 class="panel-title">BioTherm Institutional Products</h3>
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+ <li><a href="../../products/duofin.html">DuoFin™</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../../products/hdx.html">HDX™</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../../products/megatube.html">MegaTube™</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../../products/microclimate-tubing.html">MicroClimate™ Tubing</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../../products/starfin.html">StarFin™</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../../products/sunfin.html">SunFin®</a></li>
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+ <h3 class="panel-title">Institutional Applications</h3>
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