Grants and Incentives
Offset your new project or capital improvement costs through Grants, State Rebates and Incentives.
We can identify potential funding, grant and utility rebates. Through our Energy Savings Calculator, we can provide detailed calculations on the efficiency of different heating options that we propose.
Grower-centric technologies eligible for incentives are:
- Condensing Boilers
- Hot Water Distribution Systems
- Energy/Shade Curtains
- Condensing Unit Heaters
- Variable Speed Drives
- Environmental Control Systems
- LED Lighting
- Structure Re-glazing
- Natural Ventilation Structures
Once incentives have been identified, we can provide a reference to grant and incentive firm Sustainable Energy Financing to help you with the process of applying for these funds—regardless of technology. Our close working relationship provides a seamless interface to help you get the funding you deserve. To learn more, please contact our grant and incentive specialist Dan Kuipers at (800) 438-4328.

Incentive Case Study - Artcan Group, Fitchburg, MA
The Challenge
Artcan Group and its affiliated companies are producers of cannabis flower and associated products located in Fitchburg, MA. To become a leader in an evolving and competitive marketplace, a new high-efficiency greenhouse encompassing approximately 32,000 sq. ft. of production space is being planned.
Energy use and its associated cost will represent a sizeable portion of the facility’s operational expenses. Artcan believes that energy efficient technologies offer the best long-term option to remain profitable and minimize the risk associated with rising energy costs. However, the increased cost difference between “baseline” standard technologies and high-efficiency equipment is cost prohibitive without utility or government support.
The BioTherm Solution
Many utility companies offer rebates and other incentives to motivate customers to purchase and operate high-efficiency equipment. BioTherm worked with Artcan to identify eligible energy-saving technologies and determine the amount of financial support that would be offered by their local utility.
How It Works
BioTherm modeled and calculated expected energy usage for several design scenarios with varying degrees of efficiency. These calculations were then submitted to the local utility and reviewed for accuracy. Upon completion of the review, the amount of energy saved in each scenario was translated into a guaranteed dollar amount that would be offered to Artcan as an incentive to purchase more efficient (and more expensive) equipment. Through this process, Artcan saved $150,000 through rebates and incentives.