You're cordially invited

to celebrate the marriage of

David A. Windham


Ginny L. Gast

Saturday, The Twenty-Seventh Of September
Two Thousand Fourteen

No need to dress up, no need to wrap gifts.

Just stay at home, and send us a good wish.

We appreciate your love and cheer.

But we're off on our journey, have no fear.

About 10 years ago
a guy named Dave met a girl named Ginny.
Soon after, the two would take a trip to New York City.

Days and weeks and many more,
The couple found love they could not ignore.
They dwelled in cities, the trees, and farm,
Each would have its newfound charm.

And then one day came when they decided to marry.
They had made it 10 years, after all, it’s not so scary.
Money can’t buy love, this they knew.
But it sure could pay for a trip, to start anew.

So tip your hat to these big-hearted.
Who are embarking on a journey to where it all started.
To jumpstart another decade, with its ups and downs.
New experiences and perhaps new towns.


But have no worries for this one of many couples.
Because they’re a good team and can tackle life’s troubles.
For it is their love that will make them last.
This guy named Windham and girl named Gast.