/*! * jQuery Sticky Footer 1.1 * Corey Snyder * http://tangerineindustries.com * https://github.com/coreysyms/foundationStickyFooter * * Released under the MIT license * * Copyright 2013 Corey Snyder. * * Date: Thu Jan 22 2013 13:34:00 GMT-0630 (Eastern Daylight Time) * Modification for jquery 1.9+ Tue May 7 */ $(window).load(function() { stickyFooter(); //IE 6,7,8 does not support mutation events so old skool here if (!jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace) { setInterval(checkForDOMChange, 100); } }); //check for changes to the DOM function checkForDOMChange() { //leading white space will tell us if this is IE 9 or greater if (jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace) { $(document).unbind("DOMSubtreeModified"); } stickyFooter(); } //check for resize event if not IE 9 or greater if (jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace) { $(window).resize(function() { stickyFooter(); }); } function stickyFooter() { if ($("footer").attr('style')) { $("footer").removeAttr('style'); } if (window.innerHeight != document.body.offsetHeight) { var offset = window.innerHeight - document.body.offsetHeight; var current = parseInt($("footer").css("margin-top")); if (current+offset > parseInt($("footer").css("margin-top"))) { $("footer").css({"margin-top":(current+offset)+"px"}); } } if (jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace) { $(document).bind("DOMSubtreeModified", checkForDOMChange); } } /* ! end sticky footer */