Reti Chess ========== A lightweight, real-time chess app built in [Node](, [Express](, [Socket.IO](, [React](, [Flux]( and [Immutable]( Reti Chess also uses [chess.js]( for move validation and check/mate/draw detection. You can play the game on []( If you want to run it locally: * Clone the repo * Install dependencies ```sh npm install ``` * Set NODE_ENV to developement ```sh export NODE_ENV=development ``` * Run the server ```sh npm start ``` * Preferred way is to run the server with nodemon ```sh npm install -g nodemon # if you don't have nodemon installed yet nodemon --harmony bin/www ``` * Run gulp if you want to recompile static assets when you save a file ```sh gulp ``` * App will run on **localhost:3000** License ------- Available under [the MIT License (MIT)](./