extends layout block content h1.knight h2 Reti Chess p.margin-fifty.center A lightweight real-time chess app built in Node.js, Express framework and Socket.IO div#form form#create_form(action='') fieldset label Minutes per side: input#minutes(type='number', value='30', min='1', max='50', required) label(style='padding-left: 2em;') Increment in seconds: input#seconds(type='number', value='0', min='0', max='50', required) input#game_link.game_link(type='text', readonly, value='Game link will be generated here.') button.button#play(type='submit') Play p#waiting Generating game link. p.center Click the button play to create a game. Send the link to your friend. Once the link is opened in your friend's browser, game should begin shortly. Colours are picked randomly by computer. p.center a(href='/about', class='alpha') Read more about Reti Chess block scripts script(type='text/javascript', src='/javascripts/start.js')