Reti Chess ========== Reti Chess is an open source chess app built in [Node.js]( with use of [Express framework]( and [Socket.IO]( Reti Chess also uses [chess.js]( for move validation and check/mate/draw detection. You can check out demo on []( Why Reti? --------- The project is named after famous Czechoslovakian chess player Richard RĂ©ti. After him is also named a chess opening which begins with the the moves: 1. Nf3 d5, 2. d4. What features chess supports? ----------------------------- This is a very lightweight version of chess. You can only play real-time against the human, an AI is not available. Reti Chess doesn't have any timer, the time for a move is unlimited. Although, if you reload the window or disconnect from the game, the game will be cancelled. People behind this project -------------------------- [Roman Matiasko](, [Stepan Bujnak]( and [Lukas Matiasko]( License ------- Available under [the MIT License (MIT)](