layout.jade 1.7 KB

  1. doctype html
  2. html(lang='en')
  3. head
  4. - if (typeof(title) !== 'undefined')
  5. title #{title} | Reti Chess
  6. - else
  7. title Reti Chess
  8. meta(charset='utf-8')
  9. meta(name='robots', content='index, follow')
  10. meta(itemprop='name=Reti Chess')
  11. meta(name='description', content='Reti Chess is a lightweight real-time chess app built in Node.js with use of Express framework and Socket.IO')
  12. meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1')
  13. link(rel='shortcut icon', href='/img/logo.png')
  14. link(rel='stylesheet', href='/css/main.css')
  15. block head
  16. link(href='|Open+Sans:400,600', rel='stylesheet', type='text/css')
  17. body
  18. #modal-mask.modal-mask
  19. p
  20. strong Esc:
  21. | OK
  22. br
  23. strong Enter:
  24. | OK
  25. #modal-window.modal
  26. p#modal-message Message.
  27. a#modal-ok.button(href='#', style='left: 50%; margin-left: -60px;') OK
  28. #offer-mask.modal-mask
  29. p
  30. strong Esc:
  31. | Decline
  32. br
  33. strong Enter:
  34. | Accept
  35. #offer-window.modal
  36. p#offer-message Offer.
  37. a#offer-accept.button(href='#') Accept
  38. a#offer-decline.button.button--red(href='#') Decline
  39. #container-wrapper.clearfix
  40. block content
  41. footer
  42. #footer.clearfix
  43. Distributed under
  44. a(href='') the MIT License
  45. |   •  
  46. a(href='') Github repo
  47. - if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development')
  48. script(src='/js/vendor.js')
  49. block scripts