/* * Font Mfizz v2.0-SNAPSHOT * Copyright 2013-2015 Fizzed, Inc. * MIT License * * Project: http://fizzed.com/oss/font-mfizz * * The font designed for technology and software geeks representing programming * languages, operating systems, software engineering, and technology. * * Fizzed, Inc. * Web: http://fizzed.com/ * Twitter: http://twitter.com/fizzed_inc * * Joe Lauer * Web: http://lauer.bz/ * Twitter: http://twitter.com/jjlauer */ @font-face { font-family: "FontMfizz"; src: url("./font-mfizz.eot"); src: url("./font-mfizz.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("./font-mfizz.woff") format("woff"), url("./font-mfizz.ttf") format("truetype"), url("./font-mfizz.svg#font-mfizz") format("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { @font-face { font-family: "FontMfizz"; src: url("./font-mfizz.svg#font-mfizz") format("svg"); } } [data-icon]:before { content: attr(data-icon); } [data-icon]:before, .icon-3dprint:before, .icon-antenna:before, .icon-apache:before, .icon-aws:before, .icon-blackberry:before, .icon-bomb:before, .icon-c:before, .icon-cassandra:before, .icon-centos:before, .icon-clojure:before, .icon-coffee-bean:before, .icon-cplusplus:before, .icon-csharp:before, .icon-css:before, .icon-database:before, .icon-database-alt:before, .icon-database-alt2:before, .icon-debian:before, .icon-dreamhost:before, .icon-elixir:before, .icon-erlang:before, .icon-fedora:before, .icon-fire-alt:before, .icon-freebsd:before, .icon-ghost:before, .icon-gnome:before, .icon-google:before, .icon-google-alt:before, .icon-google-code:before, .icon-google-developers:before, .icon-grails:before, .icon-grails-alt:before, .icon-hadoop:before, .icon-haskell:before, .icon-heroku:before, .icon-html:before, .icon-iphone:before, .icon-java:before, .icon-java-bold:before, .icon-java-duke:before, .icon-javascript:before, .icon-javascript-alt:before, .icon-jetty:before, .icon-kde:before, .icon-laravel:before, .icon-line-graph:before, .icon-linux-mint:before, .icon-looking:before, .icon-mariadb:before, .icon-microscope:before, .icon-mobile-device:before, .icon-mobile-phone-alt:before, .icon-mobile-phone-broadcast:before, .icon-mongodb:before, .icon-mssql:before, .icon-mysql:before, .icon-mysql-alt:before, .icon-netbsd:before, .icon-nginx:before, .icon-nginx-alt:before, .icon-nginx-alt2:before, .icon-nodejs:before, .icon-objc:before, .icon-oracle:before, .icon-oracle-alt:before, .icon-osx:before, .icon-perl:before, .icon-phone-alt:before, .icon-phone-gap:before, .icon-phone-retro:before, .icon-php:before, .icon-php-alt:before, .icon-playframework:before, .icon-playframework-alt:before, .icon-postgres:before, .icon-postgres-alt:before, .icon-python:before, .icon-raspberrypi:before, .icon-redhat:before, .icon-redis:before, .icon-ruby:before, .icon-ruby-on-rails:before, .icon-ruby-on-rails-alt:before, .icon-satellite:before, .icon-scala:before, .icon-scala-alt:before, .icon-script:before, .icon-script-alt:before, .icon-shell:before, .icon-solaris:before, .icon-splatter:before, .icon-suse:before, .icon-svg:before, .icon-symfony:before, .icon-tomcat:before, .icon-ubuntu:before, .icon-wireless:before, .icon-wordpress:before { display: inline-block; 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