tools: php_sim: true php_pdepend: true php_analyzer: true build: nodes: analysis: dependencies: before: - composer require --dev johnpbloch/wordpress filter: excluded_paths: - "inc/lib/" # exclude the twilio api and html_dom scaper files - "node_modules/" dependency_paths: - wordpress/ # exlude wordpress from commit # checks: # php: # fix_php_opening_tag: false # remove_php_closing_tag: false # one_class_per_file: false # side_effects_or_types: false # no_mixed_inline_html: false # require_braces_around_control_structures: false # php5_style_constructor: true # no_global_keyword: false # avoid_usage_of_logical_operators: true # psr2_class_declaration: false # no_underscore_prefix_in_properties: false # no_underscore_prefix_in_methods: false # blank_line_after_namespace_declaration: true # single_namespace_per_use: false # psr2_switch_declaration: false # psr2_control_structure_declaration: false # avoid_superglobals: false # security_vulnerabilities: false # no_exit: false # return_doc_comments: true # parameter_doc_comments: true # uppercase_constants: true # avoid_perl_style_comments: true # coding_standard: # name: WordPress # # coding_style: # php: # indentation: # general: # use_tabs: true # spaces: # within: # function_declaration: true # if: true # for: true # while: true # switch: true # catch: true # braces: # classes_functions: # class: end-of-line # function: end-of-line # if: # opening: end-of-line # always: true # for: # opening: end-of-line # while: # opening: end-of-line # do_while: # opening: end-of-line # upper_lower_casing: # keywords: # general: lower # constants: # true_false_null: lower # tools: # sensiolabs_security_checker: true # # external_code_coverage: true # php_code_sniffer: # config: # # # standard: "WordPress"