2.3 KB


Not just another theme for
... sprucing up a bit (v.2.0) for my website's 10 year anniversary (2004).

I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.   Abraham Maslow

2020.04.04 - Updates - v.3.0

Bring this site up to speed


  • changed theme name from dw -> daw becuase of
  • changed the screenshot

  • grunt -> gulp

  • move the dependecies to npm pkgs

update libraries:

  • jquery 3.1.0 -> 3.4.1
  • bootstrap 3.4.5 -> 4.4.1
  • jasny bootstrap 3.1.3 -> 4.0.0
  • svg-morpheus 0.1.8 -> 0.3.0
  • animate.css 3.0.0 -> 3.7.0

other libraries in scripts.js:

removed libraries:

  • modernizr.js

deprecated libaries: