init.js 3.8 KB

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  9. strings: ["Hey,", "Hello,\n^10Welcome to ^10my domain ^10...^10", "Hello, \nWelcome to my little corner of the internet. \n^10It's nice to ", "Hello, \nWelcome to my little corner of the internet. \nIt's very nice to have you here!^10\n"],
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  55. end: '2014-10-13',
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  59. title: 'off',
  60. start: '2014-10-13',
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  65. start: '2014-10-16',
  66. end: '2014-10-31'
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  69. title: 'Contract',
  70. start: '2014-11-03',
  71. end: '2014-11-22'
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  75. start: '2014-12-01',
  76. end: '2014-12-06'
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  78. {
  79. title: 'Project',
  80. start: '2014-12-08',
  81. end: '2014-12-13'
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  86. end: '2015-01-05',
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  89. {
  90. title: 'Project',
  91. start: '2015-01-06',
  92. end: '2015-01-25'
  93. },
  94. {
  95. title: 'Project',
  96. start: '2015-02-02',
  97. end: '2015-02-14'
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  101. start: '2015-02-14',
  102. end: '2015-02-19',
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