Not just another theme for
I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail. Abraham Maslow
2022.12.17 - v.4.0
- git master -> main
- rm old grunt files
- rewrite gulpfile to auto-build
- replace uglify with terser
- update packages
- remove jasny boot for 5.0 offcanvas
- consolidate and remove old scripts (
- try to drop JQuery deps
- remove modernizr.js
- mv inline js to npm bundles to keep them updated
- js/scripts.js TODO - ( WOW, validation, lazyload, wallpaper, backstretch, Rainbow, Appear, DrawFillSVG, typed.js, scrollto, smoothState, js-cookie, waypoints, ghembedder )
- Rework some of the pages and features
- rewrite the studio page
- rewrite the chat/messenger/twillio features in inc/lib/call
2020.04.04 - Updates - v.3.0
Bring this site up to speed
2014.05.15 - v.2.0
sprucing up a bit for my website's 10 year anniversary (2004).
update libraries:
added libraries:
other libraries in scripts.js:
deprecated libaries:
- audio page
- chart.js 1.0.1 -> 2.9.3
- scripts.js into pkgs and build