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rails vim

david windham 13 years ago
3 changed files with 717 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 280 0
  2. 340 0
  3. 97 0

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+" Tabular:     Align columnar data using regex-designated column boundaries
+" Maintainer:  Matthew Wozniski (
+" Date:        Thu, 11 Oct 2007 00:35:34 -0400
+" Version:     0.1
+" Abort if running in vi-compatible mode or the user doesn't want us.
+if &cp || exists('g:tabular_loaded')
+  if &cp && &verbose
+    echo "Not loading Tabular in compatible mode."
+  endif
+  finish
+let g:tabular_loaded = 1
+" Stupid vimscript crap                                                   {{{1
+let s:savecpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Private Things                                                          {{{1
+" Dictionary of command name to command
+let s:TabularCommands = {}
+" Generate tab completion list for :Tabularize                            {{{2
+" Return a list of commands that match the command line typed so far.
+" NOTE: Tries to handle commands with spaces in the name, but Vim doesn't seem
+"       to handle that terribly well... maybe I should give up on that.
+function! s:CompleteTabularizeCommand(argstart, cmdline, cursorpos)
+  let names = keys(s:TabularCommands)
+  if exists("b:TabularCommands")
+    let names += keys(b:TabularCommands)
+  endif
+  let cmdstart = substitute(a:cmdline, '^\s*\S\+\s*', '', '')
+  return filter(names, 'v:val =~# ''^\V'' . escape(cmdstart, ''\'')')
+" Choose the proper command map from the given command line               {{{2
+" Returns [ command map, command line with leading <buffer> removed ]
+function! s:ChooseCommandMap(commandline)
+  let map = s:TabularCommands
+  let cmd = a:commandline
+  if cmd =~# '^<buffer>\s\+'
+    if !exists('b:TabularCommands')
+      let b:TabularCommands = {}
+    endif
+    let map = b:TabularCommands
+    let cmd = substitute(cmd, '^<buffer>\s\+', '', '')
+  endif
+  return [ map, cmd ]
+" Parse '/pattern/format' into separate pattern and format parts.         {{{2
+" If parsing fails, return [ '', '' ]
+function! s:ParsePattern(string)
+  if a:string[0] != '/'
+    return ['','']
+  endif
+  let pat = '\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)\{-}\zs/' . tabular#ElementFormatPattern() . '*$'
+  let format = matchstr(a:string[1:-1], pat)
+  if !empty(format)
+    let format = format[1 : -1]
+    let pattern = a:string[1 : -len(format) - 2]
+  else
+    let pattern = a:string[1 : -1]
+  endif
+  return [pattern, format]
+" Split apart a list of | separated expressions.                          {{{2
+function! s:SplitCommands(string)
+  if a:string =~ '^\s*$'
+    return []
+  endif
+  let end = match(a:string, "[\"'|]")
+  " Loop until we find a delimiting | or end-of-string
+  while end != -1 && (a:string[end] != '|' || a:string[end+1] == '|')
+    if a:string[end] == "'"
+      let end = match(a:string, "'", end+1) + 1
+      if end == 0
+        throw "No matching end single quote"
+      endif
+    elseif a:string[end] == '"'
+      " Find a " preceded by an even number of \ (or 0)
+      let pattern = '\%(\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\)\@<="'
+      let end = matchend(a:string, pattern, end+1) + 1
+      if end == 0
+        throw "No matching end double quote"
+      endif
+    else " Found ||
+      let end += 2
+    endif
+    let end = match(a:string, "[\"'|]", end)
+  endwhile
+  if end == 0 || a:string[0 : end - (end > 0)] =~ '^\s*$'
+    throw "Empty element"
+  endif
+  if end == -1
+    let rv = [ a:string ]
+  else
+    let rv = [ a:string[0 : end-1] ] + s:SplitCommands(a:string[end+1 : -1])
+  endif
+  return rv
+" Public Things                                                           {{{1
+" Command associating a command name with a simple pattern command        {{{2
+" AddTabularPattern[!] [<buffer>] name /pattern[/format]
+" If <buffer> is provided, the command will only be available in the current
+" buffer, and will be used instead of any global command with the same name.
+" If a command with the same name and scope already exists, it is an error,
+" unless the ! is provided, in which case the existing command will be
+" replaced.
+" pattern is a regex describing the delimiter to be used.
+" format describes the format pattern to be used.  The default will be used if
+" none is provided.
+com! -nargs=+ -bang AddTabularPattern
+   \ call AddTabularPattern(<q-args>, <bang>0)
+function! AddTabularPattern(command, force)
+  try
+    let [ commandmap, rest ] = s:ChooseCommandMap(a:command)
+    let name = matchstr(rest, '.\{-}\ze\s*/')
+    let pattern = substitute(rest, '.\{-}\s*\ze/', '', '')
+    let [ pattern, format ] = s:ParsePattern(pattern)
+    if empty(name) || empty(pattern)
+      throw "Invalid arguments!"
+    endif
+    if !a:force && has_key(commandmap, name)
+      throw string(name) . " is already defined, use ! to overwrite."
+    endif
+    let command = "tabular#TabularizeStrings(a:lines, " . string(pattern)
+    if !empty(format)
+      let command .=  ", " . string(format)
+    endif
+    let command .= ")"
+    let commandmap[name] = ":call tabular#PipeRange("
+          \ . string(pattern) . ","
+          \ . string(command) . ")"
+  catch
+    echohl ErrorMsg
+    echomsg "AddTabularPattern: " . v:exception
+    echohl None
+  endtry
+" Command associating a command name with a pipeline of functions         {{{2
+" AddTabularPipeline[!] [<buffer>] name /pattern/ func [ | func2 [ | func3 ] ]
+" If <buffer> is provided, the command will only be available in the current
+" buffer, and will be used instead of any global command with the same name.
+" If a command with the same name and scope already exists, it is an error,
+" unless the ! is provided, in which case the existing command will be
+" replaced.
+" pattern is a regex that will be used to determine which lines will be
+" filtered.  If the cursor line doesn't match the pattern, using the command
+" will be a no-op, otherwise the cursor and all contiguous lines matching the
+" pattern will be filtered.
+" Each 'func' argument represents a function to be called.  This function
+" will have access to a:lines, a List containing one String per line being
+" filtered.
+com! -nargs=+ -bang AddTabularPipeline
+   \ call AddTabularPipeline(<q-args>, <bang>0)
+function! AddTabularPipeline(command, force)
+  try
+    let [ commandmap, rest ] = s:ChooseCommandMap(a:command)
+    let name = matchstr(rest, '.\{-}\ze\s*/')
+    let pattern = substitute(rest, '.\{-}\s*\ze/', '', '')
+    let commands = matchstr(pattern, '^/.\{-}\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)\{-}/\zs.*')
+    let pattern = matchstr(pattern, '/\zs.\{-}\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)\{-}\ze/')
+    if empty(name) || empty(pattern)
+      throw "Invalid arguments!"
+    endif
+    if !a:force && has_key(commandmap, name)
+      throw string(name) . " is already defined, use ! to overwrite."
+    endif
+    let commandlist = s:SplitCommands(commands)
+    if empty(commandlist)
+      throw "Must provide a list of functions!"
+    endif
+    let cmd = ":call tabular#PipeRange(" . string(pattern)
+    for command in commandlist
+      let cmd .= "," . string(command)
+    endfor
+    let cmd .= ")"
+    let commandmap[name] = cmd
+  catch
+    echohl ErrorMsg
+    echomsg "AddTabularPipeline: " . v:exception
+    echohl None
+  endtry
+" Tabularize /pattern[/format]                                            {{{2
+" Tabularize name
+" Align text, either using the given pattern, or the command associated with
+" the given name.
+com! -nargs=+ -range -complete=customlist,<SID>CompleteTabularizeCommand
+   \ Tabularize <line1>,<line2>call Tabularize(<q-args>)
+function! Tabularize(command) range
+  let range = a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline
+  try
+    let [ pattern, format ] = s:ParsePattern(a:command)
+    if !empty(pattern)
+      let cmd  = "tabular#TabularizeStrings(a:lines, " . string(pattern)
+      if !empty(format)
+        let cmd .= "," . string(format)
+      endif
+      let cmd .= ")"
+      exe range . 'call tabular#PipeRange(pattern, cmd)'
+    else
+      if exists('b:TabularCommands') && has_key(b:TabularCommands, a:command)
+        let command = b:TabularCommands[a:command]
+      elseif has_key(s:TabularCommands, a:command)
+        let command = s:TabularCommands[a:command]
+      else
+        throw "Unrecognized command " . string(a:command)
+      endif
+      exe range . command
+    endif
+  catch
+    echohl ErrorMsg
+    echomsg "Tabularize: " . v:exception
+    echohl None
+    return
+  endtry
+" Stupid vimscript crap, part 2                                           {{{1
+let &cpo = s:savecpo
+unlet s:savecpo
+" vim:set sw=2 sts=2 fdm=marker:

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+" rails.vim - Detect a rails application
+" Author:       Tim Pope <>
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1567 1 :AutoInstall: rails.vim
+" URL:
+" Install this file as plugin/rails.vim.  See doc/rails.txt for details. (Grab
+" it from the URL above if you don't have it.)  To access it from Vim, see
+" :help add-local-help (hint: :helptags ~/.vim/doc) Afterwards, you should be
+" able to do :help rails
+if exists('g:loaded_rails') || &cp || v:version < 700
+  finish
+let g:loaded_rails = 1
+" Utility Functions {{{1
+function! s:error(str)
+  echohl ErrorMsg
+  echomsg a:str
+  echohl None
+  let v:errmsg = a:str
+function! s:autoload(...)
+  if !exists("g:autoloaded_rails") && v:version >= 700
+    runtime! autoload/rails.vim
+  endif
+  if exists("g:autoloaded_rails")
+    if a:0
+      exe a:1
+    endif
+    return 1
+  endif
+  if !exists("g:rails_no_autoload_warning")
+    let g:rails_no_autoload_warning = 1
+    if v:version >= 700
+      call s:error("Disabling rails.vim: autoload/rails.vim is missing")
+    else
+      call s:error("Disabling rails.vim: Vim version 7 or higher required")
+    endif
+  endif
+  return ""
+" }}}1
+" Configuration {{{
+function! s:SetOptDefault(opt,val)
+  if !exists("g:".a:opt)
+    let g:{a:opt} = a:val
+  endif
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_statusline",1)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_syntax",1)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_mappings",1)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_abbreviations",1)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_ctags_arguments","--exclude=\"*.js\"")
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_default_file","README")
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_root_url",'http://localhost:3000/')
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_modelines",0)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_menu",1)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_gnu_screen",1)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_history_size",5)
+call s:SetOptDefault("rails_generators","controller\ngenerator\nhelper\nintegration_test\nmailer\nmetal\nmigration\nmodel\nobserver\nperformance_test\nplugin\nresource\nscaffold\nscaffold_controller\nsession_migration\nstylesheets")
+if exists("g:loaded_dbext") && executable("sqlite3") && ! executable("sqlite")
+  " Since dbext can't find it by itself
+  call s:SetOptDefault("dbext_default_SQLITE_bin","sqlite3")
+" }}}1
+" Detection {{{1
+function! s:escvar(r)
+  let r = fnamemodify(a:r,':~')
+  let r = substitute(r,'\W','\="_".char2nr(submatch(0))."_"','g')
+  let r = substitute(r,'^\d','_&','')
+  return r
+function! s:Detect(filename)
+  let fn = substitute(fnamemodify(a:filename,":p"),'\c^file://','','')
+  let sep = matchstr(fn,'^[^\\/]\{3,\}\zs[\\/]')
+  if sep != ""
+    let fn = getcwd().sep.fn
+  endif
+  if fn =~ '[\/]config[\/]environment\.rb$'
+    return s:BufInit(strpart(fn,0,strlen(fn)-22))
+  endif
+  if isdirectory(fn)
+    let fn = fnamemodify(fn,':s?[\/]$??')
+  else
+    let fn = fnamemodify(fn,':s?\(.*\)[\/][^\/]*$?\1?')
+  endif
+  let ofn = ""
+  let nfn = fn
+  while nfn != ofn && nfn != ""
+    if exists("s:_".s:escvar(nfn))
+      return s:BufInit(nfn)
+    endif
+    let ofn = nfn
+    let nfn = fnamemodify(nfn,':h')
+  endwhile
+  let ofn = ""
+  while fn != ofn
+    if filereadable(fn . "/config/environment.rb")
+      return s:BufInit(fn)
+    endif
+    let ofn = fn
+    let fn = fnamemodify(ofn,':s?\(.*\)[\/]\(app\|config\|db\|doc\|features\|lib\|log\|public\|script\|spec\|stories\|test\|tmp\|vendor\)\($\|[\/].*$\)?\1?')
+  endwhile
+  return 0
+function! s:BufInit(path)
+  let s:_{s:escvar(a:path)} = 1
+  if s:autoload()
+    return RailsBufInit(a:path)
+  endif
+" }}}1
+" Initialization {{{1
+augroup railsPluginDetect
+  autocmd!
+  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call s:Detect(expand("<afile>:p"))
+  autocmd VimEnter * if expand("<amatch>") == "" && !exists("b:rails_root") | call s:Detect(getcwd()) | endif | if exists("b:rails_root") | silent doau User BufEnterRails | endif
+  autocmd FileType netrw if !exists("b:rails_root") | call s:Detect(expand("<afile>:p")) | endif | if exists("b:rails_root") | silent doau User BufEnterRails | endif
+  autocmd BufEnter * if exists("b:rails_root")|silent doau User BufEnterRails|endif
+  autocmd BufLeave * if exists("b:rails_root")|silent doau User BufLeaveRails|endif
+  autocmd Syntax railslog if s:autoload()|call rails#log_syntax()|endif
+augroup END
+command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=dir Rails :if s:autoload()|call rails#new_app_command(<bang>0,<f-args>)|endif
+" }}}1
+" abolish.vim support {{{1
+function! s:function(name)
+    return function(substitute(a:name,'^s:',matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\d\+_'),''))
+augroup railsPluginAbolish
+  autocmd!
+  autocmd VimEnter * call s:abolish_setup()
+augroup END
+function! s:abolish_setup()
+  if exists('g:Abolish') && has_key(g:Abolish,'Coercions')
+    if !has_key(g:Abolish.Coercions,'l')
+      let g:Abolish.Coercions.l = s:function('s:abolish_l')
+    endif
+    if !has_key(g:Abolish.Coercions,'t')
+      let g:Abolish.Coercions.t = s:function('s:abolish_t')
+    endif
+  endif
+function! s:abolish_l(word)
+  let singular = rails#singularize(a:word)
+  return a:word ==? singular ? rails#pluralize(a:word) : singular
+function! s:abolish_t(word)
+  if a:word =~# '\u'
+    return rails#pluralize(rails#underscore(a:word))
+  else
+    return rails#singularize(rails#camelize(a:word))
+  endif
+" }}}1
+" Menus {{{1
+if !(g:rails_menu && has("menu"))
+  finish
+function! s:sub(str,pat,rep)
+  return substitute(a:str,'\v\C'.a:pat,a:rep,'')
+function! s:gsub(str,pat,rep)
+  return substitute(a:str,'\v\C'.a:pat,a:rep,'g')
+function! s:menucmd(priority)
+  return 'anoremenu <script> '.(exists("$CREAM") ? 87 : '').s:gsub(g:rails_installed_menu,'[^.]','').'.'.a:priority.' '
+function! s:CreateMenus() abort
+  if exists("g:rails_installed_menu") && g:rails_installed_menu != ""
+    exe "aunmenu ".s:gsub(g:rails_installed_menu,'\&','')
+    unlet g:rails_installed_menu
+  endif
+  if has("menu") && (exists("g:did_install_default_menus") || exists("$CREAM")) && g:rails_menu
+    if g:rails_menu > 1
+      let g:rails_installed_menu = '&Rails'
+    else
+      let g:rails_installed_menu = '&Plugin.&Rails'
+    endif
+    let dots = s:gsub(g:rails_installed_menu,'[^.]','')
+    let menucmd = s:menucmd(200)
+    if exists("$CREAM")
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.-PSep- :'
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Related\ file\	:R\ /\ Alt+] :R<CR>'
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Alternate\ file\	:A\ /\ Alt+[ :A<CR>'
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&File\ under\ cursor\	Ctrl+Enter :Rfind<CR>'
+    else
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.-PSep- :'
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Related\ file\	:R\ /\ ]f :R<CR>'
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Alternate\ file\	:A\ /\ [f :A<CR>'
+      exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&File\ under\ cursor\	gf :Rfind<CR>'
+    endif
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.Application\ &Controller :find app/controllers/application.rb<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.Application\ &Helper :find app/helpers/application_helper.rb<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.Application\ &Javascript :find public/javascripts/application.js<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.Application\ &Layout :Rlayout application<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.Application\ &README :find doc/README_FOR_APP<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.&Environment :find config/environment.rb<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.&Database\ Configuration :find config/database.yml<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.Database\ &Schema :Rmigration 0<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.R&outes :find config/routes.rb<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Other\ files.&Test\ Helper :find test/test_helper.rb<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.-FSep- :'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.Ra&ke\	:Rake :Rake<CR>'
+    let menucmd = substitute(menucmd,'200 $','500 ','')
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Server\	:Rserver.&Start\	:Rserver :Rserver<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Server\	:Rserver.&Force\ start\	:Rserver! :Rserver!<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Server\	:Rserver.&Kill\	:Rserver!\ - :Rserver! -<CR>'
+    exe substitute(menucmd,'<script>','<script> <silent>','').g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Evaluate\ Ruby\.\.\.\	:Rp :call <SID>menuprompt("Rp","Code to execute and output: ")<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Console\	:Rscript :Rscript console<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Preview\	:Rpreview :Rpreview<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Log\ file\	:Rlog :Rlog<CR>'
+    exe substitute(s:sub(menucmd,'anoremenu','vnoremenu'),'<script>','<script> <silent>','').g:rails_installed_menu.'.E&xtract\ as\ partial\	:Rextract :call <SID>menuprompt("'."'".'<,'."'".'>Rextract","Partial name (e.g., template or /controller/template): ")<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Migration\ writer\	:Rinvert :Rinvert<CR>'
+    exe menucmd.'         '.g:rails_installed_menu.'.-HSep- :'
+    exe substitute(menucmd,'<script>','<script> <silent>','').g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Help\	:help\ rails :if <SID>autoload()<Bar>exe RailsHelpCommand("")<Bar>endif<CR>'
+    exe substitute(menucmd,'<script>','<script> <silent>','').g:rails_installed_menu.'.Abo&ut\	 :if <SID>autoload()<Bar>exe RailsHelpCommand("about")<Bar>endif<CR>'
+    let g:rails_did_menus = 1
+    call s:ProjectMenu()
+    call s:menuBufLeave()
+    if exists("b:rails_root")
+      call s:menuBufEnter()
+    endif
+  endif
+function! s:ProjectMenu()
+  if exists("g:rails_did_menus") && g:rails_history_size > 0
+    if !exists("g:RAILS_HISTORY")
+      let g:RAILS_HISTORY = ""
+    endif
+    let history = g:RAILS_HISTORY
+    let menu = s:gsub(g:rails_installed_menu,'\&','')
+    silent! exe "aunmenu <script> ".menu.".Projects"
+    let dots = s:gsub(menu,'[^.]','')
+    exe 'anoremenu <script> <silent> '.(exists("$CREAM") ? '87' : '').dots.'.100 '.menu.'.Pro&jects.&New\.\.\.\	:Rails :call <SID>menuprompt("Rails","New application path and additional arguments: ")<CR>'
+    exe 'anoremenu <script> '.menu.'.Pro&jects.-FSep- :'
+    while history =~ '\n'
+      let proj = matchstr(history,'^.\{-\}\ze\n')
+      let history = s:sub(history,'^.{-}\n','')
+      exe 'anoremenu <script> '.menu.'.Pro&jects.'.s:gsub(proj,'[.\\ ]','\\&').' :e '.s:gsub(proj."/".g:rails_default_file,'[ !%#]','\\&')."<CR>"
+    endwhile
+  endif
+function! s:menuBufEnter()
+  if exists("g:rails_installed_menu") && g:rails_installed_menu != ""
+    let menu = s:gsub(g:rails_installed_menu,'\&','')
+    exe 'amenu enable '.menu.'.*'
+    if RailsFileType() !~ '^view\>'
+      exe 'vmenu disable '.menu.'.Extract\ as\ partial'
+    endif
+    if RailsFileType() !~ '^\%(db-\)\=migration$' || RailsFilePath() =~ '\<db/schema\.rb$'
+      exe 'amenu disable '.menu.'.Migration\ writer'
+    endif
+    call s:ProjectMenu()
+    silent! exe 'aunmenu       '.menu.'.Rake\ tasks'
+    silent! exe 'aunmenu       '.menu.'.Generate'
+    silent! exe 'aunmenu       '.menu.'.Destroy'
+    if rails#app().cache.needs('rake_tasks') || empty(rails#app().rake_tasks())
+      exe substitute(s:menucmd(300),'<script>','<script> <silent>','').g:rails_installed_menu.'.Rake\ &tasks\	:Rake.Fill\ this\ menu :call rails#app().rake_tasks()<Bar>call <SID>menuBufLeave()<Bar>call <SID>menuBufEnter()<CR>'
+    else
+      let i = 0
+      while i < len(rails#app().rake_tasks())
+        let task = rails#app().rake_tasks()[i]
+        exe s:menucmd(300).g:rails_installed_menu.'.Rake\ &tasks\	:Rake.'.s:sub(task,':',':.').' :Rake '.task.'<CR>'
+        let i += 1
+      endwhile
+    endif
+    let i = 0
+    let menucmd = substitute(s:menucmd(400),'<script>','<script> <silent>','').g:rails_installed_menu
+    while i < len(rails#app().generators())
+      let generator = rails#app().generators()[i]
+      exe menucmd.'.&Generate\	:Rgen.'.s:gsub(generator,'_','\\ ').' :call <SID>menuprompt("Rgenerate '.generator.'","Arguments for script/generate '.generator.': ")<CR>'
+      exe menucmd.'.&Destroy\	:Rdestroy.'.s:gsub(generator,'_','\\ ').' :call <SID>menuprompt("Rdestroy '.generator.'","Arguments for script/destroy '.generator.': ")<CR>'
+      let i += 1
+    endwhile
+  endif
+function! s:menuBufLeave()
+  if exists("g:rails_installed_menu") && g:rails_installed_menu != ""
+    let menu = s:gsub(g:rails_installed_menu,'\&','')
+    exe 'amenu disable '.menu.'.*'
+    exe 'amenu enable  '.menu.'.Help\	'
+    exe 'amenu enable  '.menu.'.About\	'
+    exe 'amenu enable  '.menu.'.Projects'
+    silent! exe 'aunmenu       '.menu.'.Rake\ tasks'
+    silent! exe 'aunmenu       '.menu.'.Generate'
+    silent! exe 'aunmenu       '.menu.'.Destroy'
+    exe s:menucmd(300).g:rails_installed_menu.'.Rake\ tasks\	:Rake.-TSep- :'
+    exe s:menucmd(400).g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Generate\	:Rgen.-GSep- :'
+    exe s:menucmd(400).g:rails_installed_menu.'.&Destroy\	:Rdestroy.-DSep- :'
+  endif
+function! s:menuprompt(vimcmd,prompt)
+  let res = inputdialog(a:prompt,'','!!!')
+  if res == '!!!'
+    return ""
+  endif
+  exe a:vimcmd." ".res
+call s:CreateMenus()
+augroup railsPluginMenu
+  autocmd!
+  autocmd User BufEnterRails call s:menuBufEnter()
+  autocmd User BufLeaveRails call s:menuBufLeave()
+  " g:RAILS_HISTORY hasn't been set when s:InitPlugin() is called.
+  autocmd VimEnter *         call s:ProjectMenu()
+augroup END
+" }}}1
+" vim:set sw=2 sts=2:

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+" Vim color scheme based on
+" Name:        railscasts.vim
+" Maintainer:  Ryan Bates
+" License:     MIT
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "railscasts"
+" Colors
+" Brown        #BC9357
+" Dark Blue    #6D9CBD
+" Dark Green   #509E50
+" Dark Orange  #CC7733
+" Light Blue   #CFCFFF
+" Light Green  #A5C160
+" Tan          #FFC66D
+" Red          #DA4938 
+hi Normal     guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#232323
+hi Cursor     guibg=#FFFFFF
+hi CursorLine guibg=#333435
+hi LineNr     guifg=#666666
+hi Visual     guibg=#5A647E
+hi Search     guifg=NONE    guibg=#131313  gui=NONE
+hi Folded     guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444  gui=NONE
+hi Directory  guifg=#A5C160 gui=NONE
+hi Error      guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#990000
+hi MatchParen guifg=NONE    guibg=#131313
+hi Title      guifg=#E6E1DC
+hi Comment    guifg=#BC9357 guibg=NONE     gui=italic
+hi! link Todo Comment
+hi String     guifg=#A5C160
+hi! link Number String
+hi! link rubyStringDelimiter String
+" nil, self, symbols
+hi Constant guifg=#6D9CBD
+" def, end, include, load, require, alias, super, yield, lambda, proc
+hi Define guifg=#CC7733 gui=NONE
+hi! link Include Define
+hi! link Keyword Define
+hi! link Macro Define
+" #{foo}, <%= bar %>
+hi Delimiter guifg=#509E50
+" hi erubyDelimiter guifg=NONE
+" function name (after def)
+hi Function guifg=#FFC66D gui=NONE
+"@var, @@var, $var
+hi Identifier guifg=#CFCFFF gui=NONE
+" #if, #else, #endif
+" case, begin, do, for, if, unless, while, until, else
+hi Statement guifg=#CC7733 gui=NONE
+hi! link PreProc Statement
+hi! link PreCondit Statement
+" SomeClassName
+hi Type guifg=NONE gui=NONE
+" has_many, respond_to, params
+hi railsMethod guifg=#DA4938 gui=NONE
+hi DiffAdd guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#144212
+hi DiffDelete guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#660000
+hi xmlTag guifg=#E8BF6A
+hi! link xmlTagName  xmlTag
+hi! link xmlEndTag   xmlTag
+hi! link xmlArg      xmlTag
+hi! link htmlTag     xmlTag
+hi! link htmlTagName xmlTagName
+hi! link htmlEndTag  xmlEndTag
+hi! link htmlArg     xmlArg
+" Popup Menu
+" ----------
+" normal item in popup
+hi Pmenu guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE
+" selected item in popup
+hi PmenuSel guifg=#000000 guibg=#A5C160 gui=NONE
+" scrollbar in popup
+hi PMenuSbar guibg=#5A647E gui=NONE
+" thumb of the scrollbar in the popup
+hi PMenuThumb guibg=#AAAAAA gui=NONE