### dw what to do with the new [domain](https://davidwindham.com) ... I'd like a cleaner one page app that is focused on function so I can keep all my random stuff on the old domain. Just going to make some notes here to work it out. ---- #### notes: ##### content/ ideas - bot, AMA, TIL, knowitall, about - bio / cv / clients service - ability / experitise / range login - calendar / billing ##### features/ * bot * chat / contact * twilio / fb messenger / slack / twitter * multilingual * * now page * simplified archive page * desk/bookmarks/code/til/social * calendar * scheduler / rate * client login * invoicing / payments / tickets * automate publishing * staging subdomains ##### design/ * Fonts * Playfair Display - [https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Playfair+Display](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Playfair+Display) * Open Sans * Graphics * [https://www.openpeeps.com/](https://www.openpeeps.com/) * [https://www.opendoodles.com/](https://www.opendoodles.com/) * [https://www.humaaans.com/](https://www.opendoodles.com/) * [https://1wa.co/](https://1wa.co/) / [https://github.com/truewebartisans/1wa.co/](https://github.com/truewebartisans/1wa.co/) * [https://doodles-site-example.webflow.io/](https://doodles-site-example.webflow.io/) ##### stack/ * Go-lang / Ansible * git / code.dw * deployments, provisioning, server status, ci * MySQL / MariaDB * data / stats * PHP * Laravel - accounts, bot, billing, tickets * dev * gulp / webpack * browser-sync