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  51. <h1>Hello!</h1>
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  53. <h2 class="">I like to help folks make good use of the internet by crafting custom applications and websites.</h2>
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  57. <h1>If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth.</h1>
  58. <p class="right">~ John Cleese</p>
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  71. <h1>Who?</h1>
  72. <p class="lead">
  73. I've been a web developer for almost 20 years.
  74. I have a BA in Studio Art and a minor in Art History from The College of Charleston.
  75. I've worked in advertising, publishing, education, and an assortment of businesses for clients.
  76. I focus on building custom web applications and
  77. I treat my development work like mechanical art.
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  79. <img width="300" src="./img/dw-sig.png" alt="David Windham signature">
  80. <p class="lead">Have a project in mind?</p>
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  98. <a href=",+Greenwood,+SC+29646">102 Glenridge Circle</a><br/>
  99. <a href=",+Greenwood,+SC+29646">Greenwood, South Carolina USA</a>
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  102. <a href="tel:8037123283">+1-803-712-3283</a>
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