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- <h2>David A. Windham</h2>
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- <p>I just got this domain in 2020. Some other fella had it back in 2004 when I originally decided I'd put something on the internet which is why my stuff is over at <a href="https://davidawindham.com">davidawindham.com</a>. I really didn't want it, but I've had so many missent emails and whatnot in the past because folks miss the 'a' in david<b>a</b>windham.com. After the other David Windham gave it up in 2010 or so, the domain flopped around a bunch of places for the last ten years, I just happened to think of it the other day because I found my email address had been misprinted in a newsletter. I whois'd it, noticed it was pending delete, and put in a backorder. So... that's solved. I'll deal with unsubscribing the old email until it's clean. If you run into this page and you need to get in touch, head over to my <a href="https://davidawindham.com/contact/">contact page</a>. If you're just cyberstalking me or farting around the internet, then here's a <a href="https://davidawindham.com/sitemap/">sitemap</a> to get you started.<p>
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