import { Actions, reducer, Selectors } from '@andyet/simplewebrtc'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { applyMiddleware, combineReducers, compose as ReduxCompose, createStore } from 'redux'; import Thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import App from './App'; import { PlaceholderGenerator } from './types'; import getConfigFromMetaTag from './utils/metaConfig'; import randomRoomName from './utils/randomRoomName'; const configUrl = getConfigFromMetaTag('config-url'); const CONFIG_URL = configUrl ? configUrl : ''; const userData = getConfigFromMetaTag('user-data'); const USER_DATA = userData ? userData : ''; const compose = (window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || ReduxCompose; const store = createStore( combineReducers({ simplewebrtc: reducer }), { simplewebrtc: {} }, compose(applyMiddleware(Thunk)) ); (window as any).store = store; (window as any).actions = Actions; (window as any).selectors = Selectors; // Force the page to reload after 12 hours setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(true); }, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12); interface RunConfig { roomName: string; root: HTMLElement; gridPlaceholder?: PlaceholderGenerator; haircheckHeaderPlaceholder?: PlaceholderGenerator; emptyRosterPlaceholder?: PlaceholderGenerator; homepagePlaceholder?: PlaceholderGenerator; } const run = ({ roomName, root, gridPlaceholder, haircheckHeaderPlaceholder, emptyRosterPlaceholder, homepagePlaceholder }: RunConfig) => { if (CONFIG_URL.endsWith('YOUR_API_KEY')) { ReactDOM.render(

Configuration Setup Needed:

Edit public/index.html to add your API key to the configuration URL.

Visit to sign up and get an API key.

How to set your API key:

See the meta tag section marked IMPORTANT SETUP in public/index.html:

, root ); return; } ReactDOM.render( , root ); }; const loadTemplate = (id: string): DocumentFragment | null => { const el = document.getElementById(id); if (el !== null && el.nodeName === 'TEMPLATE') { return document.importNode((el as HTMLTemplateElement).content, true); } return null; }; export default { run, loadTemplate, randomRoomName };