windhamdavid 10 years ago
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+			<h1>Proven Paths to Learning</h1>
+			<h2>Handbook of Effective Instructional Strategies</h2>
+			<h3>By Myles I. Friedman, Charles W. Hatch, Katherine C. Schnepel, Diane H. Harwell, &amp; Keelyn N. Barrick</h3>
+			<p>ISBN 978-0-9666588-9-7</p>
+			<p>7&quot; X 10&quot; hard cover<br />130 pages</p>
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+					<p>When you visit your medical doctor you expect that person to be well apprised of current research, drugs and treatments.  However, this is most often not true in the field of education where most professionals do not have a good grasp of research findings.</p>
+					Proven Paths, in 962 pages, includes:
+					23 Proven educational strategies, each of which is derived from extensive research
+					12 Instructional aids
+					5 Questionable instructional strategies  which should be avoided
+					229 Pages of statistical summaries for research cited
+					267 Pages of research references
+					All the above is based on the analysis of over 4500 separate and distinct research articles and is current through the publication date (2014).  There exists no other publication comparable to this distillation, summarization and organization of educational research, none. 
+					Proven Paths holds great utility for:
+					Administrators, both building and district
+					Policy boards
+					School in-service planners
+					Grant writers
+					College and university instructors
+					Researchers
+					Teachers
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+					<p>Resource books published by EDIE contain scientific evidence of what works in education, distilled from a massive amount of research and presented in plain English. Now educators can base their decisions on facts without bias.</p>
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