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  47. <h1>Pass That Test</h1>
  48. <h2><i>A Guide to Successful Test Taking</i></h2>
  49. <h3>By Charles W. Hatch</h3>
  50. <p>7&quot; X 10&quot; paperback.<br />120 pages</p>
  51. <h4>$27.45 (includes sh/h)</h4>
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  71. <li><a href="#ov">Overview</a></li>
  72. <li><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a></li>
  73. <li><a href="#rev">Book Reviews</a></li>
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  77. <p>This is EDIE&#146;s practical approach to successful test preparation at any grade level with special focus on standardized tests. Dr. Hatch has summarized his forty years of test preparation experience that has had primary focus on the PRAXIS/NTE family of tests, but also includes SAT, ACT, GRE, MAT and GED.</p>
  78. <p>Dr. Hatch has prepared tens of thousands of students since 1969 in many states for many tests. This volume summarizes his practical approach and the format of his many workshops. A reader could easily use the book&#146;s information to develop test preparation strategies for nearly any test.</p>
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  82. <li>Forward</li>
  83. <li>Laying the Foundation</li>
  84. <li>Broad Basics</li>
  85. <li>Narrowing the Focus</li>
  86. <li>The Post High School Student</li>
  87. <li>Grades K-12</li>
  88. <li>Relevant Side Issues</li>
  89. <li>The Role of Tutoring</li>
  90. <li>Is Technology the Answer?</li>
  91. <li>Conclusion</li>
  92. <li>Bibliography</li>
  93. <li>Index</li>
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  97. <p>&#147;This book is a must read for anyone engaged in the process of helping adolescents and adults improve their standardized test scores. The author provides the reader with much more than just test-taking skills; he helps one to understand how correcting core deficits in reading comprehension, content knowledge, self-confidence, and health issues will improve test scores.&#148;<p>
  98. <p>&#151;Mark W. Dewalt, Ph.D., Bank of America Professor,<br>Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC</p>
  99. <p>&#147;Dr. Charles Hatch has really helped Newberry College improve our PRAXIS scores. His practical approach to passing the test has truly accelerated the success of our students. He shows students how to apply what they know to the test, and this is a critical skill in passing the test. Students who have struggled with the test are now smiling and moving ahead in their teacher education program because of the dedication and expertise of Dr. Hatch.&#148;</p>
  100. <p>&#151;Dr. Cindy Johnson-Taylor, Chair, Department of<br>Education, Newberry College, Newberry, SC</p>
  101. <p>&#147;This book clearly pinpoints the ways that students should study to prepare for tests, and the skills that students must have to do well on these critical career-making or-breaking exams. Both students taking these kinds of tests and the professors preparing students would benefit from the knowledge imparted here.&#148;</p>
  102. <p>&#151;Faith W. Mann, MIS, EDS, Assistant Principal,<br>Suburban Atlanta Middle School</p>
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  105. <p>Charles W. Hatch is President of CWH Consulting Company, Newberry, SC. He earned the Master of Arts in Teaching at Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D. in Educational Research and Measurement at the University of South Carolina. He has taught college courses in tests and measurement, statistics, and test preparation. Dr. Hatch has published an Introductory Handbook for Statistical Package Programming and on predicting freshman retention. He has served as a consultant on test preparation, college retention, and microcomputers and software.</p>
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  119. <p>edieinstitute@sc.rr.com | 1-800-645-5001</p>
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  123. <p>Resource books published by EDIE contain scientific evidence of what works in education, distilled from a massive amount of research and presented in plain English. Now educators can base their decisions on facts without bias.</p>
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