Gitbook Plugin for [Prism](
##### Before
##### After
## Usage
Add the plugin to your `book.json`, and disable default GitBook code highlighting:
"plugins": ["prism", "-highlight"]
## Options
Override default styles. All css files must reside in the same folder.
"pluginsConfig": {
"prism": {
"css": [
## Prism Themes
#### Okaidia `prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css`
#### Solarized Light `prismjs/themes/prism-solarizedlight.css`
![Solarized Light](
#### Tomorrow `prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css`
#### Dark `prismjs/themes/prism-dark.css`
#### Coy `prismjs/themes/prism-coy.css`
## @Atelierbram Themes
#### Base16 Ocean Dark `syntax-highlighting/assets/css/prism/prism-base16-ocean.dark.css`
![Base16 Ocean Dark](
#### Google Light `syntax-highlighting/assets/css/prism/prism-base16-google.light.css`
![Google Light](
#### Xonokai `syntax-highlighting/assets/css/prism/prism-xonokai.css`
![Google Light](
## Credits
Originally based on
## License
Apache 2