### HP Just another WordPress project for - [https://hospicepiedmont.org/](https://hospicepiedmont.org/) ***** #### Built With: - [Wordpress](https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress) - [Node](https://github.com/nodejs/node) - [NPM](https://github.com/npm/npm) - [Gulp](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp) - [BrowserSync](https://github.com/BrowserSync/browser-sync) - [Bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap) ***** #### Usage $ npm run $ npm ship /* you know the drill */ ***** **ca·ve·at git·mptor**: do not clone ( build your own, you'll learn more ) ***** ***** #### Notes: ##### 2021.1.27 - ( v. 1.0.0 ) - originally brought on to fix a hacked site - request to change the donation process and features - needed to clean up site so I'm using this to build out a new minimal boilerplate approach to WordPress projects - built this new theme off of some previous projects - removed unused plugins - mailchimp, php-compatibility-checker, simple-custom-css (move css to theme), simple history, ulimate maintenence mode, widget importer-exporter, wp-bulk-delete, wp-google-fonts, wp-page-navi, wunderground, bfi\_thumb, wp_migrate, contact form 7, really simple captcha, rescue portfolio, rescue shortcodes - changed wp configuration - update plugins/wp - disable comments - convert all existing content to the Gutenberg editor - cleaned database ( 30MB -> 10MB ) - ALTER TABLE ENGINE = InnoDB; - ALTER TABLE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4\_unicode\_ci; - DELETE FROM wp\_comments WHERE comment\_approved = 'spam'; - UPDATE wp\_posts SET ping\_status = 'closed'; - DELETE FROM wp\_terms WHERE term\_id IN (SELECT term\_id FROM wp\_term\_taxonomy WHERE count = 0 ); - DELETE FROM wp\_term\_taxonomy WHERE term\_id not IN (SELECT term\_id FROM wp\_terms); - DELETE FROM wp\_term\_relationships WHERE term\_taxonomy\_id not IN (SELECT term\_taxonomy\_id FROM wp\_term\_taxonomy); - DELETE FROM `wp\_options` WHERE `option\_name` LIKE ('\_transient%\_feed\_%'); - DELETE a,b,c FROM wp\_posts a WHERE a.post\_type = 'revision' LEFT JOIN wp\_term\_relationships b ON (a.ID = b.object\_id) LEFT JOIN wp\_postmeta c ON (a.ID = c.post\_id); - DELETE FROM wp\_usermeta WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM wp\_users WHERE wp\_usermeta.user\_id = wp\_users.ID ) - DELETE hp\_postmeta FROM hp\_postmeta LEFT JOIN hp\_posts ON hp\_posts.ID = hp\_postmeta.post\_id WHERE hp\_posts.ID IS NULL; - DELETE hp\_postmeta FROM hp\_postmeta LEFT JOIN hp\_posts ON hp\_posts.ID = hp\_postmeta.post\_id WHERE wp\_posts.ID IS NULL; - DELETE FROM hp\_posts WHERE post\_type='donation'; - DELETE FROM hp\_posts WHERE post\_type='donor'; - DELETE FROM hp\_posts WHERE post\_type='faq'; - DELETE FROM hp\_posts WHERE post\_type='portfolio'; - DELETE FROM hp\_posts WHERE post\_type='services'; - DELETE FROM hp\_posts WHERE post\_type='team'; - DELETE FROM hp\_posts WHERE post\_type='wpcf7\_contact\_form'; - DELETE FROM wp\_postmeta WHERE 'meta\_key' LIKE ‘%review%’; - cleaned media library - remove extra sizes / duplicates - remove useless files thumbs.db/index.html - convert .tif -> .jpg - strip thumbnail sizes and regenerate - todo: - rewrite the donation/donor fields back into hp\_posts - create a form to sit on top of donate to determine receipient and then plug that action into the existing donate button - configure forms