index.jade 2.0 KB

  1. extends ../layout
  2. block content
  3. header
  4. .container-fluid
  5. .skew
  6. .header-content
  7. .header-content-inner
  8. .row
  9. .col-sm-8.col-sm-offset-3
  10. h1 Juryd
  11. h2 You be the Judge
  12. h3 Juryd is an application that allows the participants to register, submit, and vote in juried competitions.
  13. section#about
  14. .container
  15. .row
  16. .col-sm-8
  17. img.svg(src="img/ipad.svg")
  18. .col-sm-4.text-center
  19. h2.section-heading How It Works
  20. hr.light
  21. p Some Copy
  22. section#details
  23. .container
  24. .row.text-center
  25. .col-sm-4
  26. h3.section-heading Juried Competition
  27. p Some Copy
  28. .col-sm-4
  29. h3.section-heading Registrant Jury
  30. p Some Copy
  31. .col-sm-4
  32. h3.section-heading Registered Judges
  33. p Some Copy
  34. section#features
  35. .container
  36. .row.text-center
  37. .col-sm-6
  38. h2.section-heading Features
  39. p Some Copy
  42. img.svg.icon-small.yellow-ribbon(src="img/ribbon.svg")
  43. .col-sm-6
  44. img.svg(src="img/phone.svg")
  45. section#account
  46. .container
  47. .row.text-center
  48. .col-sm-6
  49. h2.section-heading About
  50. p Some Copy
  51. .col-sm-6
  52. h2.section-heading About
  53. p Some Copy
  54. section#call
  55. .container
  56. .row
  57. .col-sm-4.col-lg-offset-2.text-center
  58. h4.section-heading Connect
  59. hr.light
  60. p (Social Media Icons)
  61. .col-sm-4.text-center
  62. h4.section-heading Get the Latest
  63. form.form-inline
  64. .form-group
  65."exampleInputAmount") Email Addresss
  66. .input-group
  67. input#email-address.form-control(type="text", placeholder="Email Address")
  68. .input-group-addon
  69. button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit") GO