@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+class HtmlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /**
+ * Setup the test environment
+ */
+ public function setUp()
+ {
+ URL::$base = null;
+ Config::set('application.url', 'http://localhost');
+ Config::set('application.index', 'index.php');
+ Router::$names = array();
+ Router::$routes = array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy the test environment
+ */
+ public function tearDown()
+ {
+ Config::set('application.url', '');
+ Config::set('application.index', 'index.php');
+ Router::$names = array();
+ Router::$routes = array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating a link to JavaScript files
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingScript()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::script('foo.js');
+ $html2 = HTML::script('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js');
+ $html3 = HTML::script('foo.js', array('type' => 'text/javascript'));
+ $this->assertEquals('<script src="http://localhost/foo.js"></script>'."\n", $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>'."\n", $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<script src="http://localhost/foo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'."\n", $html3);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating a link to CSS files
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingStyle()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::style('foo.css');
+ $html2 = HTML::style('http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.2.1/js/bootstrap.min.js');
+ $html3 = HTML::style('foo.css', array('media' => 'print'));
+ $this->assertEquals('<link href="http://localhost/foo.css" media="all" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n", $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<link href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.2.1/js/bootstrap.min.js" media="all" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n", $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<link href="http://localhost/foo.css" media="print" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">'."\n", $html3);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper span
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingSpan()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::span('foo');
+ $html2 = HTML::span('foo', array('class' => 'badge'));
+ $this->assertEquals('<span>foo</span>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<span class="badge">foo</span>', $html2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper link
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingLink()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::link('foo');
+ $html2 = HTML::link('foo', 'Foobar');
+ $html3 = HTML::link('foo', 'Foobar', array('class' => 'btn'));
+ $html4 = HTML::link('http://google.com', 'Google');
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo">http://localhost/index.php/foo</a>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo">Foobar</a>', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo" class="btn">Foobar</a>', $html3);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://google.com">Google</a>', $html4);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper link to secure
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingLinkToSecure()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::link_to_secure('foo');
+ $html2 = HTML::link_to_secure('foo', 'Foobar');
+ $html3 = HTML::link_to_secure('foo', 'Foobar', array('class' => 'btn'));
+ $html4 = HTML::link_to_secure('http://google.com', 'Google');
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="https://localhost/index.php/foo">https://localhost/index.php/foo</a>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="https://localhost/index.php/foo">Foobar</a>', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="https://localhost/index.php/foo" class="btn">Foobar</a>', $html3);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://google.com">Google</a>', $html4);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper link to asset
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingAssetLink()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::link_to_asset('foo.css');
+ $html2 = HTML::link_to_asset('foo.css', 'Foobar');
+ $html3 = HTML::link_to_asset('foo.css', 'Foobar', array('class' => 'btn'));
+ $html4 = HTML::link_to_asset('http://google.com/images.jpg', 'Google');
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/foo.css">http://localhost/foo.css</a>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/foo.css">Foobar</a>', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/foo.css" class="btn">Foobar</a>', $html3);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://google.com/images.jpg">Google</a>', $html4);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper link to secure asset
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingAssetLinkToSecure()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::link_to_secure_asset('foo.css');
+ $html2 = HTML::link_to_secure_asset('foo.css', 'Foobar');
+ $html3 = HTML::link_to_secure_asset('foo.css', 'Foobar', array('class' => 'btn'));
+ $html4 = HTML::link_to_secure_asset('http://google.com/images.jpg', 'Google');
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="https://localhost/foo.css">https://localhost/foo.css</a>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="https://localhost/foo.css">Foobar</a>', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="https://localhost/foo.css" class="btn">Foobar</a>', $html3);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://google.com/images.jpg">Google</a>', $html4);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper link to route
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingLinkToRoute()
+ {
+ Route::get('dashboard', array('as' => 'foo'));
+ $html1 = HTML::link_to_route('foo');
+ $html2 = HTML::link_to_route('foo', 'Foobar');
+ $html3 = HTML::link_to_route('foo', 'Foobar', array(), array('class' => 'btn'));
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/dashboard">http://localhost/index.php/dashboard</a>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/dashboard">Foobar</a>', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/dashboard" class="btn">Foobar</a>', $html3);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper link to action
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingLinkToAction()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::link_to_action('foo@bar');
+ $html2 = HTML::link_to_action('foo@bar', 'Foobar');
+ $html3 = HTML::link_to_action('foo@bar', 'Foobar', array(), array('class' => 'btn'));
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo/bar">http://localhost/index.php/foo/bar</a>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo/bar">Foobar</a>', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo/bar" class="btn">Foobar</a>', $html3);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper listing
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingListing()
+ {
+ $list = array(
+ 'foo',
+ 'foobar' => array(
+ 'hello',
+ 'hello world',
+ ),
+ );
+ $html1 = HTML::ul($list);
+ $html2 = HTML::ul($list, array('class' => 'nav'));
+ $html3 = HTML::ol($list);
+ $html4 = HTML::ol($list, array('class' => 'nav'));
+ $this->assertEquals('<ul><li>foo</li><li>foobar<ul><li>hello</li><li>hello world</li></ul></li></ul>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<ul class="nav"><li>foo</li><li>foobar<ul><li>hello</li><li>hello world</li></ul></li></ul>', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<ol><li>foo</li><li>foobar<ol><li>hello</li><li>hello world</li></ol></li></ol>', $html3);
+ $this->assertEquals('<ol class="nav"><li>foo</li><li>foobar<ol><li>hello</li><li>hello world</li></ol></li></ol>', $html4);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper listing
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingDefinition()
+ {
+ $definition = array(
+ 'foo' => 'foobar',
+ 'hello' => 'hello world',
+ );
+ $html1 = HTML::dl($definition);
+ $html2 = HTML::dl($definition, array('class' => 'nav'));
+ $this->assertEquals('<dl><dt>foo</dt><dd>foobar</dd><dt>hello</dt><dd>hello world</dd></dl>', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<dl class="nav"><dt>foo</dt><dd>foobar</dd><dt>hello</dt><dd>hello world</dd></dl>', $html2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test generating proper image link
+ *
+ * @group laravel
+ */
+ public function testGeneratingAssetLinkImage()
+ {
+ $html1 = HTML::image('foo.jpg');
+ $html2 = HTML::image('foo.jpg', 'Foobar');
+ $html3 = HTML::image('foo.jpg', 'Foobar', array('class' => 'btn'));
+ $html4 = HTML::image('http://google.com/images.jpg', 'Google');
+ $this->assertEquals('<img src="http://localhost/foo.jpg" alt="">', $html1);
+ $this->assertEquals('<img src="http://localhost/foo.jpg" alt="Foobar">', $html2);
+ $this->assertEquals('<img src="http://localhost/foo.jpg" class="btn" alt="Foobar">', $html3);
+ $this->assertEquals('<img src="http://google.com/images.jpg" alt="Google">', $html4);
+ }