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Merge pull request #1017 from Spir/develop

Added french translation.
Dayle Rees 12 years ago
2 changed files with 118 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 19 0
  2. 99 0

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+return array(
+	/*
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	| Pagination Language Lines
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	|
+	| The following language lines are used by the paginator library to build
+	| the pagination links. You're free to change them to anything you want.
+	| If you come up with something more exciting, let us know.
+	|
+	*/
+	'previous' => '&laquo; Précédent',
+	'next'     => 'Suivant &raquo;',

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+return array(
+	/*
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	| Validation Language Lines
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	|
+	| The following language lines contain the default error messages used
+	| by the validator class. Some of the rules contain multiple versions,
+	| such as the size (max, min, between) rules. These versions are used
+	| for different input types such as strings and files.
+	|
+	| These language lines may be easily changed to provide custom error
+	| messages in your application. Error messages for custom validation
+	| rules may also be added to this file.
+	|
+	*/
+	"accepted"       => "Le champ :attribute doit être accepté.",
+	"active_url"     => "Le champ :attribute n'est pas une URL valide.",
+	"after"          => "Le champ :attribute doit être une date après :date.",
+	"alpha"          => "Le champ :attribute ne doit contenir que des lettres.",
+	"alpha_dash"     => "Le champ :attribute ne doit contenir que des lettres, nombres et des tirets.",
+	"alpha_num"      => "Le champ :attribute ne doit contenir que des lettres et nombres.",
+	"before"         => "Le champ :attribute doit être une date avant :date.",
+	"between"        => array(
+		"numeric" => "Le champ :attribute doit être entre :min - :max.",
+		"file"    => "Le champ :attribute doit être entre :min - :max kilo-octets.",
+		"string"  => "Le champ :attribute doit être entre :min - :max caractères.",
+	),
+	"confirmed"      => "Le champ :attribute confirmation est différent.",
+	"different"      => "Les champ :attribute et :other doivent être différents.",
+	"email"          => "Le format du champ :attribute est invalide.",
+	"exists"         => "Le champ sélectionné :attribute est invalide.",
+	"image"          => "Le champ :attribute doit être une image.",
+	"in"             => "Le champ sélectionné :attribute est invalide.",
+	"integer"        => "Le champ :attribute doit être un entier.",
+	"ip"             => "Le champ :attribute doit être une adresse IP valide.",
+	"match"          => "Le format du champ :attribute est invalide.",
+	"max"            => array(
+		"numeric" => "Le :attribute doit être plus petit que :max.",
+		"file"    => "Le :attribute doit être plus petit que :max kilo-octets.",
+		"string"  => "Le :attribute doit être plus petit que :max caractères.",
+	),
+	"mimes"          => "Le champ :attribute doit être un fichier de type: :values.",
+	"min"            => array(
+		"numeric" => "Le champ :attribute doit être au moins :min.",
+		"file"    => "Le champ :attribute doit être au moins :min kilo-octets.",
+		"string"  => "Le champ :attribute doit être au moins :min caractères.",
+	),
+	"not_in"         => "Le champ sélectionné :attribute est invalide.",
+	"numeric"        => "Le champ :attribute doit être un nombre.",
+	"required"       => "Le champ :attribute est requis",
+	"same"           => "Le champ :attribute et :other doivent être identique.",
+	"size"           => array(
+		"numeric" => "Le champ :attribute doit être :size.",
+		"file"    => "Le champ :attribute doit être de :size kilo-octets.",
+		"string"  => "Le champ :attribute doit être de :size caractères.",
+	),
+	"unique"         => "Le champ :attribute est déjà utilisé.",
+	"url"            => "Le champ :attribute à un format invalide.",
+	/*
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	| Custom Validation Language Lines
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	|
+	| Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
+	| convention "attribute_rule" to name the lines. This helps keep your
+	| custom validation clean and tidy.
+	|
+	| So, say you want to use a custom validation message when validating that
+	| the "email" attribute is unique. Just add "email_unique" to this array
+	| with your custom message. The Validator will handle the rest!
+	|
+	*/
+	'custom' => array(),
+	/*
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	| Validation Attributes
+	|--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	|
+	| The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
+	| with something more reader friendly such as "E-Mail Address" instead
+	| of "email". Your users will thank you.
+	|
+	| The Validator class will automatically search this array of lines it
+	| is attempting to replace the :attribute place-holder in messages.
+	| It's pretty slick. We think you'll like it.
+	|
+	*/
+	'attributes' => array(),