function($id) { if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false) { return DB::table('users')->find($id); } }, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authenticate User Credentials |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This closure is called by the Auth::attempt() method when attempting to | authenticate a user that is logging into your application. It's like a | super buff bouncer to your application. | | If the provided credentials are correct, simply return an object that | represents the user being authenticated. As long as it has a property | for the "id", any object will work. If the credentials are not valid, | you don't meed to return anything. | */ 'attempt' => function($username, $password) { $user = DB::table('users')->where_username($username)->first(); if ( ! is_null($user) and Hash::check($password, $user->password)) { return $user; } }, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Logout The Current User |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may do anything that needs to be done when a user logs out of | your application, such as call the logout method on a third-party API | you are using for authentication or anything else you desire. | */ 'logout' => function($user) {} );