* // Register a callback for the "start" event * Event::listen('start', function() {return 'Started!';}); * * // Register an object instance callback for the given event * Event::listen('event', array($object, 'method')); * * * @param string $event * @param mixed $callback * @return void */ public static function listen($event, $callback) { static::$events[$event][] = $callback; } /** * Override all callbacks for a given event with a new callback. * * @param string $event * @param mixed $callback * @return void */ public static function override($event, $callback) { static::clear($event); static::listen($event, $callback); } /** * Clear all event listeners for a given event. * * @param string $event * @return void */ public static function clear($event) { unset(static::$events[$event]); } /** * Fire an event and return the first response. * * * // Fire the "start" event * $response = Event::first('start'); * * // Fire the "start" event passing an array of parameters * $response = Event::first('start', array('Laravel', 'Framework')); * * * @param string $event * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public static function first($event, $parameters = array()) { return head(static::fire($event, $parameters)); } /** * Fire an event and return the the first response. * * Execution will be halted after the first valid response is found. * * @param string $event * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public static function until($event, $parameters = array()) { return static::fire($event, $parameters, true); } /** * Fire an event so that all listeners are called. * * * // Fire the "start" event * $responses = Event::fire('start'); * * // Fire the "start" event passing an array of parameters * $responses = Event::fire('start', array('Laravel', 'Framework')); * * // Fire multiple events with the same parameters * $responses = Event::fire(array('start', 'loading'), $parameters); * * * @param string|array $event * @param array $parameters * @param bool $halt * @return array */ public static function fire($events, $parameters = array(), $halt = false) { $responses = array(); $parameters = (array) $parameters; // If the event has listeners, we will simply iterate through them and call // each listener, passing in the parameters. We will add the responses to // an array of event responses and return the array. foreach ((array) $events as $event) { if (static::listeners($event)) { foreach (static::$events[$event] as $callback) { $response = call_user_func_array($callback, $parameters); // If the event is set to halt, we will return the first response // that is not null. This allows the developer to easily stack // events but still get the first valid response. if ($halt and ! is_null($response)) { return $response; } // After the handler has been called, we'll add the response to // an array of responses and return the array to the caller so // all of the responses can be easily examined. $responses[] = $response; } } } return $responses; } }