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Session Usage


Storing Items

To store items in the session call the put method on the Session class:

Session::put('name', 'Taylor');

The first parameter is the key to the session item. You will use this key to retrieve the item from the session. The second parameter is the value of the item.

The flash method stores an item in the session that will expire after the next request. It's useful for storing temporary data like status or error messages:

Session::flash('status', 'Welcome Back!');

Retrieving Items

You can use the get method on the Session class to retrieve any item in the session, including flash data. Just pass the key of the item you wish to retrieve:

$name = Session::get('name');

By default, NULL will be returned if the session item does not exist. However, you may pass a default value as a second parameter to the get method:

$name = Session::get('name', 'Fred');

$name = Session::get('name', function() {return 'Fred';});

Now, "Fred" will be returned if the "name" item does not exist in the session.

Laravel even provides a simple way to determine if a session item exists using the has method:

if (Session::has('name'))
     $name = Session::get('name');

Removing Items

To remove an item from the session use the forget method on the Session class:


You can even remove all of the items from the session using the flush method:



Sometimes you may want to "regenerate" the session ID. This simply means that a new, random session ID will be assigned to the session. Here's how to do it:
