Browse Source

Updated deps

Tobias Reich 8 years ago
4 changed files with 1362 additions and 276 deletions
  1. 0 0
  2. 1021 0
  3. 334 269
  4. 7 7

+ 0 - 0

+ 1021 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+"use strict";
+var _templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<svg class='iconic $", "'><use xlink:href='#$", "' /></svg>"], ["<svg class='iconic $", "'><use xlink:href='#$", "' /></svg>"]),
+    _templateObject2 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<div class='divider'><h1>$", "</h1></div>"], ["<div class='divider'><h1>$", "</h1></div>"]),
+    _templateObject3 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<div id='$", "' class='edit'>", "</div>"], ["<div id='$", "' class='edit'>", "</div>"]),
+    _templateObject4 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<div id='multiselect' style='top: $", "px; left: $", "px;'></div>"], ["<div id='multiselect' style='top: $", "px; left: $", "px;'></div>"]),
+    _templateObject5 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t        <div class='album' data-id='$", "'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' data-overlay='false' draggable='false'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' data-overlay='false' draggable='false'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' srcset='$", " 1.5x' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' data-overlay='$", "' draggable='false'>\n\t            <div class='overlay'>\n\t                <h1 title='$", "'>$", "</h1>\n\t                <a>$", "</a>\n\t            </div>\n\t        "], ["\n\t        <div class='album' data-id='$", "'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' data-overlay='false' draggable='false'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' data-overlay='false' draggable='false'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' srcset='$", " 1.5x' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' data-overlay='$", "' draggable='false'>\n\t            <div class='overlay'>\n\t                <h1 title='$", "'>$", "</h1>\n\t                <a>$", "</a>\n\t            </div>\n\t        "]),
+    _templateObject6 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t\t        <div class='badges'>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-star'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-share'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", "'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", "'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", "'>", "</a>\n\t\t        </div>\n\t\t        "], ["\n\t\t        <div class='badges'>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-star'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-share'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", "'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", "'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", "'>", "</a>\n\t\t        </div>\n\t\t        "]),
+    _templateObject7 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t        <div class='photo' data-album-id='$", "' data-id='$", "'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' srcset='$", " 1.5x' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' draggable='false'>\n\t            <div class='overlay'>\n\t                <h1 title='$", "'>$", "</h1>\n\t        "], ["\n\t        <div class='photo' data-album-id='$", "' data-id='$", "'>\n\t            <img src='$", "' srcset='$", " 1.5x' width='200' height='200' alt='Photo thumbnail' draggable='false'>\n\t            <div class='overlay'>\n\t                <h1 title='$", "'>$", "</h1>\n\t        "]),
+    _templateObject8 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<a><span title='Camera Date'>", "</span>$", "</a>"], ["<a><span title='Camera Date'>", "</span>$", "</a>"]),
+    _templateObject9 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<a>$", "</a>"], ["<a>$", "</a>"]),
+    _templateObject10 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t\t        <div class='badges'>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-star'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-share'>", "</a>\n\t\t        </div>\n\t\t        "], ["\n\t\t        <div class='badges'>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-star'>", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='badge $", " icn-share'>", "</a>\n\t\t        </div>\n\t\t        "]),
+    _templateObject11 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<img id='image' class='$", "' src='$", "' draggable='false'>"], ["<img id='image' class='$", "' src='$", "' draggable='false'>"]),
+    _templateObject12 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<img id='image' class='$", "' src='$", "' srcset='$", " 1920w, $", " $", "w' draggable='false'>"], ["<img id='image' class='$", "' src='$", "' srcset='$", " 1920w, $", " $", "w' draggable='false'>"]),
+    _templateObject13 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t        <h1>$", "</h1>\n\t        <div class='rows'>\n\t        "], ["\n\t        <h1>$", "</h1>\n\t        <div class='rows'>\n\t        "]),
+    _templateObject14 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t\t        <div class='row'>\n\t\t            <a class='name'>$", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='status'></a>\n\t\t            <p class='notice'></p>\n\t\t        </div>\n\t\t        "], ["\n\t\t        <div class='row'>\n\t\t            <a class='name'>$", "</a>\n\t\t            <a class='status'></a>\n\t\t            <p class='notice'></p>\n\t\t        </div>\n\t\t        "]),
+    _templateObject15 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<a class='tag'>$", "<span data-index='$", "'>", "</span></a>"], ["<a class='tag'>$", "<span data-index='$", "'>", "</span></a>"]),
+    _templateObject16 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["$", "", ""], ["$", "", ""]),
+    _templateObject17 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["<span class='attr_$", "'>$", "</span>"], ["<span class='attr_$", "'>$", "</span>"]),
+    _templateObject18 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t\t\t         <tr>\n\t\t\t             <td>$", "</td>\n\t\t\t             <td>", "</td>\n\t\t\t         </tr>\n\t\t\t         "], ["\n\t\t\t         <tr>\n\t\t\t             <td>$", "</td>\n\t\t\t             <td>", "</td>\n\t\t\t         </tr>\n\t\t\t         "]),
+    _templateObject19 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n\t\t         <div class='sidebar__divider'>\n\t\t             <h1>$", "</h1>\n\t\t         </div>\n\t\t         <div id='tags'>\n\t\t             <div class='attr_$", "'>", "</div>\n\t\t             ", "\n\t\t         </div>\n\t\t         "], ["\n\t\t         <div class='sidebar__divider'>\n\t\t             <h1>$", "</h1>\n\t\t         </div>\n\t\t         <div id='tags'>\n\t\t             <div class='attr_$", "'>", "</div>\n\t\t             ", "\n\t\t         </div>\n\t\t         "]);
+function _taggedTemplateLiteral(strings, raw) { return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); }
+function gup(b) {
+	b = b.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
+	var a = "[\\?&]" + b + "=([^&#]*)";
+	var d = new RegExp(a);
+	var c = d.exec(window.location.href);
+	if (c === null) return '';else return c[1];
+ * @description This module is used to generate HTML-Code.
+ * @copyright   2015 by Tobias Reich
+ */
+build = {};
+build.iconic = function (icon) {
+	var classes = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? '' : arguments[1];
+	var html = '';
+	html += lychee.html(_templateObject, classes, icon);
+	return html;
+build.divider = function (title) {
+	var html = '';
+	html += lychee.html(_templateObject2, title);
+	return html;
+build.editIcon = function (id) {
+	var html = '';
+	html += lychee.html(_templateObject3, id, build.iconic('pencil'));
+	return html;
+build.multiselect = function (top, left) {
+	return lychee.html(_templateObject4, top, left);
+build.album = function (data) {
+	var html = '';
+	var _lychee$retinize = lychee.retinize(data.thumbs[0]);
+	var retinaThumbUrl = _lychee$retinize.path;
+	var isPhoto = _lychee$retinize.isPhoto;
+	html += lychee.html(_templateObject5,, data.thumbs[2], data.thumbs[1], data.thumbs[0], retinaThumbUrl, isPhoto, data.title, data.title, data.sysdate);
+	if (lychee.publicMode === false) {
+		html += lychee.html(_templateObject6, === '1' ? 'badge--visible' : '', build.iconic('star'), data.public === '1' ? 'badge--visible' : '', build.iconic('eye'), data.unsorted === '1' ? 'badge--visible' : '', build.iconic('list'), data.recent === '1' ? 'badge--visible' : '', build.iconic('clock'), data.password === '1' ? 'badge--visible' : '', build.iconic('lock-locked'));
+	}
+	html += '</div>';
+	return html;
+ = function (data) {
+	var html = '';
+	var _lychee$retinize2 = lychee.retinize(data.thumbUrl);
+	var retinaThumbUrl = _lychee$retinize2.path;
+	html += lychee.html(_templateObject7, data.album,, data.thumbUrl, retinaThumbUrl, data.title, data.title);
+	if (data.cameraDate === '1') html += lychee.html(_templateObject8, build.iconic('camera-slr'), data.sysdate);else html += lychee.html(_templateObject9, data.sysdate);
+	html += "</div>";
+	if (lychee.publicMode === false) {
+		html += lychee.html(_templateObject10, === '1' ? 'badge--visible' : '', build.iconic('star'), data.public === '1' && album.json.public !== '1' ? 'badge--visible' : '', build.iconic('eye'));
+	}
+	html += "</div>";
+	return html;
+build.imageview = function (data, visibleControls) {
+	var html = '';
+	var hasMedium = data.medium !== '';
+	if (hasMedium === false) {
+		html += lychee.html(_templateObject11, visibleControls === true ? '' : 'full', data.url);
+	} else {
+		html += lychee.html(_templateObject12, visibleControls === true ? '' : 'full', data.url, data.medium, data.url, data.width);
+	}
+	html += "\n\t        <div class='arrow_wrapper arrow_wrapper--previous'><a id='previous'>" + build.iconic('caret-left') + "</a></div>\n\t        <div class='arrow_wrapper arrow_wrapper--next'><a id='next'>" + build.iconic('caret-right') + "</a></div>\n\t        ";
+	return html;
+build.no_content = function (typ) {
+	var html = '';
+	html += "\n\t        <div class='no_content fadeIn'>\n\t            " + build.iconic(typ) + "\n\t        ";
+	switch (typ) {
+		case 'magnifying-glass':
+			html += "<p>No results</p>";
+			break;
+		case 'eye':
+			html += "<p>No public albums</p>";
+			break;
+		case 'cog':
+			html += "<p>No configuration</p>";
+			break;
+		case 'question-mark':
+			html += "<p>Photo not found</p>";
+			break;
+	}
+	html += "</div>";
+	return html;
+build.uploadModal = function (title, files) {
+	var html = '';
+	html += lychee.html(_templateObject13, title);
+	var i = 0;
+	while (i < files.length) {
+		var file = files[i];
+		if ( > 40) =, 17) + '...' + - 20, 20);
+		html += lychee.html(_templateObject14,;
+		i++;
+	}
+	html += "</div>";
+	return html;
+build.tags = function (tags) {
+	var html = '';
+	if (tags !== '') {
+		tags = tags.split(',');
+		tags.forEach(function (tag, index, array) {
+			html += lychee.html(_templateObject15, tag, index, build.iconic('x'));
+		});
+	} else {
+		html = "<div class='empty'>No Tags</div>";
+	}
+	return html;
+ * @description This module communicates with Lychee's API
+ * @copyright   2015 by Tobias Reich
+ */
+api = {
+	path: 'php/index.php',
+	onError: null
+ = function (fn, params, callback) {
+	params = $.extend({ function: fn }, params);
+	var success = function success(data) {
+		setTimeout(loadingBar.hide, 100);
+		// Catch errors
+		if (typeof data === 'string' && data.substring(0, 7) === 'Error: ') {
+			api.onError(data.substring(7, data.length), params, data);
+			return false;
+		}
+		callback(data);
+	};
+	var error = function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+		api.onError('Server error or API not found.', params, errorThrown);
+	};
+	$.ajax({
+		type: 'POST',
+		url: api.path,
+		data: params,
+		dataType: 'json',
+		success: success,
+		error: error
+	});
+ * @description This module takes care of the header.
+ * @copyright   2015 by Tobias Reich
+ */
+header = {
+	_dom: $('.header')
+header.dom = function (selector) {
+	if (selector == null || selector === '') return header._dom;
+	return header._dom.find(selector);
+header.bind = function () {
+	// Event Name
+	var eventName = lychee.getEventName();
+	header.dom('.header__title').on(eventName, function (e) {
+		if ($(this).hasClass('header__title--editable') === false) return false;
+		if ( contextMenu.photoTitle(album.getID(), photo.getID(), e);else contextMenu.albumTitle(album.getID(), e);
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_share').on(eventName, function (e) {
+		if (photo.json.public === '1' || photo.json.public === '2') contextMenu.sharePhoto(photo.getID(), e);else photo.setPublic(photo.getID(), e);
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_share_album').on(eventName, function (e) {
+		if (album.json.public === '1') contextMenu.shareAlbum(album.getID(), e);else album.setPublic(album.getID(), true, e);
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_signin').on(eventName, lychee.loginDialog);
+	header.dom('#button_settings').on(eventName, contextMenu.settings);
+	header.dom('#button_info_album').on(eventName, sidebar.toggle);
+	header.dom('#button_info').on(eventName, sidebar.toggle);
+	header.dom('.button_add').on(eventName, contextMenu.add);
+	header.dom('#button_more').on(eventName, function (e) {
+		contextMenu.photoMore(photo.getID(), e);
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_move').on(eventName, function (e) {
+		contextMenu.move([photo.getID()], e);
+	});
+	header.dom('.header__hostedwith').on(eventName, function () {
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_trash_album').on(eventName, function () {
+		album.delete([album.getID()]);
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_trash').on(eventName, function () {
+		photo.delete([photo.getID()]);
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_archive').on(eventName, function () {
+		album.getArchive(album.getID());
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_star').on(eventName, function () {
+		photo.setStar([photo.getID()]);
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_back_home').on(eventName, function () {
+		lychee.goto();
+	});
+	header.dom('#button_back').on(eventName, function () {
+		lychee.goto(album.getID());
+	});
+	header.dom('.header__search').on('keyup click', function () {
+		search.find($(this).val());
+	});
+	header.dom('.header__clear').on(eventName, function () {
+		header.dom('.header__search').focus();
+		search.reset();
+	});
+	return true;
+ = function () {
+	clearTimeout($(window).data('timeout'));
+	lychee.imageview.removeClass('full');
+	header.dom().removeClass('header--hidden');
+	return true;
+header.hide = function (e) {
+	var delay = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 500 : arguments[1];
+	if ( && !visible.sidebar() && !visible.contextMenu() && basicModal.visible() === false) {
+		clearTimeout($(window).data('timeout'));
+		$(window).data('timeout', setTimeout(function () {
+			lychee.imageview.addClass('full');
+			header.dom().addClass('header--hidden');
+		}, delay));
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+header.setTitle = function () {
+	var title = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 'Untitled' : arguments[0];
+	var $title = header.dom('.header__title');
+	var html = lychee.html(_templateObject16, title, build.iconic('caret-bottom'));
+	$title.html(html);
+	return true;
+header.setMode = function (mode) {
+	if (mode === 'albums' && lychee.publicMode === true) mode = 'public';
+	switch (mode) {
+		case 'public':
+			header.dom().removeClass('header--view');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--albums, .header__toolbar--album, .header__toolbar--photo').removeClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--public').addClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			return true;
+			break;
+		case 'albums':
+			header.dom().removeClass('header--view');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--public, .header__toolbar--album, .header__toolbar--photo').removeClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--albums').addClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			return true;
+			break;
+		case 'album':
+			var albumID = album.getID();
+			header.dom().removeClass('header--view');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--public, .header__toolbar--albums, .header__toolbar--photo').removeClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--album').addClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			// Hide download button when album empty
+			if (album.json.content === false) $('#button_archive').hide();else $('#button_archive').show();
+			// Hide download button when not logged in and album not downloadable
+			if (lychee.publicMode === true && album.json.downloadable === '0') $('#button_archive').hide();
+			if (albumID === 's' || albumID === 'f' || albumID === 'r') {
+				$('#button_info_album, #button_trash_album, #button_share_album').hide();
+			} else if (albumID === '0') {
+				$('#button_info_album, #button_share_album').hide();
+				$('#button_trash_album').show();
+			} else {
+				$('#button_info_album, #button_trash_album, #button_share_album').show();
+			}
+			return true;
+			break;
+		case 'photo':
+			header.dom().addClass('header--view');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--public, .header__toolbar--albums, .header__toolbar--album').removeClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			header.dom('.header__toolbar--photo').addClass('header__toolbar--visible');
+			return true;
+			break;
+	}
+	return false;
+header.setEditable = function (editable) {
+	var $title = header.dom('.header__title');
+	// Hide editable icon when not logged in
+	if (lychee.publicMode === true) editable = false;
+	if (editable) $title.addClass('header__title--editable');else $title.removeClass('header__title--editable');
+	return true;
+ * @description This module is used to check if elements are visible or not.
+ * @copyright   2015 by Tobias Reich
+ */
+visible = {};
+visible.albums = function () {
+	if (header.dom('.header__toolbar--public').hasClass('header__toolbar--visible')) return true;
+	if (header.dom('.header__toolbar--albums').hasClass('header__toolbar--visible')) return true;
+	return false;
+visible.album = function () {
+	if (header.dom('.header__toolbar--album').hasClass('header__toolbar--visible')) return true;
+	return false;
+ = function () {
+	if ($('#imageview.fadeIn').length > 0) return true;
+	return false;
+ = function () {
+	if (search.hash != null) return true;
+	return false;
+visible.sidebar = function () {
+	if (sidebar.dom().hasClass('active') === true) return true;
+	return false;
+visible.sidebarbutton = function () {
+	if ( return true;
+	if (visible.album() && $('#button_info_album:visible').length > 0) return true;
+	return false;
+visible.header = function () {
+	if (header.dom().hasClass('header--hidden') === true) return false;
+	return true;
+visible.contextMenu = function () {
+	return basicContext.visible();
+visible.multiselect = function () {
+	if ($('#multiselect').length > 0) return true;
+	return false;
+ * @description This module takes care of the sidebar.
+ * @copyright   2015 by Tobias Reich
+ */
+sidebar = {
+	_dom: $('.sidebar'),
+	types: {
+		DEFAULT: 0,
+		TAGS: 1
+	},
+	createStructure: {}
+sidebar.dom = function (selector) {
+	if (selector == null || selector === '') return sidebar._dom;
+	return sidebar._dom.find(selector);
+sidebar.bind = function () {
+	// This function should be called after building and appending
+	// the sidebars content to the DOM.
+	// This function can be called multiple times, therefore
+	// event handlers should be removed before binding a new one.
+	// Event Name
+	var eventName = lychee.getEventName();
+	sidebar.dom('#edit_title').off(eventName).on(eventName, function () {
+		if ( photo.setTitle([photo.getID()]);else if (visible.album()) album.setTitle([album.getID()]);
+	});
+	sidebar.dom('#edit_description').off(eventName).on(eventName, function () {
+		if ( photo.setDescription(photo.getID());else if (visible.album()) album.setDescription(album.getID());
+	});
+	sidebar.dom('#edit_tags').off(eventName).on(eventName, function () {
+		photo.editTags([photo.getID()]);
+	});
+	sidebar.dom('#tags .tag span').off(eventName).on(eventName, function () {
+		photo.deleteTag(photo.getID(), $(this).data('index'));
+	});
+	return true;
+sidebar.toggle = function () {
+	if (visible.sidebar() || visible.sidebarbutton()) {
+		header.dom('.button--info').toggleClass('active');
+		lychee.content.toggleClass('content--sidebar');
+		sidebar.dom().toggleClass('active');
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+sidebar.setSelectable = function () {
+	var selectable = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? true : arguments[0];
+	// Attributes/Values inside the sidebar are selectable by default.
+	// Selection needs to be deactivated to prevent an unwanted selection
+	// while using multiselect.
+	if (selectable === true) sidebar.dom().removeClass('notSelectable');else sidebar.dom().addClass('notSelectable');
+sidebar.changeAttr = function (attr) {
+	var value = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? '-' : arguments[1];
+	var dangerouslySetInnerHTML = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
+	if (attr == null || attr === '') return false;
+	// Set a default for the value
+	if (value == null || value === '') value = '-';
+	// Escape value
+	if (dangerouslySetInnerHTML === false) value = lychee.escapeHTML(value);
+	// Set new value
+	sidebar.dom('.attr_' + attr).html(value);
+	return true;
+ = function (data) {
+	if (data == null || data === '') return false;
+	var editable = false;
+	var exifHash = data.takestamp + data.make + data.model + data.shutter + data.aperture + data.focal + data.iso;
+	var structure = {};
+	var _public = '';
+	// Enable editable when user logged in
+	if (lychee.publicMode === false) editable = true;
+	// Set value for public
+	switch (data.public) {
+		case '0':
+			_public = 'No';
+			break;
+		case '1':
+			_public = 'Yes';
+			break;
+		case '2':
+			_public = 'Yes (Album)';
+			break;
+		default:
+			_public = '-';
+			break;
+	}
+	structure.basics = {
+		title: 'Basics',
+		type: sidebar.types.DEFAULT,
+		rows: [{ title: 'Title', value: data.title, editable: editable }, { title: 'Uploaded', value: data.sysdate }, { title: 'Description', value: data.description, editable: editable }]
+	};
+	structure.image = {
+		title: 'Image',
+		type: sidebar.types.DEFAULT,
+		rows: [{ title: 'Size', value: data.size }, { title: 'Format', value: data.type }, { title: 'Resolution', value: data.width + ' x ' + data.height }]
+	};
+	// Only create tags section when user logged in
+	if (lychee.publicMode === false) {
+		structure.tags = {
+			title: 'Tags',
+			type: sidebar.types.TAGS,
+			value: build.tags(data.tags),
+			editable: editable
+		};
+	} else {
+		structure.tags = {};
+	}
+	// Only create EXIF section when EXIF data available
+	if (exifHash !== '0') {
+		structure.exif = {
+			title: 'Camera',
+			type: sidebar.types.DEFAULT,
+			rows: [{ title: 'Captured', value: data.takedate }, { title: 'Make', value: data.make }, { title: 'Type/Model', value: data.model }, { title: 'Shutter Speed', value: data.shutter }, { title: 'Aperture', value: data.aperture }, { title: 'Focal Length', value: data.focal }, { title: 'ISO', value: data.iso }]
+		};
+	} else {
+		structure.exif = {};
+	}
+	structure.sharing = {
+		title: 'Sharing',
+		type: sidebar.types.DEFAULT,
+		rows: [{ title: 'Public', value: _public }]
+	};
+	// Construct all parts of the structure
+	structure = [structure.basics, structure.image, structure.tags, structure.exif, structure.sharing];
+	return structure;
+sidebar.createStructure.album = function (data) {
+	if (data == null || data === '') return false;
+	var editable = false;
+	var structure = {};
+	var _public = '';
+	var hidden = '';
+	var downloadable = '';
+	var password = '';
+	// Enable editable when user logged in
+	if (lychee.publicMode === false) editable = true;
+	// Set value for public
+	switch (data.public) {
+		case '0':
+			_public = 'No';
+			break;
+		case '1':
+			_public = 'Yes';
+			break;
+		default:
+			_public = '-';
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set value for hidden
+	switch (data.visible) {
+		case '0':
+			hidden = 'Yes';
+			break;
+		case '1':
+			hidden = 'No';
+			break;
+		default:
+			hidden = '-';
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set value for downloadable
+	switch (data.downloadable) {
+		case '0':
+			downloadable = 'No';
+			break;
+		case '1':
+			downloadable = 'Yes';
+			break;
+		default:
+			downloadable = '-';
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set value for password
+	switch (data.password) {
+		case '0':
+			password = 'No';
+			break;
+		case '1':
+			password = 'Yes';
+			break;
+		default:
+			password = '-';
+			break;
+	}
+	structure.basics = {
+		title: 'Basics',
+		type: sidebar.types.DEFAULT,
+		rows: [{ title: 'Title', value: data.title, editable: editable }, { title: 'Description', value: data.description, editable: editable }]
+	};
+	structure.album = {
+		title: 'Album',
+		type: sidebar.types.DEFAULT,
+		rows: [{ title: 'Created', value: data.sysdate }, { title: 'Images', value: data.num }]
+	};
+	structure.share = {
+		title: 'Share',
+		type: sidebar.types.DEFAULT,
+		rows: [{ title: 'Public', value: _public }, { title: 'Hidden', value: hidden }, { title: 'Downloadable', value: downloadable }, { title: 'Password', value: password }]
+	};
+	// Construct all parts of the structure
+	structure = [structure.basics, structure.album, structure.share];
+	return structure;
+sidebar.render = function (structure) {
+	if (structure == null || structure === '') return false;
+	var html = '';
+	var renderDefault = function renderDefault(section) {
+		var _html = '';
+		_html += "\n\t\t         <div class='sidebar__divider'>\n\t\t             <h1>" + section.title + "</h1>\n\t\t         </div>\n\t\t         <table>\n\t\t         ";
+		section.rows.forEach(function (row) {
+			var value = row.value;
+			// Set a default for the value
+			if (value === '' || value == null) value = '-';
+			// Wrap span-element around value for easier selecting on change
+			value = lychee.html(_templateObject17, row.title.toLowerCase(), value);
+			// Add edit-icon to the value when editable
+			if (row.editable === true) value += ' ' + build.editIcon('edit_' + row.title.toLowerCase());
+			_html += lychee.html(_templateObject18, row.title, value);
+		});
+		_html += "\n\t\t         </table>\n\t\t         ";
+		return _html;
+	};
+	var renderTags = function renderTags(section) {
+		var _html = '';
+		var editable = '';
+		// Add edit-icon to the value when editable
+		if (section.editable === true) editable = build.editIcon('edit_tags');
+		_html += lychee.html(_templateObject19, section.title, section.title.toLowerCase(), section.value, editable);
+		return _html;
+	};
+	structure.forEach(function (section) {
+		if (section.type === sidebar.types.DEFAULT) html += renderDefault(section);else if (section.type === sidebar.types.TAGS) html += renderTags(section);
+	});
+	return html;
+ * @description Used to view single photos with view.php
+ * @copyright   2015 by Tobias Reich
+ */
+// Sub-implementation of lychee -------------------------------------------------------------- //
+var lychee = {};
+lychee.content = $('.content');
+lychee.escapeHTML = function () {
+	var html = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? '' : arguments[0];
+	// Ensure that html is a string
+	html += '';
+	// Escape all critical characters
+	html = html.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#039;').replace(/`/g, '&#96;');
+	return html;
+lychee.html = function (literalSections) {
+	// Use raw literal sections: we donโ€™t want
+	// backslashes (\n etc.) to be interpreted
+	var raw = literalSections.raw;
+	var result = '';
+	for (var _len = arguments.length, substs = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
+		substs[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
+	}
+	substs.forEach(function (subst, i) {
+		// Retrieve the literal section preceding
+		// the current substitution
+		var lit = raw[i];
+		// If the substitution is preceded by a dollar sign,
+		// we escape special characters in it
+		if (lit.slice(-1) === '$') {
+			subst = lychee.escapeHTML(subst);
+			lit = lit.slice(0, -1);
+		}
+		result += lit;
+		result += subst;
+	});
+	// Take care of last literal section
+	// (Never fails, because an empty template string
+	// produces one literal section, an empty string)
+	result += raw[raw.length - 1];
+	return result;
+lychee.getEventName = function () {
+	var touchendSupport = /Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera) && 'ontouchend' in document.documentElement;
+	var eventName = touchendSupport === true ? 'touchend' : 'click';
+	return eventName;
+// Sub-implementation of photo -------------------------------------------------------------- //
+var photo = {};
+photo.share = function (photoID, service) {
+	var url = location.toString();
+	switch (service) {
+		case 'twitter':
+"" + encodeURI(url));
+			break;
+		case 'facebook':
+"" + encodeURI(url));
+			break;
+		case 'mail':
+			location.href = "mailto:?subject=&body=" + encodeURI(url);
+			break;
+	}
+photo.getDirectLink = function () {
+	return $('#imageview img').attr('src').replace(/"/g, '').replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, '');
+// Sub-implementation of contextMenu -------------------------------------------------------------- //
+var contextMenu = {};
+contextMenu.sharePhoto = function (photoID, e) {
+	var iconClass = 'ionicons';
+	var items = [{ title: build.iconic('twitter', iconClass) + 'Twitter', fn: function fn() {
+			return photo.share(photoID, 'twitter');
+		} }, { title: build.iconic('facebook', iconClass) + 'Facebook', fn: function fn() {
+			return photo.share(photoID, 'facebook');
+		} }, { title: build.iconic('envelope-closed') + 'Mail', fn: function fn() {
+			return photo.share(photoID, 'mail');
+		} }, { title: build.iconic('link-intact') + 'Direct Link', fn: function fn() {
+			return, '_newtab');
+		} }];
+, e.originalEvent);
+// Main -------------------------------------------------------------- //
+var loadingBar = {
+	show: function show() {},
+	hide: function hide() {}
+var imageview = $('#imageview');
+$(document).ready(function () {
+	// Save ID of photo
+	var photoID = gup('p');
+	// Set API error handler
+	api.onError = error;
+	// Share
+	header.dom('#button_share').on('click', function (e) {
+		contextMenu.sharePhoto(photoID, e);
+	});
+	// Infobox
+	header.dom('#button_info').on('click', sidebar.toggle);
+	// Load photo
+	loadPhotoInfo(photoID);
+var loadPhotoInfo = function loadPhotoInfo(photoID) {
+	var params = {
+		photoID: photoID,
+		albumID: 0,
+		password: ''
+	};
+'Photo::get', params, function (data) {
+		if (data === 'Warning: Photo private!' || data === 'Warning: Wrong password!') {
+			$('body').append(build.no_content('question-mark'));
+			$('body').removeClass('view');
+			header.dom().remove();
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Set title
+		if (!data.title) data.title = 'Untitled';
+		document.title = 'Lychee - ' + data.title;
+		header.dom('.header__title').html(lychee.escapeHTML(data.title));
+		// Render HTML
+		imageview.html(build.imageview(data, true));
+		imageview.find('.arrow_wrapper').remove();
+		imageview.addClass('fadeIn').show();
+		// Render Sidebar
+		var structure =;
+		var html = sidebar.render(structure);
+		sidebar.dom('.sidebar__wrapper').html(html);
+		sidebar.bind();
+	});
+var error = function error(errorThrown, params, data) {
+	console.error({
+		description: errorThrown,
+		params: params,
+		response: data
+	});
+'error', errorThrown);

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 334 - 269

+ 7 - 7

@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@
     "compile": "gulp"
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Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff