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-Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely. Try the [Live Demo](http://electerious.com/lychee_demo/) or read more on our [Website](http://lychee.electerious.com).
+Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely. Try the [Live Demo](http://ld.electerious.com) or read more on our [Website](http://lychee.electerious.com).
## Installation
@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@ Take a look at the [FAQ](docs/FAQ.md) if you have problems. Discovered a bug? Pl
## Donate
-I am working hard on continuously developing and maintaining Lychee. Please consider making a donation via [Flattr](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=electerious&url=http%3A%2F%2Flychee.electerious.com&title=Lychee&category=software) or PayPal (from [our site](http://lychee.electerious.com/)) to keep the project going strong and me motivated.
+I am working hard on continuously developing and maintaining Lychee. Please consider making a donation via [Flattr](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=electerious&url=http%3A%2F%2Flychee.electerious.com&title=Lychee&category=software) or PayPal (from [our site](http://lychee.electerious.com/)) to keep the project going strong and me motivated.