@@ -17,31 +17,41 @@ The plugin-system of Lychee allows you to execute scripts, when a certain action
-if (!defined('LYCHEE')) exit('Error: Direct access is not allowed!');
+namespace ExamplePlugin;
+use SplObserver;
+use SplSubject;
class ExamplePlugin implements SplObserver {
public function __construct() {
- # Add code here if wanted
- # __construct() will be called every time Lychee gets called
- # Make sure this part is performant
+ /**
+ * Add code here if wanted
+ * __construct() will be called every time Lychee gets called
+ * Make sure this part is performant
+ */
return true;
- public function update(\SplSubject $subject) {
+ public function update(SplSubject $subject) {
+ /**
+ * Check if the called hook is the hook you are waiting for
+ * A list of all hooks is available online
+ */
- # Check if the called hook is the hook you are waiting for
- # A list of all hooks is available online
if ($subject->action!=='Photo::add:before') return false;
- # Do something when Photo::add:before gets called
- # Database::get() => Database connection of Lychee
- # Settings::get() => Settings of Lychee
- # $subject->action => Called hook
- # $subject->args => Params passed to the original function
+ /**
+ * Do something when Photo::add:before gets called
+ * Database::get() => Database connection of Lychee
+ * Settings::get() => Settings of Lychee
+ * $subject->action => Called hook
+ * $subject->args => Params passed to the original function
+ */
return true;
@@ -54,9 +64,9 @@ class ExamplePlugin implements SplObserver {
3. Add the class name to the database of Lychee
-Select the table `lychee_settings` and add the name of the class to the value of `plugins` (e.g. `ExamplePlugin`). Please ensure that the folder has the same name as the class and as the file.
+Select the table `lychee_settings` and add the [external fully qualified name](http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.importing.php) to the value of `plugins` (e.g. `ExamplePlugin\ExamplePlugin`). Please ensure that the folder has the same name as the namespace and the file the same name as the class.
-Divide multiple plugins with semicolons: `ExamplePlugin;ExampleTwoPlugin`.
+Divide multiple plugins with semicolons: `ExamplePlugin\ExamplePlugin;ExampleTwoPlugin\ExampleTwoPlugin`.
### Available hooks