/** * @description Takes care of every action a photo can handle and execute. * @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich */ photo = { json : null, cache : null } photo.getID = function() { let id = null if (photo.json) id = photo.json.id else id = $('.photo:hover, .photo.active').attr('data-id') if ($.isNumeric(id)===true) return id else return false } photo.load = function(photoID, albumID) { const checkContent = function() { if (album.json!=null) photo.load(photoID, albumID) else setTimeout(checkContent, 100) } const checkPasswd = function() { if (password.value!=='') photo.load(photoID, albumID) else setTimeout(checkPasswd, 200) } if (album.json==null) { checkContent() return false } let params = { photoID, albumID, password: password.value } api.post('Photo::get', params, function(data) { if (data==='Warning: Photo private!') { lychee.content.show() lychee.goto() return false } if (data==='Warning: Wrong password!') { checkPasswd() return false } photo.json = data if (!visible.photo()) view.photo.show() view.photo.init() lychee.imageview.show() setTimeout(() => { lychee.content.show() photo.preloadNext(photoID) }, 300) }) } // Preload the next photo for better response time photo.preloadNext = function(photoID) { if (album.json && album.json.content && album.json.content[photoID] && album.json.content[photoID].nextPhoto!='') { let nextPhoto = album.json.content[photoID].nextPhoto let medium = album.json.content[nextPhoto].medium if (medium!=null && medium!=='') { $('head [data-prefetch]').remove() $('head').append(``) } } } photo.parse = function() { if (!photo.json.title) photo.json.title = 'Untitled' } photo.previous = function(animate) { if (photo.getID()!==false && album.json && album.json.content[photo.getID()] && album.json.content[photo.getID()].previousPhoto!=='') { let delay = 0 if (animate===true) { delay = 200 $('#imageview #image').css({ WebkitTransform : 'translateX(100%)', MozTransform : 'translateX(100%)', transform : 'translateX(100%)', opacity : 0 }) } setTimeout(() => { if (photo.getID()===false) return false lychee.goto(album.getID() + '/' + album.json.content[photo.getID()].previousPhoto) }, delay) } } photo.next = function(animate) { if (photo.getID()!==false && album.json && album.json.content[photo.getID()] && album.json.content[photo.getID()].nextPhoto!=='') { let delay = 0 if (animate===true) { delay = 200 $('#imageview #image').css({ WebkitTransform : 'translateX(-100%)', MozTransform : 'translateX(-100%)', transform : 'translateX(-100%)', opacity : 0 }) } setTimeout(() => { if (photo.getID()===false) return false lychee.goto(album.getID() + '/' + album.json.content[photo.getID()].nextPhoto) }, delay) } } photo.duplicate = function(photoIDs) { if (!photoIDs) return false if (photoIDs instanceof Array===false) photoIDs = [ photoIDs ] albums.refresh() let params = { photoIDs: photoIDs.join() } api.post('Photo::duplicate', params, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) else album.load(album.getID()) }) } photo.delete = function(photoIDs) { let action = {} let cancel = {} let msg = '' let photoTitle = '' if (!photoIDs) return false if (photoIDs instanceof Array===false) photoIDs = [ photoIDs ] if (photoIDs.length===1) { // Get title if only one photo is selected if (visible.photo()) photoTitle = photo.json.title else photoTitle = album.json.content[photoIDs].title // Fallback for photos without a title if (photoTitle==='') photoTitle = 'Untitled' } action.fn = function() { let nextPhoto = null let previousPhoto = null basicModal.close() photoIDs.forEach(function(id, index, array) { // Change reference for the next and previous photo if (album.json.content[id].nextPhoto!=='' || album.json.content[id].previousPhoto!=='') { nextPhoto = album.json.content[id].nextPhoto previousPhoto = album.json.content[id].previousPhoto album.json.content[previousPhoto].nextPhoto = nextPhoto album.json.content[nextPhoto].previousPhoto = previousPhoto } delete album.json.content[id] view.album.content.delete(id) }) albums.refresh() // Go to next photo if there is a next photo and // next photo is not the current one. Show album otherwise. if (visible.photo() && nextPhoto!=null && nextPhoto!==photo.getID()) lychee.goto(album.getID() + '/' + nextPhoto) else if (!visible.albums()) lychee.goto(album.getID()) let params = { photoIDs: photoIDs.join() } api.post('Photo::delete', params, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) }) } if (photoIDs.length===1) { action.title = 'Delete Photo' cancel.title = 'Keep Photo' msg = lychee.html`

Are you sure you want to delete the photo '$${ photoTitle }'? This action can't be undone!

` } else { action.title = 'Delete Photo' cancel.title = 'Keep Photo' msg = lychee.html`

Are you sure you want to delete all $${ photoIDs.length } selected photo? This action can't be undone!

` } basicModal.show({ body: msg, buttons: { action: { title: action.title, fn: action.fn, class: 'red' }, cancel: { title: cancel.title, fn: basicModal.close } } }) } photo.setTitle = function(photoIDs) { let oldTitle = '' let msg = '' if (!photoIDs) return false if (photoIDs instanceof Array===false) photoIDs = [ photoIDs ] if (photoIDs.length===1) { // Get old title if only one photo is selected if (photo.json) oldTitle = photo.json.title else if (album.json) oldTitle = album.json.content[photoIDs].title } const action = function(data) { basicModal.close() let newTitle = data.title if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.title = (newTitle==='' ? 'Untitled' : newTitle) view.photo.title() } photoIDs.forEach(function(id, index, array) { album.json.content[id].title = newTitle view.album.content.title(id) }) let params = { photoIDs : photoIDs.join(), title : newTitle } api.post('Photo::setTitle', params, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) }) } let input = lychee.html`` if (photoIDs.length===1) msg = lychee.html`

Enter a new title for this photo: ${ input }

` else msg = lychee.html`

Enter a title for all $${ photoIDs.length } selected photos: ${ input }

` basicModal.show({ body: msg, buttons: { action: { title: 'Set title', fn: action }, cancel: { title: 'Cancel', fn: basicModal.close } } }) } photo.setAlbum = function(photoIDs, albumID) { let nextPhoto = null let previousPhoto = null if (!photoIDs) return false if (photoIDs instanceof Array===false) photoIDs = [ photoIDs ] photoIDs.forEach(function(id, index, array) { // Change reference for the next and previous photo if (album.json.content[id].nextPhoto!==''||album.json.content[id].previousPhoto!=='') { nextPhoto = album.json.content[id].nextPhoto previousPhoto = album.json.content[id].previousPhoto album.json.content[previousPhoto].nextPhoto = nextPhoto album.json.content[nextPhoto].previousPhoto = previousPhoto } delete album.json.content[id] view.album.content.delete(id) }) albums.refresh() // Go to next photo if there is a next photo and // next photo is not the current one. Show album otherwise. if (visible.photo() && nextPhoto!=null && nextPhoto!==photo.getID()) lychee.goto(album.getID() + '/' + nextPhoto) else if (!visible.albums()) lychee.goto(album.getID()) let params = { photoIDs: photoIDs.join(), albumID } api.post('Photo::setAlbum', params, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) }) } photo.setStar = function(photoIDs) { if (!photoIDs) return false if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.star = (photo.json.star==='0' ? '1' : '0') view.photo.star() } photoIDs.forEach(function(id, index, array) { album.json.content[id].star = (album.json.content[id].star==='0' ? '1' : '0') view.album.content.star(id) }) albums.refresh() let params = { photoIDs: photoIDs.join() } api.post('Photo::setStar', params, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) }) } photo.setPublic = function(photoID, e) { if (photo.json.public==='2') { const action = function() { basicModal.close() lychee.goto(photo.json.original_album) } basicModal.show({ body: '

This photo is located in a public album. To make this photo private or public, edit the visibility of the associated album.

', buttons: { action: { title: 'Show Album', fn: action }, cancel: { title: 'Cancel', fn: basicModal.close } } }) return false } if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.public = (photo.json.public==='0' ? '1' : '0') view.photo.public() if (photo.json.public==='1') contextMenu.sharePhoto(photoID, e) } album.json.content[photoID].public = (album.json.content[photoID].public==='0' ? '1' : '0') view.album.content.public(photoID) albums.refresh() api.post('Photo::setPublic', { photoID }, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) }) } photo.setDescription = function(photoID) { let oldDescription = photo.json.description const action = function(data) { basicModal.close() let description = data.description if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.description = description view.photo.description() } let params = { photoID, description } api.post('Photo::setDescription', params, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) }) } basicModal.show({ body: lychee.html`

Enter a description for this photo:

`, buttons: { action: { title: 'Set Description', fn: action }, cancel: { title: 'Cancel', fn: basicModal.close } } }) } photo.editTags = function(photoIDs) { let oldTags = '' let msg = '' if (!photoIDs) return false if (photoIDs instanceof Array===false) photoIDs = [ photoIDs ] // Get tags if (visible.photo()) oldTags = photo.json.tags else if (visible.album() && photoIDs.length===1) oldTags = album.json.content[photoIDs].tags else if (visible.search() && photoIDs.length===1) oldTags = album.json.content[photoIDs].tags else if (visible.album() && photoIDs.length>1) { let same = true photoIDs.forEach(function(id, index, array) { if (album.json.content[id].tags===album.json.content[photoIDs[0]].tags && same===true) same = true else same = false }) if (same===true) oldTags = album.json.content[photoIDs[0]].tags } // Improve tags oldTags = oldTags.replace(/,/g, ', ') const action = function(data) { basicModal.close() photo.setTags(photoIDs, data.tags) } let input = lychee.html`` if (photoIDs.length===1) msg = lychee.html`

Enter your tags for this photo. You can add multiple tags by separating them with a comma: ${ input }

` else msg = lychee.html`

Enter your tags for all $${ photoIDs.length } selected photos. Existing tags will be overwritten. You can add multiple tags by separating them with a comma: ${ input }

` basicModal.show({ body: msg, buttons: { action: { title: 'Set Tags', fn: action }, cancel: { title: 'Cancel', fn: basicModal.close } } }) } photo.setTags = function(photoIDs, tags) { if (!photoIDs) return false if (photoIDs instanceof Array===false) photoIDs = [ photoIDs ] // Parse tags tags = tags.replace(/(\ ,\ )|(\ ,)|(,\ )|(,{1,}\ {0,})|(,$|^,)/g, ',') tags = tags.replace(/,$|^,|(\ ){0,}$/g, '') if (visible.photo()) { photo.json.tags = tags view.photo.tags() } photoIDs.forEach(function(id, index, array) { album.json.content[id].tags = tags }) let params = { photoIDs: photoIDs.join(), tags } api.post('Photo::setTags', params, function(data) { if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data) }) } photo.deleteTag = function(photoID, index) { let tags // Remove tags = photo.json.tags.split(',') tags.splice(index, 1) // Save photo.json.tags = tags.toString() photo.setTags([ photoID ], photo.json.tags) } photo.share = function(photoID, service) { let url = photo.getViewLink(photoID) switch (service) { case 'twitter': window.open(`https://twitter.com/share?url=${ encodeURI(url) }`) break case 'facebook': window.open(`http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=${ encodeURI(url) }&t=${ encodeURI(photo.json.title) }`) break case 'mail': location.href = `mailto:?subject=${ encodeURI(photo.json.title) }&body=${ encodeURI(url) }` break case 'dropbox': lychee.loadDropbox(function() { let filename = photo.json.title + '.' + photo.getDirectLink().split('.').pop() Dropbox.save(photo.getDirectLink(), filename) }) break } } photo.getArchive = function(photoID) { let link let url = `${ api.path }?function=Photo::getArchive&photoID=${ photoID }` if (location.href.indexOf('index.html')>0) link = location.href.replace(location.hash, '').replace('index.html', url) else link = location.href.replace(location.hash, '') + url if (lychee.publicMode===true) link += `&password=${ encodeURIComponent(password.value) }` location.href = link } photo.getDirectLink = function() { let url = '' if (photo.json && photo.json.url && photo.json.url!=='') url = photo.json.url return url } photo.getViewLink = function(photoID) { let url = 'view.php?p=' + photoID if (location.href.indexOf('index.html')>0) return location.href.replace('index.html' + location.hash, url) else return location.href.replace(location.hash, url) }