/** * @name functions.js * @author Philipp Maurer * @author Tobias Reich * @copyright 2012 by Philipp Maurer, Tobias Reich */ /* Init Function This function is called when the site is loaded. */ function init() { $("#tools_albums").show(); $(".tools").tipsy({gravity: 'n'}); params = "function=loggedIn"; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data!=1) { $("body").append(buildSignInModal()); $("#username").focus(); } else if (data) { if (headerTitle.html().length<1&&BrowserDetect.browser=="Firefox") getURL(); } }}); } /* Session Function This functions are called when the user tries to login or logout. */ function login() { user = $("input#username").val(); password = $("input#password").val(); params = "function=login&user=" + user + "&password=" + password; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) { getURL(); closeModal(); } else { $("#password").val("").addClass("error"); $(".message .button.active").removeClass("pressed"); } }}); } function logout() { params = "function=logout"; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { window.location.reload(); }}); } /* URL Function This functions are used to get and set the URL. */ function setURL(website_url) { document.location.hash = website_url; } function getURL() { closeContextMenu(); hash = document.location.hash.replace("#", ""); albumID = ""; photoID = ""; if (hash.indexOf("a")!=-1) albumID = hash.split("p")[0].replace("a", ""); if (hash.indexOf("p")!=-1) photoID = hash.split("p")[1]; if (hash=="upload") { loadAlbums(); $("body").append(buildAddModal); } else if (albumID&&photoID) { content.hide(); showImageview(photoID); if (content.html()=="") loadPhotos(albumID, true); } else if (albumID) { if (!visibleControls()) showControls(); if (visibleImageview()) hideImageview(); else loadPhotos(albumID, false); } else { loadAlbums(); } } /* Button Functions This functions are called from Buttons. */ function deleteAlbum() { albumTitle = headerTitle.html().replace($("#title span").html(), "").replace("", ""); f1 = "loadDeleteAlbum(" + content.attr("data-id") + ", true);"; f2 = "loadDeleteAlbum(" + content.attr("data-id") + ", false);"; modal = buildModal("Delete Album", "Are you sure you want to delete the album '" + albumTitle + "' and all of the photos it contains? This action can't be undone!", ["Delete Album and Photos", "Keep Photos"], [f1, f2]); $("body").append(modal); } function deleteUnsorted() { albumTitle = headerTitle.html().replace($("#title span").html(), "").replace("", ""); f1 = "loadDeleteAlbum(" + content.attr("data-id") + ", true);"; f2 = ""; modal = buildModal("Clear Unsorted", "Are you sure you want to delete all photos from 'Unsorted'?
This action can't be undone!", ["Clear Unsorted", "Keep Photos"], [f1, f2]); $("body").append(modal); } function deletePhoto(photoID) { if (photoID==undefined) photoTitle = " '" + headerTitle.html() + "'"; else photoTitle = ""; if (photoID==undefined) photoID = image_view.attr("data-id"); f1 = "loadDeletePhoto(" + photoID + ");"; f2 = ""; modal = buildModal("Delete Photo", "Are you sure you want to delete the photo" + photoTitle + "?
This action can't be undone!", ["Delete Photo", "Keep Photo"], [f1, f2]); $("body").append(modal); } function closeModal() { $(".message_overlay").removeClass("fadeIn").css("opacity", 0); $.timer(300,function(){ $(".message_overlay").remove() }); } /* Show/Hide Functions This functions are used to show/hide content. */ function loadingFadeIn(status, errorTitle, errorText) { switch (status) { case "error": loading.removeClass("loading uploading error").addClass(status); if (!errorTitle||!errorText) { errorTitle = "Error"; errorText = "Whoops, it looks like something went wrong. Please reload the site and try again!" } loading.html("

" + errorTitle + ": " + errorText + "

"); loading.css("height", "40px"); header.css("margin-Top", "40px"); $.timer(3000,function(){ loadingFadeOut() }); break; case "loading": loading.removeClass("loading uploading error").addClass(status); if (visibleControls()) header.css("margin-Top", "3px"); break; } } function loadingFadeOut() { loading.html("").css("height", "3px"); if (visibleControls()) header.css("marginTop", "0px"); } function showImageview(photoID) { // Change toolbar-buttons $("#tools_albums, #tools_album").hide(); $("#tools_photo").show(); // Make body scrollable $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); // Load photo loadPhotoInfo(photoID); } function hideImageview() { // Change toolbar-buttons $("#tools_photo, #tools_albums").hide(); $("#tools_album").show(); // Make body scrollable $("body").css("overflow", "scroll"); // Change website title and url by using loadAlbumInfo loadAlbumInfo(content.attr("data-id")); // Hide ImageViewer image_view.removeClass("fadeIn").addClass("fadeOut"); $.timer(300,function(){ image_view.hide() }); } function visibleImageview() { if ($("#image_view.fadeIn").length>0) return true; else return false; } function showControls() { clearTimeout($(window).data("timeout")); if (visibleImageview()&&!runningDiashow()) { $("#image_view a#previous").css("left", "20px"); $("#image_view a#next").css("right", "20px"); image_view.css("background-color", "rgba(30,30,30,.99)"); loading.css("opacity", 1); header.css("margin-Top", "0px"); if ($("#image_view #image.small").length>0) { $("#image_view #image").css({ marginTop: -1*($("#image_view #image").height()/2)+20 }); } else { $("#image_view #image").css({ top: 70, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 30 }); } } } function hideControls() { if (visibleImageview()) { clearTimeout($(window).data("timeout")); $(window).data("timeout", setTimeout( function () { $("#image_view a#previous").css("left", "-50px"); $("#image_view a#next").css("right", "-50px"); image_view.css("background-color", "#111"); loading.css("opacity", 0); header.css("margin-Top", "-45px"); if ($("#image_view #image.small").length>0) { $("#image_view #image").css({ marginTop: -1*($("#image_view #image").height()/2) }); } else { $("#image_view #image").css({ top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }); } }, 500)); } } function visibleControls() { if (loading.css("opacity")>0) return true; else return false; } function showContextMenuPhoto(photoID, mouse_x, mouse_y) { mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop(); items = [ ["Rename", "renamePhoto(" + photoID + ")"], ["Move to Album", "showContextMenuMove(" + photoID + ", " + (mouse_x+150) + ", " + (mouse_y+$(document).scrollTop()) + ")"], ["Delete", "deletePhoto(" + photoID + ")"] ]; closeContextMenu(); $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); $(".photo[data-id='" + photoID + "']").addClass("active"); $("body").append(buildContextMenu(items)); $(".contextmenu").css({ "top": mouse_y, "left": mouse_x }); } function showContextMenuMove(photoID, mouse_x, mouse_y) { mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop(); params = "function=getAlbums"; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (content.attr("data-id")==0) { items = new Array(); } else { items = [ ["Unsorted", "loadMovePhoto(" + photoID + ", 0)"] ]; } $.each(data, function(index) { if (this.id!=content.attr("data-id")) { if(!this.title) this.title = "Untitled"; items[items.length] = new Array(this.title, "loadMovePhoto(" + photoID + ", " + this.id + ")"); } else { items[items.length] = new Array("", ""); } }); if (items.length==0) { items = [ ["Create new Album", "addAlbum()"] ]; } closeContextMenu(); $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); $(".photo[data-id='" + photoID + "']").addClass("active"); $("body").append(buildContextMenu(items)); $(".contextmenu").css({ "top": mouse_y, "left": mouse_x-150 }); }, error: ajaxError }); } function showContextMenuShare(photoID, mouse_x, mouse_y) { mouse_y -= $(document).scrollTop(); items = [ [" Make Private", "setPhotoPublic()"], [" Twitter", "loadSharePhoto(0, " + photoID + ")"], [" Facebook", "loadSharePhoto(1, " + photoID + ")"], [" Tumblr", "loadSharePhoto(2, " + photoID + ")"], [" Pinterest", "loadSharePhoto(3, " + photoID + ")"], [" Mail", "loadSharePhoto(4, " + photoID + ")"], [" Copy Link", "loadSharePhoto(5, " + photoID + ")"], [" Copy Shortlink", "loadSharePhoto(6, " + photoID + ")"] ]; closeContextMenu(); $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); $(".photo[data-id='" + photoID + "']").addClass("active"); $("body").append(buildContextMenu(items)); $(".contextmenu").css({ "top": mouse_y, "left": mouse_x }); } function closeContextMenu() { $(".contextmenu_bg, .contextmenu").remove(); $(".photo.active").removeClass("active"); $("body").css("overflow", "scroll"); } function hidePhoto(photoID) { $(".photo[data-id='" + photoID + "']").css("opacity", 0).animate({ width: 0, marginLeft: 0 }, 300, function() { $(this).remove(); imgNum = parseInt($("#title span").html().replace("- ", "").replace(" photos", ""))-1; $("#title span").html(" - " + imgNum + " photos"); }); } function startDiashow() { image_view.attr("data-diashow", "play"); clearInterval($(window).data("diashow")); hideControls(); $(window).data("diashow", setInterval(function() { loadNextPhoto() }, 3000)); } function stopDiashow() { image_view.attr("data-diashow", "stop"); clearInterval($(window).data("diashow")); showControls(); } function runningDiashow() { if (image_view.attr("data-diashow")=="play") return true; else return false; } function showInfobox() { $("body").append("
"); infobox.css("right", "0px"); } function hideInfobox() { $("#infobox_overlay").remove(); infobox.css("right", "-320px"); } function visibleInfobox() { if (parseInt(infobox.css("right").replace("px", ""))<0) return false; else return true; } function isPhotoSmall(photo) { size = [ ["width", false], ["height", false] ]; if (photo.width<$(window).width()-60) size["width"] = true; if (photo.height<$(window).height()-100) size["height"] = true; if (size["width"]&&size["height"]) return true; else return false; } /* Key Function This function triggers events when a special key is pressed. */ function key(e) { code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if (code==13||code==37||code==39||code==32||code==27) e.preventDefault(); if (code==13&&$(".message .button.active").length) $(".message .button.active").addClass("pressed").click(); if (code==37&&visibleImageview()) loadPreviousPhoto(); if (code==39&&visibleImageview()) loadNextPhoto(); if (code==32&&visibleImageview()&&!runningDiashow()) startDiashow(); else if (code==32&&visibleImageview()&&runningDiashow()) stopDiashow(); if (code==27&&$(".message").length&&$(".sign_in").length==0) closeModal(); else if (code==27&&visibleInfobox()) { hideInfobox(); e.preventDefault(); } else if (code==27&&visibleImageview()&&runningDiashow()) stopDiashow(); else if (code==27&&visibleImageview()&&!runningDiashow()) { showControls(); setURL("a" + content.attr("data-id")); }; } function getViewLink(photoID) { if (location.href.indexOf("index.html")>0) return location.href.replace("index.html" + location.hash, "view.php?p=" + photoID); else return location.href.replace(location.hash, "view.php?p=" + photoID); } /* Ajax Functions This functions are used to get and process data from the Api. */ function addAlbum() { title = prompt("Please enter a title for this album:", "Untitled"); closeModal(); if (title.length>2&&title.length<31) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=addAlbum&title=" + escape(title); $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==0) loadingFadeIn("error"); else setURL("a" + data); }, error: ajaxError }); } else if (title.length>0) loadingFadeIn("error", "Error", "Title to short or too long. Please try another one!"); } function renameAlbum() { oldTitle = headerTitle.html().replace($("#title span").html(), "").replace("", ""); newTitle = prompt("Please enter a new title for this album:", oldTitle); albumID = content.attr("data-id"); if (albumID!=""&&albumID!=null&&albumID!=undefined&&newTitle.length>2&&newTitle.length<31) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=setAlbumTitle&albumID=" + albumID + "&title=" + encodeURI(newTitle); $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) { headerTitle.html(newTitle + "" + $("#title span").html() + ""); document.title = "Lychee - " + newTitle; loadingFadeOut(); } else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } else if (newTitle.length>0) loadingFadeIn("error", "Error", "New title to short or too long. Please try another one!"); } function renamePhoto(photoID) { if (photoID==undefined) { // Function called from ImageViewer oldTitle = headerTitle.html(); photoID = image_view.attr("data-id"); } else oldTitle = ""; newTitle = prompt("Please enter a new title for this photo:", oldTitle); if (photoID!=null&&photoID!=undefined&&newTitle.length<31) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=setPhotoTitle&photoID=" + photoID + "&title=" + encodeURI(newTitle); $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) { if (oldTitle!="") { headerTitle.html(newTitle); document.title = "Lychee - " + newTitle; } $(".photo[data-id='" + photoID + "'] .overlay h1").html(newTitle); loadingFadeOut(); } else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } else if (newTitle.length>0) loadingFadeIn("error", "Error", "New title to short or too long. Please try another one!"); } function loadAlbums() { loadingFadeIn("loading"); $(".album, .photo").removeClass("contentZoomIn").addClass("contentZoomOut"); startTime = new Date().getTime(); params = "function=getAlbums"; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { durationTime = (new Date().getTime() - startTime); if (durationTime>300) waitTime = 0; else waitTime = 300 - durationTime; $.timer(waitTime,function(){ $("#tools_album, #tools_photo").hide(); $("#tools_albums").show(); content.attr("data-id", ""); /* Smart Albums */ unsortedAlbum = new Object(); unsortedAlbum.id = 0; unsortedAlbum.title = "Unsorted"; unsortedAlbum.sysdate = ""; unsortedAlbum.unsorted = 1; starredAlbum = new Object(); starredAlbum.id = "f"; starredAlbum.title = "Starred"; starredAlbum.sysdate = ""; starredAlbum.star = 1; sharedAlbum = new Object(); sharedAlbum.id = "s"; sharedAlbum.title = "Public"; sharedAlbum.sysdate = ""; sharedAlbum.public = 1; content.html("").append(buildDivider("Smart Albums") + buildAlbum(unsortedAlbum) + buildAlbum(starredAlbum) + buildAlbum(sharedAlbum)); if (data!=false) { /* Albums */ albums = ""; $.each(data, function() { albums += buildAlbum(this); }); content.append(buildDivider("Albums") + albums); $(".album, .photo").removeClass("contentZoomOut").addClass("contentZoomIn"); } document.title = "Lychee"; headerTitle.html("Albums").removeClass("editable"); loadSmartAlbums(); }); }, error: ajaxError }); } function loadSmartAlbums() { params = "function=getSmartInfo"; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $(".album[data-id='0'] img:nth-child(1)").attr("src", data.unsortThumb2); $(".album[data-id='0'] img:nth-child(2)").attr("src", data.unsortThumb1); $(".album[data-id='0'] img:nth-child(3)").attr("src", data.unsortThumb0); $(".album[data-id='0'] .overlay a").html(data.unsortNum + " photos"); $(".album[data-id='s'] img:nth-child(1)").attr("src", data.publicThumb2); $(".album[data-id='s'] img:nth-child(2)").attr("src", data.publicThumb1); $(".album[data-id='s'] img:nth-child(3)").attr("src", data.publicThumb0); $(".album[data-id='s'] .overlay a").html(data.publicNum + " photos"); $(".album[data-id='f'] img:nth-child(1)").attr("src", data.starredThumb2); $(".album[data-id='f'] img:nth-child(2)").attr("src", data.starredThumb1); $(".album[data-id='f'] img:nth-child(3)").attr("src", data.starredThumb0); $(".album[data-id='f'] .overlay a").html(data.starredNum + " photos"); loadingFadeOut(); }, error: ajaxError }); } function loadPhotos(albumID, refresh) { // If refresh is true the function will only refresh the content and not change the toolbar buttons either the title if (!refresh) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); if (visibleImageview()) hideImageview(); $(".album, .photo").removeClass("contentZoomIn").addClass("contentZoomOut"); $(".divider").removeClass("fadeIn").addClass("fadeOut"); } startTime = new Date().getTime(); params = "function=getPhotos&albumID=" + albumID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { durationTime = (new Date().getTime() - startTime); if (durationTime>300) waitTime = 0; else if (refresh) waitTime = 0; else waitTime = 300 - durationTime; $.timer(waitTime,function(){ content.attr("data-id", albumID); photos = ""; $.each(data, function() { photos += buildPhoto(this); }); content.html("").append(photos); if (!refresh) { $(".album, .photo").removeClass("contentZoomOut").addClass("contentZoomIn"); $("#tools_albums, #tools_photo").hide(); $("#tools_album").show(); loadAlbumInfo(albumID); } }); }, error: ajaxError }); } function loadAlbumInfo(albumID) { if (albumID=="f"||albumID=="s"||albumID==0) { params = "function=getSmartInfo"; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { switch (albumID) { case "f": document.title = "Lychee - Starred"; headerTitle.html("Starred - " + data.starredNum + " photos"); $("#button_edit_album, #button_trash_album, .button_divider").hide(); break; case "s": document.title = "Lychee - Public"; headerTitle.html("Public - " + data.publicNum + " photos"); $("#button_edit_album, #button_trash_album .button_divider").hide(); break; case "0": document.title = "Lychee - Unsorted"; headerTitle.html("Unsorted - " + data.unsortNum + " photos"); $("#button_edit_album").hide(); $("#button_trash_album, .button_divider").show(); break; } loadingFadeOut(); }, error: ajaxError }); } else { params = "function=getAlbumInfo&albumID=" + albumID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $("#button_edit_album, #button_trash_album, .button_divider").show(); if (!data.title) data.title = "Untitled"; document.title = "Lychee - " + data.title; headerTitle.html(data.title + " - " + data.num + " photos").addClass("editable"); loadingFadeOut(); }, error: ajaxError }); } } function loadPhotoInfo(photoID) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=getPhotoInfo&photoID=" + photoID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (!data.title) data.title = "Untitled"; document.title = "Lychee - " + data.title; headerTitle.html(data.title).addClass("editable"); $("#button_star a").removeClass("icon-star-empty icon-star"); if (data.star=="1") { $("#button_star a").addClass("icon-star"); $("#button_star").attr("title", "Unstar Photo"); } else { $("#button_star a").addClass("icon-star-empty"); $("#button_star").attr("title", "Star Photo"); } if (data.public=="1") { $("#button_share a").addClass("active"); $("#button_share").attr("title", "Make Photo Private"); } else { $("#button_share a").removeClass("active"); $("#button_share").attr("title", "Share Photo"); } image_view.attr("data-id", photoID); if (visibleControls()&&isPhotoSmall(data)) image_view.html("").append("
"); else if (visibleControls()) image_view.html("").append("
"); else if (isPhotoSmall(data)) image_view.html("").append("
"); else image_view.html("").append("
"); image_view.removeClass("fadeOut").addClass("fadeIn").show(); if (!visibleControls()) hideControls(true); infobox.html(buildInfobox(data)).show(); $.timer(300,function(){ content.show(); }); loadingFadeOut(); }, error: ajaxError }); } function setPhotoStar() { loadingFadeIn("loading"); photoID = image_view.attr("data-id"); params = "function=setPhotoStar&photoID=" + photoID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) { if ($("#button_star a.icon-star-empty").length) { $("#button_star a").removeClass("icon-star-empty icon-star").addClass("icon-star"); $("#button_star").attr("title", "Unstar Photo"); } else { $("#button_star a").removeClass("icon-star-empty icon-star").addClass("icon-star-empty"); $("#button_star").attr("title", "Star Photo"); } loadPhotos(content.attr("data-id"), true); loadingFadeOut(); } else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } function setPhotoPublic(e) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); photoID = image_view.attr("data-id"); params = "function=setPhotoPublic&photoID=" + photoID + "&url=" + getViewLink(photoID); $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) { if ($("#button_share a.active").length) { $("#button_share a").removeClass("active"); $("#button_share").attr("title", "Make Private"); } else { $("#button_share a").addClass("active"); $("#button_share").attr("title", "Share Photo"); showContextMenuShare(photoID, e.pageX, e.pageY); } loadPhotos(content.attr("data-id"), true); loadingFadeOut(); } else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } function setPhotoDescription() { description = prompt("Please enter a description for this photo:", ""); photoID = image_view.attr("data-id"); if (description.length>0&&description.length<160) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=setPhotoDescription&photoID=" + photoID + "&description=" + escape(description); $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==0) loadingFadeIn("error"); else loadPhotoInfo(photoID); }, error: ajaxError }); } else if (description.length>0) loadingFadeIn("error", "Error", "Description to short or too long. Please try another one!"); } function loadDeleteAlbum(albumID, delAll) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=deleteAlbum&albumID=" + albumID + "&delAll=" + delAll; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) setURL(""); else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } function loadDeletePhoto(photoID) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=deletePhoto&photoID=" + photoID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) { hidePhoto(photoID); setURL("a" + content.attr("data-id")); loadingFadeOut(); } else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } function loadSharePhoto(service, photoID) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=sharePhoto&photoID=" + photoID + "&url=" + getViewLink(photoID); $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { switch (service) { case 0: link = data.twitter; break; case 1: link = data.facebook; break; case 2: link = data.tumblr; break; case 3: link = data.pinterest; break; case 4: link = data.mail; break; case 5: link = "copy"; modal = buildModal("Copy Link", "You can use this link to share your image with other people: ", ["Close"], [""]); $("body").append(modal); $(".copylink").click(); break; case 6: link = "copy"; modal = buildModal("Copy Shortlink", "You can use this link to share your image with other people: ", ["Close"], [""]); $("body").append(modal); $(".copylink").click(); break; default: link = ""; break; } if (link=="copy") loadingFadeOut(); else if (link.length>5) { location.href = link; loadingFadeOut(); } else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } function getAlbumArchive() { albumID = content.attr("data-id"); if (location.href.indexOf("index.html")>0) link = location.href.replace(location.hash, "").replace("index.html", "php/api.php?function=getAlbumArchive&albumID=" + albumID); else link = location.href.replace(location.hash, "") + "php/api.php?function=getAlbumArchive&albumID=" + albumID; location.href = link; } function loadMovePhoto(photoID, albumID) { if (albumID>=0) { loadingFadeIn("loading"); params = "function=movePhoto&photoID=" + photoID + "&albumID=" + albumID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) { hidePhoto(photoID); setURL("a" + content.attr("data-id")); loadingFadeOut(); } else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } } function loadPreviousPhoto() { albumID = content.attr("data-id"); photoID = image_view.attr("data-id"); params = "function=previousPhoto&photoID=" + photoID + "&albumID=" + albumID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (data!=false) setURL("a" + albumID + "p" + data.id); }, error: ajaxError }); } function loadNextPhoto() { albumID = content.attr("data-id"); photoID = image_view.attr("data-id"); params = "function=nextPhoto&photoID=" + photoID + "&albumID=" + albumID; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if (data) setURL("a" + albumID + "p" + data.id); }, error: ajaxError }); } function syncFolder() { params = "function=syncFolder"; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, success: function(data) { if (data==1) setURL("a0"); else loadingFadeIn("error"); }, error: ajaxError }); } function search(term) { clearTimeout($(window).data("timeout")); $(window).data("timeout", setTimeout(function() { if ($("#search").val().length<=2) { $(".divider").removeClass("fadeIn").addClass("fadeOut"); loadAlbums(); } else { $(".album, .photo").removeClass("contentZoomIn").addClass("contentZoomOut"); $(".divider").removeClass("fadeIn").addClass("fadeOut"); startTime = new Date().getTime(); params = "function=search&term=" + term; $.ajax({type: "POST", url: api_path, data: params, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { console.log(data); albums = ""; if (data.albums!=undefined&&data.albums!=null) $.each(data.albums, function() { albums += buildAlbum(this); }); photos = ""; if (data.photos!=undefined&&data.photos!=null) $.each(data.photos, function() { photos += buildPhoto(this); }); durationTime = (new Date().getTime() - startTime); if (durationTime>300) waitTime = 0; else waitTime = 300 - durationTime; $.timer(waitTime,function(){ if (albums==""&&photos=="") code = ""; else if (albums=="") code = buildDivider("Photos")+photos; else if (photos=="") code = buildDivider("Albums")+albums; else code = buildDivider("Photos")+photos+buildDivider("Albums")+albums; content.html("").append(code); $(".album, .photo").removeClass("contentZoomOut").addClass("contentZoomIn"); }); }, error: ajaxError }); } }, 250)); } /* Error Function This function is called when an ajax-request fails. */ function ajaxError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(jqXHR); console.log(textStatus); console.log(errorThrown); loadingFadeIn("error", textStatus, errorThrown); }