multiselect.js 5.4 KB

  1. /**
  2. * @description Select multiple albums or photos.
  3. * @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich
  4. */
  5. multiselect = {}
  6. multiselect.position = {
  7. top : null,
  8. right : null,
  9. bottom : null,
  10. left : null
  11. }
  12. multiselect.bind = function() {
  13. $('#content') .on('mousedown', (e) => { if (e.which===1) })
  14. $(document) .on('mouseup', (e) => { if (e.which===1) multiselect.getSelection(e) })
  15. return true
  16. }
  17. = function(e) {
  18. if (lychee.publicMode) return false
  19. if ( return false
  20. if (!visible.albums() && !visible.album) return false
  21. if ($('.album:hover, .photo:hover').length!==0) return false
  22. if (visible.multiselect()) $('#multiselect').remove()
  23. sidebar.setSelectable(false)
  24. = e.pageY
  25. multiselect.position.right = -1 * (e.pageX - $(document).width())
  26. multiselect.position.bottom = -1 * ( - $(window).height())
  27. multiselect.position.left = e.pageX
  28. $('body').append(build.multiselect(, multiselect.position.left))
  29. $(document).on('mousemove', multiselect.resize)
  30. }
  31. multiselect.selectAll = function() {
  32. if (lychee.publicMode) return false
  33. if ( return false
  34. if (!visible.albums() && !visible.album) return false
  35. if (visible.multiselect()) $('#multiselect').remove()
  36. sidebar.setSelectable(false)
  37. = 70
  38. multiselect.position.right = 40
  39. multiselect.position.bottom = 90
  40. multiselect.position.left = 20
  41. $('body').append(build.multiselect(, multiselect.position.left))
  42. let documentSize = {
  43. width : $(document).width(),
  44. height : $(document).height()
  45. }
  46. let newSize = {
  47. width : documentSize.width - multiselect.position.right + 2,
  48. height : documentSize.height - multiselect.position.bottom
  49. }
  50. let e = {
  51. pageX : documentSize.width - (multiselect.position.right / 2),
  52. pageY : documentSize.height - multiselect.position.bottom
  53. }
  54. $('#multiselect').css(newSize)
  55. multiselect.getSelection(e)
  56. }
  57. multiselect.resize = function(e) {
  58. if ( === null ||
  59. multiselect.position.right === null ||
  60. multiselect.position.bottom === null ||
  61. multiselect.position.left === null) return false
  62. let newSize = {},
  63. documentSize = {}
  64. // Get the position of the mouse
  65. let mousePos = {
  66. x : e.pageX,
  67. y : e.pageY
  68. }
  69. // Default CSS
  70. let newCSS = {
  71. top : null,
  72. bottom : null,
  73. height : null,
  74. left : null,
  75. right : null,
  76. width : null
  77. }
  78. if (mousePos.y> {
  79. documentSize.height = $(document).height()
  80. // Do not leave the screen
  81. newSize.height = mousePos.y -
  82. if ((>=documentSize.height) {
  83. newSize.height -= ( + newSize.height) - documentSize.height + 2
  84. }
  85. =
  86. newCSS.bottom = 'inherit'
  87. newCSS.height = newSize.height
  88. } else {
  89. = 'inherit'
  90. newCSS.bottom = multiselect.position.bottom
  91. newCSS.height = - e.pageY
  92. }
  93. if (mousePos.x>=multiselect.position.left) {
  94. documentSize.width = $(document).width()
  95. // Do not leave the screen
  96. newSize.width = mousePos.x - multiselect.position.left
  97. if ((multiselect.position.left+newSize.width)>=documentSize.width) {
  98. newSize.width -= (multiselect.position.left + newSize.width) - documentSize.width + 2
  99. }
  100. newCSS.right = 'inherit'
  101. newCSS.left = multiselect.position.left
  102. newCSS.width = newSize.width
  103. } else {
  104. newCSS.right = multiselect.position.right
  105. newCSS.left = 'inherit'
  106. newCSS.width = multiselect.position.left - e.pageX
  107. }
  108. // Updated all CSS properties at once
  109. $('#multiselect').css(newCSS)
  110. }
  111. multiselect.stopResize = function() {
  112. $(document).off('mousemove')
  113. }
  114. multiselect.getSize = function() {
  115. if (!visible.multiselect()) return false
  116. let $elem = $('#multiselect'),
  117. offset = $elem.offset()
  118. return {
  119. top :,
  120. left : offset.left,
  121. width : parseInt($elem.css('width').replace('px', '')),
  122. height : parseInt($elem.css('height').replace('px', ''))
  123. }
  124. }
  125. multiselect.getSelection = function(e) {
  126. let tolerance = 150,
  127. ids = [],
  128. size = multiselect.getSize()
  129. if (visible.contextMenu()) return false
  130. if (!visible.multiselect()) return false
  131. $('.photo, .album').each(function() {
  132. let offset = $(this).offset()
  133. if (>=( &&
  134. offset.left>=(size.left-tolerance) &&
  135. (<=( &&
  136. (offset.left+206)<=(size.left+size.width+tolerance)) {
  137. let id = $(this).data('id')
  138. if (id!=='0' && id!==0 && id!=='f' && id!=='s' && id!=='r' && id!==null) {
  139. ids.push(id)
  140. $(this).addClass('active')
  141. }
  142. }
  143. })
  144. if (ids.length!==0 && visible.album()) contextMenu.photoMulti(ids, e)
  145. else if (ids.length!==0 && visible.albums()) contextMenu.albumMulti(ids, e)
  146. else multiselect.close()
  147. }
  148. multiselect.close = function() {
  149. sidebar.setSelectable(true)
  150. multiselect.stopResize()
  151. = null
  152. multiselect.position.right = null
  153. multiselect.position.bottom = null
  154. multiselect.position.left = null
  155. lychee.animate('#multiselect', 'fadeOut')
  156. setTimeout(() => $('#multiselect').remove(), 300)
  157. }