@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ $ npm start
You can access <http://localhost:3000> on your web browser.
## Run with Docker
@@ -105,24 +105,24 @@ There are two ways to issue the access token.
1. Visit <https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens>.
1. Click `Create token`.
### OAuth tokens
1. Visit <https://api.slack.com/apps> and Create New App.
1. Click "Permissions".
1. In "OAuth & Permissions" page, select `admin` scope under "Permission Scopes" menu and save changes.
1. Click "Install App to Team".
1. Visit <https://slack.com/oauth/authorize?&client_id=CLIENT_ID&team=TEAM_ID&install_redirect=install-on-team&scope=admin+client> in your browser and authorize it.
* It authorizes the `client` permission. Otherwise, you can see `{"ok":false,"error":"missing_scope","needed":"client","provided":"admin"}` error.
@@ -131,11 +131,20 @@ There are two ways to issue the access token.
## Badge
You can use the badge to show status of user in your slack.
-<img src="https://your.domain/badge.svg">
+* With default colors:
+ ```
+ <img src="https://your.domain/badge.svg">
+ ```
+* With custom colors:
+ * `?colorA=abcdef` Set background of the left part (hex color only)
+ * `?colorB=fedcba` Set background of the right part (hex color only)
+ ```
+ <img src="https://your.domain/badge.svg?colorA=155799&colorB=159957">
+ ```