@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ Inspired by
[How I hacked Slack into a community platform with Typeform](https://levels.io/slack-typeform-auto-invite-sign-ups/)
and Socket.io's Slack page.
-This project supports Heroku, Azure, Cloud Foundry, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
+This project supports Heroku, Azure, Cloud Foundry, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and [ic.dev](https://ic.dev).
## Settings
@@ -81,6 +81,20 @@ Instead of editing `config.js`, take these steps:
3. Run `aws/deploy.sh` to create the CloudFormation stack and deploy your application, outputting the URL
4. (Optional) For a friendlier URL, log into the AWS web console and establish a custom domain pointing to the API Gateway stage deployed in step 3.
+### [ic.dev](https://ic.dev)
+If you haven't already installed the IC CLI, please refer to the [documentation](https://docs.ic.dev/setup-and-usage).
+Deploy the `lsuss.slack_inviter` brick directly from the IC Public Index:
+$ ic aws up lsuss.slack_inviter slack_inviter --params community_name='Your Community Name',slack_url=yourcommunity.slack.com,slack_token=xoxp-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
+Retreive the id and url of the API:
+$ ic aws value slack_inviter
## Run
[Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) is required.