@@ -124,14 +124,16 @@ There are two ways to issue the access token.

-1. Click "Install App to Team".
+1. Click "Install App to Workspace".

1. Visit <https://slack.com/oauth/authorize?&client_id=CLIENT_ID&team=TEAM_ID&install_redirect=install-on-team&scope=admin+client> in your browser and authorize it.
* It authorizes the `client` permission. Otherwise, you can see `{"ok":false,"error":"missing_scope","needed":"client","provided":"admin"}` error.
- * Your `CLIENT_ID` could be found in "Basic Information" menu of your app page that you just install.
- * Your `TEAM_ID` could be found in <https://api.slack.com/methods/team.info/test>
+ * Your `TEAM_ID` is the subdomain for your slack team, e.g. myteam.slack.com - your TEAM_ID is `myteam`.
+ * Your `CLIENT_ID` found in "Basic Information" section for your App.
## Badge
@@ -161,3 +163,14 @@ as reCAPTCHA v2 type.
Set "Site key" as `recaptchaSiteKey` or `RECAPTCHA_SITE`,
and "Secret key" as `recaptchaSecretKey` or `RECAPTCHA_SECRET`.
+## Associate fork with heroku
+If you use the "Deploy to Heroku" button and want to modify your App you should
+fork this project. After forking and making changes you should associate your
+repo with the deployed instance by running:
+`$ heroku git:remote -a thawing-inlet-61413` replacing your heroku app's name
+and running
+`$ git push heroku master` to upload the changes. For full details see
+[Heroku: deploying with git](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git#for-an-existing-heroku-app)