Slack Invite Automation ------------ A tiny web application to invite a user into your Slack team. Inspired by [How I hacked Slack into a community platform with Typeform]( and's Slack page. This project supports Heroku, Azure and Cloud Foundry. [![Deploy to Heroku](]( [![Deploy to Azure](]( ## Settings You can set variables for your own purpose in `config.js` or environment variables. ### `config.js` Fill out `config.js` as your infomation. * `community`: your community or team name to display on join page. * `slackUrl` : your slack team url (ex.: * `slacktoken` : Your access token for Slack. (see [Issue token](#issue-token)) * `inviteToken`: An optional security measure - if it is set, then that token will be required to get invited. * `recaptchaSiteKey`: An optional security measure - if it is set, and `recaptchaSecretKey` is set, then a captcha will be required to get invited. * `recaptchaSecretKey`: An optional security measure - if it is set, and `recaptchaSiteKey` is set, then a captcha will be required to get invited. * `locale`: Application language (currently `cs`, `de`, `en`, `es`, `fr`, `it`, `ja`, `ko`, `nl`, `pl`, `pt`, `pt-BR`, `tr`, `zh-CN` and `zh-TW` available). * `subpath`: Sub-path in URL. For example, if `/example` is set, it's served in `/example`, not `/`. Default is `/`. ### Environment Variables You can set environment variables directly or in `.env` file. If you want to use a `.env` file, create a file in the root called `.env` with the following key/value pairs. (`.env` files are added to the `.gitignore`.) - `COMMUNITY_NAME` : Your community or team name to display on join page. - `SLACK_URL` : Your Slack team url (ex.: - `SLACK_TOKEN` : Your access token for Slack. (see [Issue token](#issue-token)) - `INVITE_TOKEN`: An optional security measure - if it is set, then that token will be required to get invited. - `RECAPTCHA_SITE`: An optional security measure - used to enable reCAPTCHA. - `RECAPTCHA_SECRET`: An optional security measure - used to enable reCAPTCHA. - `LOCALE`: Application language (currently `cs`, `de`, `en`, `es`, `fr`, `it`, `ja`, `ko`, `nl`, `pl`, `pt`, `pt-BR`, `tr`, `zh-CN` and `zh-TW` available). * `SUBPATH`: Sub-path in URL. For example, if `/example` is set, it's served in `/example`, not `/`. Default is `/`. **Sample** ``` COMMUNITY_NAME=socketio SLACK_TOKEN=ffsdf-5411524512154-16875416847864648976-45641654654654654-444334f43b34566f INVITE_TOKEN=abcdefg LOCALE=en ``` You can test your token via curl: ```shell curl -X POST '' \ --data 'email=EMAIL&token=TOKEN&set_active=true' \ --compressed ``` ### Heroku / Azure Add the application settings that are defined in the environment variables above. ## Run [Node.js]( is required. ```shell $ git clone $ cd slack-invite-automation $ npm install $ npm start ``` You can access on your web browser. ![](screenshots/join-page.jpg) ## Run with Docker It's easy to run this service if you have installed Docker on your system. Pull [the Docker image from Docker Hub]( ```shell $ docker pull outsideris/slack-invite-automation $ docker run -it --rm -e COMMUNITY_NAME="YOUR-TEAM-NAME" -e SLACK_URL="" -e SLACK_TOKEN="YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" -p 3000:3000 outsideris/slack-invite-automation ``` Or, You can build a Docker image yourself. ```shell $ git clone $ cd slack-invite-automation $ docker build -t outsideris/slack-invite-automation . $ docker run -it --rm -e COMMUNITY_NAME="YOUR-TEAM-NAME" -e SLACK_URL="" -e SLACK_TOKEN="YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" -p 3000:3000 outsideris/slack-invite-automation ``` ## Issue token **You should generate the token in admin user, not owner.** If you generate the token in owner user, a `missing_scope` error may occur. There are two ways to issue the access token. ### Legacy tokens 1. Visit . 1. Click `Create token`. ![](screenshots/legacy-token.gif) ### OAuth tokens 1. Visit and Create New App. ![](screenshots/oauth1.gif) 1. Click "Permissions". ![](screenshots/oauth2.gif) 1. In "OAuth & Permissions" page, select `admin` scope under "Permission Scopes" menu and save changes. ![](screenshots/oauth3.gif) 1. Click "Install App to Team". ![](screenshots/oauth4.gif) 1. Visit in your browser and authorize it. * It authorizes the `client` permission. Otherwise, you can see `{"ok":false,"error":"missing_scope","needed":"client","provided":"admin"}` error. * Your `CLIENT_ID` could be found in "Basic Information" menu of your app page that you just install. * Your `TEAM_ID` could be found in ## Badge ![](screenshots/badge.png) You can use the badge to show status of user in your slack. * With default colors: ``` ``` * With custom colors: * `?colorA=abcdef` Set background of the left part (hex color only) * `?colorB=fedcba` Set background of the right part (hex color only) ``` ``` ## reCAPTCHA Register a new site in [Google reCAPTHCA]( as reCAPTCHA v2 type. ![](screenshots/recaptcha.gif) Set "Site key" as `recaptchaSiteKey` or `RECAPTCHA_SITE`, and "Secret key" as `recaptchaSecretKey` or `RECAPTCHA_SECRET`.