@@ -4,17 +4,13 @@ I'm going to use this as place to make notes about our house, property, and futu
## Old
-#### Carriage
-17 Franklin Street, Charleston SC
+**Carriage** - 17 Franklin Street, Charleston SC
-#### Bamboo
-10450 Old Georgetown Road, McClellanville SC
+**Bamboo** - 10450 Old Georgetown Road, McClellanville SC
-#### Farm
-82 Yarborough Road, Trenton SC
+**Farm** - 82 Yarborough Road, Trenton SC
-#### Wilton
-104 Wilton Street, Greenwood SC - <https://davidawindham.com/wha/wilton/>
+**Wilton** - 104 Wilton Street, Greenwood SC - <https://davidawindham.com/wha/wilton/>
@@ -26,7 +22,7 @@ I'm going to use this as place to make notes about our house, property, and futu
102 Glenridge Circle, Greenwood SC
Photos - <https://davidawindham.com/wha/glenridge/>
-POA - Gatewood Club - <https://gatewoodclub.com>
+POA - Gatewood Club - <https://gatewoodclub.com> ( I built this too )
### Projects
@@ -123,131 +119,6 @@ POA - Gatewood Club - <https://gatewoodclub.com>
## Future
-We'd like to build one more house that's single story, accessible, affordable, easy-to-maintain, and energy-efficient. Large lot, views, quiet, near quality grocery/healthcare/rec.
+We'd like to build one more house that's single story, accessible, affordable, easy-to-maintain, and energy-efficient. Large lot, views, quiet, near quality grocery/healthcare/rec. I've moved all of the docs on this over to [notes/house/build](/notes/house/build) and I've got my original notes on the build and architecture @ <https://davidawindham.com/architecture/>
-Architecture - <https://davidawindham.com/architecture/>
-### Inpsiration
- - Booken House at Sandhill - <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co2HYBaB_7A>
- - 5894 Highwood Rd, Castro Valley, CA 94552 <https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5894-Highwood-Rd-Castro-Valley-CA-94552/24914789_zpid/?>
- -
-## Property
-These are just some potential locations. Weather, Groceries, Healthcare, Taxes, Accessibility, and Demographics are impotant factors.
-Tryon, NC
-/ Flat Rock, NC
-/ Columbus, NC
-/ Saluda, NC
-/ Landrum, SC
-/ Campobello, SC
-/ Green Creek NC
-/ Mill Spring, NC
-/ Brevard, NC
-/ Pisgah Forest, NC
-/ Yamasee, SC
-/ Sunset, SC
-/ Walhalla, SC
-#### Red Fox
-#### Blue Bird
-#### Lots
-Red Fox Future, LLC v. Holbrooks - https://www.nccourts.gov/assets/documents/opinions/2014_NCBC_8.pdf?VersionId=IekuqeAIVscxaVO1pjkYpKW9HaCFpxAC
-North Carolina Court of Appeals 20-125 Home Realty v. Red Fox Country Club -
-#### Lake Adger
-- The neighborhood called North Highland Farms in original plats.
-- The public boat landing that is leased from Lake Adger Homeowners Association by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission for public boating and fishing
-- In 2009 the lake was purchased by Polk County. Polk County also owns the Lake Adger Dam, all land under the water and all land to the high water line around Lake Adger.
- - No new docks under purchase agreement.
- - [ongoing dredging](https://dredgewire.com/lake-adger-marina-to-be-dredged-soon/)
-- [Reclassification of Green River Segment Report](https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Environmental%20Management%20Commission/EMC%20Meetings/2014/July2014/Attachments/Attachment_A_toAG14-23_ROPforGreenRiverPropReclass.pdf)
-- [Water analysis](https://cms4files1.revize.com/polk/Lake%20Adger%20Utility%20Appraisal-2016-Revised.pdf)
-- POA origin - Phillip R. Feagan <http://feaganlawfirm.com/>
-#### Lots
-Twin Maple Way 2.16ac
-[521 Highland View Ln, Mill Spring, NC 28756](https://www.google.com/maps/place/521+Highland+View+Ln,+Mill+Spring,+NC+28756)
-4.52 ACRES /
-DEED: 466 /2277 /
-DEED YEAR:2,022
-LAND VALUE: $51,120
-PLAT REF: E /260
-466 | 2277 | WD | 1/19/2022 |E|
-366 | 1907 | WD | 7/28/2008 || 114,500 |
-290 | 1679 | ONE | 11/07/2002 || 35,000 |
-275 | 1870 | ONE | 9/10/2001 || 32,000|
-### References
-Saluda Grade tracks being converted ( from Landrum to Saluda ) - <https://www.postandcourier.com/spartanburg/news/norfolk-southern-to-sell-saluda-grade-tracks-for-sc-to-nc-rail-trail/article_be5e93c4-c36e-11ed-922c-4b4227cd2da6.html>
-Ecusta Trail - Hendersonville to Brevard - <https://www.ecustatrail.org>
-## Build
-### Architecture
-Architecture - <https://davidawindham.com/architecture/>
-<video src="https://davidawindham.com/media/house_build.mp4" width="100%" controls="controls">
-#### Architects
-Renderings - Dave Philip Walen - Tryon NC - <https://davephilipwalen.com>
-#### Engineers
-### Contractors
-Todd Usher - Addison Homes - <https://www.addison-homes.com/our-team>
-#### Concrete
-Tri City Concrete
-Forest City, NC
-#### Framing ( Metal )
-E.S. Walker Construction & Walker Building Systems
-Forest City, NC - <https://eswalkerconstruction.com>
-#### Plumbing / Well
-#### Drywall Finishing
-#### Electrical / Solar
-#### HVAC
-#### Woodwork