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+title: People
+description: People I like, respect, and follow
+hide_table_of_contents: true
# People
-## Other
+## I like
[David Byrne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Byrne) /
[John Perry Barlow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Perry_Barlow) /
[David Brooks](<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Brooks_(journalist)>) /
[George Carlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Carlin) /
-[Steven Wright](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Wright)
+[Steven Wright](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Wright)
+## I follow on Twitter
+|@aaronheckmann|Aaron Heckmann @aaronheckmann@techhub.social|https://t.co/RuPS4FOoaM|
+|@aaronjorbin|Aaron Jorbin|Polyhistoric man of the web // Art Code & Beverages. @PenskeMedia Sr. Director Editorial Technology. @WordPress coUNchicago Board. he/him|
+|@aaronkoblin|Aaron Koblin|Co-founder President of Withinhttps://t.co/8dQ3BJvUUCHuman Tech. Data Art.|
+|@AaronOMullan|Aaron O'Mullan|Product & Engineering @deno_land previously co-founded GitBook|
+|@aaronpk|Aaron Parecki|🔑 OAuth @oktadev https://t.co/JXGtNCXgKY https://t.co/Sgn532Jilo 🎥 livestreaming https://t.co/dVhzdZLXvf https://t.co/EiMc3Vlcqw 💛 #indieweb 🐘 https://t.co/ocyQ5uwBxq|
+|@aaronquinn|Aaron Quinn|Papa Hubby Surfer User Experience Designer Founder and CEO of @ehousestudio|
+|@aaronwinborn|Aaron Winborn|PALS Developer with @Advomatic Writer of #Drupal Multimedia Father of a 9yo @circleschool student and a 2 yo screaming bundle of joy!|
+|@acasalena|Anthony Casalena|Founder & CEO Squarespace.|
+|@acdlite|Andrew Clark|@reactjs core team. He/him. Hi!|
+|@acquia|Acquia|The Open Digital Experience Platform for Drupal|
+|@adactio|Jeremy Keith|My tweets are just copies of my notes on my own website: https://t.co/lWx4rfbBZ4I also syndicate my notes to https://t.co/eAXxfDVl2b|
+|@AdamBoozer|Adam Lawton Boozer|Director / DP / Editor based in Charleston SC and Charlotte NC|
+|@adamcadre|Adam Cadre|Old and now not much played apparently|
+|@adamwathan|Adam Wathan|Creator of @tailwindcss. Listener of Slayer. Austin 3:16.|
+|@adam_baldwin|Adam Baldwin|🤘EvilPacket He/Him #BLM⚡️I wonder if…a lot. Working toward living for a living at @dapplewoodfarm - Fediverse @adam_baldwin@infosec.exchange|
+|@addyosmani|Addy Osmani|Engineering lead working on @GoogleChrome • Husband & Dad • Author • Great user & dev experiences • @ChromeDevTools @ChromiumDev • @addyosmani@indieweb.social|
+|@adr|john as b/4? fink 🐀|Like Gamera to amateurs. The Canadian librarian who went for Araldite. Pronouns: He him his they them. also https://t.co/IRQWSFt8EY|
+|@AdrianRossouw|Adrian Rossouw|VP of Digital Health Technology Delivery at Renalytix|
+|@adrian_bordinc|Adrian Bordinc|Curious to the bone|
+|@advomatic|Advomatic|We are technical experts who build and maintain websites for nonprofits advocacy organizations and higher ed. Now part of @FourKitchens!|
+|@agautsc|Adam Gautsch|Helping to discover and grow tech startups in Georgia. @atdc|
+|@ajambrosino|Andrew Ambrosino|founder & cpo/cto @catchbenefits|
+|@AJDesignCo|Andy Johnston|Director Marketing & Info Systems. Designer. Accounting degree + creative toolkit = business-friendly graphic design for business & orgs.|
+|@ajkeen|Andrew Keen|Digital Justice: I once made a living trashing Google now I take out the trash for a Google VIP|
+|@akennedy|Andrew Kennedy|Realtor® at Carolina One Real Estate|
+|@alanaktion|Alan 💙💛🌈🍕|Has too many computers. Misses Compiz. Likes pizza.he/they/tired|
+|@Aleatoric|Peter Collingridge|Software developer for @nanopore. Previously a freelancer working for @khanacademy and @pixarinabox. Views are my own.|
+|@alexanderchen|Alexander Chen|Creative Director Google Creative Lab. Teachable Machine Chrome Music Lab music visualization projects.|
+|@alexisohanian|AlexisOhanian7️⃣7️⃣6️⃣|Founder @SevenSevenSix ♻️ @776FoundationPrev. founded @Initialized @Reddit 💪 #BusinessDad #PaidFamilyLeave Owner ⚽️ @weareangelcity 🎮 @cloud9 🦄 x 40|
+|@alexkingorg|Alex King|Denver independent web developer/designer (http://t.co/x480TwaG8Q) original contributor to @wordpress creator of the Share Icon.|
+|@AlexSteffen|Alex Steffen|Climate futurist.Foresight strategy & storytelling in a time of planetary crisis.Wonderstruck dadBook/letter/podcast THE SNAP FORWARDhttps://t.co/wepd2aZHLI|
+|@alexvarone|Alex Varone|I like anything digital.|
+|@Alex_Forster|Alex Forster|Tech lead trying to solve DDoS for good @Cloudflare | https://t.co/t0503oQwzu | @alexforster@mastodon.social|
+|@alex_young|Alex R. Young|Undefined is not a function|
+|@alz|Alan Milford|Chief Architect pilot and amateur astrophotographer in my spare time.|
+|@amasad|Amjad Masad ⠕|ceo @replit|
+|@amfeng|Amber Feng|working on @meet_cocoon previously built things @stripe. also has too many hobbies|
+|@AndrewBarton|Andrew Barton|Graphic designer illustrator kid's book author.|
+|@andrewmason|Andrew Mason|CEO of @descriptapp formerly @detour @groupon|
+|@andrewramos|Andrew Ramos|Current interests: woodworking and writing. Freelance Designer for screens of all sizes. Previously @BMWGroup|
+|@annevk|Anne van Kesteren|Weird but potentially useful immigrant · engine diversity absolutist · #BlackLivesMatter · he/him|
+|@antirez|ANTIREZ antirez@mastodon.social|Reproducible bugs are candies.|
+|@apeatling|Andy Peatling|Engineering lead for Automattic working on WordPress and Gutenberg.|
+|@ArenWindham||What part of ↑1 ⍵∨.∧3 4=+/¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵ did you not understand?|
+|@arithmetric|Joe Turgeon|Technology consultant software engineer open source contributor web3 enthusiast runner.|
+|@AriyaHidayat|Ariya Hidayat|Open-source startup operator social impact|
+|@arxpoetica|tldr|Technology storytelling & data. “The heart of the universe is creativity.” – David Bowie|
+|@atmattb|matt boldt|ruby javascript beats & synth patches. generally anxious. he/him/y'all.|
+|@AuerbachKeller|David Auerbach 📚|Author of MEGANETS (@Public_Affairs) coming March 2023.https://t.co/2JIGuqHbhg|
+|@austindandridge|Austin Dandridge|Founder of @cobble_hill: A marketing agency for the next generation of great businesses.|
+|@avdi|Avdi Grimm|antiherohttps://t.co/vfIm6jTOge|
+|@awadallah|Amr Awadallah 🤖|Co-founder/CEO of @Vectara. Co-Founder/ex-CTO @Cloudera PhD EE Stanford. Egyptian American & Saudi Arabian. IG FB LI: @awadallah. Opinions here are mine.|
+|@Babbolatto|Marco ‘Bigby’ Innocenti|Storyteller graphic designer Interactive Fiction lover and creator. Author of the (ongoing) Andromeda Saga (https://t.co/a4uLVtNaD1)|
+|@baconmeteor|Maciej Ceglowski|Veni vidi tweeti.|
+|@balupton|Benjamin Lupton|Streamer of Software Philosophy Growth. Founder @BevryMe. Hitchhiked Australia. Lived 811 days overseas. 500 million installs a month. Empire or Sovereignty?|
+|@BarryJohnsonSC|Barry Johnson|Cyclist OG Browncoat Martial Arts practitioner Bunkai archeology enthusiast Photographer https://t.co/wcjOwzqswO CTO for Software. My tweets (re) are my own.|
+|@bassistance|Jörn Zaefferer|Engineering Manager @tonies_de - building audio toys for kids (we're hiring)On Mastodon at @bassistance@chaos.social|
+|@bastianallgeier|@bastianallgeier@mastodon.social|designer+developer creator of https://t.co/0IU7rdyCL1|
+|@baudehlo|Matt Sergeant|CTO at @Ideal - AI for Recruiting|
+|@baynardwoods|baynardwoods|Author of Inheritance: An Autobiography of Whiteness” @hachetteus @legacylitbooks Co-author “I Got a Monster.” Repped by @brandibowles @unitedtalent|
+|@beaulebens|Beau|Head of Engineering for @WooCommerce at @Automattic. Previously worked on @Jetpack @WordPressDotCom and more. he/him.|
+|@beep|Ethan Marcotte|Digs @drinkerthinker. Designer writer speaker and tech worker. Started that @RWD thing.💌: https://t.co/g1vI5wKhR5🐘: https://t.co/eYM90Ey51q|
+|@belovedleader|I ❤️ bin chickens!|Writer of story poetry and code. Currently creating pretty pictures for minting NFTs and messing with Svelte!|
+|@benbalter|Ben Balter|Attorney open source developer Chief of Staff for Security @GitHub. Previously @GitHub Trust & Safety and @PIFgov.|
+|@benschwarz|@benschwarz@front-end.social|Co-founder / “CEO” @calibreapp. I’m a web product developer web performance researcher & writer. Cycling as much as I can and trying to have a nice time ✌️|
+|@benwerd|Ben Werdmuller|CTO @19thnews. This account is closed. Follow me at https://t.co/Bw1M0wZU9h (my site) or https://t.co/PH8bIRgTm0 (Mastodon) instead.|
+|@ben_fry|Ben Fry|Now using Mastodon: https://t.co/lj5DsxMthwFounder @FathomInfo co-founder @ProcessingOrg lecturer @MIT.|
+|@bgalmar|Bob Galmarini|papa husband surfer cyclist | leading the creative team @databricks | previously @slackhq & @zendesk | Etc...|
+|@bigbluehat|bigbluehat|inventor & evangelist - I ❤ the Web collaboration @w3c #webannotation #jsonld @couchdb @pouchdb #linkeddata | organizes @RESTFest | builds @blueinkcms|
+|@billread|Bill Read|Christian husband father Mac consultant web developer photographer in the Lowcountry of SC|
+|@blu3r4d0n|Philip Nelson (@blu3r4d0n@octodon.social)|select * from users where job = 'Data science fellow @COVID_Oversight' AND hobby = '☕' AND kernel='🐧'@blu3r4d0n@octodon.social|
+|@BohemianPixel|Andy Thornton|Please visit @codepoetsarah as my new twitter account.|
+|@boone|Boone B. Gorges|philosophy computers higher ed crosswords Jesse Frederick-composed theme songs|
+|@boonedocks|Mike Boone|Ruby/Rails & general computer geek. Love triathlon chess kayaking and nature photography. https://t.co/i4pEUsbldJ|
+|@boredzo|Peter Hosey|they/them@boredzo@mastodon.socialhttps://t.co/M1ntUtcz82@TheMatrixDotGIF|
+|@BoweFrankema|Bowe Frankema|I love working with WordPress and helping others do the same! Co-Founder and Head of Product @getdollie the Cloud Platform Builder for WordPress|
+|@BPViz|BPViz|Broadening Participation in Visualization|
+|@bradfitz|Brad Fitzpatrick 🌻|I do computers. Married to @radkat. Two sons. Xoogler. @golang team '10~'20. Made LiveJournal memcached. Currently @Tailscale.Fediverse: @bradfitz@inuh.net|
+|@bradleymeck|Bradley Farias|On hiatus.Thoughts are my own. He/him.Buy me a cup of tea/croissant via https://t.co/7Ay33P97fZ…|
+|@bradneuberg|Brad Neuberg|ML Engineer @planet. Research w/ @FDL_AI. Prev @ Dropbox/Google. Started coworking. Interests: machine learning space EO VR. https://t.co/m7fXSRGHHV|
+|@BrendanEich|BrendanEich|Co-founder & CEO @Brave Software (https://t.co/NV4bmd6vxq) and @attentiontoken (https://t.co/XhGIrdBJWu). Co-founded Mozilla & Firefox. Created JavaScript.|
+|@BretWeinstein|Bret Weinstein|DarkHorse. Prof in Exile. Trade-Offs. Telomeres senescence & cancer. Reluctant Radical. Game~B—Hard To Silence. Emojis imply irony. Opinions are not my own 🤔|
+|@brianjfox|Brian J. Fox|Technologist Free Software guy|
+|@brianleroux|@brianleroux@indieweb.social 💙|extremely hardcore cofounder @begin building functional web apps w https://t.co/oIvZnkgLBO and https://t.co/8kTGgGXNrw aws serverless heroes indieweb developer🖤|
+|@briantford|Brian Ford|✨ FP ✨ Front End ✨ JavaScript ✨ PureScript ✨|
+|@brian_lovin|Brian Lovin|🏕️ Building @trycampsite🐙 Prev. @github🔮 Videos https://t.co/IdhBYekNoB🎙 Podcasting @designdetailsfm📦 Made @staffdotdesign @withspectrum @specfm|
+|@bruces|Move Fast and Fire Things|one of the better-known Bruce Sterlings. Author journalist editor critic|
+|@BryanAlexander|Bryan Alexander|Education futurist. Author of Academia Next.Writer speaker convener consultant teacher.The Ax-Wielding Futurist - Ozy|
+|@brynosaurus|Bryan Ford|Monsieur le Professaurus de l'Info-Cyber Blahdeeblah EPFL|
+|@bscofield|Ben Scofield|Software engineer former conference organizer interested in philosophy and psychology of expertise. bscofield@hachyderm.io - he/him|
+|@bwaggoner|bwaggoner|Husband. Daddy. Art Director. Agency Partner. Dancehall Reggae fanatic. Founder: Dub Island Soundsystem & The Dubplates Reggae Riddim Band. Jayhawk. Minnesotan.|
+|@calebporzio|Caleb Porzio|Libs: @Alpine_JS & @LaravelLivewirePods: @noplanstomerge & https://t.co/T29wEQy5BvProd: https://t.co/IvxSUd6ZO6|
+|@calweb|Calvin D. Webster II|ordinary guy who is extraordinarily curious about our world. born in hawaii military family loves beach nature and people.|
+|@carlhancock|Carl Hancock 🚀🇨🇷|CEO and Founder of @Gravity and @GravityForms. Live in #CostaRica. 🇺🇸🇨🇷|
+|@carllerche|carl.tokio|I work on @tokio_rs. It's serious business|
+|@carsonified|carsonified|PLEASE NOTE: This account is managed by @Future_Insights. Follow @Future_Insights for news conferences and information for web designers and devs.|
+|@carterac|Carter Cleveland|Spacetime traveler Founder & Exec Chair at @Artsy|
+|@castillo__io|Alex Castillo|Left @Netflix to start @Neurosity. I tweet about the brain computers and brain-computer interfaces.|
+|@cbarrett|Colin Barrett 🍂|Colin (any/all) 🏳️🌈 💖💜💙Coder. Violinist. Far-left (ACAB)|
+|@cdharrison|Chris Harrison 🫥|“I’ve given up all chance at inner peace. I’ve made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts.”|
+|@cdixon|cdixon.eth|Programming philosophy history internet startups web3 @ a16z|
+|@cdmwebs|Chris Moore|Likes: pizza people @knowndecimal Ruby @ShopifyPlus. @cdmwebs@ruby.social4519 4E04 84FD 5328|
+|@ch00n|Ryan|Entrepreneur geek father to 2 amazing kids & aspiring music producer/DJ|
+|@chacon|Scott Chacon|CEO of @chatterbugapp cofounder of Berlin accelerator @SCNE_io previously cofounder of @github. All opinions are my own but also objectively the best.|
+|@chadhagen|Chad Hagen|We don’t talk about planes flying we talk about them crashing.” ― Tibor Kalman|
+|@chadnorman|Chad Norman|Catch Co-Founder & COO + family guy author speaker surfer skateboarder musician photographer startup lover & passionate life pursuer|
+|@charlestonjs|Charleston JS|CharlestonJS is a CommunityJS group in Charleston SC. Meetings held weekly online at 5pm EST everyone is welcome! 🙌 https://Charleston https://t.co/w8k0tg6pmD|
+|@charlietuna|Charles Ying| Safari App Clips. Ex-Flipboard Trilithium at Sony Snow Stack. he/him.https://t.co/5V6Xk43N6E|
+|@chrishajer|Chris Hajer|I fix things|
+|@chrislea|Chris Lea|Computering with the computers. Software Engineer at @marqeta. Photography dabbler. Linux user. Tar Heel. Athiest. https://t.co/x6p70JiaaJ and @chrislea@noc.social|
+|@chrismatthieu|Chris Matthieu|Entrepreneur-In-Residence @Intel. Founder @computesio (acquired by @magicleap) @octoblu (acquired by @citrix)... Tweets are my own.|
+|@chrismerritt|Chris Merritt|I'd rather be outdoors.☕ ⛰️ 🎣 🏕 🍻|
+|@chrismessina|Chris Messina 🐀|Deny|
+|@ChristinaDEI|Christina Engelbart|Posting news and musings from Doug Engelbart Institute: augmenting human intellect bootstrapping brilliance and great moments in tech history|
+|@christophrumpel|Christoph Rumpel 🤠|PHP Developer And Teacher at https://t.co/wlINokj30p 🤓Author of PEST Driven Laravel Laravel Core Adventures and Mastering PhpStorm 🔥Boulderer 🧗♂️|
+|@chris_trag|Chris Trag|Currently leading @AmazonAppDev Evangelism 📦🛠 Previously: @StripeDev @Evernote @RokuDev @Harvardw3|
+|@chsdug|#chsdug|A Drupal User Group (DUG) for Charleston SC - operated by @khawkins98 & @exposur3|
+|@chsruby|Charleston Ruby|Charleston South Carolina Ruby Users Group|
+|@chsweb|Fresh Start|Design Ops and UX specialist. Honing my craft since 1999. Save time. Feel good. Make money.™ Family. Runner. Cyclist. Swimmer. Stoic.|
+|@citizenk|Serge K. Keller ❦ 🏴☠️|Sharp. Intelligent. Cold-blooded. Ruthless. I void warranties. — Sutor ne ultra crepidam — κάτι τρέχει στα γύφτικα — My ♡ are ☆ — And I'm all outta gum.|
+|@clattner_llvm|Chris Lattner|Leading a first-principles rethink of AI/ML infra @Modular_AI lifting the world of production ML software into a new phase of innovation. We’re hiring! 🚀🧠|
+|@clifcunn|cliftonc|CTO @ Infinitas Learning avid technologist and husband figuring out how to apply the things I've learned to learn more every day.|
+|@cloudhead|cloudhead|Founder @radicle🌱 • Software Eng. • #Bitcoin https://t.co/WafngCPg4c • Pixels 👾 https://t.co/5pXD2DR72Z • 🦇🔊|
+|@codebrewstudios|Code Brew Studios|Rails mongoDB jQuery consulting|
+|@codeinthehole|David Winterbottom|Male software craftswoman — Head of Engineering at Kraken Technologies (part of Octopus Energy).Likes are bookmarks not endorsements.|
+|@CodeWisdom|Programming Wisdom|Programming wisdom and quotes throughout the years.The Knuth the whole Knuth and nothing but the Knuth so help me Codd.|
+|@codewthkristian|Code with Kristian|JavaScript guy - afk from Twitter|
+|@codinghorror|Jeff Atwood|Indoor enthusiast. Co-founder of https://t.co/e62S5uB0qg and https://t.co/Tuh5wHPa4a. Let’s be kind to each other. Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking about|
+|@codylindley|cody lindley|Lover of Christ people reason & dying art of discourse. Husband & father. Front-end UI/JS Engineer 4 25+ yrs. & Principal Software Engineer @Microsoft|
+|@collision|John Collison|Co-founder of @stripe.|
+|@commandlinefu|CommandLineFu|Command line diamonds created and voted on by our members|
+|@compelled2paint|David Boyd Jr.|teacher painter photographer|
+|@corymiller303|Cory Miller💥|Wrangler @post_status for WordPress founders & pros formerly @iThemes Mental Health 💯 First dude to @lindseymillerwp (He/Him)|
+|@Crell|Larry Garfield|Collaboration advocate. Clean code advocate. Clean government advocate. Geek. #PSR8-compatible. crell@phpc.social on Mastodon.|
+|@cshirky|Clay Shirky|Parody Account|
+|@csoghoian|Christopher Soghoian|Work: Senior Advisor for Privacy and Cybersecurity Office of Senator Ron Wyden. Mastodon: @csoghoian@infosec.exchange|
+|@cultigraphic|Cultigraphic|Creative peeps who enjoy great design pop culture ART and good food.|
+|@cyriakharris|cyriak harris|animator of weird stuff.https://t.co/mpRSimd5Oahttps://t.co/7zxr7CxxmZ|
+|@c_sheare|Courtney Shearer|Harvard PhD Student SSQB @DeboraMarksLab Turtles all the way down. @ClemsonUniv Alumni Prev @CRISPRtx @Zymergen https://t.co/tZFRWOwQ5x|
+|@dallard|Derek Allard|Nerd but in a cool wa... oh who am I kidding?|
+|@danbenjamin|Dan Benjamin|Way of the future.I make podcasts at https://t.co/JWiGFNacBh and run https://t.co/poD65d1wKC.|
+|@danbri|Dan Brickley @danbri@mastodon.social|@danbri@mastodon.social I run https://t.co/zLahU8U9nS work at @GoogleOSS. Technologist standards open data. “He/him” but “them” where gender irrelevant is good 😷|
+|@danielfelice|Daniel Felice||
+|@daniellecitron|Danielle Citron|@UVALaw Prof @UVALawTech Dir. | VP @CCRInitiative | #MacFellow | Hate Crimes in Cyberspace ‘14 | The Fight for Privacy @WWNorton @PenguinUK ‘22 | 🍋 🐱|
+|@danklammer|Dan Klammer|Designer. Tinkerer. Webperf Optimizer.|
+|@danmilward|Dan Milward 👾 🧛♂️|Founder of Gamefroot https://t.co/kSCH3fI3pU (HTML5 game dev). Learning Web3. Opinions are my own. Sometimes I like to bite. I ❤️ Game Design.|
+|@dan_abramov|дэн|zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom|
+|@DAPennebaker|D A Pennebaker|One half of the documentary duo Pennebaker Hegedus @PHFilms. Our new film is @UTCFilm.|
+|@davecoveney|David Coveney|Code and software veteran. I've seen every craze come and go since first picking up a computer in 1983 and getting a job in 1987.@icit_tweets is my firm.|
+|@davetron5000|David Copeland|CTO@Mood Health. Former Stitch Fix Author of Sustainable Web Development w/ Ruby on Rails & The Senior Software Engineer. he/him @davetron5000@ruby.social|
+|@davewiner|Dave Winer|I am @davew@mastodon.social. Follow me. ❤️Look up FeedLand and Drummer my two current big products. I am also https://t.co/FELMvm42q4.Still diggin!|
+|@DavidKaneda|David Kaneda|Founder & CEO @cosy_app. Previously co-founded @atSpoke (acq by @okta) DIR @benchmark and UX @google. Designer developer keyboard enthusiast.|
+|@davidlenehan|Lenny|Polldaddy - Automattic - WooCommerce - Tumblr|
+|@ddebernardy|Denis de Bernardy|The science is corrupt trash. It's soil not oil.🌱 #Agroecology🌳 #ForestGardens🏴 #MutualAid🏹 #Indigenous|
+|@ddollar|David Dollar|Epiphyte Labs. Previously Convox Nitrous Heroku.|
+|@deanjrobinson|Dean Robinson|Cricket statistic things @bigbashboard Design things @thirdkit Basketball things @newcastlenbl Other things elsewhere.|
+|@ded|No I Diaz 🤷🏻|Elite Masters Marathoner. Engineering Leader. Product Team Strategist.|
+|@defunctzombie|Roman Shtylman|Computer WhispererCo-founder @ https://t.co/1pqM6lwS4E|
+|@deisinger|David Eisinger|Ruby on Rails & Javascript developer at Viget Labs. Friend of birds.|
+|@demiansellfors|Demian Sellfors|Founder: @mediatemple New: https://t.co/fD0NgpbBz1|
+|@DennisJerz|Dennis Jerz|Grateful for masks vaccines and America's First Amendment freedoms.Humanities/English https://t.co/LPCISjwYnS (Opinions are my own not Elon Musk's.)|
+|@desandro|Dave DeSandro|Designer Developer @FictiveKin. JavaScript & logos @metafizzyco. Made Masonry Flickity & Isotope|
+|@devdevcharlie|Charlie Gerard | @devdevcharlie@hachyderm.io|Senior dev. Also @GoogleDevExpert and published author 📗. Very much into creative technology and HCI mostly in JavaScript.She / Her.|
+|@developmentseed|developmentseed|Winning with open data + We're hiring|
+|@devilbluefilms|Devil Blue Films|We make documentaries like #AVenueForTheEndOfTheWorld and books like #ToKnowJohnLennon #OurJimi & #WoodstockAt50.|
+|@devinivy|devin ivy|@bluesky / I know nothing about routes|
+|@devongovett|Devon Govett|Creator of @parceljs. Engineer @adobe working on React Aria and React Spectrum. Previously @livefyre and @storify.|
+|@DEVOPS_BORAT|DevOps Borat|Cultural Learnings of DevOps for Make Benefit Glorious Teams of Devs and Ops.|
+|@dhh|DHH|Creator of Ruby on Rails Co-owner & CTO of 37signals (Basecamp & HEY) NYT best-selling author and Le Mans 24h class-winner. No DMs email: dhh@hey.com|
+|@dimensionmedia|David Bisset|Dad³. PHP/WordPress/BuddyPress Developer. Project Manager @WPCharitable. @AwesomeMotive. #WCMIA Cofounder. Meetup and event organizer. Tweets and ❤️ are my own.|
+|@discoshrike|Cat o’ Nine Memes|Freedomism Speechist. A dedicationist nonslanderish outlandicist. That smell you foresmell may be aging bait.|
+|@djspiewak|Daniel Spiewak|Progressively redirecting to https://t.co/DeFYDDcrcj|
+|@DmitryBaranovsk|Dmitry Baranovskiy|JavaScript Artist|
+|@doctorow|Cory Doctorow @pluralistic@mamot.fr|Author journalist activist. Touring Chokepoint Capitalism - how to unrig creative labor markets and get artists paid https://t.co/98L7aGvnRP|
+|@domenic|Domenic Denicola|Works on @googlechrome to make the web better mostly through specs. Work includes the @htmlstandard @streamsstandard JavaScript modules custom elements ...|
+|@dominictarr|Dominic Tarr|co-founder and engineer @socketsupply|
+|@donncha|Donncha Ó Caoimh|Software developer by day and night. Photographer of all I see around me. He/him.@donncha@mastodon.iePhotos: https://t.co/zH37JiWtwhInstagram: https://t.co/EbtRXKxf86|
+|@DougCoupland|Doug Coupland|Never left art school|
+|@Dries|Dries Buytaert|Creator of Drupal Drupal project lead co-founder and CTO of Acquia. Young Global Leader at WEF. Building the world we want to exist in.|
+|@driesvints|Dries Vints 🪐|👨🚀 @laravelphp Core Team • ⭐️ @github Star • 💸 @stripe Community Expert • 🎙 Organising @fullstackbe & @fullstackeu • 💻 Building @laravelio & @eventyio|
+|@DRMacIver|David R. MacIver|This is mostly a personal account about how being human is irritatingly difficult.@DRMacIver@mastodon.social if you want a backup but I don't toot there yet.|
+|@drnic|Dr Nic|Runy on Rails engineer. CEO of Mocra Founder of Stark & Wayne https://t.co/BOSKEaqyMR|
+|@dscape|Nuno Job|@decipad | https://t.co/Zj8k5VSSwS | @yldio|
+|@dshaw|Dan Shaw|Founder and @Ethereum Advisor serving Enterprise Community. Founded @CorDevelopment ( https://t.co/sPOm3ssiPc ) @NodeSource The Node Firm. Always bet on Node.js ✨ he/him|
+|@eddywashere|eddy|📷 🎹💻🕸🎨 views are my own|
+|@eescreencasts|eescreencasts|Learn ExpressionEngine and more with our proven training materials.|
+|@electerious|Tobias Reich|Web developer and designer. Maker of @getackee and @laudable_apps.|
+|@emshort|Emily Short (no longer here)|I am no longer using Twitter regularly - contact me via https://t.co/B9bXdfrx62 if you need to be in touch.|
+|@enunomaduro|nuno maduro 🤌🏻|@laravelphp core team member — created @pestphp @laravelzero collision larastan @phpinsights termwind and more. All views are my own.|
+|@ericandrewlewis|eric|bamboo shredder|
+|@ericdodds|ericdodds|Practicing the art of bringing guns to a knife fight. Fighting for https://t.co/BSS5mQD4jk|
+|@ericlbarnes|Eric L. Barnes|I write about the Laravel PHP framework @laravelnews / @laraveljobs / @laracononline / @helpspot 🦥 email me eric@ericlbarnes.com|
+|@eriktoth|Erik Toth|Intently Discontented|
+|@EthanZ|Ethan no blue check before it was cool Zuckerman|UMass Amherst Global Voices Berkman Klein Center. Previously MIT Geekcorps Tripod. RT ≠ endorsement RT = interesting read. He/Him @ethanz@octodon.social|
+|@ev|Ev|there's more than one way to do it|
+|@evanwallace|Evan Wallace | @evanw@hachyderm.io|Working on esbuild. Cofounder of @figma. Proficient with web browsers.https://t.co/s6LllODAOt|
+|@evgenymorozov|Evgeny Morozov|Founder and publisher @syllabus_tweets author|
+|@ewrcode|Eric Richardson|Devops Node.js and Ruby|
+|@fabpot|Fabien Potencier|@platformsh CPO @Symfony founder project lead and CEO|
+|@faiqus|paki tony soprano (tax payer)|POSITIVE DUDE|
+|@fauxstackdev|https://hachyderm.io/@benng|No longer on Twitter see you in the Fediverse.|
+|@felixge|Felix Geisendörfer @felixge@home.social|Tweets about #golang #postgresql #typescript and #linux. Now: Go Profiling @datadoghq. Before: @Apple Co-founder of @transloadit and @nodejs core dev.|
+|@fhemberger|Frederic | @frederic@chaos.social|HTTP 410 Gone|
+|@fideloper|Chris Fidao|Slinging bytes in servers 👾 https://t.co/Ie5PVqL0Ed 🔄 @chipperci ☁️ @cloudcastsio|
+|@filipstefansson|Filip Stefansson|Engineering at @pixby. Co-founder @pixby. Working on @capterqa.|
+|@filosofo|Austin Matzko|Programmer WordPress developer|
+|@flesler|Ariel Flesler|Senior Full Stack Developer|
+|@folkertgorter|Folkert Gorter|ceo @cargocollective|
+|@foralien|Anna Ladoshkina|analyst & web developer by profession and poet by nature addict to city I live in - S.Petersburg founder of @foralien_bureau|
+|@FourKitchens|Four Kitchens|An award-winning distributed digital agency with expertise in #Drupal and #WordPress development design UX and accessibility.|
+|@francescolaffi|Francesco Laffi|Software Engineering Manager – 📈Data-Driven Growth – sailing&riding around the world|
+|@franksvalli|David Calhoun|Lead Frontend @MethaneSAT (part of @EnvDefenseFund). Sometimes philoso-photographer.|
+|@frank_chimero|Frank Chimero|Another designer in NYC.Head of Brand @ModernTreasury.What did we learn Palmer?|
+|@fredwilson|Fred Wilson|I am a VCMy NFT collection is here https://t.co/IniT6UlnEhAnd in 3D here https://t.co/GRmkI8i65q|
+|@freekmurze|Freek Van der Herten 🔭|PHP developer at @spatie_be built @getmailcoach https://t.co/IRUtuG0FwZ @ohdearapp and @flareappio blogging at https://t.co/a3spVy88VN organising @fullstackeu|
+|@fwideman|Frank Wideman||
+|@gaborhojtsy|Gábor Hojtsy|He/Him. Drupal Initiative Coordinator Coordinator working at Acquia. Father of two amazing kids.|
+|@gabrielshalom|Gabriel Shalom|Artist / Music Producer / Director|
+|@gabrielvaldivia|Gabriel Valdivia|find me on @gv@mastodon.social|
+|@gamerz|Lester Chan|🌏 Blogger at https://t.co/xwrHNex5dU.🥞 Full Stack Engineer @grabsg.❤️ Husband to @layhiang.🐦 Tweets are my own.|
+|@gavinsharp|Gavin Sharp||
+|@gcorne|Gregory Cornelius|I write code and occasionally music. current: @Shopify previous: @HubSpot @Automattic & Boston University he/him|
+|@genecrawford|Gene Crawford|Blackbelt Coach Gym Owner Web Designer & CoWork Starter.|
+|@GeorgeOnline|George H. Williams - hope the high road|“I’ve heard enough of the white man’s blues. I sang enough about myself” :: he/him | they/them. Gmail me at GeorgeHWilliams|
+|@getpantheon|Pantheon|Pantheon empowers developers IT and marketing to build and maintain websites that deliver extraordinary results with our #WebOps platform|
+|@gglnx_alt|gglnx Archiv|Eingestellt. Neustart unter @gglnx. Nur noch aus Archivgründen hier.|
+|@gilesgoatboy|giles bowkett|he/him. my public account is @gilesbowkett|
+|@giron|Alex Girón|Working on @join__team. Done a few startups. Ex @twitter @eventbrite. Use to run a design agency @nclud. Always learning.|
+|@gonedark|Jason McCreary 🎻|I’m JMac. I build things with my hands like @laravelshift https://t.co/ZWw5G9lHYc https://t.co/Oe7yZVzRDY and my standing desk.|
+|@gordonlyon|Gordon Fyodor Lyon|Most of my Twitter posts are from @nmap so your best bet is probably to follow me there.|
+|@graydon_pub|Graydon Hoare -- @graydon@types.pl||
+|@GreatDismal|William Gibson|Author of Neuromancer The Peripheral Agency… I’m also @GreatDismal@mastodon.social|
+|@greggpollack|Gregg Pollack|Teaching programming with @VueMastery (https://t.co/8vwwFrCkHN) and teaching self-awareness at https://t.co/en9mg7I6sQ. Founder of @EnvyLabs Code School @StarterStudio|
+|@gregnewman|Greg Newman|Artist and Software Craftsman Full-time Learner #python #django #germanshepherds #running #portraitartist #classicalguitar|
+|@grndlvl|Jonathan DeLaigle||
+|@gryghostvisuals|Gray Ghost|Web Development & Design Technical Writing Interaction Design Open Source Maker & Contributor. Helping Create A Better Web.|
+|@gt|Geoff Teehan|Chief Design Officer Lightspark|
+|@hacksparrow|Hage Yaapa|Computers | Martial Arts | @IBM|
+|@hadoop|Apache Hadoop|Open source software for reliable distributed scalable computing.|
+|@hakimel|Hakim El Hattab|Making @slides @revealjs & @kodemoapp • Creator of questionable value at https://t.co/2ZYbv6Bchp • 🇸🇪🇲🇦|
+|@hapijs|hapi.js|Application Framework for Node.js|
+|@happyworm|happyworm|Web Design and Applications for Generation Web - Home of jPlayer|
+|@harrybr|Harry Brignull - harrybr@masto.design|Consumer advocate: https://t.co/bBPXfeivoT. Expert witness: https://t.co/W1HFLClLGQ. Head of innovation at a global fintech company.BOOK COMING SOON! https://t.co/Lggo6kVruJ|
+|@hazelcough|michelle 👻|soft-bread engineer 🍞 public transit enthusiast 🚃|
+|@heapwolf|@heapwolf@fosstodon.org|Founder @socketsupply @dtnconf • Building @sockets_sh • Systems programmer researching internet RFCs #p2p and #localfirst • Blog https://t.co/G0jV3dLao9|
+|@helenhousandi|Helen 侯-Sandí|Senior EM @github OSPO. @WordPress Lead Dev. Collab pianist via @EastmanSchool. Best described as “a first-round pick for a bar fight or a board of directors.”|
+|@helzer|Amir Helzer|WorL and founder of a self-serve translation service.|
+|@hipsterhacker|HipsterHacker.eth|I write applications using technologies you haven't even heard of. My code is poetry meanwhile yours is oh-noetry.|
+|@Hixie|Ian Hickson||
+|@hnshah|hiten.eth|CEO at Nira (@niradotcom). Previously started @CrazyEgg and KISSmetrics. Customer Obsessed. NFT & Crypto aficionado. Never satisfied. Always grateful 🙏🏽|
+|@holtbt|Brian Holt|💳 dev ex @stripe👨🏫 @frontendmasters @vetswhocode👨💻 prev @code @azure @netflix @linkedin @reddit👨🎓 @seattleu MBA❤️ @ImNikiHolt👋 he/him|
+|@HolyCityFarms|Holy City Farms|Local tasty year round heirloom tomatoes...yum|
+|@iA|iA Inc.|We make @iAWriter @iAPresenter and @iANotebook. You can find us on Mastodon under: @ia@mastodon.online|
+|@iamcal|Cal Henderson|Slack CTO & co-founder|
+|@iamdave|Dave’s not here man.|Herman-Miller-chair-sports-writerAnti-CorporatistBlack af.Dope af. Nerdy af.|
+|@iandstewart|Ian Stewart|Design Lead at Automattic working on https://t.co/4Fx5WVuDP7.|
+|@ibjacobs|Ian Jacobs|I lead the payments activities of the @w3c.|
+|@iHiD|Jeremy Walker|👋 Co-founder at @exercism_io and @KaidoWellbeing. Geek entrepreneur boulderer traveller and coffee nerd.|
+|@imabug|imabug|Diagnostic medical physicist. PhD. Physics geek. Canadian-American. Geek of many trades master of a few. Amateur radio guy - AB4UG VA6BUG. YEG-DTW-CHS|
+|@Immildlyupset|Pea Soup|A bit of this and a bit of that-Good Book: https://t.co/grPvcrbWyhOk Design: https://t.co/uRTCqV84oFBad Music: https://t.co/KU1Ofpz21Y|
+|@indexzero|Charlie Robbins 🇺🇦|Engineer 🏗️ Leader🧘Founder 🧗 Trying to find a balance ⚖️ My words will always be my own. Likes = bookmarks. H/h|
+|@indutny|🇺🇦 indutny ( fosstodon.org/@indutny )|He/him software engineer at @signalapp.(Expressed views are my own)|
+|@internetarchive|Internet Archive|Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering millions of free books movies & audio files plus billions of saved web pages in the Wayback Machine|
+|@ireneros|Irene Ros -- @iros@vis.social|Likely out of here shortly. Find me on Mastodon. Googler. Helping people find answers. Opinions my own.🇺🇦 born and proud.|
+|@iTod|Todd Ditchendorf|Indie maker of @FluidApp @ShapesApp @RunwayUML & @FakeApp. Converts tabs to spaces.|
+|@izs|isaacs|npm inventor. he or whatever. If I blocked you and we're friends might be a mistake. https://t.co/YmDQpU36bM https://t.co/CU4d4dTuyH https://t.co/n0dVNGELTB|
+|@JackEllis|Jack Ellis|Co-founder of @usefathom the privacy-first alternative to Google Analytics.|
+|@jackhq|JRS Innovation Center|JRS Innovation Center a unit of Tabula Rasa HealthCare's software development team focuses on new concepts and technology in healthcare.|
+|@JackLenox|Jack Lenox ✊🏼|Engineering Manager @humanmadeltd MSc in Sustainability @centre_alt_tech https://t.co/PmH81v5s7x 🌍 he/him. Political at: @GreenPartyJack. Born at 349ppm.|
+|@jah|Justin Hall|CTO of https://t.co/T9TJb1APOI. Made a film about my life on the early web: https://t.co/2f5CQZpYl7 & infant parent|
+|@jamesbridle|James Bridle|Artist Author of NEW DARK AGE (Verso 2018) and WAYS OF BEING (Penguin/FSG 2022). He/They. @jamesbridle@mastodon.social|
+|@JamieJmckown|Jamie McKown|Wiggins Chair of Govt&Polity Assoc. Dean @collegeatlantic politics rhetoric conspiracy cold war 19th cent suffrage Spotty Abe Adelle Hazlett...|
+|@jaredwsmith|@jaredwsmith@mastodon.online|I made better moderation decisions as a teenager. IndieWeb weather dachshunds Padres. Founder @chswx pod @CarolinaWxGroup tees: https://t.co/Y3aiuLen6j|
+|@JarmoIsotalo|Jarmo Isotalo|⛵|
+|@jarredsumner|Jarred Sumner|building bun 🐰. formerly: @stripe (twice) @thielfellowship. high school dropout 🌈|
+|@jashkenas|Jeremy Ashkenas|Graphics Director for Opinion The New York TimesOn the hunt for the world’s sharpest visual opinions. Got a guest essay idea? Pitch me! jashkenas @ nytimes|
+|@jasnell|James M Snell|Mutuals: @iamjmsaltMastodon: https://t.co/j15bkWER7wNot Parody I am definitely the real James M Snell.|
+|@jasoncaffee|Jason Caffee|graphic designer web developer audio engineer. That's only forty nine characters of the allotted one hundred and sixty. I wonder how many more characters I ha|
+|@jasondew|Jason Dew|I write code and read books. he/him @jasondew@mas.to|
+|@jasonfried|Jason Fried|Founder & CEO at 37signals (makers of Basecamp and HEY). Non-serial entrepreneur serial author. No DMs email me at jason@hey.com.|
+|@jasongraphix|Jason Beaird|Amateur adult novice dad humble husband & professional optimist. Product Design Manager @SproutSocial #BlackLivesMatter he/him|
+|@jaspar|J Emory Parker 🏳️🌈 Subscribe to STAT+|Pulitzer prize winning editor and news developer. Now: Data Project Manager at @statnews. he/him. insta: jemoryparker | mastodon: https://t.co/fl4w51YhVg|
+|@jay_hoffmann|Jay Hoffmann|Lead Developer @ReaktivStudios. I made this thing: https://t.co/zbDm2rzLi0 Used to run a plugin review site called @tidyrepo. https://t.co/QcvCLX53J9|
+|@jbenton|Joshua Benton|Senior writer + founder of @NiemanLab at @Harvard. I write about (a) digital journalism (b) southern history mostly. Proud Cajun. Takes mine not Harvard's.|
+|@jchristopher|Jon Christopher|Believer. Husband. Dad. Builder. Building @OrganizeWP. Built (then sold) @SearchWP. Blogs sometimes (formerly @mondaybynoon). Works with @WordPress a lot.|
+|@jc_unknwon|Joe Chen|If there is no struggle then there is no progress. Easy things make people become dumb.Software Engineer @Sourcegraph opinions are my own.|
+|@jedschneider|Jed Schneider|former pro cyclist turned rubyist coffeescripter and coffee drinker husband and father. @modeset_ ftw|
+|@jeffr0|Jeff|I like trains weather classic rock music comedy and being WYSIWYG. I am the engineer of https://t.co/7Rnl8qgoVF where I write and talk about WordPress.|
+|@JeffreyBiles|Jeffrey Biles|Full-stack web devWorking on: SQuirrelLock Holmes (SQL game)Soon: @TheEffectiveDev (YouTube)Formerly: Staff engineer at SV unicornAlso: Eco homes|
+|@jeffreyrossum|Jeffrey van Rossum|Freelance PHP-developer working primarily with Laravel and WordPress. Blog at https://t.co/UpxEyMCtbQ. Creator of https://t.co/3ZwS0svLix and https://t.co/nOpTwl0nOe.|
+|@jeffrey_way|Jeffrey Way|I am error.|
+|@jeffsayre|Jeff Sayre|Founder Chairmen CEO Claris GenomiX 🧬Serial Entrepreneur⬩Advisor⬩Angel⬩Futurist⬩Technologist⬩Naturalist 🧬RTs not endorsements 🧬|
+|@jeff_jaffe|Jeff Jaffe||
+|@jehb|Jason is now @jehb@mastodon.social|No longer here. DMs and mentions will not be seen. Let's chat on Mastodon: @jehb@mastodon.social.|
+|@jenmylo|Jinx Mylo|PhD student at BGSU. UX mind for hire. Formerly of WordPress aka Jane Wells. Autistic. Acupuncturist. Rescuer of cats and half-formed ideas. she/they|
+|@jennschiffer|@jenn@pixel.kitchen|FOLLOW ME ON PETFINDER: https://t.co/sP9vc5mQqt|
+|@jensnockert|Jens Nockert|Battle programmer at night - Works as mahō shōjo at eCraft International during the day.|
+|@jeremyfelt|Jeremy Felt|👋🏻 Active at https://t.co/XVpe9Fb9j9 and https://t.co/7w2Z6NqOQJNever gonna tweet again 🕺But it's been real y'all!|
+|@jeremyjantz|Jeremy Jantz|Freelance Front-End Web Designer. Work at @atlaslocal.|
+|@jeresig|John Resig|Creator of @jquery Chief Software Architect at @khanacademy. Also Cohost https://t.co/MFsk2n6WUR Mastodon https://t.co/ojLGEDdo6I Insta https://t.co/zX6J69MhLz|
+|@jfhbrook|Josh Holbrook|software engineer • computers autism leftism alaska • mastodon: @jfhbrook@oldbytes.space • cohost: https://t.co/CGibuDuur7 • he/they|
+|@jfox85|Jon Fox|Co-founder of http://t.co/HZjB1N0vd3 & http://t.co/6HKZudDMBV - Tech Entrepreneur - Now working at @WalmartLabs|
+|@jimgroom|Jim Groom|a b twit|
+|@jimmy_butts|Jimmy Butts|Strangeness is a virtue. Director of the University Writing Program at LSU. Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition. he/they|
+|@jjeff|Jeff Robbins|Creator of Visibox/@spaceage_tv. Musician in @123Astronaut & @orbitband. Cofounder at @Lullabot. Executive Coach at jjeff․com.|
+|@JJJ|John James Jacoby|WordPress things. Happy to be helpful. I like roller skating 808'ing onewheeling and puppy squeezing. 🛼🥁🛞🐶|
+|@jkottke|Jason Kottke|Trying to do better. VT/Internet. he/him (On a Twitter break until Fall 2022). Also at https://t.co/PslcnW0h8V.|
+|@jlax|Jon Lax|It's a daily operation | VP Reality Labs Design at Meta | From the 416 now in the 415|
+|@jlongster|James Long|maker of @actualbudget. design systems @stripe. prev @mozilla. support my open source work: https://t.co/cP6eGNKqRW|
+|@jmar777|Jeremy Martin|Software Engineer @ https://t.co/nOEWl36YTW ༶ Full-time Programmer ༶ Part-time Ranter ༶ Traveler ༶ Photographer ༶ AI Art ༶ Husband ༶ Father ༶ Simul Iustus et Peccator|
+|@jmvidal|Jose M Vidal|Professor Computer Science and Engineering U. of South Carolina.|
+|@joaoflux|joaoflux|(almost) unborable flow artist & bullshit designer|
+|@joewalnes|Joe Walnes|{SoftwareHardwareDeveloperDesignerMakerInventor}Work at Apple on future technology. Come join me.Previously: {GoogleThoughtWorksTradingFounder}|
+|@joe_hoyle|Joe Hoyle|Co-founder & CTO @humanmadeltd @altisdxp @joehoyle@fosstodon.org|
+|@johndbritton|John Britton|Founder of https://t.co/cGji88bEuP (@raisedevs) – Developer and Educator. Curious. College escapee. World traveling vagabond. Past: @github @p2pu @mozilla @twilio.|
+|@JohnDCook|John D. Cook|I turn business problems into math problems then solve them.|
+|@johnmaeda|John Maeda|📘 How To Speak Machine https://t.co/eb6gj2wf1b / TIME Magazine Top 100 Twitter Feeds / S 🇺🇸 / EP #CanvasFilm|
+|@JohnONolan|John O'Nolan 🏴☠️|Founder/CEO @Ghost - Geographically restless. Publishing open source and independent business around the world.|
+|@johnturner|John Turner|Co-Founder of https://t.co/0MCoAzjj03 and https://t.co/86AACGxmZF partner at https://t.co/ZqniPmdI38|
+|@John_Parris|John Parris|In the woods|
+|@JonathanNguyen|Jonathan Nguyen|Founder of @weareunsensible. Archived after 31 days. Be excellent to each other.|
+|@jonathanstark|Jonathan Stark|Email me (I barely check social media)|
+|@jonikorpi|Joni Korpi (@jonikorpi@mastodon.gamedev.place)|Making multiplayer games using the web platform as @vuorodesign. Previously @kiskolabs. Mostly here: https://j0jV.|
+|@jonl|@jonl@mastodon.wellperns.com|Co-wrangler of Plutopia News Network cohost Radio Free Plutopia. https://t.co/chY1diV3CR Podcaster writer dharma observer enzyme. Also @jonkl@mastodon.social|
+|@jonobacon|Jono Bacon|I help people build communities. Prev. led community at @github / @canonical / @xprize. Author of 'People Powered'. @Forbes columnist. Founder of @baroncarta.|
+|@josephscott|Joseph Scott|Husband father and lead of the performance team at AutomatticIf it all goes south - https://t.co/DLhRXE4xBQ|
+|@joshest3p|Josh Estep|Sr. Drupal Developer at Promet Source|
+|@joshfraser|Josh Fraser (joshfraser.eth)|Founder @originprotocol $OGN $OUSD $OGV#CodeIsSpeech|
+|@joshmlewis|Josh Lewis|I build and fix software drones and old motorcycles.|
+|@joshnissenboim|Josh Nissenboim|Fuzzco Pretend Store Serious Buildings.|
+|@joshpangell|Josh Pangell|Co-founder / CTO → @cargocollective|
+|@joshskidmore|Josh Skidmore||
+|@jpablobr|Pablo Barrantes|@pablobarrantesr|
+|@JPBarlow|John Perry Barlow|I co-founded EFF wrote songs for the Deadranched in Wyoming for 17 years. A weird father a good friend and an excellent ex|
+|@jsgoecke|Jason Goecke|Father. Geek. Photographer. On the board at @iskme. VP CCG @Intel & GM. Tweets are my own. https://t.co/knEuhlRlPX #iamintel|
+|@jshttp|jshttp|Building low-level JavaScript HTTP-related modules.|
+|@jtaby|Majd Taby|Co-Founder: @usedarkroom Apple Design Award winner. Author: https://t.co/fyLIb2KAN8 ICP Award Nominated. Previously: Lyft Instagram Facebook and Apple.|
+|@jtauber|James Tauber|@eldarion Web & Python dev language & learning & data science Greek & Germanic philology music theory & composition cosmology Tolkien wine Christian|
+|@jtimberman|@jtimberman@hachyderm.io|I don't condone the owner of Twitter's actions and won't be spending much more time here.|
+|@juberti|Justin Uberti|CTO @fixieai. ex-@google Distinguished Engineer created WebRTC and Google Duo tech lead for Stadia Hangouts AIM. Occasional mathematician and musician.|
+|@Julian|Julian Shapiro|Storyteller at https://t.co/LzP2yuIl81. Seed investor at https://t.co/0C5yNeQ8YO. Writing newsletter below.|
+|@juliandibbell|Julian Dibbell|Writer (Wired NY Times Magazine Village Voice et al.) author (Play Money My Tiny Life) lawyer (Mayer Brown LLP).|
+|@julien51|Jᵾlien Genestoux|Founder @unlockprotocol. (NFT memberships) Previously @superfeedr (RSS websub) sold to @medium in 2016!julien51.eth @julien51@mastodon.cloud|
+|@justinabrahms|Email me: justin@abrah.ms|I care about scaling systems human ones and computer ones. He/they.|
+|@justinholtweb|Justin Holt|web developer specializing in Craft CMS. dad. husband. award winning BBQ pitmaster & competitor. Go Yankees! bmx alumni|
+|@justintadlock|Justin Tadlock|A writer artist and developer with too many cats.WordPress Developer Advocate (via Automattic).|
+|@justlikeair|Shane Pearlman|CEO at Modern Tribe. Surfer. Traveler. Dad.|
+|@jwomack|Jack Womack|I would prefer not to. @Jwomack@zirk.us|
+|@kabacoff|Robert Kabacoff|Professor Quantitative Analysis Center Wesleyan University|
+|@kadamwhite|K. Adam White|Principal Engineer @humanmadeltd artist @WordPress contributor and spouse of @EmilyGarfield. These days I mostly just post links to my DJ streams. He/Him|
+|@KalaWhite3|Kala White|Product manager artist wife mother lover of the ocean.|
+|@kaskcreativity|Nick Kask|I design identities and web sites.|
+|@kBasarab|Kevin Basarab|VP Delivery - Mediacurrent Journalism web dev videography/lighting buff and more for the price of one|
+|@kdy1dev|▲ Donny (강동윤)|Developing next.js and swc (https://t.co/pMsBbhuZDT) @vercelAlso working on a new typescript type checker. https://t.co/aZK3kAA9NKOpinons are my own.|
+|@kentcdodds|Kent C. Dodds 🌌|Improving the world with quality software · Husband Father Latter-day Saint Teacher OSS · https://t.co/pPQmnZS6rR · https://t.co/7KDAxIs02L · https://t.co/U5KafpJTZp|
+|@kevin2kelly|Kevin Kelly|Senior Maverick at Wired author of bestseller book The Inevitable. Also Cool Tool maven Recomendo chief Asia-holic and True Film buff.|
+|@KevinWoblick|Kevin Woblick|I turn Pizza into Code and Photos | Creator of @CloudhikerApp @LinkAceApp @GameQuotesNet & many more| Blog: https://t.co/s9mfZ2KVNX | Mastodon: @kovah@mastodon.social|
+|@kevsmith|Kevin Smith|I like building stuff.People are the most important thing.Leaders eat last. he/him.|
+|@khawkins98|Ken Hawkins|Making things slightly less messy than before. Interested in anything unusual. Web and information architect.|
+|@khoi|Khoi Vinh|Design at @adobe working on @adobexd and more blogger @subtraction. Host of Wireframe podcast.|
+|@khudsonphillips|Karl 🇹🇹|Trinbagonian hybrid designer/developer photographer wanna-be cyclist Chelsea FC die-hard.|
+|@kjhealy|Kieran Healy|Web: https://t.co/lrOrDrf9foPachyderm: https://t.co/u7etkiokujBuy a book it's good: https://t.co/U74voVaInQTweets periodically self-destruct.|
+|@knowtheory|Ted Han ★ 韓聖安 (@knowtheory@mastodon.social)|Director @MozillaRally | priors: @documentcloud @ire_nicar (he/him) @knowtheory@mastodon.social|
+|@koalie|Coralie Mercier (@koalie@mastodon.social)|*On Twitter Break*Word-slinger slide-maker ghostwriter ♀@W3C staff since 1999 Head of Comm.Tweeting from the dork side since 2007 (English français).|
+|@koop|Daryl Koopersmith|Design systems at @Stripe ✨|
+|@kovshenin|Konstantin Kovshenin|Building things @humanmadeltd and @altisdxp. WordPress hosting scaling performance and security. Previously: Automattic Pressjitsu https://t.co/aAkEkFimsl|
+|@kpyke|Matthew Olney🌻|I'm Director of Threat Intelligence and Interdiction at Cisco. A host of the Beers With Talos podcastMy opinions. He/Him #NAFO@kpyke@infosec.exchange|
+|@kyledrake|Kyle Drake|made: https://t.co/7T7HthINxj https://t.co/lSHIDQg5pMMy use of Twitter (if it survives) will be occasional major project announcements only.|
+|@LanceCleveland|Lance Cleveland|Dad. Explorer. Rum Lover. Code Geek. Not necessarily in that order. The Charleston-based WordPress Store Locator Plus guy.|
+|@lancejpollard|Lance Pollard|Coder. Artist. Heavily sarcastic but passionate about life.|
+|@larsras|Lars Rasmussen||
+|@leebrimelow|Lee Brimelow|iOS/macOS prototyping at Adobe Swift ❤︎'er Bay Area sports bodybuilding 🇬🇧 in 🇺🇸|
+|@left_pad|Henry|a steward @babeljs. imagination: not so much to make wonders facts as to make facts wonders|
+|@legomushroom|LegoMushroom|Oleg Solomka •Codespaces• and •Live Share• @Microsoft|
+|@leoburd|Leo Burd||
+|@leowindham|CottageatCrossroads|I am a retired radio announcer. Now I have an on line radio station. commercial free 24/7 https://t.co/fxXkrXteqf|
+|@LesHerman|Leslie Herman|Image and idea maker. Richmond Virginia.|
+|@lessig|Lessig 🇺🇦|Law professor activist citizen father (in reverse order).|
+|@levib|Levi Brooks|CEO and co-founder of @UseAllFive 🤚 Part-time professor at LMU M-School + guest lecturer at UCLA DMA.|
+|@linclark|Lin Clark|stuffing my head with code and turning it into @codecartoons.Senior Principal Engineer working on WebAssembly at @Fastly. prev: @mozilla @npm @drupal|
+|@lizcastro|Liz Castro|Founder of @AixetaInfo a non-profit platform promoting creation. Also a writer and publisher. Mastadon: https://t.co/eYafVeN2WM|
+|@LuisvonAhn|Luis von Ahn|CEO & co-founder of @duolingo. Invented reCAPTCHA. MacArthur Fellow. Former computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon. Proud Guatemalan. @LvA_Foundation.|
+|@lullabot|Lullabot|We're an employee-owned strategy design and Drupal development company. We're Lullabot it's great to meet you.|
+|@lurie_john|John Lurie|Painting with John is streaming on HBO Max|
+|@maboa|Mark Boas|Web stuff - audio & video accessibility. Co-maker: @jPlayerOrg @Hyperaudio. x-CTO / Co-founder @TrintHQ OpenNews Fellow. Cooking & growing in Italy. he/him.|
+|@maciejmalecki|Maciej Małecki|SRE DevSecOps Platforms and node.js are my jam. I do infra. I sometimes yell at clouds. Formerly @npmjs @nodejitsu. | #wypierdalać|
+|@mafintosh|Mathias Buus 🕳🥊|Head Honcho at Holepunch. Hypercore + Node.js + P2P + @keet_io.|
+|@mahemoff|Algorithms R Us|the most custom large language model on twitter@mahemoff@mastodon.xyz|
+|@majek04|majek04|Enthusiastic geek|
+|@malgorithms|Chris Coyne|I ❤️ making things...always with friends. Co-founder of SparkNotes OkCupid and Keybase.|
+|@mamund|Mike Amundsen @mamund@mastodon.social|https://t.co/L8DvppQCAnWorking to improve the quality and usability of information on the Web with APIs Microservices and Digital Transformation|
+|@ManMadeMoon|Duncan Jones|Director of Moon Source Code Warcraft Mute the graphic novel MADI and the kids Stenton & Zowie. Working on what’s next.|
+|@manovich|manovich|artist and writer - AI digital art media theory digital humanities. Professor GC_CUNY https://t.co/AYXP87pHjC|
+|@Mappletons|Maggie Appleton - indieweb.social/@maggie|Product design @oughtinc. Makes visual essays about UX programming and anthropology. Adores digital gardening 🌱 end-user development and embodied cognition|
+|@marcelpociot|Marcel Pociot 🧪|Improving your developer experience https://t.co/a5CYCM2JGE - CTO at @beyondcode https://t.co/OWEhbqqHuX|
+|@markgunnels|Mark Gunnels|Programmer. Reader.|
+|@markjaquith|Mark Jaquith|I wangjangle Laravel WordPress and such on the web. I value truth curiosity and improvement. ❤️ @sarcasmically|
+|@mathias|Mathias Bynens|I work on @ChromeDevTools (ex-@v8js) at Google and on ECMAScript through TC39. ♥ JavaScript HTML CSS HTTP performance security Bash Unicode i18n macOS.|
+|@matias_ventura|Matías Ventura|Creator at @automattic. Passionate about art and philosophy. Lead architect of Gutenberg at WordPress.|
+|@mattdesl|Matt DesLauriers|artist he/him 🇨🇦ENS: mattdesl.ethFarcaster: @mattdeslMastodon: @mattdesl@genart.social|
+|@matteocollina|Matteo Collina|@platformatic Co-Founder & CTO @nodejs TSC member PhD Lead maintainer @fastifyjs Board @OpenJSF Conference Speaker. Also at https://t.co/CorqnkgFxp|
+|@MattGrantham|Matt Grantham|Currently: Dealing with absurd bullshit. Formerly: Product Designer @Snap @Bitmoji @Eloqua / Co-founder @ CalledIt & StardustMining|
+|@matthieuaubry|Matthieu A.|Founder of the open analytics platform @Matomo_org Fav things in life: Privacy Freedom www Peace Truth Love and Nature.|
+|@mattmiklic|Matt Miklic|If you need me I’ll be in cyberspace|
+|@matt_hojo|Matt Hojo|Engineering Manager @netlify • Early stage advisor • Animal collector • @hojo@hachyderm.io|
+|@MaxCRoser|Max Roser|Data to understand the big global problems and research that helps to make progress against them.• Founder of @OurWorldInData• Researcher at @UniOfOxford|
+|@maxlynch|Max Lynch|🧑💻 @ionicframework @capacitorjs 🎮 @PlayApex ⚽ @ManUtd|
+|@maxogden|Max🦋|🌲🔭🚐🌲 Computer Programmer|
+|@maxtaco|Max Krohn|Co-founder of: https://t.co/7OaoBd0lVJ OkCupid SparkNotes TheSpark. Now Head of Security Engineering at Zoom.|
+|@mazftw|Marshall Sorenson|Director of Engineering @conceptatech|
+|@mbostock|Mike Bostock|Building a better collaborative canvas. Co-founder @observablehq. Creator @d3js_org. Former @nytgraphics. Pronounced BOSS-tock.|
+|@mbridwell|Michael Bridwell|Senior-level manufacturing sales and marketing leader. Firm believer in shared value.|
+|@mcantelon|mcantelon|@m1 on Gab.|
+|@mcrittenden|Mike Crittenden|Father of four and husband of one. EM working on @dependabot at @GitHub. Daily blog posts at https://t.co/5pnuolAwcy.|
+|@mdawaffe|Michael D Adams|WordPress | https://t.co/J5aJFYL0dE | Tumblr | Automattic@mdawaffe@mstdn.party|
+|@mde|Matthew Eernisse|Literal rock star developer. JavaScript music Japanese and serial commas. Principal Engineer at https://t.co/0c9nSp9AAU. Also find me at https://t.co/ppQwf4pmZ0|
+|@mdeiters|Matthew Deiters|Product at @Instacart previously @cruise assembly @ycombinator @mckinsey @thoughtworks|
+|@mdo|Mark Otto|Principal Design & Brand Architect @github. Design advisor. Creator of @getbootstrap. Previously @twitter. Huge nerd.|
+|@meatandpotatoes|Zach Miller|Designer at @Asana previously at @Facebook|
+|@mediatemple|Media Temple|Empowering creativity for over 20 years with premium web hosting. The home for agencies designers & devs with big ideas. For support message @mediatemplehelp.|
+|@medriscoll|Michael E. Driscoll|Founder @RillData a simple alternative to complex BI stacks. Previously founded @Metamarkets @DCVC @CustomInk. Lapsed computational biologist.|
+|@melvitax|Melvin Rivera|UX Designer/Developer|
+|@merlinofchaos|Earl Miles|Drupal guru author of Views developer gamer father amateur writer. Stuff. merlinofchaos@hachyderm.io|
+|@mermarecreative|Marianne Hegedus|aquatic equestrian web dev/designer wordpress fangirl creative geek mac tech and more...|
+|@metabrew|Richard Jones (RJ)|Enthusiastic cook erlanger @lastfm (née Audioscrobbler) founder/former CTO @irccloud founder bit of rust gamedev & home automation nonsense.|
+|@metajack|Jack Moffitt|nope|
+|@metaskills|Ken Collins|AWS Serverless Hero 🦸♂️ Ruby/JavaScript Cloud Native Developer. Principal Engineer @CustomInk @CustomInkTech. AWS Certified Developer. #BlackLivesMatter.|
+|@meyerweb|eric_meyer.css|Armchair rocket scientist graffiti existentialist. Agnostic in principle atheist in practice mzungu. I’m only here for the food. @meyerweb@mastodon.social|
+|@mgoldst|Mitch Goldstein (@mgoldst@mastodon.art)|Associate Professor @rit_artdesign. Also @ https://t.co/Le3ftOLZd9. my book How To Be A Design Student now available for pre-order at the link below! He/him.|
+|@mhevery|Miško Hevery (Builder.io/Qwik)|CTO at @builderio creator of @QwikDev @angular @angularjs co-creator of #karmajs|
+|@miccolis|Jeff Miccolis|Not actually using twitter anymore. See posts at https://t.co/RGPoZcmK66|
+|@micr0bitz|Michael Castilla||
+|@mikeal|Mikeal Rogers|bringing the web to web3 💗 Buddhist|
+|@mikeindustries|Mike Davidson|I've designed some products you have probably used including Twitter & ESPN. I believe in laceless shoes grape toothpaste & being nice. Fruit on 🍕 is 👌.|
+|@mikelittlezed1|Mike Little|Humanist Stoic 🏳️🌈 He/They. Dev at @altisdxp (@humanmadeltd). Owner at @zed1com. Cofounder of WordPress. @mikelittle@mikelittle.comI rarely read DMs.|
+|@MikolaLysenko|Mikola Lysenko|https://t.co/CqrW0KXFTc / work https://t.co/P0VvZk223X|
+|@mitchwu|Mitchell Wu||
+|@mjtsai|Michael Tsai|Mac Software Developer (@DropDMG @EagleFiler @SpamSieve @ToothFairyMac)|
+|@mkgold|Matt Gold 🇺🇦|Assoc Prof of English/Digital Humanities @GC_CUNY. Director @cunycommons @cunygcdi @cbox. Co-Editor @dhdebates. Co-PI @manifoldscholar. mkgold@hcommons.social|
+|@mkoenig|Michael Koenig|CRO @GetWavelo @Tucows. 2x COO. Fmr @Automattic & @WordPress.com. Remote Operations Leader of Growth Stage SaaS Tech Companies | Host of @BetweenTwoCOO's.|
+|@mnot|Mark Nottingham|Co-chair @ietf HTTP Working Group @w3c BoD standards lead @Cloudflare. Former @w3ctag and @intarchboard. @mnot@techpolicy.social|
+|@mogwai_poet|Jim Stormdancer|Sandwich Imagineer at Twinbeard. Made Frog Fractions. May or may not have already made Frog Fractions 2 through 5. He/him.|
+|@mojombo|Tom Preston-Werner|Inventor. Building @PWVentures & @RedwoodJS. Formerly: GitHub cofounder. Board @Gitpod @Netlify @HackClub. Also: Gravatar Jekyll SemVer TOML.|
+|@mollyfmielke|Molly Mielke|hyper benevolent. investing @mothfund|
+|@monteiro|Mike Monteiro🌹|This is a personal account and does not reflect the opinions of my boss who is an asshole.he/him|
+|@Mr0grog|Rob Brackett|Person.|
+|@mranney|Matt Ranney|Engineering at DoorDash. Always trying to be better.|
+|@mrdoob|mrdoob 🇺🇦|Award losing non creative junior developer.May or may not have something to do with @threejs.|
+|@MrPrudence|Paul Prudence|Flea in the blowtorch of history → https://t.co/FQLnjBMsWc |New book → Figured Stones | @Corbel_Stone → https://t.co/sUJNE1fNty|
+|@mrwiblog|Chris Taylor @stillbreathing@mastodon.world|Web developer sometime musician father needs to lose a few pounds|
+|@mslima|Manuel Lima|RSA Fellow. TED Speaker. Design Lead & Startup Mentor @Google. Author of 3 bestseller books including @bookofcircles. Live Webinars: https://t.co/v7QgNsUOo8|
+|@murmosh|Mᴀʀᴋ Kubacki|Engineer and Friend. · Millennial · M. Sc. · (he/him)|
+|@murtaugh|Tim Murtaugh 💉💉💉|(Looking to start a food blog? Get in touch!)@monkeydobiz partnerBLM. He/him. I’m not sorry I ate the plums.@murtaugh@mastodon.social|
+|@MylesBorins|sMyle is OOO|He / Him | Director of Product Management GitHub Packages and npm | Opinions are potentially wrong but definitely my own|
+|@nacin|Andrew Nacin|Erstwhile @USDS @ObamaWhiteHouse Lead Developer of @WordPress. Tweets are my own. Vote.|
+|@ndrwhr|Andrew Wang-Hoyer|🏝|
+|@neave|Paul Neave|Now on Mastodon: https://t.co/AQ2DuLrsmz|
+|@NeckbeardHacker|Neckbeard Hacker|Fat guy who knows C++. Hire me to replace @HipsterHacker's code with a set of very small shell scripts.|
+|@nelson|Nelson Musk is a Parody Minar|Mastodon: @nelson@tech.lgbt|
+|@ngpedro|ngpedro|VC|Entrepreneur|Nerd Bay Area(@ChamaeleonVC @StriveCapital) | Asia(@McKinsey) | Europe(@GSMA) Co-Host https://t.co/VfY6eonHg1 | https://t.co/gX2WIGq2N2|
+|@nickmomrik|Nick Momrik|Asparagus is gross.|
+|@nicksantos|Nick Santos|Helping everyone develop on the cloud at @Docker. Formerly @tilt_dev @Medium @Google. He/him. @nicks@hachyderm.io|
+|@NiemanLab|Nieman Lab|We are the Nieman Journalism Lab part of @niemanfdn at Harvard. We're trying to figure out the future of news.|
+|@nkzawa|Naoyuki Kanezawa|programmer at @vercel|
+|@noel|Noël Jackson|Product Strategy • Music Producer • Founder @sonicaapp • prev @automattic @zeldman|
+|@noeltock|Noel Tock|Growing digital in the enterprise @humanmadeltd / built @nomadbaseio & @happytables @realitymod / Thoughts on remote work nomadism and building things.|
+|@nooooooooooope_|Nooooope|No more twitter|
+|@notch|notch|Profile pic is kawaii af.Banner by @Mathep11Some of the jokes are originalPlease bring back alf|
+|@notquiteleo|Leo|TBA — Previously Head of Product for the first 6 years of @vercel|
+|@noUpside|Renee DiResta|studying pathological information systems and how narratives spread @ Stanford Internet Observatory. Prev: quant finance (Jane Street) VC startups.|
+|@nullvariable|Doug Cone|PHP/Node Drupal WordPress. Work @getpantheon.Maker @synergy_mill. Frequent disaster relief responder. Say hello so I know you're real!|
+|@obenland|Konstantin Obenland|WordPress Contributor & retired Release Lead. Founder & CEO of https://t.co/SgoMlqgiSr. Likes to go places.|
+|@ohmyzsh|ohmyz.sh 🌈⌨️🐚|The delightful open source framework for Zsh.Discord 🗣 https://t.co/jpdd01QsSUShop 👚 https://t.co/Mk3vRNLwgZ|
+|@openpublic|OpenPublic|OpenPublic is an open source publishing platform for building websites and collaboration tools for open government.|
+|@openpublish|OpenPublish|OpenPublish is an open source publishing platform tailored to the needs of today's online news organizations.|
+|@orangecoat|OrangeCoat|The blog links and news from the OC|
+|@Otto42|Samuel Wood (Otto)|Tech Ninja for https://t.co/DiST3OPbgF. I do random things like work on https://t.co/iHZG5ZuGlE. Sometimes I make beer.|
+|@outlandishjosh|Josh Koenig|Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer @getpantheon making hashtag #WebOps happen. Talks like a podcast set to 2x speed.|
+|@ozh|Ozh Richard|I wrote https://t.co/jnVDdho592 about WordPress plugins. I make https://t.co/5ghkjUL4qb. I listen to death metal and drink wine every day.|
+|@pahlkadot|Jennifer Pahlka|@pahlkadot@mastodon.socialAuthor of Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better out May 23. Pre-order! (thank you)|
+|@patrickc|Patrick Collison|Fallibilist optimist. Stripe CEO. 🇮🇪|
+|@patrick_mj|patrick_mj|Associate Director for Systems at the Digital Scholarship Group at Northeastern University. Plays well wit Omeka WordPress TEI. More to come!|
+|@paulg|Paul Graham||
+|@paulgodfrey|Paul Godfrey|co-founder @ covey — building the best talent sourcing platform on the planet|
+|@paul_irish|Paul Irish|@paul_irish@toot.cafe on MastodonI 💗 the web • I work on performance Chrome DevTools Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights.|
+|@peepcode|PeepCode|This account is no longer being updated. Please follow @pluralsight for new courses or @topfunky (PeepCode founder).|
+|@pelequie|Miguel Lezama||
+|@PeteL0gan|Pete Logan|Work @AmpereComputing. Play Free flight free climb free beer!|
+|@petemall|Pete Mall||
+|@peterbarth|Peter Barth|CPO at @flatironschool previously founder and CEO at @theironyard|
+|@peter_anselmo|Peter Anselmo|I build websites.|
+|@pgibbs|Paul Wong-Gibbs|Engineering Director at Indigo Tree. Previous: Daily Telegraph (UK) Automattic Human Made Pragmatic.@pgibbs@mastodon.social|
+|@phase2|Phase2|We make digital products that inspire engage and create impact.|
+|@PHFilms|Pennebaker Hegedus|D A PENNEBAKER and CHRIS HEGEDUS documentary filmmakers for over 40 years. Our new film is @UTCFilm.|
+|@philogb|Nico Belmonte|AR/VR Maps @Meta. Before: Director & Head of Visualization @Uber Staff Visualization Eng @Twitter. 🗽 via 🌁 🇫🇷 🇦🇷. Math Art InfoVis & Graphics.|
+|@phil_eaton|Phil Eaton|Cofounder @TigerBeetleDBHacker chat at https://t.co/pSjd6yQDL9Ex- @Oracle @Capsule8 @LinodeIndefinitely 🇺🇸💍🇰🇷 🐈🐈🐕@eatonphil@hachyderm.io|
+|@phluxor|Robert Popovic|Currently reinventing self.|
+|@photomatt|Matt Mullenweg|I can think. I can wait. I can fast.|
+|@pkrumins|Peter Krumins|Hacker. Co-founder of Browserling and Testling together with @substack. (We made: https://t.co/6PnlaYNqC2 https://t.co/KaTJWvwzyo https://t.co/TR0xuIfzfm).|
+|@plutado|David Plutado Fugate|Dad software engineer web series producer entrepreneur. Certified Scrum Professional. IG: davidfugate|
+|@plwarre|Patrick Warren|Assoc. Professor in the John E. Walker Department of Economics at Clemson University. Disinfo Pol. Econ. Active in @rotary and @LWV.--Personal Account|
+|@pmarca|Marc Andreessen|After pausing for much of the weekend to assess the security concerns I am resuming my activity on Twitter as I continue to monitor the situation.|
+|@POSSCON|Palmetto Open Source|A technical conference exploring Open Tech and the Open Web - #POSSCON|
+|@pquerna|Paul Querna|CTO & Co-Founder @ConductorOneInc|
+|@pragdave|Dave Thomas|Programmer turned publisher (but mostly programmer)|
+|@progrium|Jeff Lindsay 💀🚜|Indie maker of many things. Now making Tractor System. Follow your curiosity. @progriumHQ|
+|@ptahdunbar|(Afro)TekGod|★ ❤️🖤💚 ★ 👼🏾 ★ 🐐 ★|
+|@publicimage|Christopher Vinson|Connecting people parks libraries archives and culture.|
+|@puffnfresh|Brian McKenna|Computational trinitarianist. Talk to me about programming languages. The parrot is real. λΠ|
+|@P_M_Cu|Paul M. Cuenin|Software Engr in #GreenwoodSC. @ClemsonUniv & @follow_lander Alum. Cars/Photos/Tech/Catholic garage: 16Mazda3/03Boxster/05LX470 🏕📸💻🏎🇺🇸 🗽|
+|@raanan|Raanan Bar-Cohen (raanan.eth)|Co-Founder @ResoluteVC: We lead super early seed rounds including @ActiveFence @bark @clutter @greenhouse @HelloHeartApp @opendoor @signifyd @ujetcx @Zebec_HQ|
+|@Rarst|Andrey Savchenko|Russian warship go fuck yourself. https://t.co/P6CEtV77rR|
+|@rasmus|Rasmus Lerdorf|Breaking the Web@rasmus@phpc.social|
+|@raspberryman|Tony Rost|Technology Leader by day Warrior-Goofhead Husband and Dad always|
+|@rauchg|Guillermo Rauch|@vercel CEO|
+|@ray_i_am|r-a-y|am i ray? ray i am!|
+|@rbates|Ryan Bates|Producer of Railscasts - Ruby on Rails Screencasts|
+|@rboren|Ryan Boren|#ActuallyAutistic retired technologist turned wannabe-sociologist. Equity literacy neurodiversity disability. he/they@ryanboren@social.coop|
+|@RefreshCHS|Refresh Charleston|A series of events for creatives promoting design innovation and better solutions with short attention-span friendly talks.|
+|@rem|THAT @REM SHOW|Just smart enough to know I'm not smart enough.he/theyAlso available on https://t.co/eaFS4CDpBn but mostly IDK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯|
+|@retlehs|Ben Word|@rootswp 🌱|
+|@retrohack3r|r3kc4h0rt3r‏|SRE Infrastructure and Node.js contractor/consultantex: @Netflix @NodeSourceYou matter ❤️|
+|@Rich_Harris|Rich Harris|Cheese fan. I work on @sveltejs at @vercel. When the asteroid finally obliterates this place you can find me at @rich_harris@toot.cafe. Until then 🍿|
+|@riddle|Peter|Designing systems and interfaces. Opinions are mine etc. https://t.co/a66RqHbhz0|
+|@rmccue|Ryan McCue (parody)|Director of Product at @humanmadeltd building @altisdxp. Created https://t.co/UlbwOlIx60. https://t.co/XiuPRBK778|
+|@rnathias|rnathias bynens|Professional front-end web developer. I have a LinkedIn profile and everything.|
+|@robertopolillo|roberto polillo|ICT & photography...|
+|@RobynHitchcock|Robyn Hitchcock|English songwriter. Pisces. Cheese fiend.|
+|@RPrioleau|RPrioleau|I'm with Blue Ion. I like the big picture stories bikes dogs the outdoors and making lists.|
+|@rsms|Rasmus Andersson|Adventures in software & design. Tinkering on fonts @playbit_ and little art projects. Past @Figma @Facebook founding member @Spotify (rsms@mastodon.social)|
+|@rvagg|Rod Vagg|This account is write-only I don't see replies or DMs. Please email me if you need to get in touch (r@va.gg).|
+|@rworth|Richard D. Worth|Software Engineering Manager at Capital One|
+|@ryanbigg|Ryan has quit the bird site|https://t.co/FXtnnqYFSy|
+|@ryanszrama|Ryan Szrama|Creating a future where anyone who wants to sell online can compete without compromise at @CentarroHQ Director on the @DrupalAssoc Board.|
+|@SamBehnam|Sam Behnam|Software Engineer Ph.D. 🇮🇷🇨🇦 ❤️science technology entrepreneurship curiosity human rights freedom liberalism/capitalism nature. 🚫BS 🚫DM|
+|@samccone|Sam Saccone|Working on what's next on @android (he/him)|
+|@samhoover|Sam Hoover|#AutismDad #BlackLivesMatter Director of Mobile Innovation Team at Clemson University leading development on my.Clemson - Everything Clemson. Everywhere.|
+|@SamKap|@samkap@front-end.social|Three puppies in a trench coat from Curaçao 🇨🇼 and author of Inclusive Design Communities. Senior Product Designer @netlify. She/her. On Mastodon.|
+|@samplereality|Mark Sample ✨|Digital Studies Professor / Creator of @mobydickatsea @clipart1994bot @BiodiversityPix & @weirdsatellite. Fediverse: @samplereality@post.lurk.org|
+|@samuelsidler|Samuel Sidler|10up. Previously: Human Made Automattic Audrey Mozilla & Camino.|
+|@sarahcuda|Sarah Lacy|I'm the founder of Pando and ChairmanMe|
+|@Sargent|Stephen Granade|Science presenter robotics researcher fiction writer and video host. Former child model but only locally. @sargent@wandering.shop . he/they|
+|@saurik|Jay Freeman (saurik)|I developed Cydia for jailbroken iOS devices and am now (theoretically) in charge of technology for @OrchidProtocol I am also a local politician in California.|
+|@scotthmurray|Scott Murray|Helping families sleep better @oolie_us ~ Migrated to https://t.co/HMywWN4xBk @scott@vis.social|
+|@scottjehl|Scott Jehl|Web Designer/Dev. Accessibility & Performance Fan. Mediocre surfer. @realWebPageTest team @catchpoint. @filamentgroup alum. Also https://t.co/gf6NevSHZS|
+|@scottkclark|@skc@fosstodon.org 🏳️🌈|Scott Kingsley Clark — Senior Software Engineer @pagely @godaddy Lead Dev @podsframework @skc@fosstodon.org|
+|@scott_gonzalez|Scott González||
+|@scribu|scribu|Machine Learning Engineer|
+|@scrutinizerci|scrutinizer ci|Continuous Inspection Service|
+|@seangaffney|Sean Gaffney|Husband. Father. Engineering Manager at @Etsy. Interests include management frontend infra and web perf. Clemson alum. Recovering perfectionist.|
+|@seanmcdonaldxyz|sean|bringing 🌞😎🌻 mindset to your feed. building @sundialcalendar.|
+|@seanosh|Sean O'Shaughnessy|systems wrangler automattic|
+|@seldaek|Jordi Boggiano|Co-Founder of @packagist / #ComposerPHP – Head of Engineering at @TeamupCalendarOSS Wishlist: https://t.co/CsTK7iAj1I@seldaek@mastodon.social|
+|@sh1mmer|Tom ✊🏼 Croucher|I hang out at home with an adorable baby and have unrelated opinions about politics ✊🏾|
+|@shawnhazen|shawnhazen|Graphic designer. I run Hazen Creative Inc. outta Seattle.|
+|@ShelbyWhite|Shelby White|Founder of @Designspiration photographer artist.|
+|@shinjikuwayama|shinji|he/him bialy baker|
+|@sillygrampy|Ron Rennick|Canadian dad & granddad. I like to play with paint & fabric. Tumblr Code Wrangler @automattic|
+|@sindresorhus|Sindre Sorhus|Full-time open-sourcerer & indie Mac developer. ❤️ Swift. Makes macOS apps & Node.js stuff. Made @awesome__re. &: @sindre_gh_repos @sindresorhus@mastodon.social|
+|@sirstefan|Stefan Sirucek|all opinions here are my mom's|
+|@sjappleford|Simon Appleford / @sjappleford@hcommons.social|Associate Professor of History @CreightonAuthor of Drawing Liberalism (@uvapress 2023)Co-PI of The Natural Face of North AmericaCo-creater of https://t.co/QsTZ7L3eMY|
+|@sklaporte|Stephen|Free knowledge enthusiast. Legal Director for @wikimedia|
+|@smthdotuk|Sam Smith|Woke. Working class. Designer. Front-end developer.|
+|@smwat|Sara M. Watson|technology critic #auntwave|
+|@sorbits|Allan Odgaard|Programmer self-employed.|
+|@soryu2|Stan|sondern. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own|
+|@spolsky|Joel Spolsky|co-founder of Fog Creek Trello Stack Overflow Glitch and https://t.co/Jb7fG3eQgU - I have moved to @spolsky@blackrock.city on mastodon|
+|@spolu|Stanislas Polu|_engineer(https://t.co/fCirsLjeo2) _alumni(https://t.co/8jAnpFAkp1 https://t.co/e99AaHzlA0 https://t.co/4jg6knqi2S https://t.co/kXE6PNf8xH)|
+|@squinkifer|D. Squinkifer|1/3 of @soft_chaos. Had a tweet go viral one time in 2014 steadily avoiding repeat incidents ever since. (they/he)|
+|@sstephenson|Sam Stephenson|born never asked 🏳️🌈 he/him@sstephenson@mastodon.social|
+|@stanine|Matt MacInnis|COO at Rippling Angel Investor Daddy|
+|@Steli|Steli Efti|I'm here to encourage 💪CEO of @closeInner Work Podcast https://t.co/vxUMYYU0je…My Weekly Newsletter: https://t.co/jcwRDOgNVa|
+|@stephdau|Stephane Daury|Enjoyer of life software developer.|
+|@stephenorban|Stephen Orban|Husband to Meghan father to Harper and Finley. VP AWS Marketplace Partner Engineering and ISVs. Authored Ahead in the Cloud. Thoughts my own.|
+|@stephmcdonald|Steph McDonald|I love technology recruiting dog person mental health advocate recruiter Wes Anderson Hamilton Boston Terriers Books Gaming Humanist. She/her|
+|@stevenbristol|Steven Bristol||
+|@stevesgill|Steve Gill|Director of DevRel Engineering @SlackHQ! Prev Cordova & PhoneGap @adobe. Canucks Hockey! He/Him|
+|@stewartbrand|Stewart Brand|President of The Long Now Foundation--which takes no sides. In this forum as a private person I do take sides occasionally.|
+|@streamsstandard|Streams|The Streams Standard|
+|@studiochris|Chris Price 🏳️🌈|designer + developer + hobby photographer — he/him|
+|@SudarMuthu|Sudar Muthu|Dad WordPress Developer Vim User Fish Keeper Terrace Gardner Blogger Arduino Fanboy Book Addict Gadget Freak.|
+|@superfeedr|superfeedr|Real-time feeds XMPP and PubSubHubbbub!|
+|@Sutto|Darcy Laycock|Coffee Code and TV / Music.|
+|@swalkinshaw|Scott Walkinshaw|Shopify · Roots|
+|@syntaxcon|Syntax Conference|A full stack developer event providing practical training for tomorrow’s developers & enginerds.|
+|@tabatkins|(Parody) ZNUTS|World-building nerd. Ask me about base 6!💖Gender like genre is an ill-defined concept invented to sell you things. they💖Editor of ~50% of CSS specs|
+|@TannerStokes|Tanner Stokes|iOS @Automattic formerly @ClemsonUniv.|
+|@taylorotwell|Taylor Otwell 🪐|Founded and creating Laravel for the happiness of all sentient beings especially developers. Space pilgrim. 💍 @abigailotwell.|
+|@tdominey|Todd Dominey||
+|@technoweenie|🎧🖥🌭|offline mutation // breathe / drink water / eat comics / learn to swim|
+|@tellyworth|“parody” Alex ''!--‹›=&{()}|Alex “parody” Shiels. Developer and code archeologist at Automattic Inc. Photography at https://t.co/A5BzcQ9HIb and https://t.co/z4qKm2lHHE. I block fuckwits.|
+|@tenderlove|Aaron Patterson|Job: @ShopifyOpinions: MinePGP: 4CE9 1B75 A798 28E8 6B1A A8BB 9531 70BC B4FF AFC6Switch: SW-6099-0664-6989Partner: @ebiltwin and cats.he/him|
+|@thadallender|Thad Allender|Whoa internets!|
+|@thagler|Tobby Hagler|I have nothing clever to add here.|
+|@tharonh|Tharon Howard|Tharon is a professor at Clemson Uni. and directs the Usability Testing Faciilty and Multimedia Authoring Teaching and Research Facility there.|
+|@TheASF|Apache - The ASF|Official feed: The Apache Software Foundation. The world's largest Open Source foundation provides $22B+ worth of software for the public good at 100% no cost.|
+|@thecorkboard|Kyle M. L. Jones ⚽️ 🇺🇸|•Associate Professor •Student privacy researcher: @datadoubles/@priorityprivacy/@datafiedclassrm•𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨|
+|@TheElephantRoom|Elephant Room Media|Internet Marketing - Video Production - Web Design and Development - Graphic Design|
+|@themsaid|Mohamed Said|Creator of https://t.co/plijbxamKs · Author of https://t.co/EBDZmzE7rc · Instructor @laracasts · ex-Laravel · VP Infrastructure|
+|@thepag|Mark Panaghiston|JavaScript Developer. Author of jPlayer - The jQuery HTML5 Audio / Video Library.|
+|@thepug|Nathan Zorn|Surfer Software developer. https://t.co/pXVpePQGaR|
+|@TheRichFuller|rich!|Upper Middle Management of 2 Boys(#autism #adhd) #Golfer #GoGators ex-silly valley dotcom survivor into dadcars & stocks. #gopackgo|
+|@thianhlu|Thianh Lu|☕️|
+|@thockin|Tim Hockin (thockin.yaml)|Principal SW Engineer Kubernetes GKE & Google Cloud. Father. Food lover. Star Wars nerd.@thockin@hachyderm.io|
+|@thomasbonte|Thomas Bonte|Music & web technologist entrepreneur was @MuseScore CEO/co-founder Drupal coder traveler photographer sports fanatic|
+|@thomasfuchs|Thomas Fuchs ⎷ Official ⎷ Final ⎷ Final2 ⎷ V2.1|Follow me on Mastodon:@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io|
+|@thosjleeper|Thomas J. Leeper|Research Scientist @Meta. Minnesota emigrant. Replies only to real names. Opinions my own. he/him they/them|
+|@timberners_lee|Tim Berners-Lee|Director of W3C (https://t.co/uyt4YeYD5u) the Web standards place. Founded https://t.co/kq0t1e4pVj - let web serve humanity. CTO https://t.co/vsUasPsY5r to develop https://t.co/iPoqAldF1M|
+|@timoreilly|timoreilly|Founder and CEO O'Reilly Media. Watching the alpha geeks sharing their stories helping the future unfold.|
+|@tinkhanson|Christa Hanson|Voice actor for hire plant nerd Japanophile. Talks abt work & life: voiceover design/marketing plants gaming photography Japan procrastination. She/her|
+|@tinysubversions|Darius Kazemi|I'm trying to make social media better: https://t.co/OFWeHJWTRN. Back on Twitter for research. Former Mozilla Fellow. #WHNBM he/himOn fediverse: @darius@friend.camp|
+|@tipiirai|Tero Piirainen|Head of product @ Volument|
+|@tjholowaychuk|TJ Holowaychuk 🇺🇦|Mostly film photography. @stdemo_o's|
+|@tjwds|Joe Woods|on mastodon at https://t.co/pLc12zj6bM | @joe@oldinternet.net|
+|@tlovett12|Taylor Lovett|Open source web technologies engineer and enthusiast. Vice President of Engineering at @10up.|
+|@Todd_Park44|Todd Park (NARA)|This is an archive of an Obama Administration account and is maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).|
+|@Tojiro|Brandon Jones 🐀|WebGPU/WebXR/WebGL Dev @ Google. He/HimThe downfall of modern civilization. - Joystiq|
+|@tomayac|Thomas Steiner (@tomayac@toot.cafe)|Developer Relations Engineer at @Google focused on the Web and Project Fugu 🐡. Dad-of-3. Alum of @UniversiteLyon (Postdoc) @la_UPC (PhD) @KITKarlsruhe (MA).|
+|@tomdale|Tom Dale|@tomdale@toot.cafe|
+|@TonyKovanen|Tony Kovanen|CTO @ startup (in stealth). Partner @ Saulx. Previously co-founded @zeithq dev @gatsbyjs and other things.|
+|@TooTallNate|Nathan Rajlich|Programmer / Nerd. Engineer @vercel. Former @nodejs core committer. Before you ask I'm 6’6”|
+|@topfunky|Geoffrey Grosenbach|Entrepreneur designer developer teacher athlete. Director of Product Education Engineering @hashicorp|
+|@tpope|Tim Pope|Vim plugin artist https://t.co/bWb4SWNuWu https://t.co/CDfkaWXMle|
+|@trevorburnham|Trevor Burnham|👨🏻💻 Author of Test-Driven React: https://t.co/WzqPgaCeUR…|
+|@trevorturk|Trevor Turk|Programming Hello Weather. Previously Impactive IFTTT Clearbit and Basecamp.|
+|@twonds|Christopher Zorn||
+|@twoodwar|Tom Woodward|I'm your huckleberry.|
+|@uknowthen|James Moore|Software Engineer & Principal Instructor @mycelial #elixir #CRDTs #DistributedSystems #localfirstsoftware Former Submariner|
+|@unconed|Steven Wittens - 📵🛂|Professional shape rotator.Hiking the frontiers of cognition good and bad.More true than is convenient.Tooters: @unconed@mstdn.io|
+|@Vaxilart|Simon Boudrias|Building @yeoman & Inquirer.Frontend eng manager at @datadoghqMontréal 🛫 San Francisco 🛫 Beijing 🛫 Vancouver|
+|@victorporof|Victor Porof|@google ex-@mozilla 🏔 🧗🏃🚴 🎸 📷|
+|@Viper007Bond|Alex Mills|I write code for @Jetpack at @Automattic plus a few @WordPress plugins in my free time. I'm really into cars. In recovery from leukemia.|
+|@VitalikButerin|vitalik.eth|EthereumFable of the Dragon Tyrant (not mine but it's important): https://t.co/t3jaMRRrPsAbolish daylight savings time and leap seconds|
+|@vladquant|Vlad|Humanizing the web with Kagi search and Orion browser.Prefer lists to following.|
+|@w3c|W3C (@w3c@w3c.social)|The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) makes the Web work for everyone. We develop interoperable technologies (specifications guidelines tools). @w3c@w3c.social|
+|@waitbutwhy|Tim Urban|Writer infant|
+|@WardCunningham|Ward Cunningham|Objects Patterns Agile Wiki|
+|@wasi_master|Wasi Master|15 y/o programmer photographer and much more! Tweets about my python projects and findings. Exams are near so expect less activityhe/him|
+|@waxpancake|Andy Baio|I made @waxy @xoxo @skittishHQ @upcomingorg https://t.co/smCJO4M0NH @playfic https://t.co/AeYHp22iCL. Helped build @kickstarter. Mastodon: https://t.co/8FkyggXofu (he/him)|
+|@wayneeseguin|wayneeseguin|Open source hacker author of RVM https://t.co/lZQuECqtIT SM Framework https://t.co/OggD04rS9I and RailsInstaller http://t.co/6rQsfj8qJT|
+|@wchrisjohnson|Chris Johnson||
+|@webchick|webchick - webchick@mastodon.social|Principal Cat Herder @MongoDB. @Dru. Formerly @Acquia @Lullabot. @OReillyMedia author. Lesbionic Ace Mom. #AuDHD? Gendermeh. Gamer. Views my own.|
+|@WebPlatform|Web Platform|Your Web documented.|
+|@WengersToyBus|🐝 Bryan James|Nomad interaction creative and designer. 🎥 https://t.co/6myBOGwrJK | 👀 https://t.co/a1xSfe8H73|
+|@Werner|Werner Vogels|CTO @ Amazon|
+|@wesbos|Wes Bos|Fullstack Dev ❯ JS⚛ CSS Node ❯ https://t.co/6heZ7gYSqt ❯ https://t.co/8aa8R2wL1h ❯ https://t.co/lOo3xh1vQt ❯ https://t.co/XYbxq79oMk ❯ 🔥 Tips ❯ ♥@KaitBos ❯ @SyntaxFM|
+|@westi|Peter Westwood|WordPress lead developer | Happiness Gardener | Code Dreamer | Ex-Embedded Firmware Developer | Photographer | Music lover | http://t.co/BlCnL2dy7R|
+|@whale|Matthew|I design relationships between people and organizations that drive human-positive impact. Partner https://t.co/JHH6nN64Cq CEO https://t.co/ptbfPLjnlx.|
+|@willmcnelis|Will McNelis|Agile Coach. Guitar in @SpookHillBand. Saltwater and traveling.|
+|@willnorris|@will@willnorris.com|You can find me on mastodon at @will@willnorris.com.That also works for email.|
+|@wonderboymusic|Scott Taylor|Musician. Staff Engineer at @shopify. Formerly: Lead Software Engineer @nytimes. Blessed hubs of @alliefeldman212. Wannabe YouTuber. He/Him/His.|
+|@WoodyWindham|Woody Windham|Radio veteran of 60 years and the recipient of the 2010 Masters Award from the SC Broadcaster's Association.|
+|@worrydream|Bret Victor|dirt cat @dynamicland1|
+|@wseltzer|Wendy Seltzer @wseltzer@infosec.exchange|techie lawyer cyberprof beekeeper (she/her)|
+|@wycats|Yehuda Katz|@wycats@techhub.socialOSS enthusiast and @wykittens's parent. Co-author of the Extensible Web Manifesto. Front-end developer. @wifelette's husband. he/him|
+|@xdxd_vs_xdxd|Salvatore Iaconesi|founder at https://t.co/kiIjJgbOQV and at https://t.co/hBhgkkt3UJ - get our latest book Incuria https://t.co/mGOexay48R|
+|@xeenon|Timothy Hatcher|Safari / WebKit Engineer at Apple working on Extensions. Co-chair of the W3C Web Extensions Community Group. Creator of Web Inspector and Colloquy.|
+|@xshay|Xavier Shay|Up CEO. Vegan. Runner.|
+|@yelvington|Steve Yelvington 😷☮️|Former Enemy of the People now mostly an annoyance. Digital pioneer. Would-be traveler. Mastodon: steve@s.yelvington.com|
+|@yhara_en|yhara_en|I've turned off notifications of this account because Twitter sends me useless notifications every week mention @yhara if you need|
+|@yishan|Yishan|Founder and CEO of Terraformation (@TF_Global) Ex-Reddit FB PayPal CMU Burger King.Views are mine alone but also yours if I do my job right. #ETH #DeFi ♢|
+|@youyuxi|Evan You|Husband father of two independent open source developer. Creator of @vuejs @vite_js and connoisseur of sushi. Chinese-only alt: @yuxiyou|
+|@yukihiro_matz|Yukihiro Matz|Matzまたは、まつもとゆきひろ。Rubyのパパ。|
+|@zarfeblong|Andrew Plotkin|I have suspended this account because I don't work for Elon Musk. Not reading DMs mentions or notifications. Feel free to email.|
+|@zedshaw|Zed A. Shaw|Personal account to compliment my professional account @lzsthw. Content is mostly art gaming and media I produce with my own personal opinions and humor.|
+|@zeke|Zeke Sikelianos|Zeek. Machine learning impostor at @replicatehq. Previously @github @electronjs @npmjs @heroku @wordnik @fracturedatlashe/him/they/them|
+|@zeldman|zeldman|Author. Designer. Web Standards Godfather. Employer Brand at @Automattic. Publisher @AListApart @ABookApart. Cofounder @AnEventApart. Ava’s dad. He/him.|
+|@zpao|Paul O'Shannessy|Eng Manager working on Meta's Open Source Program. Previously: React core Firefox. he/him.|
+|@_ericelliott|Eric Elliott|Make some magic. JavaScript AI Web3 - @greenruhm https://t.co/SMZl8zht07 https://t.co/PtmEcdOVuN No DMs. Have an opportunity for me? Contact @_JSCeee|
+|@_Juryd|Juryd|You Be the Judge|
+|@_rsc|Russ Cox|Go Hacker. Mistake maker. (he/him)|
+### Who follow me
+|@aaronheckmann|Aaron Heckmann @aaronheckmann@techhub.social|https://t.co/RuPS4FOoaM|
+|@aaronjorbin|Aaron Jorbin|Polyhistoric man of the web // Art Code & Beverages. @PenskeMedia Sr. Director Editorial Technology. @WordPress coUNchicago Board. he/him|
+|@aaronkoblin|Aaron Koblin|Co-founder President of Withinhttps://t.co/8dQ3BJvUUCHuman Tech. Data Art.|
+|@AaronOMullan|Aaron O'Mullan|Product & Engineering @deno_land previously co-founded GitBook|
+|@aaronpk|Aaron Parecki|🔑 OAuth @oktadev https://t.co/JXGtNCXgKY https://t.co/Sgn532Jilo 🎥 livestreaming https://t.co/dVhzdZLXvf https://t.co/EiMc3Vlcqw 💛 #indieweb 🐘 https://t.co/ocyQ5uwBxq|
+|@aaronquinn|Aaron Quinn|Papa Hubby Surfer User Experience Designer Founder and CEO of @ehousestudio|
+|@aaronwinborn|Aaron Winborn|PALS Developer with @Advomatic Writer of #Drupal Multimedia Father of a 9yo @circleschool student and a 2 yo screaming bundle of joy!|
+|@acasalena|Anthony Casalena|Founder & CEO Squarespace.|
+|@acdlite|Andrew Clark|@reactjs core team. He/him. Hi!|
+|@acquia|Acquia|The Open Digital Experience Platform for Drupal|
+|@adactio|Jeremy Keith|My tweets are just copies of my notes on my own website: https://t.co/lWx4rfbBZ4I also syndicate my notes to https://t.co/eAXxfDVl2b|
+|@AdamBoozer|Adam Lawton Boozer|Director / DP / Editor based in Charleston SC and Charlotte NC|
+|@adamcadre|Adam Cadre|Old and now not much played apparently|
+|@adamwathan|Adam Wathan|Creator of @tailwindcss. Listener of Slayer. Austin 3:16.|
+|@adam_baldwin|Adam Baldwin|🤘EvilPacket He/Him #BLM⚡️I wonder if…a lot. Working toward living for a living at @dapplewoodfarm - Fediverse @adam_baldwin@infosec.exchange|
+|@addyosmani|Addy Osmani|Engineering lead working on @GoogleChrome • Husband & Dad • Author • Great user & dev experiences • @ChromeDevTools @ChromiumDev • @addyosmani@indieweb.social|
+|@adr|john as b/4? fink 🐀|Like Gamera to amateurs. The Canadian librarian who went for Araldite. Pronouns: He him his they them. also https://t.co/IRQWSFt8EY|
+|@AdrianRossouw|Adrian Rossouw|VP of Digital Health Technology Delivery at Renalytix|
+|@adrian_bordinc|Adrian Bordinc|Curious to the bone|
+|@advomatic|Advomatic|We are technical experts who build and maintain websites for nonprofits advocacy organizations and higher ed. Now part of @FourKitchens!|
+|@agautsc|Adam Gautsch|Helping to discover and grow tech startups in Georgia. @atdc|
+|@ajambrosino|Andrew Ambrosino|founder & cpo/cto @catchbenefits|
+|@AJDesignCo|Andy Johnston|Director Marketing & Info Systems. Designer. Accounting degree + creative toolkit = business-friendly graphic design for business & orgs.|
+|@ajkeen|Andrew Keen|Digital Justice: I once made a living trashing Google now I take out the trash for a Google VIP|
+|@akennedy|Andrew Kennedy|Realtor® at Carolina One Real Estate|
+|@alanaktion|Alan 💙💛🌈🍕|Has too many computers. Misses Compiz. Likes pizza.he/they/tired|
+|@Aleatoric|Peter Collingridge|Software developer for @nanopore. Previously a freelancer working for @khanacademy and @pixarinabox. Views are my own.|
+|@alexanderchen|Alexander Chen|Creative Director Google Creative Lab. Teachable Machine Chrome Music Lab music visualization projects.|
+|@alexisohanian|AlexisOhanian7️⃣7️⃣6️⃣|Founder @SevenSevenSix ♻️ @776FoundationPrev. founded @Initialized @Reddit 💪 #BusinessDad #PaidFamilyLeave Owner ⚽️ @weareangelcity 🎮 @cloud9 🦄 x 40|
+|@alexkingorg|Alex King|Denver independent web developer/designer (http://t.co/x480TwaG8Q) original contributor to @wordpress creator of the Share Icon.|
+|@AlexSteffen|Alex Steffen|Climate futurist.Foresight strategy & storytelling in a time of planetary crisis.Wonderstruck dadBook/letter/podcast THE SNAP FORWARDhttps://t.co/wepd2aZHLI|
+|@alexvarone|Alex Varone|I like anything digital.|
+|@Alex_Forster|Alex Forster|Tech lead trying to solve DDoS for good @Cloudflare | https://t.co/t0503oQwzu | @alexforster@mastodon.social|
+|@alex_young|Alex R. Young|Undefined is not a function|
+|@alz|Alan Milford|Chief Architect pilot and amateur astrophotographer in my spare time.|
+|@amasad|Amjad Masad ⠕|ceo @replit|
+|@amfeng|Amber Feng|working on @meet_cocoon previously built things @stripe. also has too many hobbies|
+|@AndrewBarton|Andrew Barton|Graphic designer illustrator kid's book author.|
+|@andrewmason|Andrew Mason|CEO of @descriptapp formerly @detour @groupon|
+|@andrewramos|Andrew Ramos|Current interests: woodworking and writing. Freelance Designer for screens of all sizes. Previously @BMWGroup|
+|@annevk|Anne van Kesteren|Weird but potentially useful immigrant · engine diversity absolutist · #BlackLivesMatter · he/him|
+|@antirez|ANTIREZ antirez@mastodon.social|Reproducible bugs are candies.|
+|@apeatling|Andy Peatling|Engineering lead for Automattic working on WordPress and Gutenberg.|
+|@ArenWindham||What part of ↑1 ⍵∨.∧3 4=+/¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵ did you not understand?|
+|@arithmetric|Joe Turgeon|Technology consultant software engineer open source contributor web3 enthusiast runner.|
+|@AriyaHidayat|Ariya Hidayat|Open-source startup operator social impact|
+|@arxpoetica|tldr|Technology storytelling & data. “The heart of the universe is creativity.” – David Bowie|
+|@atmattb|matt boldt|ruby javascript beats & synth patches. generally anxious. he/him/y'all.|
+|@AuerbachKeller|David Auerbach 📚|Author of MEGANETS (@Public_Affairs) coming March 2023.https://t.co/2JIGuqHbhg|
+|@austindandridge|Austin Dandridge|Founder of @cobble_hill: A marketing agency for the next generation of great businesses.|
+|@avdi|Avdi Grimm|antiherohttps://t.co/vfIm6jTOge|
+|@awadallah|Amr Awadallah 🤖|Co-founder/CEO of @Vectara. Co-Founder/ex-CTO @Cloudera PhD EE Stanford. Egyptian American & Saudi Arabian. IG FB LI: @awadallah. Opinions here are mine.|
+|@Babbolatto|Marco ‘Bigby’ Innocenti|Storyteller graphic designer Interactive Fiction lover and creator. Author of the (ongoing) Andromeda Saga (https://t.co/a4uLVtNaD1)|
+|@baconmeteor|Maciej Ceglowski|Veni vidi tweeti.|
+|@balupton|Benjamin Lupton|Streamer of Software Philosophy Growth. Founder @BevryMe. Hitchhiked Australia. Lived 811 days overseas. 500 million installs a month. Empire or Sovereignty?|
+|@BarryJohnsonSC|Barry Johnson|Cyclist OG Browncoat Martial Arts practitioner Bunkai archeology enthusiast Photographer https://t.co/wcjOwzqswO CTO for Software. My tweets (re) are my own.|
+|@bassistance|Jörn Zaefferer|Engineering Manager @tonies_de - building audio toys for kids (we're hiring)On Mastodon at @bassistance@chaos.social|
+|@bastianallgeier|@bastianallgeier@mastodon.social|designer+developer creator of https://t.co/0IU7rdyCL1|
+|@baudehlo|Matt Sergeant|CTO at @Ideal - AI for Recruiting|
+|@baynardwoods|baynardwoods|Author of Inheritance: An Autobiography of Whiteness” @hachetteus @legacylitbooks Co-author “I Got a Monster.” Repped by @brandibowles @unitedtalent|
+|@beaulebens|Beau|Head of Engineering for @WooCommerce at @Automattic. Previously worked on @Jetpack @WordPressDotCom and more. he/him.|
+|@beep|Ethan Marcotte|Digs @drinkerthinker. Designer writer speaker and tech worker. Started that @RWD thing.💌: https://t.co/g1vI5wKhR5🐘: https://t.co/eYM90Ey51q|
+|@belovedleader|I ❤️ bin chickens!|Writer of story poetry and code. Currently creating pretty pictures for minting NFTs and messing with Svelte!|
+|@benbalter|Ben Balter|Attorney open source developer Chief of Staff for Security @GitHub. Previously @GitHub Trust & Safety and @PIFgov.|
+|@benschwarz|@benschwarz@front-end.social|Co-founder / “CEO” @calibreapp. I’m a web product developer web performance researcher & writer. Cycling as much as I can and trying to have a nice time ✌️|
+|@benwerd|Ben Werdmuller|CTO @19thnews. This account is closed. Follow me at https://t.co/Bw1M0wZU9h (my site) or https://t.co/PH8bIRgTm0 (Mastodon) instead.|
+|@ben_fry|Ben Fry|Now using Mastodon: https://t.co/lj5DsxMthwFounder @FathomInfo co-founder @ProcessingOrg lecturer @MIT.|
+|@bgalmar|Bob Galmarini|papa husband surfer cyclist | leading the creative team @databricks | previously @slackhq & @zendesk | Etc...|
+|@bigbluehat|bigbluehat|inventor & evangelist - I ❤ the Web collaboration @w3c #webannotation #jsonld @couchdb @pouchdb #linkeddata | organizes @RESTFest | builds @blueinkcms|
+|@billread|Bill Read|Christian husband father Mac consultant web developer photographer in the Lowcountry of SC|
+|@blu3r4d0n|Philip Nelson (@blu3r4d0n@octodon.social)|select * from users where job = 'Data science fellow @COVID_Oversight' AND hobby = '☕' AND kernel='🐧'@blu3r4d0n@octodon.social|
+|@BohemianPixel|Andy Thornton|Please visit @codepoetsarah as my new twitter account.|
+|@boone|Boone B. Gorges|philosophy computers higher ed crosswords Jesse Frederick-composed theme songs|
+|@boonedocks|Mike Boone|Ruby/Rails & general computer geek. Love triathlon chess kayaking and nature photography. https://t.co/i4pEUsbldJ|
+|@boredzo|Peter Hosey|they/them@boredzo@mastodon.socialhttps://t.co/M1ntUtcz82@TheMatrixDotGIF|
+|@BoweFrankema|Bowe Frankema|I love working with WordPress and helping others do the same! Co-Founder and Head of Product @getdollie the Cloud Platform Builder for WordPress|
+|@BPViz|BPViz|Broadening Participation in Visualization|
+|@bradfitz|Brad Fitzpatrick 🌻|I do computers. Married to @radkat. Two sons. Xoogler. @golang team '10~'20. Made LiveJournal memcached. Currently @Tailscale.Fediverse: @bradfitz@inuh.net|
+|@bradleymeck|Bradley Farias|On hiatus.Thoughts are my own. He/him.Buy me a cup of tea/croissant via https://t.co/7Ay33P97fZ…|
+|@bradneuberg|Brad Neuberg|ML Engineer @planet. Research w/ @FDL_AI. Prev @ Dropbox/Google. Started coworking. Interests: machine learning space EO VR. https://t.co/m7fXSRGHHV|
+|@BrendanEich|BrendanEich|Co-founder & CEO @Brave Software (https://t.co/NV4bmd6vxq) and @attentiontoken (https://t.co/XhGIrdBJWu). Co-founded Mozilla & Firefox. Created JavaScript.|
+|@BretWeinstein|Bret Weinstein|DarkHorse. Prof in Exile. Trade-Offs. Telomeres senescence & cancer. Reluctant Radical. Game~B—Hard To Silence. Emojis imply irony. Opinions are not my own 🤔|
+|@brianjfox|Brian J. Fox|Technologist Free Software guy|
+|@brianleroux|@brianleroux@indieweb.social 💙|extremely hardcore cofounder @begin building functional web apps w https://t.co/oIvZnkgLBO and https://t.co/8kTGgGXNrw aws serverless heroes indieweb developer🖤|
+|@briantford|Brian Ford|✨ FP ✨ Front End ✨ JavaScript ✨ PureScript ✨|
+|@brian_lovin|Brian Lovin|🏕️ Building @trycampsite🐙 Prev. @github🔮 Videos https://t.co/IdhBYekNoB🎙 Podcasting @designdetailsfm📦 Made @staffdotdesign @withspectrum @specfm|
+|@bruces|Move Fast and Fire Things|one of the better-known Bruce Sterlings. Author journalist editor critic|
+|@BryanAlexander|Bryan Alexander|Education futurist. Author of Academia Next.Writer speaker convener consultant teacher.The Ax-Wielding Futurist - Ozy|
+|@brynosaurus|Bryan Ford|Monsieur le Professaurus de l'Info-Cyber Blahdeeblah EPFL|
+|@bscofield|Ben Scofield|Software engineer former conference organizer interested in philosophy and psychology of expertise. bscofield@hachyderm.io - he/him|
+|@bwaggoner|bwaggoner|Husband. Daddy. Art Director. Agency Partner. Dancehall Reggae fanatic. Founder: Dub Island Soundsystem & The Dubplates Reggae Riddim Band. Jayhawk. Minnesotan.|
+|@calebporzio|Caleb Porzio|Libs: @Alpine_JS & @LaravelLivewirePods: @noplanstomerge & https://t.co/T29wEQy5BvProd: https://t.co/IvxSUd6ZO6|
+|@calweb|Calvin D. Webster II|ordinary guy who is extraordinarily curious about our world. born in hawaii military family loves beach nature and people.|
+|@carlhancock|Carl Hancock 🚀🇨🇷|CEO and Founder of @Gravity and @GravityForms. Live in #CostaRica. 🇺🇸🇨🇷|
+|@carllerche|carl.tokio|I work on @tokio_rs. It's serious business|
+|@carsonified|carsonified|PLEASE NOTE: This account is managed by @Future_Insights. Follow @Future_Insights for news conferences and information for web designers and devs.|
+|@carterac|Carter Cleveland|Spacetime traveler Founder & Exec Chair at @Artsy|
+|@castillo__io|Alex Castillo|Left @Netflix to start @Neurosity. I tweet about the brain computers and brain-computer interfaces.|
+|@cbarrett|Colin Barrett 🍂|Colin (any/all) 🏳️🌈 💖💜💙Coder. Violinist. Far-left (ACAB)|
+|@cdharrison|Chris Harrison 🫥|“I’ve given up all chance at inner peace. I’ve made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts.”|
+|@cdixon|cdixon.eth|Programming philosophy history internet startups web3 @ a16z|
+|@cdmwebs|Chris Moore|Likes: pizza people @knowndecimal Ruby @ShopifyPlus. @cdmwebs@ruby.social4519 4E04 84FD 5328|
+|@ch00n|Ryan|Entrepreneur geek father to 2 amazing kids & aspiring music producer/DJ|
+|@chacon|Scott Chacon|CEO of @chatterbugapp cofounder of Berlin accelerator @SCNE_io previously cofounder of @github. All opinions are my own but also objectively the best.|
+|@chadhagen|Chad Hagen|We don’t talk about planes flying we talk about them crashing.” ― Tibor Kalman|
+|@chadnorman|Chad Norman|Catch Co-Founder & COO + family guy author speaker surfer skateboarder musician photographer startup lover & passionate life pursuer|
+|@charlestonjs|Charleston JS|CharlestonJS is a CommunityJS group in Charleston SC. Meetings held weekly online at 5pm EST everyone is welcome! 🙌 https://Charleston https://t.co/w8k0tg6pmD|
+|@charlietuna|Charles Ying| Safari App Clips. Ex-Flipboard Trilithium at Sony Snow Stack. he/him.https://t.co/5V6Xk43N6E|
+|@chrishajer|Chris Hajer|I fix things|
+|@chrislea|Chris Lea|Computering with the computers. Software Engineer at @marqeta. Photography dabbler. Linux user. Tar Heel. Athiest. https://t.co/x6p70JiaaJ and @chrislea@noc.social|
+|@chrismatthieu|Chris Matthieu|Entrepreneur-In-Residence @Intel. Founder @computesio (acquired by @magicleap) @octoblu (acquired by @citrix)... Tweets are my own.|
+|@chrismerritt|Chris Merritt|I'd rather be outdoors.☕ ⛰️ 🎣 🏕 🍻|
+|@chrismessina|Chris Messina 🐀|Deny|
+|@ChristinaDEI|Christina Engelbart|Posting news and musings from Doug Engelbart Institute: augmenting human intellect bootstrapping brilliance and great moments in tech history|
+|@christophrumpel|Christoph Rumpel 🤠|PHP Developer And Teacher at https://t.co/wlINokj30p 🤓Author of PEST Driven Laravel Laravel Core Adventures and Mastering PhpStorm 🔥Boulderer 🧗♂️|
+|@chris_trag|Chris Trag|Currently leading @AmazonAppDev Evangelism 📦🛠 Previously: @StripeDev @Evernote @RokuDev @Harvardw3|
+|@chsdug|#chsdug|A Drupal User Group (DUG) for Charleston SC - operated by @khawkins98 & @exposur3|
+|@chsruby|Charleston Ruby|Charleston South Carolina Ruby Users Group|
+|@chsweb|Fresh Start|Design Ops and UX specialist. Honing my craft since 1999. Save time. Feel good. Make money.™ Family. Runner. Cyclist. Swimmer. Stoic.|
+|@citizenk|Serge K. Keller ❦ 🏴☠️|Sharp. Intelligent. Cold-blooded. Ruthless. I void warranties. — Sutor ne ultra crepidam — κάτι τρέχει στα γύφτικα — My ♡ are ☆ — And I'm all outta gum.|
+|@clattner_llvm|Chris Lattner|Leading a first-principles rethink of AI/ML infra @Modular_AI lifting the world of production ML software into a new phase of innovation. We’re hiring! 🚀🧠|
+|@clifcunn|cliftonc|CTO @ Infinitas Learning avid technologist and husband figuring out how to apply the things I've learned to learn more every day.|
+|@cloudhead|cloudhead|Founder @radicle🌱 • Software Eng. • #Bitcoin https://t.co/WafngCPg4c • Pixels 👾 https://t.co/5pXD2DR72Z • 🦇🔊|
+|@codebrewstudios|Code Brew Studios|Rails mongoDB jQuery consulting|
+|@codeinthehole|David Winterbottom|Male software craftswoman — Head of Engineering at Kraken Technologies (part of Octopus Energy).Likes are bookmarks not endorsements.|
+|@CodeWisdom|Programming Wisdom|Programming wisdom and quotes throughout the years.The Knuth the whole Knuth and nothing but the Knuth so help me Codd.|
+|@codewthkristian|Code with Kristian|JavaScript guy - afk from Twitter|
+|@codinghorror|Jeff Atwood|Indoor enthusiast. Co-founder of https://t.co/e62S5uB0qg and https://t.co/Tuh5wHPa4a. Let’s be kind to each other. Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking about|
+|@codylindley|cody lindley|Lover of Christ people reason & dying art of discourse. Husband & father. Front-end UI/JS Engineer 4 25+ yrs. & Principal Software Engineer @Microsoft|
+|@collision|John Collison|Co-founder of @stripe.|
+|@commandlinefu|CommandLineFu|Command line diamonds created and voted on by our members|
+|@compelled2paint|David Boyd Jr.|teacher painter photographer|
+|@corymiller303|Cory Miller💥|Wrangler @post_status for WordPress founders & pros formerly @iThemes Mental Health 💯 First dude to @lindseymillerwp (He/Him)|
+|@Crell|Larry Garfield|Collaboration advocate. Clean code advocate. Clean government advocate. Geek. #PSR8-compatible. crell@phpc.social on Mastodon.|
+|@cshirky|Clay Shirky|Parody Account|
+|@csoghoian|Christopher Soghoian|Work: Senior Advisor for Privacy and Cybersecurity Office of Senator Ron Wyden. Mastodon: @csoghoian@infosec.exchange|
+|@cultigraphic|Cultigraphic|Creative peeps who enjoy great design pop culture ART and good food.|
+|@cyriakharris|cyriak harris|animator of weird stuff.https://t.co/mpRSimd5Oahttps://t.co/7zxr7CxxmZ|
+|@c_sheare|Courtney Shearer|Harvard PhD Student SSQB @DeboraMarksLab Turtles all the way down. @ClemsonUniv Alumni Prev @CRISPRtx @Zymergen https://t.co/tZFRWOwQ5x|
+|@dallard|Derek Allard|Nerd but in a cool wa... oh who am I kidding?|
+|@danbenjamin|Dan Benjamin|Way of the future.I make podcasts at https://t.co/JWiGFNacBh and run https://t.co/poD65d1wKC.|
+|@danbri|Dan Brickley @danbri@mastodon.social|@danbri@mastodon.social I run https://t.co/zLahU8U9nS work at @GoogleOSS. Technologist standards open data. “He/him” but “them” where gender irrelevant is good 😷|
+|@danielfelice|Daniel Felice||
+|@daniellecitron|Danielle Citron|@UVALaw Prof @UVALawTech Dir. | VP @CCRInitiative | #MacFellow | Hate Crimes in Cyberspace ‘14 | The Fight for Privacy @WWNorton @PenguinUK ‘22 | 🍋 🐱|
+|@danklammer|Dan Klammer|Designer. Tinkerer. Webperf Optimizer.|
+|@danmilward|Dan Milward 👾 🧛♂️|Founder of Gamefroot https://t.co/kSCH3fI3pU (HTML5 game dev). Learning Web3. Opinions are my own. Sometimes I like to bite. I ❤️ Game Design.|
+|@dan_abramov|дэн|zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom|
+|@DAPennebaker|D A Pennebaker|One half of the documentary duo Pennebaker Hegedus @PHFilms. Our new film is @UTCFilm.|
+|@davecoveney|David Coveney|Code and software veteran. I've seen every craze come and go since first picking up a computer in 1983 and getting a job in 1987.@icit_tweets is my firm.|
+|@davetron5000|David Copeland|CTO@Mood Health. Former Stitch Fix Author of Sustainable Web Development w/ Ruby on Rails & The Senior Software Engineer. he/him @davetron5000@ruby.social|
+|@davewiner|Dave Winer|I am @davew@mastodon.social. Follow me. ❤️Look up FeedLand and Drummer my two current big products. I am also https://t.co/FELMvm42q4.Still diggin!|
+|@DavidKaneda|David Kaneda|Founder & CEO @cosy_app. Previously co-founded @atSpoke (acq by @okta) DIR @benchmark and UX @google. Designer developer keyboard enthusiast.|
+|@davidlenehan|Lenny|Polldaddy - Automattic - WooCommerce - Tumblr|
+|@ddebernardy|Denis de Bernardy|The science is corrupt trash. It's soil not oil.🌱 #Agroecology🌳 #ForestGardens🏴 #MutualAid🏹 #Indigenous|
+|@ddollar|David Dollar|Epiphyte Labs. Previously Convox Nitrous Heroku.|
+|@deanjrobinson|Dean Robinson|Cricket statistic things @bigbashboard Design things @thirdkit Basketball things @newcastlenbl Other things elsewhere.|
+|@ded|No I Diaz 🤷🏻|Elite Masters Marathoner. Engineering Leader. Product Team Strategist.|
+|@defunctzombie|Roman Shtylman|Computer WhispererCo-founder @ https://t.co/1pqM6lwS4E|
+|@deisinger|David Eisinger|Ruby on Rails & Javascript developer at Viget Labs. Friend of birds.|
+|@demiansellfors|Demian Sellfors|Founder: @mediatemple New: https://t.co/fD0NgpbBz1|
+|@DennisJerz|Dennis Jerz|Grateful for masks vaccines and America's First Amendment freedoms.Humanities/English https://t.co/LPCISjwYnS (Opinions are my own not Elon Musk's.)|
+|@desandro|Dave DeSandro|Designer Developer @FictiveKin. JavaScript & logos @metafizzyco. Made Masonry Flickity & Isotope|
+|@devdevcharlie|Charlie Gerard | @devdevcharlie@hachyderm.io|Senior dev. Also @GoogleDevExpert and published author 📗. Very much into creative technology and HCI mostly in JavaScript.She / Her.|
+|@developmentseed|developmentseed|Winning with open data + We're hiring|
+|@devilbluefilms|Devil Blue Films|We make documentaries like #AVenueForTheEndOfTheWorld and books like #ToKnowJohnLennon #OurJimi & #WoodstockAt50.|
+|@devinivy|devin ivy|@bluesky / I know nothing about routes|
+|@devongovett|Devon Govett|Creator of @parceljs. Engineer @adobe working on React Aria and React Spectrum. Previously @livefyre and @storify.|
+|@DEVOPS_BORAT|DevOps Borat|Cultural Learnings of DevOps for Make Benefit Glorious Teams of Devs and Ops.|
+|@dhh|DHH|Creator of Ruby on Rails Co-owner & CTO of 37signals (Basecamp & HEY) NYT best-selling author and Le Mans 24h class-winner. No DMs email: dhh@hey.com|
+|@dimensionmedia|David Bisset|Dad³. PHP/WordPress/BuddyPress Developer. Project Manager @WPCharitable. @AwesomeMotive. #WCMIA Cofounder. Meetup and event organizer. Tweets and ❤️ are my own.|
+|@discoshrike|Cat o’ Nine Memes|Freedomism Speechist. A dedicationist nonslanderish outlandicist. That smell you foresmell may be aging bait.|
+|@djspiewak|Daniel Spiewak|Progressively redirecting to https://t.co/DeFYDDcrcj|
+|@DmitryBaranovsk|Dmitry Baranovskiy|JavaScript Artist|
+|@doctorow|Cory Doctorow @pluralistic@mamot.fr|Author journalist activist. Touring Chokepoint Capitalism - how to unrig creative labor markets and get artists paid https://t.co/98L7aGvnRP|
+|@domenic|Domenic Denicola|Works on @googlechrome to make the web better mostly through specs. Work includes the @htmlstandard @streamsstandard JavaScript modules custom elements ...|
+|@dominictarr|Dominic Tarr|co-founder and engineer @socketsupply|
+|@donncha|Donncha Ó Caoimh|Software developer by day and night. Photographer of all I see around me. He/him.@donncha@mastodon.iePhotos: https://t.co/zH37JiWtwhInstagram: https://t.co/EbtRXKxf86|
+|@DougCoupland|Doug Coupland|Never left art school|
+|@Dries|Dries Buytaert|Creator of Drupal Drupal project lead co-founder and CTO of Acquia. Young Global Leader at WEF. Building the world we want to exist in.|
+|@driesvints|Dries Vints 🪐|👨🚀 @laravelphp Core Team • ⭐️ @github Star • 💸 @stripe Community Expert • 🎙 Organising @fullstackbe & @fullstackeu • 💻 Building @laravelio & @eventyio|
+|@DRMacIver|David R. MacIver|This is mostly a personal account about how being human is irritatingly difficult.@DRMacIver@mastodon.social if you want a backup but I don't toot there yet.|
+|@drnic|Dr Nic|Runy on Rails engineer. CEO of Mocra Founder of Stark & Wayne https://t.co/BOSKEaqyMR|
+|@dscape|Nuno Job|@decipad | https://t.co/Zj8k5VSSwS | @yldio|
+|@dshaw|Dan Shaw|Founder and @Ethereum Advisor serving Enterprise Community. Founded @CorDevelopment ( https://t.co/sPOm3ssiPc ) @NodeSource The Node Firm. Always bet on Node.js ✨ he/him|
+|@eddywashere|eddy|📷 🎹💻🕸🎨 views are my own|
+|@eescreencasts|eescreencasts|Learn ExpressionEngine and more with our proven training materials.|
+|@electerious|Tobias Reich|Web developer and designer. Maker of @getackee and @laudable_apps.|
+|@emshort|Emily Short (no longer here)|I am no longer using Twitter regularly - contact me via https://t.co/B9bXdfrx62 if you need to be in touch.|
+|@enunomaduro|nuno maduro 🤌🏻|@laravelphp core team member — created @pestphp @laravelzero collision larastan @phpinsights termwind and more. All views are my own.|
+|@ericandrewlewis|eric|bamboo shredder|
+|@ericdodds|ericdodds|Practicing the art of bringing guns to a knife fight. Fighting for https://t.co/BSS5mQD4jk|
+|@ericlbarnes|Eric L. Barnes|I write about the Laravel PHP framework @laravelnews / @laraveljobs / @laracononline / @helpspot 🦥 email me eric@ericlbarnes.com|
+|@eriktoth|Erik Toth|Intently Discontented|
+|@EthanZ|Ethan no blue check before it was cool Zuckerman|UMass Amherst Global Voices Berkman Klein Center. Previously MIT Geekcorps Tripod. RT ≠ endorsement RT = interesting read. He/Him @ethanz@octodon.social|
+|@ev|Ev|there's more than one way to do it|
+|@evanwallace|Evan Wallace | @evanw@hachyderm.io|Working on esbuild. Cofounder of @figma. Proficient with web browsers.https://t.co/s6LllODAOt|
+|@evgenymorozov|Evgeny Morozov|Founder and publisher @syllabus_tweets author|
+|@ewrcode|Eric Richardson|Devops Node.js and Ruby|
+|@fabpot|Fabien Potencier|@platformsh CPO @Symfony founder project lead and CEO|
+|@faiqus|paki tony soprano (tax payer)|POSITIVE DUDE|
+|@fauxstackdev|https://hachyderm.io/@benng|No longer on Twitter see you in the Fediverse.|
+|@felixge|Felix Geisendörfer @felixge@home.social|Tweets about #golang #postgresql #typescript and #linux. Now: Go Profiling @datadoghq. Before: @Apple Co-founder of @transloadit and @nodejs core dev.|
+|@fhemberger|Frederic | @frederic@chaos.social|HTTP 410 Gone|
+|@fideloper|Chris Fidao|Slinging bytes in servers 👾 https://t.co/Ie5PVqL0Ed 🔄 @chipperci ☁️ @cloudcastsio|
+|@filipstefansson|Filip Stefansson|Engineering at @pixby. Co-founder @pixby. Working on @capterqa.|
+|@filosofo|Austin Matzko|Programmer WordPress developer|
+|@flesler|Ariel Flesler|Senior Full Stack Developer|
+|@folkertgorter|Folkert Gorter|ceo @cargocollective|
+|@foralien|Anna Ladoshkina|analyst & web developer by profession and poet by nature addict to city I live in - S.Petersburg founder of @foralien_bureau|
+|@FourKitchens|Four Kitchens|An award-winning distributed digital agency with expertise in #Drupal and #WordPress development design UX and accessibility.|
+|@francescolaffi|Francesco Laffi|Software Engineering Manager – 📈Data-Driven Growth – sailing&riding around the world|
+|@franksvalli|David Calhoun|Lead Frontend @MethaneSAT (part of @EnvDefenseFund). Sometimes philoso-photographer.|
+|@frank_chimero|Frank Chimero|Another designer in NYC.Head of Brand @ModernTreasury.What did we learn Palmer?|
+|@fredwilson|Fred Wilson|I am a VCMy NFT collection is here https://t.co/IniT6UlnEhAnd in 3D here https://t.co/GRmkI8i65q|
+|@freekmurze|Freek Van der Herten 🔭|PHP developer at @spatie_be built @getmailcoach https://t.co/IRUtuG0FwZ @ohdearapp and @flareappio blogging at https://t.co/a3spVy88VN organising @fullstackeu|
+|@fwideman|Frank Wideman||
+|@gaborhojtsy|Gábor Hojtsy|He/Him. Drupal Initiative Coordinator Coordinator working at Acquia. Father of two amazing kids.|
+|@gabrielshalom|Gabriel Shalom|Artist / Music Producer / Director|
+|@gabrielvaldivia|Gabriel Valdivia|find me on @gv@mastodon.social|
+|@gamerz|Lester Chan|🌏 Blogger at https://t.co/xwrHNex5dU.🥞 Full Stack Engineer @grabsg.❤️ Husband to @layhiang.🐦 Tweets are my own.|
+|@gavinsharp|Gavin Sharp||
+|@gcorne|Gregory Cornelius|I write code and occasionally music. current: @Shopify previous: @HubSpot @Automattic & Boston University he/him|
+|@genecrawford|Gene Crawford|Blackbelt Coach Gym Owner Web Designer & CoWork Starter.|
+|@GeorgeOnline|George H. Williams - hope the high road|“I’ve heard enough of the white man’s blues. I sang enough about myself” :: he/him | they/them. Gmail me at GeorgeHWilliams|
+|@getpantheon|Pantheon|Pantheon empowers developers IT and marketing to build and maintain websites that deliver extraordinary results with our #WebOps platform|
+|@gglnx_alt|gglnx Archiv|Eingestellt. Neustart unter @gglnx. Nur noch aus Archivgründen hier.|
+|@gilesgoatboy|giles bowkett|he/him. my public account is @gilesbowkett|
+|@giron|Alex Girón|Working on @join__team. Done a few startups. Ex @twitter @eventbrite. Use to run a design agency @nclud. Always learning.|
+|@gonedark|Jason McCreary 🎻|I’m JMac. I build things with my hands like @laravelshift https://t.co/ZWw5G9lHYc https://t.co/Oe7yZVzRDY and my standing desk.|
+|@gordonlyon|Gordon Fyodor Lyon|Most of my Twitter posts are from @nmap so your best bet is probably to follow me there.|
+|@graydon_pub|Graydon Hoare -- @graydon@types.pl||
+|@GreatDismal|William Gibson|Author of Neuromancer The Peripheral Agency… I’m also @GreatDismal@mastodon.social|
+|@greggpollack|Gregg Pollack|Teaching programming with @VueMastery (https://t.co/8vwwFrCkHN) and teaching self-awareness at https://t.co/en9mg7I6sQ. Founder of @EnvyLabs Code School @StarterStudio|
+|@gregnewman|Greg Newman|Artist and Software Craftsman Full-time Learner #python #django #germanshepherds #running #portraitartist #classicalguitar|
+|@grndlvl|Jonathan DeLaigle||
+|@gryghostvisuals|Gray Ghost|Web Development & Design Technical Writing Interaction Design Open Source Maker & Contributor. Helping Create A Better Web.|
+|@gt|Geoff Teehan|Chief Design Officer Lightspark|
+|@hacksparrow|Hage Yaapa|Computers | Martial Arts | @IBM|
+|@hadoop|Apache Hadoop|Open source software for reliable distributed scalable computing.|
+|@hakimel|Hakim El Hattab|Making @slides @revealjs & @kodemoapp • Creator of questionable value at https://t.co/2ZYbv6Bchp • 🇸🇪🇲🇦|
+|@hapijs|hapi.js|Application Framework for Node.js|
+|@happyworm|happyworm|Web Design and Applications for Generation Web - Home of jPlayer|
+|@harrybr|Harry Brignull - harrybr@masto.design|Consumer advocate: https://t.co/bBPXfeivoT. Expert witness: https://t.co/W1HFLClLGQ. Head of innovation at a global fintech company.BOOK COMING SOON! https://t.co/Lggo6kVruJ|
+|@hazelcough|michelle 👻|soft-bread engineer 🍞 public transit enthusiast 🚃|
+|@heapwolf|@heapwolf@fosstodon.org|Founder @socketsupply @dtnconf • Building @sockets_sh • Systems programmer researching internet RFCs #p2p and #localfirst • Blog https://t.co/G0jV3dLao9|
+|@helenhousandi|Helen 侯-Sandí|Senior EM @github OSPO. @WordPress Lead Dev. Collab pianist via @EastmanSchool. Best described as “a first-round pick for a bar fight or a board of directors.”|
+|@helzer|Amir Helzer|WorL and founder of a self-serve translation service.|
+|@hipsterhacker|HipsterHacker.eth|I write applications using technologies you haven't even heard of. My code is poetry meanwhile yours is oh-noetry.|
+|@Hixie|Ian Hickson||
+|@hnshah|hiten.eth|CEO at Nira (@niradotcom). Previously started @CrazyEgg and KISSmetrics. Customer Obsessed. NFT & Crypto aficionado. Never satisfied. Always grateful 🙏🏽|
+|@holtbt|Brian Holt|💳 dev ex @stripe👨🏫 @frontendmasters @vetswhocode👨💻 prev @code @azure @netflix @linkedin @reddit👨🎓 @seattleu MBA❤️ @ImNikiHolt👋 he/him|
+|@HolyCityFarms|Holy City Farms|Local tasty year round heirloom tomatoes...yum|
+|@iA|iA Inc.|We make @iAWriter @iAPresenter and @iANotebook. You can find us on Mastodon under: @ia@mastodon.online|
+|@iamcal|Cal Henderson|Slack CTO & co-founder|
+|@iamdave|Dave’s not here man.|Herman-Miller-chair-sports-writerAnti-CorporatistBlack af.Dope af. Nerdy af.|
+|@iandstewart|Ian Stewart|Design Lead at Automattic working on https://t.co/4Fx5WVuDP7.|
+|@ibjacobs|Ian Jacobs|I lead the payments activities of the @w3c.|
+|@iHiD|Jeremy Walker|👋 Co-founder at @exercism_io and @KaidoWellbeing. Geek entrepreneur boulderer traveller and coffee nerd.|
+|@imabug|imabug|Diagnostic medical physicist. PhD. Physics geek. Canadian-American. Geek of many trades master of a few. Amateur radio guy - AB4UG VA6BUG. YEG-DTW-CHS|
+|@Immildlyupset|Pea Soup|A bit of this and a bit of that-Good Book: https://t.co/grPvcrbWyhOk Design: https://t.co/uRTCqV84oFBad Music: https://t.co/KU1Ofpz21Y|
+|@indexzero|Charlie Robbins 🇺🇦|Engineer 🏗️ Leader🧘Founder 🧗 Trying to find a balance ⚖️ My words will always be my own. Likes = bookmarks. H/h|
+|@indutny|🇺🇦 indutny ( fosstodon.org/@indutny )|He/him software engineer at @signalapp.(Expressed views are my own)|
+|@internetarchive|Internet Archive|Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering millions of free books movies & audio files plus billions of saved web pages in the Wayback Machine|
+|@ireneros|Irene Ros -- @iros@vis.social|Likely out of here shortly. Find me on Mastodon. Googler. Helping people find answers. Opinions my own.🇺🇦 born and proud.|
+|@iTod|Todd Ditchendorf|Indie maker of @FluidApp @ShapesApp @RunwayUML & @FakeApp. Converts tabs to spaces.|
+|@izs|isaacs|npm inventor. he or whatever. If I blocked you and we're friends might be a mistake. https://t.co/YmDQpU36bM https://t.co/CU4d4dTuyH https://t.co/n0dVNGELTB|
+|@JackEllis|Jack Ellis|Co-founder of @usefathom the privacy-first alternative to Google Analytics.|
+|@jackhq|JRS Innovation Center|JRS Innovation Center a unit of Tabula Rasa HealthCare's software development team focuses on new concepts and technology in healthcare.|
+|@JackLenox|Jack Lenox ✊🏼|Engineering Manager @humanmadeltd MSc in Sustainability @centre_alt_tech https://t.co/PmH81v5s7x 🌍 he/him. Political at: @GreenPartyJack. Born at 349ppm.|
+|@jah|Justin Hall|CTO of https://t.co/T9TJb1APOI. Made a film about my life on the early web: https://t.co/2f5CQZpYl7 & infant parent|
+|@jamesbridle|James Bridle|Artist Author of NEW DARK AGE (Verso 2018) and WAYS OF BEING (Penguin/FSG 2022). He/They. @jamesbridle@mastodon.social|
+|@JamieJmckown|Jamie McKown|Wiggins Chair of Govt&Polity Assoc. Dean @collegeatlantic politics rhetoric conspiracy cold war 19th cent suffrage Spotty Abe Adelle Hazlett...|
+|@jaredwsmith|@jaredwsmith@mastodon.online|I made better moderation decisions as a teenager. IndieWeb weather dachshunds Padres. Founder @chswx pod @CarolinaWxGroup tees: https://t.co/Y3aiuLen6j|
+|@JarmoIsotalo|Jarmo Isotalo|⛵|
+|@jarredsumner|Jarred Sumner|building bun 🐰. formerly: @stripe (twice) @thielfellowship. high school dropout 🌈|
+|@jashkenas|Jeremy Ashkenas|Graphics Director for Opinion The New York TimesOn the hunt for the world’s sharpest visual opinions. Got a guest essay idea? Pitch me! jashkenas @ nytimes|
+|@jasnell|James M Snell|Mutuals: @iamjmsaltMastodon: https://t.co/j15bkWER7wNot Parody I am definitely the real James M Snell.|
+|@jasoncaffee|Jason Caffee|graphic designer web developer audio engineer. That's only forty nine characters of the allotted one hundred and sixty. I wonder how many more characters I ha|
+|@jasondew|Jason Dew|I write code and read books. he/him @jasondew@mas.to|
+|@jasonfried|Jason Fried|Founder & CEO at 37signals (makers of Basecamp and HEY). Non-serial entrepreneur serial author. No DMs email me at jason@hey.com.|
+|@jasongraphix|Jason Beaird|Amateur adult novice dad humble husband & professional optimist. Product Design Manager @SproutSocial #BlackLivesMatter he/him|
+|@jaspar|J Emory Parker 🏳️🌈 Subscribe to STAT+|Pulitzer prize winning editor and news developer. Now: Data Project Manager at @statnews. he/him. insta: jemoryparker | mastodon: https://t.co/fl4w51YhVg|
+|@jay_hoffmann|Jay Hoffmann|Lead Developer @ReaktivStudios. I made this thing: https://t.co/zbDm2rzLi0 Used to run a plugin review site called @tidyrepo. https://t.co/QcvCLX53J9|
+|@jbenton|Joshua Benton|Senior writer + founder of @NiemanLab at @Harvard. I write about (a) digital journalism (b) southern history mostly. Proud Cajun. Takes mine not Harvard's.|
+|@jchristopher|Jon Christopher|Believer. Husband. Dad. Builder. Building @OrganizeWP. Built (then sold) @SearchWP. Blogs sometimes (formerly @mondaybynoon). Works with @WordPress a lot.|
+|@jc_unknwon|Joe Chen|If there is no struggle then there is no progress. Easy things make people become dumb.Software Engineer @Sourcegraph opinions are my own.|
+|@jedschneider|Jed Schneider|former pro cyclist turned rubyist coffeescripter and coffee drinker husband and father. @modeset_ ftw|
+|@jeffr0|Jeff|I like trains weather classic rock music comedy and being WYSIWYG. I am the engineer of https://t.co/7Rnl8qgoVF where I write and talk about WordPress.|
+|@JeffreyBiles|Jeffrey Biles|Full-stack web devWorking on: SQuirrelLock Holmes (SQL game)Soon: @TheEffectiveDev (YouTube)Formerly: Staff engineer at SV unicornAlso: Eco homes|
+|@jeffreyrossum|Jeffrey van Rossum|Freelance PHP-developer working primarily with Laravel and WordPress. Blog at https://t.co/UpxEyMCtbQ. Creator of https://t.co/3ZwS0svLix and https://t.co/nOpTwl0nOe.|
+|@jeffrey_way|Jeffrey Way|I am error.|
+|@jeffsayre|Jeff Sayre|Founder Chairmen CEO Claris GenomiX 🧬Serial Entrepreneur⬩Advisor⬩Angel⬩Futurist⬩Technologist⬩Naturalist 🧬RTs not endorsements 🧬|
+|@jeff_jaffe|Jeff Jaffe||
+|@jehb|Jason is now @jehb@mastodon.social|No longer here. DMs and mentions will not be seen. Let's chat on Mastodon: @jehb@mastodon.social.|
+|@jenmylo|Jinx Mylo|PhD student at BGSU. UX mind for hire. Formerly of WordPress aka Jane Wells. Autistic. Acupuncturist. Rescuer of cats and half-formed ideas. she/they|
+|@jennschiffer|@jenn@pixel.kitchen|FOLLOW ME ON PETFINDER: https://t.co/sP9vc5mQqt|
+|@jensnockert|Jens Nockert|Battle programmer at night - Works as mahō shōjo at eCraft International during the day.|
+|@jeremyfelt|Jeremy Felt|👋🏻 Active at https://t.co/XVpe9Fb9j9 and https://t.co/7w2Z6NqOQJNever gonna tweet again 🕺But it's been real y'all!|
+|@jeremyjantz|Jeremy Jantz|Freelance Front-End Web Designer. Work at @atlaslocal.|
+|@jeresig|John Resig|Creator of @jquery Chief Software Architect at @khanacademy. Also Cohost https://t.co/MFsk2n6WUR Mastodon https://t.co/ojLGEDdo6I Insta https://t.co/zX6J69MhLz|
+|@jfhbrook|Josh Holbrook|software engineer • computers autism leftism alaska • mastodon: @jfhbrook@oldbytes.space • cohost: https://t.co/CGibuDuur7 • he/they|
+|@jfox85|Jon Fox|Co-founder of http://t.co/HZjB1N0vd3 & http://t.co/6HKZudDMBV - Tech Entrepreneur - Now working at @WalmartLabs|
+|@jimgroom|Jim Groom|a b twit|
+|@jimmy_butts|Jimmy Butts|Strangeness is a virtue. Director of the University Writing Program at LSU. Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition. he/they|
+|@jjeff|Jeff Robbins|Creator of Visibox/@spaceage_tv. Musician in @123Astronaut & @orbitband. Cofounder at @Lullabot. Executive Coach at jjeff․com.|
+|@JJJ|John James Jacoby|WordPress things. Happy to be helpful. I like roller skating 808'ing onewheeling and puppy squeezing. 🛼🥁🛞🐶|
+|@jkottke|Jason Kottke|Trying to do better. VT/Internet. he/him (On a Twitter break until Fall 2022). Also at https://t.co/PslcnW0h8V.|
+|@jlax|Jon Lax|It's a daily operation | VP Reality Labs Design at Meta | From the 416 now in the 415|
+|@jlongster|James Long|maker of @actualbudget. design systems @stripe. prev @mozilla. support my open source work: https://t.co/cP6eGNKqRW|
+|@jmar777|Jeremy Martin|Software Engineer @ https://t.co/nOEWl36YTW ༶ Full-time Programmer ༶ Part-time Ranter ༶ Traveler ༶ Photographer ༶ AI Art ༶ Husband ༶ Father ༶ Simul Iustus et Peccator|
+|@jmvidal|Jose M Vidal|Professor Computer Science and Engineering U. of South Carolina.|
+|@joaoflux|joaoflux|(almost) unborable flow artist & bullshit designer|
+|@joewalnes|Joe Walnes|{SoftwareHardwareDeveloperDesignerMakerInventor}Work at Apple on future technology. Come join me.Previously: {GoogleThoughtWorksTradingFounder}|
+|@joe_hoyle|Joe Hoyle|Co-founder & CTO @humanmadeltd @altisdxp @joehoyle@fosstodon.org|
+|@johndbritton|John Britton|Founder of https://t.co/cGji88bEuP (@raisedevs) – Developer and Educator. Curious. College escapee. World traveling vagabond. Past: @github @p2pu @mozilla @twilio.|
+|@JohnDCook|John D. Cook|I turn business problems into math problems then solve them.|
+|@johnmaeda|John Maeda|📘 How To Speak Machine https://t.co/eb6gj2wf1b / TIME Magazine Top 100 Twitter Feeds / S 🇺🇸 / EP #CanvasFilm|
+|@JohnONolan|John O'Nolan 🏴☠️|Founder/CEO @Ghost - Geographically restless. Publishing open source and independent business around the world.|
+|@johnturner|John Turner|Co-Founder of https://t.co/0MCoAzjj03 and https://t.co/86AACGxmZF partner at https://t.co/ZqniPmdI38|
+|@John_Parris|John Parris|In the woods|
+|@JonathanNguyen|Jonathan Nguyen|Founder of @weareunsensible. Archived after 31 days. Be excellent to each other.|
+|@jonathanstark|Jonathan Stark|Email me (I barely check social media)|
+|@jonikorpi|Joni Korpi (@jonikorpi@mastodon.gamedev.place)|Making multiplayer games using the web platform as @vuorodesign. Previously @kiskolabs. Mostly here: https://j0jV.|
+|@jonl|@jonl@mastodon.wellperns.com|Co-wrangler of Plutopia News Network cohost Radio Free Plutopia. https://t.co/chY1diV3CR Podcaster writer dharma observer enzyme. Also @jonkl@mastodon.social|
+|@jonobacon|Jono Bacon|I help people build communities. Prev. led community at @github / @canonical / @xprize. Author of 'People Powered'. @Forbes columnist. Founder of @baroncarta.|
+|@josephscott|Joseph Scott|Husband father and lead of the performance team at AutomatticIf it all goes south - https://t.co/DLhRXE4xBQ|
+|@joshest3p|Josh Estep|Sr. Drupal Developer at Promet Source|
+|@joshfraser|Josh Fraser (joshfraser.eth)|Founder @originprotocol $OGN $OUSD $OGV#CodeIsSpeech|
+|@joshmlewis|Josh Lewis|I build and fix software drones and old motorcycles.|
+|@joshnissenboim|Josh Nissenboim|Fuzzco Pretend Store Serious Buildings.|
+|@joshpangell|Josh Pangell|Co-founder / CTO → @cargocollective|
+|@joshskidmore|Josh Skidmore||
+|@jpablobr|Pablo Barrantes|@pablobarrantesr|
+|@JPBarlow|John Perry Barlow|I co-founded EFF wrote songs for the Deadranched in Wyoming for 17 years. A weird father a good friend and an excellent ex|
+|@jsgoecke|Jason Goecke|Father. Geek. Photographer. On the board at @iskme. VP CCG @Intel & GM. Tweets are my own. https://t.co/knEuhlRlPX #iamintel|
+|@jshttp|jshttp|Building low-level JavaScript HTTP-related modules.|
+|@jtaby|Majd Taby|Co-Founder: @usedarkroom Apple Design Award winner. Author: https://t.co/fyLIb2KAN8 ICP Award Nominated. Previously: Lyft Instagram Facebook and Apple.|
+|@jtauber|James Tauber|@eldarion Web & Python dev language & learning & data science Greek & Germanic philology music theory & composition cosmology Tolkien wine Christian|
+|@jtimberman|@jtimberman@hachyderm.io|I don't condone the owner of Twitter's actions and won't be spending much more time here.|
+|@juberti|Justin Uberti|CTO @fixieai. ex-@google Distinguished Engineer created WebRTC and Google Duo tech lead for Stadia Hangouts AIM. Occasional mathematician and musician.|
+|@Julian|Julian Shapiro|Storyteller at https://t.co/LzP2yuIl81. Seed investor at https://t.co/0C5yNeQ8YO. Writing newsletter below.|
+|@juliandibbell|Julian Dibbell|Writer (Wired NY Times Magazine Village Voice et al.) author (Play Money My Tiny Life) lawyer (Mayer Brown LLP).|
+|@julien51|Jᵾlien Genestoux|Founder @unlockprotocol. (NFT memberships) Previously @superfeedr (RSS websub) sold to @medium in 2016!julien51.eth @julien51@mastodon.cloud|
+|@justinabrahms|Email me: justin@abrah.ms|I care about scaling systems human ones and computer ones. He/they.|
+|@justinholtweb|Justin Holt|web developer specializing in Craft CMS. dad. husband. award winning BBQ pitmaster & competitor. Go Yankees! bmx alumni|
+|@justintadlock|Justin Tadlock|A writer artist and developer with too many cats.WordPress Developer Advocate (via Automattic).|
+|@justlikeair|Shane Pearlman|CEO at Modern Tribe. Surfer. Traveler. Dad.|
+|@jwomack|Jack Womack|I would prefer not to. @Jwomack@zirk.us|
+|@kabacoff|Robert Kabacoff|Professor Quantitative Analysis Center Wesleyan University|
+|@kadamwhite|K. Adam White|Principal Engineer @humanmadeltd artist @WordPress contributor and spouse of @EmilyGarfield. These days I mostly just post links to my DJ streams. He/Him|
+|@KalaWhite3|Kala White|Product manager artist wife mother lover of the ocean.|
+|@kaskcreativity|Nick Kask|I design identities and web sites.|
+|@kBasarab|Kevin Basarab|VP Delivery - Mediacurrent Journalism web dev videography/lighting buff and more for the price of one|
+|@kdy1dev|▲ Donny (강동윤)|Developing next.js and swc (https://t.co/pMsBbhuZDT) @vercelAlso working on a new typescript type checker. https://t.co/aZK3kAA9NKOpinons are my own.|
+|@kentcdodds|Kent C. Dodds 🌌|Improving the world with quality software · Husband Father Latter-day Saint Teacher OSS · https://t.co/pPQmnZS6rR · https://t.co/7KDAxIs02L · https://t.co/U5KafpJTZp|
+|@kevin2kelly|Kevin Kelly|Senior Maverick at Wired author of bestseller book The Inevitable. Also Cool Tool maven Recomendo chief Asia-holic and True Film buff.|
+|@KevinWoblick|Kevin Woblick|I turn Pizza into Code and Photos | Creator of @CloudhikerApp @LinkAceApp @GameQuotesNet & many more| Blog: https://t.co/s9mfZ2KVNX | Mastodon: @kovah@mastodon.social|
+|@kevsmith|Kevin Smith|I like building stuff.People are the most important thing.Leaders eat last. he/him.|
+|@khawkins98|Ken Hawkins|Making things slightly less messy than before. Interested in anything unusual. Web and information architect.|
+|@khoi|Khoi Vinh|Design at @adobe working on @adobexd and more blogger @subtraction. Host of Wireframe podcast.|
+|@khudsonphillips|Karl 🇹🇹|Trinbagonian hybrid designer/developer photographer wanna-be cyclist Chelsea FC die-hard.|
+|@kjhealy|Kieran Healy|Web: https://t.co/lrOrDrf9foPachyderm: https://t.co/u7etkiokujBuy a book it's good: https://t.co/U74voVaInQTweets periodically self-destruct.|
+|@knowtheory|Ted Han ★ 韓聖安 (@knowtheory@mastodon.social)|Director @MozillaRally | priors: @documentcloud @ire_nicar (he/him) @knowtheory@mastodon.social|
+|@koalie|Coralie Mercier (@koalie@mastodon.social)|*On Twitter Break*Word-slinger slide-maker ghostwriter ♀@W3C staff since 1999 Head of Comm.Tweeting from the dork side since 2007 (English français).|
+|@koop|Daryl Koopersmith|Design systems at @Stripe ✨|
+|@kovshenin|Konstantin Kovshenin|Building things @humanmadeltd and @altisdxp. WordPress hosting scaling performance and security. Previously: Automattic Pressjitsu https://t.co/aAkEkFimsl|
+|@kpyke|Matthew Olney🌻|I'm Director of Threat Intelligence and Interdiction at Cisco. A host of the Beers With Talos podcastMy opinions. He/Him #NAFO@kpyke@infosec.exchange|
+|@kyledrake|Kyle Drake|made: https://t.co/7T7HthINxj https://t.co/lSHIDQg5pMMy use of Twitter (if it survives) will be occasional major project announcements only.|
+|@LanceCleveland|Lance Cleveland|Dad. Explorer. Rum Lover. Code Geek. Not necessarily in that order. The Charleston-based WordPress Store Locator Plus guy.|
+|@lancejpollard|Lance Pollard|Coder. Artist. Heavily sarcastic but passionate about life.|
+|@larsras|Lars Rasmussen||
+|@leebrimelow|Lee Brimelow|iOS/macOS prototyping at Adobe Swift ❤︎'er Bay Area sports bodybuilding 🇬🇧 in 🇺🇸|
+|@left_pad|Henry|a steward @babeljs. imagination: not so much to make wonders facts as to make facts wonders|
+|@legomushroom|LegoMushroom|Oleg Solomka •Codespaces• and •Live Share• @Microsoft|
+|@leoburd|Leo Burd||
+|@leowindham|CottageatCrossroads|I am a retired radio announcer. Now I have an on line radio station. commercial free 24/7 https://t.co/fxXkrXteqf|
+|@LesHerman|Leslie Herman|Image and idea maker. Richmond Virginia.|
+|@lessig|Lessig 🇺🇦|Law professor activist citizen father (in reverse order).|
+|@levib|Levi Brooks|CEO and co-founder of @UseAllFive 🤚 Part-time professor at LMU M-School + guest lecturer at UCLA DMA.|
+|@linclark|Lin Clark|stuffing my head with code and turning it into @codecartoons.Senior Principal Engineer working on WebAssembly at @Fastly. prev: @mozilla @npm @drupal|
+|@lizcastro|Liz Castro|Founder of @AixetaInfo a non-profit platform promoting creation. Also a writer and publisher. Mastadon: https://t.co/eYafVeN2WM|
+|@LuisvonAhn|Luis von Ahn|CEO & co-founder of @duolingo. Invented reCAPTCHA. MacArthur Fellow. Former computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon. Proud Guatemalan. @LvA_Foundation.|
+|@lullabot|Lullabot|We're an employee-owned strategy design and Drupal development company. We're Lullabot it's great to meet you.|
+|@lurie_john|John Lurie|Painting with John is streaming on HBO Max|
+|@maboa|Mark Boas|Web stuff - audio & video accessibility. Co-maker: @jPlayerOrg @Hyperaudio. x-CTO / Co-founder @TrintHQ OpenNews Fellow. Cooking & growing in Italy. he/him.|
+|@maciejmalecki|Maciej Małecki|SRE DevSecOps Platforms and node.js are my jam. I do infra. I sometimes yell at clouds. Formerly @npmjs @nodejitsu. | #wypierdalać|
+|@mafintosh|Mathias Buus 🕳🥊|Head Honcho at Holepunch. Hypercore + Node.js + P2P + @keet_io.|
+|@mahemoff|Algorithms R Us|the most custom large language model on twitter@mahemoff@mastodon.xyz|
+|@majek04|majek04|Enthusiastic geek|
+|@malgorithms|Chris Coyne|I ❤️ making things...always with friends. Co-founder of SparkNotes OkCupid and Keybase.|
+|@mamund|Mike Amundsen @mamund@mastodon.social|https://t.co/L8DvppQCAnWorking to improve the quality and usability of information on the Web with APIs Microservices and Digital Transformation|
+|@ManMadeMoon|Duncan Jones|Director of Moon Source Code Warcraft Mute the graphic novel MADI and the kids Stenton & Zowie. Working on what’s next.|
+|@manovich|manovich|artist and writer - AI digital art media theory digital humanities. Professor GC_CUNY https://t.co/AYXP87pHjC|
+|@Mappletons|Maggie Appleton - indieweb.social/@maggie|Product design @oughtinc. Makes visual essays about UX programming and anthropology. Adores digital gardening 🌱 end-user development and embodied cognition|
+|@marcelpociot|Marcel Pociot 🧪|Improving your developer experience https://t.co/a5CYCM2JGE - CTO at @beyondcode https://t.co/OWEhbqqHuX|
+|@markgunnels|Mark Gunnels|Programmer. Reader.|
+|@markjaquith|Mark Jaquith|I wangjangle Laravel WordPress and such on the web. I value truth curiosity and improvement. ❤️ @sarcasmically|
+|@mathias|Mathias Bynens|I work on @ChromeDevTools (ex-@v8js) at Google and on ECMAScript through TC39. ♥ JavaScript HTML CSS HTTP performance security Bash Unicode i18n macOS.|
+|@matias_ventura|Matías Ventura|Creator at @automattic. Passionate about art and philosophy. Lead architect of Gutenberg at WordPress.|
+|@mattdesl|Matt DesLauriers|artist he/him 🇨🇦ENS: mattdesl.ethFarcaster: @mattdeslMastodon: @mattdesl@genart.social|
+|@matteocollina|Matteo Collina|@platformatic Co-Founder & CTO @nodejs TSC member PhD Lead maintainer @fastifyjs Board @OpenJSF Conference Speaker. Also at https://t.co/CorqnkgFxp|
+|@MattGrantham|Matt Grantham|Currently: Dealing with absurd bullshit. Formerly: Product Designer @Snap @Bitmoji @Eloqua / Co-founder @ CalledIt & StardustMining|
+|@matthieuaubry|Matthieu A.|Founder of the open analytics platform @Matomo_org Fav things in life: Privacy Freedom www Peace Truth Love and Nature.|
+|@mattmiklic|Matt Miklic|If you need me I’ll be in cyberspace|
+|@matt_hojo|Matt Hojo|Engineering Manager @netlify • Early stage advisor • Animal collector • @hojo@hachyderm.io|
+|@MaxCRoser|Max Roser|Data to understand the big global problems and research that helps to make progress against them.• Founder of @OurWorldInData• Researcher at @UniOfOxford|
+|@maxlynch|Max Lynch|🧑💻 @ionicframework @capacitorjs 🎮 @PlayApex ⚽ @ManUtd|
+|@maxogden|Max🦋|🌲🔭🚐🌲 Computer Programmer|
+|@maxtaco|Max Krohn|Co-founder of: https://t.co/7OaoBd0lVJ OkCupid SparkNotes TheSpark. Now Head of Security Engineering at Zoom.|
+|@mazftw|Marshall Sorenson|Director of Engineering @conceptatech|
+|@mbostock|Mike Bostock|Building a better collaborative canvas. Co-founder @observablehq. Creator @d3js_org. Former @nytgraphics. Pronounced BOSS-tock.|
+|@mbridwell|Michael Bridwell|Senior-level manufacturing sales and marketing leader. Firm believer in shared value.|
+|@mcantelon|mcantelon|@m1 on Gab.|
+|@mcrittenden|Mike Crittenden|Father of four and husband of one. EM working on @dependabot at @GitHub. Daily blog posts at https://t.co/5pnuolAwcy.|
+|@mdawaffe|Michael D Adams|WordPress | https://t.co/J5aJFYL0dE | Tumblr | Automattic@mdawaffe@mstdn.party|
+|@mde|Matthew Eernisse|Literal rock star developer. JavaScript music Japanese and serial commas. Principal Engineer at https://t.co/0c9nSp9AAU. Also find me at https://t.co/ppQwf4pmZ0|
+|@mdeiters|Matthew Deiters|Product at @Instacart previously @cruise assembly @ycombinator @mckinsey @thoughtworks|
+|@mdo|Mark Otto|Principal Design & Brand Architect @github. Design advisor. Creator of @getbootstrap. Previously @twitter. Huge nerd.|
+|@meatandpotatoes|Zach Miller|Designer at @Asana previously at @Facebook|
+|@mediatemple|Media Temple|Empowering creativity for over 20 years with premium web hosting. The home for agencies designers & devs with big ideas. For support message @mediatemplehelp.|
+|@medriscoll|Michael E. Driscoll|Founder @RillData a simple alternative to complex BI stacks. Previously founded @Metamarkets @DCVC @CustomInk. Lapsed computational biologist.|
+|@melvitax|Melvin Rivera|UX Designer/Developer|
+|@merlinofchaos|Earl Miles|Drupal guru author of Views developer gamer father amateur writer. Stuff. merlinofchaos@hachyderm.io|
+|@mermarecreative|Marianne Hegedus|aquatic equestrian web dev/designer wordpress fangirl creative geek mac tech and more...|
+|@metabrew|Richard Jones (RJ)|Enthusiastic cook erlanger @lastfm (née Audioscrobbler) founder/former CTO @irccloud founder bit of rust gamedev & home automation nonsense.|
+|@metajack|Jack Moffitt|nope|
+|@metaskills|Ken Collins|AWS Serverless Hero 🦸♂️ Ruby/JavaScript Cloud Native Developer. Principal Engineer @CustomInk @CustomInkTech. AWS Certified Developer. #BlackLivesMatter.|
+|@meyerweb|eric_meyer.css|Armchair rocket scientist graffiti existentialist. Agnostic in principle atheist in practice mzungu. I’m only here for the food. @meyerweb@mastodon.social|
+|@mgoldst|Mitch Goldstein (@mgoldst@mastodon.art)|Associate Professor @rit_artdesign. Also @ https://t.co/Le3ftOLZd9. my book How To Be A Design Student now available for pre-order at the link below! He/him.|
+|@mhevery|Miško Hevery (Builder.io/Qwik)|CTO at @builderio creator of @QwikDev @angular @angularjs co-creator of #karmajs|
+|@miccolis|Jeff Miccolis|Not actually using twitter anymore. See posts at https://t.co/RGPoZcmK66|
+|@micr0bitz|Michael Castilla||
+|@mikeal|Mikeal Rogers|bringing the web to web3 💗 Buddhist|
+|@mikeindustries|Mike Davidson|I've designed some products you have probably used including Twitter & ESPN. I believe in laceless shoes grape toothpaste & being nice. Fruit on 🍕 is 👌.|
+|@mikelittlezed1|Mike Little|Humanist Stoic 🏳️🌈 He/They. Dev at @altisdxp (@humanmadeltd). Owner at @zed1com. Cofounder of WordPress. @mikelittle@mikelittle.comI rarely read DMs.|
+|@MikolaLysenko|Mikola Lysenko|https://t.co/CqrW0KXFTc / work https://t.co/P0VvZk223X|
+|@mitchwu|Mitchell Wu||
+|@mjtsai|Michael Tsai|Mac Software Developer (@DropDMG @EagleFiler @SpamSieve @ToothFairyMac)|
+|@mkgold|Matt Gold 🇺🇦|Assoc Prof of English/Digital Humanities @GC_CUNY. Director @cunycommons @cunygcdi @cbox. Co-Editor @dhdebates. Co-PI @manifoldscholar. mkgold@hcommons.social|
+|@mkoenig|Michael Koenig|CRO @GetWavelo @Tucows. 2x COO. Fmr @Automattic & @WordPress.com. Remote Operations Leader of Growth Stage SaaS Tech Companies | Host of @BetweenTwoCOO's.|
+|@mnot|Mark Nottingham|Co-chair @ietf HTTP Working Group @w3c BoD standards lead @Cloudflare. Former @w3ctag and @intarchboard. @mnot@techpolicy.social|
+|@mogwai_poet|Jim Stormdancer|Sandwich Imagineer at Twinbeard. Made Frog Fractions. May or may not have already made Frog Fractions 2 through 5. He/him.|
+|@mojombo|Tom Preston-Werner|Inventor. Building @PWVentures & @RedwoodJS. Formerly: GitHub cofounder. Board @Gitpod @Netlify @HackClub. Also: Gravatar Jekyll SemVer TOML.|
+|@mollyfmielke|Molly Mielke|hyper benevolent. investing @mothfund|
+|@monteiro|Mike Monteiro🌹|This is a personal account and does not reflect the opinions of my boss who is an asshole.he/him|
+|@Mr0grog|Rob Brackett|Person.|
+|@mranney|Matt Ranney|Engineering at DoorDash. Always trying to be better.|
+|@mrdoob|mrdoob 🇺🇦|Award losing non creative junior developer.May or may not have something to do with @threejs.|
+|@MrPrudence|Paul Prudence|Flea in the blowtorch of history → https://t.co/FQLnjBMsWc |New book → Figured Stones | @Corbel_Stone → https://t.co/sUJNE1fNty|
+|@mrwiblog|Chris Taylor @stillbreathing@mastodon.world|Web developer sometime musician father needs to lose a few pounds|
+|@mslima|Manuel Lima|RSA Fellow. TED Speaker. Design Lead & Startup Mentor @Google. Author of 3 bestseller books including @bookofcircles. Live Webinars: https://t.co/v7QgNsUOo8|
+|@murmosh|Mᴀʀᴋ Kubacki|Engineer and Friend. · Millennial · M. Sc. · (he/him)|
+|@murtaugh|Tim Murtaugh 💉💉💉|(Looking to start a food blog? Get in touch!)@monkeydobiz partnerBLM. He/him. I’m not sorry I ate the plums.@murtaugh@mastodon.social|
+|@MylesBorins|sMyle is OOO|He / Him | Director of Product Management GitHub Packages and npm | Opinions are potentially wrong but definitely my own|
+|@nacin|Andrew Nacin|Erstwhile @USDS @ObamaWhiteHouse Lead Developer of @WordPress. Tweets are my own. Vote.|
+|@ndrwhr|Andrew Wang-Hoyer|🏝|
+|@neave|Paul Neave|Now on Mastodon: https://t.co/AQ2DuLrsmz|
+|@NeckbeardHacker|Neckbeard Hacker|Fat guy who knows C++. Hire me to replace @HipsterHacker's code with a set of very small shell scripts.|
+|@nelson|Nelson Musk is a Parody Minar|Mastodon: @nelson@tech.lgbt|
+|@ngpedro|ngpedro|VC|Entrepreneur|Nerd Bay Area(@ChamaeleonVC @StriveCapital) | Asia(@McKinsey) | Europe(@GSMA) Co-Host https://t.co/VfY6eonHg1 | https://t.co/gX2WIGq2N2|
+|@nickmomrik|Nick Momrik|Asparagus is gross.|
+|@nicksantos|Nick Santos|Helping everyone develop on the cloud at @Docker. Formerly @tilt_dev @Medium @Google. He/him. @nicks@hachyderm.io|
+|@NiemanLab|Nieman Lab|We are the Nieman Journalism Lab part of @niemanfdn at Harvard. We're trying to figure out the future of news.|
+|@nkzawa|Naoyuki Kanezawa|programmer at @vercel|
+|@noel|Noël Jackson|Product Strategy • Music Producer • Founder @sonicaapp • prev @automattic @zeldman|
+|@noeltock|Noel Tock|Growing digital in the enterprise @humanmadeltd / built @nomadbaseio & @happytables @realitymod / Thoughts on remote work nomadism and building things.|
+|@nooooooooooope_|Nooooope|No more twitter|
+|@notch|notch|Profile pic is kawaii af.Banner by @Mathep11Some of the jokes are originalPlease bring back alf|
+|@notquiteleo|Leo|TBA — Previously Head of Product for the first 6 years of @vercel|
+|@noUpside|Renee DiResta|studying pathological information systems and how narratives spread @ Stanford Internet Observatory. Prev: quant finance (Jane Street) VC startups.|
+|@nullvariable|Doug Cone|PHP/Node Drupal WordPress. Work @getpantheon.Maker @synergy_mill. Frequent disaster relief responder. Say hello so I know you're real!|
+|@obenland|Konstantin Obenland|WordPress Contributor & retired Release Lead. Founder & CEO of https://t.co/SgoMlqgiSr. Likes to go places.|
+|@ohmyzsh|ohmyz.sh 🌈⌨️🐚|The delightful open source framework for Zsh.Discord 🗣 https://t.co/jpdd01QsSUShop 👚 https://t.co/Mk3vRNLwgZ|
+|@openpublic|OpenPublic|OpenPublic is an open source publishing platform for building websites and collaboration tools for open government.|
+|@openpublish|OpenPublish|OpenPublish is an open source publishing platform tailored to the needs of today's online news organizations.|
+|@orangecoat|OrangeCoat|The blog links and news from the OC|
+|@Otto42|Samuel Wood (Otto)|Tech Ninja for https://t.co/DiST3OPbgF. I do random things like work on https://t.co/iHZG5ZuGlE. Sometimes I make beer.|
+|@outlandishjosh|Josh Koenig|Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer @getpantheon making hashtag #WebOps happen. Talks like a podcast set to 2x speed.|
+|@ozh|Ozh Richard|I wrote https://t.co/jnVDdho592 about WordPress plugins. I make https://t.co/5ghkjUL4qb. I listen to death metal and drink wine every day.|
+|@pahlkadot|Jennifer Pahlka|@pahlkadot@mastodon.socialAuthor of Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better out May 23. Pre-order! (thank you)|
+|@patrickc|Patrick Collison|Fallibilist optimist. Stripe CEO. 🇮🇪|
+|@patrick_mj|patrick_mj|Associate Director for Systems at the Digital Scholarship Group at Northeastern University. Plays well wit Omeka WordPress TEI. More to come!|
+|@paulg|Paul Graham||
+|@paulgodfrey|Paul Godfrey|co-founder @ covey — building the best talent sourcing platform on the planet|
+|@paul_irish|Paul Irish|@paul_irish@toot.cafe on MastodonI 💗 the web • I work on performance Chrome DevTools Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights.|
+|@peepcode|PeepCode|This account is no longer being updated. Please follow @pluralsight for new courses or @topfunky (PeepCode founder).|
+|@pelequie|Miguel Lezama||
+|@PeteL0gan|Pete Logan|Work @AmpereComputing. Play Free flight free climb free beer!|
+|@petemall|Pete Mall||
+|@peterbarth|Peter Barth|CPO at @flatironschool previously founder and CEO at @theironyard|
+|@peter_anselmo|Peter Anselmo|I build websites.|
+|@pgibbs|Paul Wong-Gibbs|Engineering Director at Indigo Tree. Previous: Daily Telegraph (UK) Automattic Human Made Pragmatic.@pgibbs@mastodon.social|
+|@phase2|Phase2|We make digital products that inspire engage and create impact.|
+|@PHFilms|Pennebaker Hegedus|D A PENNEBAKER and CHRIS HEGEDUS documentary filmmakers for over 40 years. Our new film is @UTCFilm.|
+|@philogb|Nico Belmonte|AR/VR Maps @Meta. Before: Director & Head of Visualization @Uber Staff Visualization Eng @Twitter. 🗽 via 🌁 🇫🇷 🇦🇷. Math Art InfoVis & Graphics.|
+|@phil_eaton|Phil Eaton|Cofounder @TigerBeetleDBHacker chat at https://t.co/pSjd6yQDL9Ex- @Oracle @Capsule8 @LinodeIndefinitely 🇺🇸💍🇰🇷 🐈🐈🐕@eatonphil@hachyderm.io|
+|@phluxor|Robert Popovic|Currently reinventing self.|
+|@photomatt|Matt Mullenweg|I can think. I can wait. I can fast.|
+|@pkrumins|Peter Krumins|Hacker. Co-founder of Browserling and Testling together with @substack. (We made: https://t.co/6PnlaYNqC2 https://t.co/KaTJWvwzyo https://t.co/TR0xuIfzfm).|
+|@plutado|David Plutado Fugate|Dad software engineer web series producer entrepreneur. Certified Scrum Professional. IG: davidfugate|
+|@plwarre|Patrick Warren|Assoc. Professor in the John E. Walker Department of Economics at Clemson University. Disinfo Pol. Econ. Active in @rotary and @LWV.--Personal Account|
+|@pmarca|Marc Andreessen|After pausing for much of the weekend to assess the security concerns I am resuming my activity on Twitter as I continue to monitor the situation.|
+|@POSSCON|Palmetto Open Source|A technical conference exploring Open Tech and the Open Web - #POSSCON|
+|@pquerna|Paul Querna|CTO & Co-Founder @ConductorOneInc|
+|@pragdave|Dave Thomas|Programmer turned publisher (but mostly programmer)|
+|@progrium|Jeff Lindsay 💀🚜|Indie maker of many things. Now making Tractor System. Follow your curiosity. @progriumHQ|
+|@ptahdunbar|(Afro)TekGod|★ ❤️🖤💚 ★ 👼🏾 ★ 🐐 ★|
+|@publicimage|Christopher Vinson|Connecting people parks libraries archives and culture.|
+|@puffnfresh|Brian McKenna|Computational trinitarianist. Talk to me about programming languages. The parrot is real. λΠ|
+|@P_M_Cu|Paul M. Cuenin|Software Engr in #GreenwoodSC. @ClemsonUniv & @follow_lander Alum. Cars/Photos/Tech/Catholic garage: 16Mazda3/03Boxster/05LX470 🏕📸💻🏎🇺🇸 🗽|
+|@raanan|Raanan Bar-Cohen (raanan.eth)|Co-Founder @ResoluteVC: We lead super early seed rounds including @ActiveFence @bark @clutter @greenhouse @HelloHeartApp @opendoor @signifyd @ujetcx @Zebec_HQ|
+|@Rarst|Andrey Savchenko|Russian warship go fuck yourself. https://t.co/P6CEtV77rR|
+|@rasmus|Rasmus Lerdorf|Breaking the Web@rasmus@phpc.social|
+|@raspberryman|Tony Rost|Technology Leader by day Warrior-Goofhead Husband and Dad always|
+|@rauchg|Guillermo Rauch|@vercel CEO|
+|@ray_i_am|r-a-y|am i ray? ray i am!|
+|@rbates|Ryan Bates|Producer of Railscasts - Ruby on Rails Screencasts|
+|@rboren|Ryan Boren|#ActuallyAutistic retired technologist turned wannabe-sociologist. Equity literacy neurodiversity disability. he/they@ryanboren@social.coop|
+|@RefreshCHS|Refresh Charleston|A series of events for creatives promoting design innovation and better solutions with short attention-span friendly talks.|
+|@rem|THAT @REM SHOW|Just smart enough to know I'm not smart enough.he/theyAlso available on https://t.co/eaFS4CDpBn but mostly IDK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯|
+|@retlehs|Ben Word|@rootswp 🌱|
+|@retrohack3r|r3kc4h0rt3r‏|SRE Infrastructure and Node.js contractor/consultantex: @Netflix @NodeSourceYou matter ❤️|
+|@Rich_Harris|Rich Harris|Cheese fan. I work on @sveltejs at @vercel. When the asteroid finally obliterates this place you can find me at @rich_harris@toot.cafe. Until then 🍿|
+|@riddle|Peter|Designing systems and interfaces. Opinions are mine etc. https://t.co/a66RqHbhz0|
+|@rmccue|Ryan McCue (parody)|Director of Product at @humanmadeltd building @altisdxp. Created https://t.co/UlbwOlIx60. https://t.co/XiuPRBK778|
+|@rnathias|rnathias bynens|Professional front-end web developer. I have a LinkedIn profile and everything.|
+|@robertopolillo|roberto polillo|ICT & photography...|
+|@RobynHitchcock|Robyn Hitchcock|English songwriter. Pisces. Cheese fiend.|
+|@RPrioleau|RPrioleau|I'm with Blue Ion. I like the big picture stories bikes dogs the outdoors and making lists.|
+|@rsms|Rasmus Andersson|Adventures in software & design. Tinkering on fonts @playbit_ and little art projects. Past @Figma @Facebook founding member @Spotify (rsms@mastodon.social)|
+|@rvagg|Rod Vagg|This account is write-only I don't see replies or DMs. Please email me if you need to get in touch (r@va.gg).|
+|@rworth|Richard D. Worth|Software Engineering Manager at Capital One|
+|@ryanbigg|Ryan has quit the bird site|https://t.co/FXtnnqYFSy|
+|@ryanszrama|Ryan Szrama|Creating a future where anyone who wants to sell online can compete without compromise at @CentarroHQ Director on the @DrupalAssoc Board.|
+|@SamBehnam|Sam Behnam|Software Engineer Ph.D. 🇮🇷🇨🇦 ❤️science technology entrepreneurship curiosity human rights freedom liberalism/capitalism nature. 🚫BS 🚫DM|
+|@samccone|Sam Saccone|Working on what's next on @android (he/him)|
+|@samhoover|Sam Hoover|#AutismDad #BlackLivesMatter Director of Mobile Innovation Team at Clemson University leading development on my.Clemson - Everything Clemson. Everywhere.|
+|@SamKap|@samkap@front-end.social|Three puppies in a trench coat from Curaçao 🇨🇼 and author of Inclusive Design Communities. Senior Product Designer @netlify. She/her. On Mastodon.|
+|@samplereality|Mark Sample ✨|Digital Studies Professor / Creator of @mobydickatsea @clipart1994bot @BiodiversityPix & @weirdsatellite. Fediverse: @samplereality@post.lurk.org|
+|@samuelsidler|Samuel Sidler|10up. Previously: Human Made Automattic Audrey Mozilla & Camino.|
+|@sarahcuda|Sarah Lacy|I'm the founder of Pando and ChairmanMe|
+|@Sargent|Stephen Granade|Science presenter robotics researcher fiction writer and video host. Former child model but only locally. @sargent@wandering.shop . he/they|
+|@saurik|Jay Freeman (saurik)|I developed Cydia for jailbroken iOS devices and am now (theoretically) in charge of technology for @OrchidProtocol I am also a local politician in California.|
+|@scotthmurray|Scott Murray|Helping families sleep better @oolie_us ~ Migrated to https://t.co/HMywWN4xBk @scott@vis.social|
+|@scottjehl|Scott Jehl|Web Designer/Dev. Accessibility & Performance Fan. Mediocre surfer. @realWebPageTest team @catchpoint. @filamentgroup alum. Also https://t.co/gf6NevSHZS|
+|@scottkclark|@skc@fosstodon.org 🏳️🌈|Scott Kingsley Clark — Senior Software Engineer @pagely @godaddy Lead Dev @podsframework @skc@fosstodon.org|
+|@scott_gonzalez|Scott González||
+|@scribu|scribu|Machine Learning Engineer|
+|@scrutinizerci|scrutinizer ci|Continuous Inspection Service|
+|@seangaffney|Sean Gaffney|Husband. Father. Engineering Manager at @Etsy. Interests include management frontend infra and web perf. Clemson alum. Recovering perfectionist.|
+|@seanmcdonaldxyz|sean|bringing 🌞😎🌻 mindset to your feed. building @sundialcalendar.|
+|@seanosh|Sean O'Shaughnessy|systems wrangler automattic|
+|@seldaek|Jordi Boggiano|Co-Founder of @packagist / #ComposerPHP – Head of Engineering at @TeamupCalendarOSS Wishlist: https://t.co/CsTK7iAj1I@seldaek@mastodon.social|
+|@sh1mmer|Tom ✊🏼 Croucher|I hang out at home with an adorable baby and have unrelated opinions about politics ✊🏾|
+|@shawnhazen|shawnhazen|Graphic designer. I run Hazen Creative Inc. outta Seattle.|
+|@ShelbyWhite|Shelby White|Founder of @Designspiration photographer artist.|
+|@shinjikuwayama|shinji|he/him bialy baker|
+|@sillygrampy|Ron Rennick|Canadian dad & granddad. I like to play with paint & fabric. Tumblr Code Wrangler @automattic|
+|@sindresorhus|Sindre Sorhus|Full-time open-sourcerer & indie Mac developer. ❤️ Swift. Makes macOS apps & Node.js stuff. Made @awesome__re. &: @sindre_gh_repos @sindresorhus@mastodon.social|
+|@sirstefan|Stefan Sirucek|all opinions here are my mom's|
+|@sjappleford|Simon Appleford / @sjappleford@hcommons.social|Associate Professor of History @CreightonAuthor of Drawing Liberalism (@uvapress 2023)Co-PI of The Natural Face of North AmericaCo-creater of https://t.co/QsTZ7L3eMY|
+|@sklaporte|Stephen|Free knowledge enthusiast. Legal Director for @wikimedia|
+|@smthdotuk|Sam Smith|Woke. Working class. Designer. Front-end developer.|
+|@smwat|Sara M. Watson|technology critic #auntwave|
+|@sorbits|Allan Odgaard|Programmer self-employed.|
+|@soryu2|Stan|sondern. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own|
+|@spolsky|Joel Spolsky|co-founder of Fog Creek Trello Stack Overflow Glitch and https://t.co/Jb7fG3eQgU - I have moved to @spolsky@blackrock.city on mastodon|
+|@spolu|Stanislas Polu|_engineer(https://t.co/fCirsLjeo2) _alumni(https://t.co/8jAnpFAkp1 https://t.co/e99AaHzlA0 https://t.co/4jg6knqi2S https://t.co/kXE6PNf8xH)|
+|@squinkifer|D. Squinkifer|1/3 of @soft_chaos. Had a tweet go viral one time in 2014 steadily avoiding repeat incidents ever since. (they/he)|
+|@sstephenson|Sam Stephenson|born never asked 🏳️🌈 he/him@sstephenson@mastodon.social|
+|@stanine|Matt MacInnis|COO at Rippling Angel Investor Daddy|
+|@Steli|Steli Efti|I'm here to encourage 💪CEO of @closeInner Work Podcast https://t.co/vxUMYYU0je…My Weekly Newsletter: https://t.co/jcwRDOgNVa|
+|@stephdau|Stephane Daury|Enjoyer of life software developer.|
+|@stephenorban|Stephen Orban|Husband to Meghan father to Harper and Finley. VP AWS Marketplace Partner Engineering and ISVs. Authored Ahead in the Cloud. Thoughts my own.|
+|@stephmcdonald|Steph McDonald|I love technology recruiting dog person mental health advocate recruiter Wes Anderson Hamilton Boston Terriers Books Gaming Humanist. She/her|
+|@stevenbristol|Steven Bristol||
+|@stevesgill|Steve Gill|Director of DevRel Engineering @SlackHQ! Prev Cordova & PhoneGap @adobe. Canucks Hockey! He/Him|
+|@stewartbrand|Stewart Brand|President of The Long Now Foundation--which takes no sides. In this forum as a private person I do take sides occasionally.|
+|@streamsstandard|Streams|The Streams Standard|
+|@studiochris|Chris Price 🏳️🌈|designer + developer + hobby photographer — he/him|
+|@SudarMuthu|Sudar Muthu|Dad WordPress Developer Vim User Fish Keeper Terrace Gardner Blogger Arduino Fanboy Book Addict Gadget Freak.|
+|@superfeedr|superfeedr|Real-time feeds XMPP and PubSubHubbbub!|
+|@Sutto|Darcy Laycock|Coffee Code and TV / Music.|
+|@swalkinshaw|Scott Walkinshaw|Shopify · Roots|
+|@syntaxcon|Syntax Conference|A full stack developer event providing practical training for tomorrow’s developers & enginerds.|
+|@tabatkins|(Parody) ZNUTS|World-building nerd. Ask me about base 6!💖Gender like genre is an ill-defined concept invented to sell you things. they💖Editor of ~50% of CSS specs|
+|@TannerStokes|Tanner Stokes|iOS @Automattic formerly @ClemsonUniv.|
+|@taylorotwell|Taylor Otwell 🪐|Founded and creating Laravel for the happiness of all sentient beings especially developers. Space pilgrim. 💍 @abigailotwell.|
+|@tdominey|Todd Dominey||
+|@technoweenie|🎧🖥🌭|offline mutation // breathe / drink water / eat comics / learn to swim|
+|@tellyworth|“parody” Alex ''!--‹›=&{()}|Alex “parody” Shiels. Developer and code archeologist at Automattic Inc. Photography at https://t.co/A5BzcQ9HIb and https://t.co/z4qKm2lHHE. I block fuckwits.|
+|@tenderlove|Aaron Patterson|Job: @ShopifyOpinions: MinePGP: 4CE9 1B75 A798 28E8 6B1A A8BB 9531 70BC B4FF AFC6Switch: SW-6099-0664-6989Partner: @ebiltwin and cats.he/him|
+|@thadallender|Thad Allender|Whoa internets!|
+|@thagler|Tobby Hagler|I have nothing clever to add here.|
+|@tharonh|Tharon Howard|Tharon is a professor at Clemson Uni. and directs the Usability Testing Faciilty and Multimedia Authoring Teaching and Research Facility there.|
+|@TheASF|Apache - The ASF|Official feed: The Apache Software Foundation. The world's largest Open Source foundation provides $22B+ worth of software for the public good at 100% no cost.|
+|@thecorkboard|Kyle M. L. Jones ⚽️ 🇺🇸|•Associate Professor •Student privacy researcher: @datadoubles/@priorityprivacy/@datafiedclassrm•𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨|
+|@TheElephantRoom|Elephant Room Media|Internet Marketing - Video Production - Web Design and Development - Graphic Design|
+|@themsaid|Mohamed Said|Creator of https://t.co/plijbxamKs · Author of https://t.co/EBDZmzE7rc · Instructor @laracasts · ex-Laravel · VP Infrastructure|
+|@thepag|Mark Panaghiston|JavaScript Developer. Author of jPlayer - The jQuery HTML5 Audio / Video Library.|
+|@thepug|Nathan Zorn|Surfer Software developer. https://t.co/pXVpePQGaR|
+|@TheRichFuller|rich!|Upper Middle Management of 2 Boys(#autism #adhd) #Golfer #GoGators ex-silly valley dotcom survivor into dadcars & stocks. #gopackgo|
+|@thianhlu|Thianh Lu|☕️|
+|@thockin|Tim Hockin (thockin.yaml)|Principal SW Engineer Kubernetes GKE & Google Cloud. Father. Food lover. Star Wars nerd.@thockin@hachyderm.io|
+|@thomasbonte|Thomas Bonte|Music & web technologist entrepreneur was @MuseScore CEO/co-founder Drupal coder traveler photographer sports fanatic|
+|@thomasfuchs|Thomas Fuchs ⎷ Official ⎷ Final ⎷ Final2 ⎷ V2.1|Follow me on Mastodon:@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io|
+|@thosjleeper|Thomas J. Leeper|Research Scientist @Meta. Minnesota emigrant. Replies only to real names. Opinions my own. he/him they/them|
+|@timberners_lee|Tim Berners-Lee|Director of W3C (https://t.co/uyt4YeYD5u) the Web standards place. Founded https://t.co/kq0t1e4pVj - let web serve humanity. CTO https://t.co/vsUasPsY5r to develop https://t.co/iPoqAldF1M|
+|@timoreilly|timoreilly|Founder and CEO O'Reilly Media. Watching the alpha geeks sharing their stories helping the future unfold.|
+|@tinkhanson|Christa Hanson|Voice actor for hire plant nerd Japanophile. Talks abt work & life: voiceover design/marketing plants gaming photography Japan procrastination. She/her|
+|@tinysubversions|Darius Kazemi|I'm trying to make social media better: https://t.co/OFWeHJWTRN. Back on Twitter for research. Former Mozilla Fellow. #WHNBM he/himOn fediverse: @darius@friend.camp|
+|@tipiirai|Tero Piirainen|Head of product @ Volument|
+|@tjholowaychuk|TJ Holowaychuk 🇺🇦|Mostly film photography. @stdemo_o's|
+|@tjwds|Joe Woods|on mastodon at https://t.co/pLc12zj6bM | @joe@oldinternet.net|
+|@tlovett12|Taylor Lovett|Open source web technologies engineer and enthusiast. Vice President of Engineering at @10up.|
+|@Todd_Park44|Todd Park (NARA)|This is an archive of an Obama Administration account and is maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).|
+|@Tojiro|Brandon Jones 🐀|WebGPU/WebXR/WebGL Dev @ Google. He/HimThe downfall of modern civilization. - Joystiq|
+|@tomayac|Thomas Steiner (@tomayac@toot.cafe)|Developer Relations Engineer at @Google focused on the Web and Project Fugu 🐡. Dad-of-3. Alum of @UniversiteLyon (Postdoc) @la_UPC (PhD) @KITKarlsruhe (MA).|
+|@tomdale|Tom Dale|@tomdale@toot.cafe|
+|@TonyKovanen|Tony Kovanen|CTO @ startup (in stealth). Partner @ Saulx. Previously co-founded @zeithq dev @gatsbyjs and other things.|
+|@TooTallNate|Nathan Rajlich|Programmer / Nerd. Engineer @vercel. Former @nodejs core committer. Before you ask I'm 6’6”|
+|@topfunky|Geoffrey Grosenbach|Entrepreneur designer developer teacher athlete. Director of Product Education Engineering @hashicorp|
+|@tpope|Tim Pope|Vim plugin artist https://t.co/bWb4SWNuWu https://t.co/CDfkaWXMle|
+|@trevorburnham|Trevor Burnham|👨🏻💻 Author of Test-Driven React: https://t.co/WzqPgaCeUR…|
+|@trevorturk|Trevor Turk|Programming Hello Weather. Previously Impactive IFTTT Clearbit and Basecamp.|
+|@twonds|Christopher Zorn||
+|@twoodwar|Tom Woodward|I'm your huckleberry.|
+|@uknowthen|James Moore|Software Engineer & Principal Instructor @mycelial #elixir #CRDTs #DistributedSystems #localfirstsoftware Former Submariner|
+|@unconed|Steven Wittens - 📵🛂|Professional shape rotator.Hiking the frontiers of cognition good and bad.More true than is convenient.Tooters: @unconed@mstdn.io|
+|@Vaxilart|Simon Boudrias|Building @yeoman & Inquirer.Frontend eng manager at @datadoghqMontréal 🛫 San Francisco 🛫 Beijing 🛫 Vancouver|
+|@victorporof|Victor Porof|@google ex-@mozilla 🏔 🧗🏃🚴 🎸 📷|
+|@Viper007Bond|Alex Mills|I write code for @Jetpack at @Automattic plus a few @WordPress plugins in my free time. I'm really into cars. In recovery from leukemia.|
+|@VitalikButerin|vitalik.eth|EthereumFable of the Dragon Tyrant (not mine but it's important): https://t.co/t3jaMRRrPsAbolish daylight savings time and leap seconds|
+|@vladquant|Vlad|Humanizing the web with Kagi search and Orion browser.Prefer lists to following.|
+|@w3c|W3C (@w3c@w3c.social)|The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) makes the Web work for everyone. We develop interoperable technologies (specifications guidelines tools). @w3c@w3c.social|
+|@waitbutwhy|Tim Urban|Writer infant|
+|@WardCunningham|Ward Cunningham|Objects Patterns Agile Wiki|
+|@wasi_master|Wasi Master|15 y/o programmer photographer and much more! Tweets about my python projects and findings. Exams are near so expect less activityhe/him|
+|@waxpancake|Andy Baio|I made @waxy @xoxo @skittishHQ @upcomingorg https://t.co/smCJO4M0NH @playfic https://t.co/AeYHp22iCL. Helped build @kickstarter. Mastodon: https://t.co/8FkyggXofu (he/him)|
+|@wayneeseguin|wayneeseguin|Open source hacker author of RVM https://t.co/lZQuECqtIT SM Framework https://t.co/OggD04rS9I and RailsInstaller http://t.co/6rQsfj8qJT|
+|@wchrisjohnson|Chris Johnson||
+|@webchick|webchick - webchick@mastodon.social|Principal Cat Herder @MongoDB. @Dru. Formerly @Acquia @Lullabot. @OReillyMedia author. Lesbionic Ace Mom. #AuDHD? Gendermeh. Gamer. Views my own.|
+|@WebPlatform|Web Platform|Your Web documented.|
+|@WengersToyBus|🐝 Bryan James|Nomad interaction creative and designer. 🎥 https://t.co/6myBOGwrJK | 👀 https://t.co/a1xSfe8H73|
+|@Werner|Werner Vogels|CTO @ Amazon|
+|@wesbos|Wes Bos|Fullstack Dev ❯ JS⚛ CSS Node ❯ https://t.co/6heZ7gYSqt ❯ https://t.co/8aa8R2wL1h ❯ https://t.co/lOo3xh1vQt ❯ https://t.co/XYbxq79oMk ❯ 🔥 Tips ❯ ♥@KaitBos ❯ @SyntaxFM|
+|@westi|Peter Westwood|WordPress lead developer | Happiness Gardener | Code Dreamer | Ex-Embedded Firmware Developer | Photographer | Music lover | http://t.co/BlCnL2dy7R|
+|@whale|Matthew|I design relationships between people and organizations that drive human-positive impact. Partner https://t.co/JHH6nN64Cq CEO https://t.co/ptbfPLjnlx.|
+|@willmcnelis|Will McNelis|Agile Coach. Guitar in @SpookHillBand. Saltwater and traveling.|
+|@willnorris|@will@willnorris.com|You can find me on mastodon at @will@willnorris.com.That also works for email.|
+|@wonderboymusic|Scott Taylor|Musician. Staff Engineer at @shopify. Formerly: Lead Software Engineer @nytimes. Blessed hubs of @alliefeldman212. Wannabe YouTuber. He/Him/His.|
+|@WoodyWindham|Woody Windham|Radio veteran of 60 years and the recipient of the 2010 Masters Award from the SC Broadcaster's Association.|
+|@worrydream|Bret Victor|dirt cat @dynamicland1|
+|@wseltzer|Wendy Seltzer @wseltzer@infosec.exchange|techie lawyer cyberprof beekeeper (she/her)|
+|@wycats|Yehuda Katz|@wycats@techhub.socialOSS enthusiast and @wykittens's parent. Co-author of the Extensible Web Manifesto. Front-end developer. @wifelette's husband. he/him|
+|@xdxd_vs_xdxd|Salvatore Iaconesi|founder at https://t.co/kiIjJgbOQV and at https://t.co/hBhgkkt3UJ - get our latest book Incuria https://t.co/mGOexay48R|
+|@xeenon|Timothy Hatcher|Safari / WebKit Engineer at Apple working on Extensions. Co-chair of the W3C Web Extensions Community Group. Creator of Web Inspector and Colloquy.|
+|@xshay|Xavier Shay|Up CEO. Vegan. Runner.|
+|@yelvington|Steve Yelvington 😷☮️|Former Enemy of the People now mostly an annoyance. Digital pioneer. Would-be traveler. Mastodon: steve@s.yelvington.com|
+|@yhara_en|yhara_en|I've turned off notifications of this account because Twitter sends me useless notifications every week mention @yhara if you need|
+|@yishan|Yishan|Founder and CEO of Terraformation (@TF_Global) Ex-Reddit FB PayPal CMU Burger King.Views are mine alone but also yours if I do my job right. #ETH #DeFi ♢|
+|@youyuxi|Evan You|Husband father of two independent open source developer. Creator of @vuejs @vite_js and connoisseur of sushi. Chinese-only alt: @yuxiyou|
+|@yukihiro_matz|Yukihiro Matz|Matzまたは、まつもとゆきひろ。Rubyのパパ。|
+|@zarfeblong|Andrew Plotkin|I have suspended this account because I don't work for Elon Musk. Not reading DMs mentions or notifications. Feel free to email.|
+|@zedshaw|Zed A. Shaw|Personal account to compliment my professional account @lzsthw. Content is mostly art gaming and media I produce with my own personal opinions and humor.|
+|@zeke|Zeke Sikelianos|Zeek. Machine learning impostor at @replicatehq. Previously @github @electronjs @npmjs @heroku @wordnik @fracturedatlashe/him/they/them|
+|@zeldman|zeldman|Author. Designer. Web Standards Godfather. Employer Brand at @Automattic. Publisher @AListApart @ABookApart. Cofounder @AnEventApart. Ava’s dad. He/him.|
+|@zpao|Paul O'Shannessy|Eng Manager working on Meta's Open Source Program. Previously: React core Firefox. he/him.|
+|@_ericelliott|Eric Elliott|Make some magic. JavaScript AI Web3 - @greenruhm https://t.co/SMZl8zht07 https://t.co/PtmEcdOVuN No DMs. Have an opportunity for me? Contact @_JSCeee|
+|@_Juryd|Juryd|You Be the Judge|
+|@_rsc|Russ Cox|Go Hacker. Mistake maker. (he/him)|