@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ npm run serve
+### Todo
+- Make all links absolute. ( e.g. /docs/sass/ai ) While training the documents with OpenAI, I noticed that some of the link references were not absolute.
+- Create Github Actions to rebuild a Supabase index of the documents on every commit for the AI Assistant to use.
### Log
### Log
@@ -37,9 +44,29 @@ gitGraph
merge docusaurus
merge docusaurus
-#### 23/05/09
+#### 23/05/24
+- docusaurus updated - 2.4.0 ππΌ 2.41
-**ToDo** - Make all links absolute. ( e.g. /docs/sass/ai ) While training the documents with OpenAI, I noticed that some of the link references were not absolute.
+david@ovidπ :~/sites/daw_til(mainβ‘) Β» npm list
+daw-til-2@0.0.1 /Users/david/Sites/daw_til
+βββ @docusaurus/core@2.4.1
+βββ @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog@2.4.1
+βββ @docusaurus/preset-classic@2.4.1
+βββ @docusaurus/theme-mermaid@2.4.1
+βββ @mdx-js/react@1.6.22
+βββ clsx@1.2.1
+βββ docusaurus-lunr-search@2.3.2
+βββ docusaurus-plugin-matomo@0.0.6
+βββ markprompt@0.1.7
+βββ react-dom@17.0.2
+βββ react-player@2.12.0
+βββ react@17.0.2
+#### 23/05/09
- added react-player
- added react-player
- added markprompt
- added markprompt