@@ -11,15 +11,19 @@ image: https://davidawindham.com/wha/helene-1.jpg
**24/10/05** - Hurricane Helene rolled through last week and did some damage mainly from the three and a half ton oak tree that fell on the house. I'm taking photos and making notes here to keep up with the details. I wrote up a post @ [/posts/hurricane-helene](/posts/hurricane-helene) and published additional damage photos @ [/wha/glenridge/#helene](https://davidawindham.com/wha/glenridge/#helene)
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## Log
+- 02/29 - Lee [Ferqueron](http://www.ferqueronsons.com) to take out a pine and consult on other trees within house striking distance.
+- 02/28 - got bathroom remodel specs @ [/notes/house/bath](/notes/house/bath)
+- 02/24 - general contractor 🔨 finally has us "on their schedule in a couple of weeks. Maybe the week of the 10th or the 17th" ( March ) - Downstairs cabinets will begin next week.
+- 02/12 - Kenny Talley Cabinet guy over for measurements
+- 02/11 - Submitted general contractor repair 🧾 estimate and tarp bill to State Farm claims portal
+- 02/06 - trusses delivered
+- 01/20 - added additional damage photos 📷 @ [/wha/glenridge/#helene](https://davidawindham.com/wha/glenridge/#helene)
- 12/06 - truss manufacturer backlogged
- was told "12 weeks out"
-- 11/18 - cabinet measurements
- 11/13 - Beth over for design measurements
- 11/11 - subs over for measurements / estimates
- 11/06 - 🔨 demo for truss measurements
@@ -39,6 +43,10 @@ image: https://davidawindham.com/wha/helene-1.jpg
## Damages
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### Structure
- Roof - broken trusses 3/4