Browse Source

2.2.0 upgrade wrap :honeybee:

windhamdavid 2 years ago
4 changed files with 154 additions and 60 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 15 1
  3. 4 35
  4. 134 23

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 title: Docs
 slug: /
 I use this library of documents as a quick reference to find technical answers, links to other documentation, configurations, keyboard shortcuts, and any other random technical stuff I might forget.  It's my version of Hansel and Gretel's breadcrumbs.  And because I tend to add more than I remove, I'm leaving this reminder to do some trimming every now and then so that the docs will remain concise and relevant. Here's a markdown graph of these docs.

+ 15 - 1

@@ -17,4 +17,18 @@ I've moved this old repo into this TIL project to simplify.
 - 22.04 - Added [Words](words), [Quotes](quotes), [Concepts](concepts), and [Trivia](trivia) based on other items added to my Today I learned index. 
 - 22.07 - Added [Up next](next) page as a replacement for using my bookmarks site to keep up with my future attention.
+### Lists
+- [Art](art)
+- [Concepts](concepts)
+- [Film](film)
+- [Other Lists](lists)
+- [Literature](lit)
+- [Music](music)
+- [Next](next)
+- [People](people)
+- [Places](places)
+- [Quotes](quotes)
+- [Things](things)
+- [Trivia](trivia)
+- [Words](words)

+ 4 - 35

@@ -4,45 +4,14 @@ description: About this Today I Learned
 # About
-This is a place to store some notes and documentation.
-## Today I Learned
-Today I learned that Google will translate to and from [Zulu](  
+This is a place to store some notes and documentation. It was originally built as a way to make notes on interesting things I learn based on one of my favorite sub-reddit/[TIL]( While installing it the first time I wrote 'Today I learned that Google will translate to and from [Zulu]('.  
- My page is referring to the database and computer operating system and not the Zulu philosophy of a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity. (
-One of the best sub-reddits is [TIL]( and other organizations have published thier own TILs ([]( & []( . I figured that since I spend most of my working time with the terminal, git, and text files, a more efficient and easier method of documenting the time I spend reading other documentation would be to build my own TIL. This way the information I aquire will be easy to record, search and edit.
-I'm often searching online documentation for answers to commands, configurations, and error messages. The problem is that I've found myself repeating those searches because of the breadth and depth of the amount of functions and libraries involved in development. My wife suggested I call it TIHIDI (this is how I did it) after explaining what I was working on. It makes sense to put my daily explorations into this publication in lieu of publishing them in the database of my main site because Gitbook is quicker, easier to search, and I can keep all the files in a version control repository on my local machine as well. It'll help keep me keep my bookmarks as little less cluttered and it'll leave my [desk page]( free for longer form essays.  I'm hoping this document will be of assistance. After this README, I'll write a [help page](/help) and I'll add some of my [vi cheat sheets](/docs/shell/vi) to get started.  
-### Notes 
-#### 12/04/2021
-- added in [Notes](/notes) for non-technical docs 
-- upgraded to v.2.0.0-beta.13
-#### 11/10/2021
-- Updated the Docusaurus & NPM packages. 
-- Combined my old [awesome-david](/lists) repo into it for simplicity and rebuilt.  
-#### 03/18/2021
-Migrated this version from Gitbook because it wasn't playing nicely with Node.js v14 and it had a couple security vulnerabilities in the packages. Gitbook stop supporting the open source version likely for business reasons, so I migrated it all to ~~[]( didn't do docsify because I can't generate static HTML which is what my DOM parser depends on to pull content elsewhere. Decided on using []( instead. It required a bit of cleanup in the Markdown to do so. See: [](/help)
+ > The [page](docs/server/ubuntu) above in this site referring to the database and computer [operating system]( and not the [Zulu philosophy](  of a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity. 
-#### 05/02/2017  
-While working on another project yesterday afternoon, I ran into set of documentation ([]( that I spent a lot of time reading and will likely forget about sometime soon after I abandon using the library in other projects. Of course I stuffed a bookmark of the documentation into my quasi organized set of chrome bookmarks based on each project, but the fact that the documentation was hosted using [Gitbook](, reminded me of a practice I've seen others do.
+I'm often searching online documentation for answers to commands, configurations, and error messages. I figured that since I spend most of my working time with the terminal, git, and text files, a more efficient and easier method of documenting the time I spend reading other documentation would be to build my own TIL. This way the information I learn will be easy to record, search and edit. The problem is that I've found myself repeating those searches because of the breadth and depth of the amount of functions and libraries involved in development. My wife suggested I call it TIHIDI 'this is how I did it' after explaining what I was working on. It makes sense to use a static documentation instead of database because it's quicker, easier to search, under version control, and the file formats are interoperable with other software and publishing frameworks.  
+I'm hoping it'll help me keep my bookmarks as little less cluttered and it'll leave my [desk page]( free for longer form essays. I'll keep the LOG in the [README](, add a [help page](/help), and some [vi cheat sheets](/docs/shell/vi) to get started because I'm always forgetting some of them.  

+ 134 - 23

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 title: Help
 description: Because sometimes I forget to how to use the software
+toc_min_heading_level: 2
+toc_max_heading_level: 5
 # Help
@@ -8,37 +10,84 @@ description: Because sometimes I forget to how to use the software
 Because sometimes I forget how to drive the software I'm running.
 ### Docusaurus
 npm install
 npm run start
 npm run build  
-#### Creating Docs
-Create a Markdown file in /docs/  
-Add to sidebars.js
-#### Meta Data using Front Matter
-id: my-doc
-title: My document title
-description: My document description
-sidebar_label: My doc
-Markdown content
+### Log
+    commit id: ".md files" tag: "v0.0.1"
+    commit
+    branch gitbook
+    commit id: "mv to gitbook" tag: "v0.0.2"
+    commit
+    branch docusaurus
+    checkout docusaurus
+    commit id: "docusaurus"  tag: "v0.0.3"
+    commit
+    checkout main
+    merge docusaurus
-#### Markdown links
-url paths or relative file paths
-[Create a page](/create-a-page)
-[Create a page](./
+#### 22/11/13
+- added a Reader page
+- move branch master -> main for Git
+- addped mermaid and created overview graph
+- upgraded to v.2.2.0
+david@ovid🏛 :~/sites/daw_til(master⚡) » npm outdated                                          127 ↵
+Package                           Current  Wanted  Latest  Location                                 Depended by
+@docusaurus/core            2.0.0-beta.15   2.2.0   2.2.0  node_modules/@docusaurus/core            daw_til
+@docusaurus/preset-classic  2.0.0-beta.15   2.2.0   2.2.0  node_modules/@docusaurus/preset-classic  daw_til
+@mdx-js/react                      1.6.22  1.6.22   2.1.5  node_modules/@mdx-js/react               daw_til
+clsx                                1.1.1   1.2.1   1.2.1  node_modules/clsx                        daw_til
+docusaurus-lunr-search             2.1.15   2.3.1   2.3.1  node_modules/docusaurus-lunr-search      daw_til
+react                              17.0.2  17.0.2  18.2.0  node_modules/react                       daw_til
+react-dom                          17.0.2  17.0.2  18.2.0  node_modules/react-dom                   daw_til
+- colorMode.switchConfig is deprecated #[6771](
+      switchConfig: {
+        darkIcon: '\u2800',
+        darkIconStyle: {
+          marginLeft: '1px',
+        },
+        lightIcon: '\u2800',
+        lightIconStyle: {
+          marginLeft: '1px',
+        },
+      },
+#### 12/04/2021
+- added in [Notes](/notes) for non-technical docs 
+- upgraded to v.2.0.0-beta.13
+#### 11/10/2021
+- Updated the Docusaurus & NPM packages. 
+- Combined my old [awesome-david](/lists) repo into it for simplicity and rebuilt.  
+#### 03/18/2021
+Migrated this version from Gitbook because it wasn't playing nicely with Node.js v14 and it had a couple security vulnerabilities in the packages. Gitbook stop supporting the open source version likely for business reasons, so I migrated it all to ~~[]( didn't do docsify because I can't generate static HTML which is what my DOM parser depends on to pull content elsewhere. Decided on using []( instead. It required a bit of cleanup in the Markdown to do so. See: [](/help)
+#### 05/02/2017  
+While working on another project yesterday afternoon, I ran into set of documentation ([]( that I spent a lot of time reading and will likely forget about sometime soon after I abandon using the library in other projects. Of course I stuffed a bookmark of the documentation into my quasi organized set of chrome bookmarks based on each project, but the fact that the documentation was hosted using [Gitbook](, reminded me of a practice I've seen others do.
 * 03/18/21 **Gotta Migrate** my TIL. Just noticed that gitbook doesn't play nicely with Node.js v14.
@@ -104,8 +153,6 @@ docsify serve
 #### migrate notes:
   "name": "windhamdavid_til",
@@ -148,6 +195,71 @@ gitbook-plugin-github-embed    1.1.2          1.3.1          1.3.1  windhamdavid
+### Math KaTeX
+I = \int_0^{2\pi} \sin(x)\,dx
+### Admonitions
+Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
+### Mermaid
+    participant Alice
+    participant Bob
+    Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
+    loop Healthcheck
+        John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
+    end
+    Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail!
+    John-->>Alice: Great!
+    John->>Bob: How about you?
+    Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
+  graph TD
+    A(Does your flowchart have arrows?) --> B[No]
+    A --> C[yes]
+    B --> D(Add them already)
+    C --> E(Yay, what a great flowchart!)
+    D -.->|you can even add text to them| A
+### Creating Docs
+Create a Markdown file in /docs/  
+Add to sidebars.js
+### Meta Data using Front Matter
+id: my-doc
+title: My document title
+description: My document description
+sidebar_label: My doc
+Markdown content
+### Markdown links
+url paths or relative file paths
+[Create a page](/create-a-page)
+[Create a page](./
 ### Gitbook:
@@ -379,7 +491,6 @@ adding published date with microformat
 ### Emojis
 | :bowtie: `:bowtie:` | :smile: `:smile:` | :laughing: `:laughing:` |
@@ -447,7 +558,7 @@ People
 | :feelsgood: `:feelsgood:` | :finnadie: `:finnadie:` | :goberserk: `:goberserk:` |
 | :godmode: `:godmode:` | :hurtrealbad: `:hurtrealbad:` | :rage1: `:rage1:` |
 | :rage2: `:rage2:` | :rage3: `:rage3:` | :rage4: `:rage4:` |
-| :suspect: `:suspect:` | :trollface: `:trollface:` |
+| :suspect: `:suspect:` | :trollface: `:trollface:` | 
@@ -690,4 +801,4 @@ Symbols
 | :black_circle: `:black_circle:` | :white_circle: `:white_circle:` | :red_circle: `:red_circle:` |
 | :large_blue_circle: `:large_blue_circle:` | :large_blue_diamond: `:large_blue_diamond:` | :large_orange_diamond: `:large_orange_diamond:` |
 | :small_blue_diamond: `:small_blue_diamond:` | :small_orange_diamond: `:small_orange_diamond:` | :small_red_triangle: `:small_red_triangle:` |
-| :small_red_triangle_down: `:small_red_triangle_down:` | :shipit: `:shipit:` |
+| :small_red_triangle_down: `:small_red_triangle_down:` | :shipit: `:shipit:` |