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+# Tweets
+I wrote an essay about this page at **[https://davidawindham.com/twitter](https://davidawindham.com/twitter)**.
+This is a list of my tweets from [https://twitter.com/windhamdavid](https://twitter.com/windhamdavid) in chronological order starting with the first. According to my archive, over 15 years I had.... **828** Tweets, **78** Likes, **88** Blocked accounts, & **3** Muted accounts
+|working again?|2007-03-19|
+|wondering how papervision3d engine works exactly..oop for actionscript.. taking some old panoramas in quicktime and rendering in flash..|2007-06-24|
+|backing up databases|2008-03-28|
+|watching.. as everyone tries to un-brick their iphones|2008-07-11|
+|building drupal user pages|2008-08-19|
+|is learning a new technique for dealing with fonts. http://davidwindham.net/facelift/|2008-08-21|
+|@yelvington http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nmap|2008-08-25|
+|is not buying them... http://tinyurl.com/6j82te|2008-08-28|
+|reading a 600 page brick - http://www.drupalbook.com/|2008-09-09|
+|@thagler http://tinyurl.com/5aqh3j|2008-09-10|
+|making superfish work with drupal|2008-09-10|
+|techcrunch 50 live...http://www.techcrunch50.com/2008/conference/|2008-09-10|
+|recovering from two rounds yesterday with a respective 91 and 94 - Golf teaches you to compete only against yourself.|2008-09-14|
+|is a selfish egomaniac with a peter pan complex|2008-09-14|
+|turbo KITT - http://tinyurl.com/2f55fj|2008-09-16|
+|http://noonebelongsheremorethanyou.com/ no one belongs here more than you|2008-09-16|
+|@hnagel smartass.|2008-09-16|
+|http://www.thestate.com/living/story/525375.html no so silent|2008-09-16|
+|@justinlilly try the evening post company in charleston... they were looking a couple months ago. email me for the contact names and info.|2008-09-17|
+|@justinlilly they are using ellington and seemed interested in expanding into some django.|2008-09-17|
+|please no yahoogle - http://tinyurl.com/5evdke|2008-09|
+|nice redesign - http://online.wsj.com/public/us|2008-09-17|
+|mmmm cupcakes for breakfast http://tinyurl.com/5zocly|2008-09-17|
+|rachael yamagata - http://windhamdavid.tumblr.com/|2008-09-17|
+|is facebook distracting us from porn - http://tinyurl.com/6c97pm|2008-09-22|
+|chrome forecast of 34% by aug 09 - http://tinyurl.com/4ttzje|2008-09-22|
+|why does Cisco want Jabber - http://tinyurl.com/3f7m9p|2008-09-22|
+|"With Chrome it was an intended goal to match Safari" All the credit goes to the webkit - http://tinyurl.com/4c3bjx"|2008-09-22|
+|@TheDigitel congrats.. very nicely done!!! and way to go with the jcarousel.. I had just spent three days working with that module.|2008-09-24|
+|@jasongraphix thank you for the presentation .. one thing i noticed is that the chair that had the " timeless design" was mostly ...|2008-09-24|
+|i went to get in the elevator and a pre-recorded telemarketing message about health insurance was playing on the elevator speaker phone?|2008-09-24|
+|reading the citizen media law project database - http://www.citmedialaw.org/database|2008-09-24|
+|Berkman Center at Harvard - also Drupal http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/|2008-09-24|
+|@walt_allen sandwiches at 5pm sounds like beer to me.|2008-09-24|
+|walmart parody worked - http://tinyurl.com/4pl4yz|2008-09-24|
+|@MossAtETV thks.. we enjoyed it.|2008-09-25|
+|thinking that the older i get (35) the more adults seem like children|2008-09-25|
+|don't ever accidentally go to a monster truck event.. we did and it was obnoxious.|2008-09-28|
+|"Stallman - ""cloud computing worse than stupidity"" - http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/sep/29/cloud.computing.richard.stallman"|2008-09-30|
+|acquia drupal out of beta - http://tinyurl.com/4e657l|2008-09-30|
+|way to go Peatling - http://andy.testdrivewpmu.com/|2008-09-30|
+|"is house sitting 15 birds, 5 cats and a big white dog that looks like an overgrown mop."|2008-10-03|
+|can anyone say creative financing? http://tinyurl.com/4os85k|2008-10-07|
+|twitter spam? - follow http://twitter.com/spam|2008-10-07|
+|reporting live via twitter - http://twitter.com/jaxdotcom|2008-10-07|
+|thinks John Resig knows what he's doing - rss to json - http://ejohn.org/projects/rss2json/|2008-10-08|
+|wow... real voodoo economics/politics - http://www.thestate.com/local/story/548016.html|2008-10-08|
+|is thinking about the Big Green Egg - http://www.biggreenegg.com/company.html|2008-10-09|
+|@thagler that's not as scary as http://www.slate.com/id/2202147/|2008-10-11|
+|@danbenjamin i always keep about 10 old emails in the box just as small life reminders of decisions I haven't made.|2008-10-11|
+|can't figure out if the 17in macbook pro design has changed.. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2008/10/14macbook.html|2008-10-12|
+|facebook apps with rails - http://tinyurl.com/46vddz|2008-10-16|
+|"Ads might as well not exist as far as users are concerned" except for search ads.” - http://www.useit.com/jakob/"|2008-10-17|
+|@acquia "page not found"|2008-10-17|
+|I don't think the newspaper publishing business is doing so well these a days. - http://www.scrippsnews.com/node/37255|2008-10-20|
+|"@cdharrison i'm not sure yet.. I'm liking django these days, but I'll do anything that pays decently and has to to with the intrawebs."|2008-10-20|
+|i'm feeling really tempted to either go back to work for myself or get a solid government job. I feel sympathy for anyone in this market.|2008-10-20|
+|@kBasarab Django makes a lot of sense in a multi editor environment - that's all ellington is - http://ellingtoncms.com/|2008-10-21|
+|@khoi sent alpha invite to boxee to the subtraction address|2008-10-21|
+|loves the smell of the salt marsh on the golf course but hates how the marsh grass seems to love eating my drives.|2008-10-22|
+|@leowindham list it here - http://www.vflyer.com/main/info/autos|2008-10-23|
+|Ouch - $488 million - http://www.thestate.com/local/story/565525.html|2008-10-24|
+|rails rumble 08 - http://www.railsrumble.com/entries|2008-10-24|
+|and I got to say.. the leader Qflip is a winner - Netflix api's? when did that happen - http://qflip.r08.railsrumble.com/|2008-10-24|
+|on the road again after breakfast - headed to the Triangle - http://tinyurl.com/6aar2m|2008-10-24|
+|just got beat in Wiil bowling by a four year old|2008-10-25|
+|charleston style - http://tinyurl.com/jvlzt|2008-10-25|
+|duke and chapel hill look awesome this time of year|2008-10-26|
+|facebook on rails - http://tinyurl.com/5bmdk6|2008-10-27|
+|once again apple rocked it.. sent me a replacement macpro battery for exactly $0|2008-10-27|
+|today i built the most useless facebook application ever! - it does absolutely nothing with no errors. http://apps.facebook.com/mosquitoe/|2008-10-27|
+|my crystal ball - wordpress.com will go to nginx - http://tinyurl.com/4lzgxh|2008-10-27|
+|twice today.. i find myself comparing the GD Library and ImageMagick.. someone please advise.|2008-10-27|
+|@plutado and it's on a fixed ip.|2008-10-28|
+|comcast is sucking so I had to ride down to the metro for wireless and I wanted to test to see if a comcast rep actually follows tweets.|2008-10-29|
+|@adnagam a little|2008-10-29|
+|"has anyone seen the tv show ""spaced"" - sean of the dead guy Simon Pegg - tis goood stuff - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced"|2008-10-30|
+|Halloween is a form of the Celtic festival of Samhain - http://tinyurl.com/mdqth|2008-10-31|
+|CocoaMySQL abandoned? now Sequel Pro - http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/|2008-11-01|
+|just what twitter needed? an ad network - http://be-a-magpie.com/how-it-works|2008-11-01|
+|do you .svn alot but suck at typing? - http://rapidsvn.tigris.org/|2008-11-01|
+|How important politics are to me in a day- 10/24hrs * 20%taxes = .0833 - not so much since sleep gets a .25 using that equation.|2008-11-03|
+|"[root@exprss mu-plugins]# [root@exprss bp-core At revision 481."|2008-11-03|
+|@cdharrison @grndlvl Double Bacon Bacon Twitter Api's|2008-11-03|
+|"@ryansholin - thks - No need to show us the green screen| 2008-11-04|
+|@brianwilliams thanks. We get it."|2008-11-05|
+|Ginny and I finished Wii Super Mario Galaxy in three nights. - http://tinyurl.com/tumzd|2008-11-10|
+|@iamdave - dave's not here :) - http://tinyurl.com/5cr8p6(album)|2008-11-13|
+|The Prime Minister of Australia is on twitter - http://twitter.com/kevinruddpm|2008-11-13|
+|@krwindham http://windhamdavid.tumblr.com/post/50622145|2008-11-13|
+|http://www.modrails.com/ - rails on apache and when twitter goes down I re-read this http://tinyurl.com/3dby6r|2008-11-18|
+|at exactly 38 degrees in myrtle beach.... serious snowbirds in shorts and on the golf course - http://tinyurl.com/5qyrq6|2008-11-24|
+|"ahh... 23,731 processed records - [Msg] [Dtf] Finished successfully - but why is there always one asian character in my database?"|2008-11-24|
+|our new place is old - http://tinyurl.com/6jw96f|2008-12-04|
+|Matt Lauer on NBC news just said that a record number of people are on prescription drugs. I say http://tinyurl.com/67yxbm|2008-12-12|
+|"just walked back in from feeding the horses. It's a high tech low tech sorta dichotomy i got going on."|2008-12-12|
+|46% of women and 30% of men would opt to forgo sex for two weeks instead of giving up the Internet for two weeks http://tinyurl.com/5kopfm|2008-12-15|
+|buddypress beta came out last night. - http://buddypress.org/|2008-12-16|
+|story on Columbia SC on the front of NYTimes.com - http://tinyurl.com/8qogh5|2008-12-22|
+|I've lit up both fireplaces... one more ad to finish and then it's a good read beside the fire and a long break for us. happy holidays!|2008-12-22|
+|code with syntax color highlighting plus drag and drop file sharing from the finder for my iphone http://www.avatron.com/products/|2008-12-28|
+|http://rulesofthumb.org/ and http://keyingredients.org/|2009-01-03|
+|"the more time you spend on foreplay, the less time you have afterword to make a really good snack. ~ Johnny Carson."|2009-01-03|
+|did anyone watch that Helvetica show on pbs last night...nicely done. http://www.helveticafilm.com/|2009-01-09|
+|I just got the entire adobe font folio and a disc of about 3000 other fonts for fixing up an old mac pro.|2009-01-09|
+|"jeans, ponytails, unruly facial hair and bloodshot eyes -Ubuntu on the NYTimes.com -http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/business/11ubuntu.html"|2009-01-11|
+|"is fixing up chicken coops - ""If I hadn't started painting, I would have raised chickens"" - http://tinyurl.com/9noxsk"|2009-01-11|
+|8 banks in SC asking for $500 million in bailout money. http://projects.nytimes.com/creditcrisis/recipients/table|2009-01-16|
+|maybe a pay cut is in order first - http://tinyurl.com/76cx5a|2009-01-16|
+|@BrainsOnFire yes I am wearing MCHammer pants... how did you know?|2009-01-19|
+|Still snowing in Edgefield with a bit on the ground|2009-01-20|
+|do your desktop cpu's sit idle? - http://boinc.berkeley.edu/projects.php|2009-01-21|
+|@photomatt that's a yes to git and github - https://github.com/|2009-01-22|
+|does not like AOL because they will not allow me to export contact list... forcing me manually convert text files to CSV|2009-01-22|
+|"the ""Double Gun Journal"" just landed on my desk... it's the nicest magazine - http://www.doublegunshop.com/doublegunjournal.htm"|2009-01-22|
+|a better look - http://www.thebookjunction.com/si/15987.html|2009-01-22|
+|@danbenjamin go with the lacie quadra..|2009-01-23|
+|barcamp charlotte is going down today. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcamp|2009-01-23|
+|"@kimili thank u, I'll take the best flash embed plugin http://kimili.com/plugins/kml_flashembed as a gift since I've as of yet to donate."|2009-01-23|
+|broke newspapers and unfortunately folks I know http://tinyurl.com/dcxpku|2009-01-30|
+|I've been looking for a more efficient algorithm for pancake sorting - http://tinyurl.com/dzse7k|2009-02-03|
+|a users guide to 21st century economics - http://tinyurl.com/9ngzlp|2009-02-03|
+|"@jeresig mine too - it's one long day, why is the cyclical nature of time cut up into linear equations that insist that time is definitive?"|2009-02-04|
+|- a follow up on my groundhog day movie question that comes closest to explaining it - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time|2009-02-04|
+|"Algorithms which, mathematically speaking, can never achieve linear time" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_time"|2009-02-04|
+|Little Wayne once cited Nirvana as his favorite band. Let's get that into the collective consciousness of his 1.4 million fans on facebook.|2009-02-05|
+|"Our SC gov in action ""just got out of house and senate weekly prayer group. en route to cosmetology breakfast"" http://twitter.com/thadviers"|2009-02-05|
+|nice move - Marvel to release motion comics via Itunes - http://tinyurl.com/c9a8pk|2009-02-10|
+|I'm actually sore from shaun white's snowboarding road trip on the wii balance board - http://www.shaunwhite.com/|2009-02-10|
+|@danbenjamin yes - I just set up sync for three google apps accounts.. works flawlessly and quickly syncing calendars and contacts.|2009-02-10|
+|I always read the server logs http://www.logwatch.org/ and Google zeitgeist http://tinyurl.com/3dz93k before the WSJ|2009-02-11|
+|the 6th search term for today is parthenogenesis - http://tinyurl.com/dea8kj|2009-02-11|
+|@SwampFox it's Pecha Kucha - http://www.pecha-kucha.org/|2009-02-11|
+|@SwampFox there's one in Charleston on the 25th - http://pechakuchacharleston.wordpress.com/|2009-02-11|
+|Textmate bundles and support libraries are compatible with ruby 1.9 plus a git textmate bundle http://tinyurl.com/34n3es|2009-02-11|
+|Why are our court documents antiquated and costly? - http://tinyurl.com/aaazza|2009-02-13|
+|@MCHammer falling space debris from the satellite collision?|2009-02-16|
+|"@TheDigitel - Drupal, the anti MVC - http://tinyurl.com/5b82ky"|2009-02-16|
+|why is the iphone 2.2.1 SDK over three gigs when the last one wasn't even 1 gig? - http://developer.apple.com/iphone/|2009-02-16|
+|just ordered 25 chickens - http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/|2009-02-16|
+|the government has an opinion on web site usablity -http://www.usability.gov/|2009-02-16|
+|rt @iamdave - very nicely put - http://jottit.com/sp63t/|2009-02-18|
+|here's a good xcode screencast - http://tinyurl.com/cqzwum|2009-02-18|
+|is building a site using buddypress for cancer survivors and patients.|2009-02-18|
+|@formosite Mosso ie.. Rackspace.. they're awesome too.. faster may be a stretch though.|2009-02-18|
+|@iamdave anytime... you certainly made my day with that facebook letter this morning.|2009-02-18|
+|We were captivated by Harlan County USA last night - thank you Barbara Kopple - http://tinyurl.com/dej2ry|2009-02-19|
+|@xarker ...kingstree lifestyle - http://twitter.com/KstreeLifestyle|2009-02-19|
+|@wesleydonehue in San Juan Puerto Rico - with Bluehost -|2009-02-20|
+|this is good - Homeboy Industries Trains Ex-Cons to install solar panels - http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123457326090086555.html|2009-02-20|
+|"turn up the signal, wipe out the noise - http://tinyurl.com/bnbt6s"|2009-02-20|
+|@spikejones done... and now follow me and tell Robin I says howdy.|2009-02-20|
+|"turn up the signal, wipe out the noise - peter gabriel also founded apenet to allow orangutans who knew sign language to communicate online"|2009-02-21|
+|"@BlueIon @joshnissenboim [if IE 6]> <meta http-equiv=""refresh"" content=""0 url=http://whatever.com/get_a_new_browser.html![endif]-->"|2009-02-21|
+|thank you Sphider (php search engine) for finding misspelled searches. - http://www.sphider.eu/|2009-02-21|
+|"yeaah..Flavor Flav is in the Library of Congress - ""Apocalypse 91, the Enemy Strikes Back""..in 2005, was selected for preservation."|2009-02-21|
+|@LisaSabinWilson you are more than welcome to signup to the site.. you're advice may be very helpful to some of the folks involved.|2009-02-22|
+|"taj mahal, the musician.. his real name is Henry Saint Clair Fredericks - http://tinyurl.com/ywu95s"|2009-02-22|
+|and I also learned today that Rickie Lee Jones dated Tom Waites - http://tinyurl.com/k5b43|2009-02-22|
+|the chickens came in the mail today.. only one doa.|2009-02-23|
+|@iammattthomas - yes on the bullshit branding agencies!!.. ps. I was in the Ogelthorpe dorm same year. I think we've met back in 91|2009-02-23|
+|"@MCHammer - whoa - slow down hammer, don't hurt em."|2009-02|
+|the chickens are cute - http://davidawindham.com/images/chickens.jpg|2009-02-23|
+|if only these two went together - http://jobs.37signals.com/jobs/4877 and http://tinyurl.com/cr8zj8|2009-02-25|
+|"something seems weird about feeding eggs to chickens, but they really seem to like them."|2009-02-25|
+|Guassian helps with aliasing artifacts but is also the formula for a fuzzy financial future - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_X._Li|2009-02-26|
+|just removed 17 spammyish followers. Twitter is narcissistic.|2009-02-26|
+|Davidville has it figured it out. Tumblr is becomming more relevant to me than twitter - http://windhamdavid.tumblr.com/|2009-02-27|
+|i scan most all of the regional papers. The original content is tiny and the second i hit an ap story or outgoing link.. I close the tab.|2009-02-27|
+|agrees with @melvitax Highly Recommend the latest episode of This American Life: Plan B. it's a free mp3 - http://www.thisamericanlife.org/|2009-02-28|
+|"Nginx with the memcache module... gigs and gigs of memcached and just one mysql on a four core box... and oh yeah, a backup."|2009-03-01|
+|"laughing at http://godhatesprotesters.wordpress.com/ - god hates fuzzy, tiny kittens"|2009-03-04|
+|"recommended ProjectPier http://www.projectpier.org/ They visited homepage..said no, logged them into a custom install and they said thk u."|2009-03-04|
+|also recommends another php app with a less than stellar home page - Bamboo Invoice by Derek Allard - http://derekallard.com/about/|2009-03-04|
+|on facebook this morning: an ad for ninja boots. http://store.japan-zone.com/ - how did they know I have been trying to become a ninja.|2009-03-05|
+|"Navicat is the way to go for MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL - http://www.navicat.com/"|2009-03-05|
+|"@MacHeist Yeah, I’ll take a free copy of DEVONthink! http://macheist.com/tweetblast/ #MacHeist #free"|2009-03-06|
+|"thank u Gitnub... no! not Github.. Gitnub, a RubyCocoa app for Git. http://github.com/Caged/gitnub/tree/master"|2009-03-06|
+|thinks this is a good article on Larry Charles - http://tinyurl.com/c5g33b|2009-03-10|
+|"uses Superfish http://tinyurl.|
+|and hoverIntent -http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html"|2009-03-10|
+|how about that.. everyone's using Nginx these days - http://tinyurl.com/bhfpa4|2009-03-10|
+|"Poll: ""will PollDaddy twitter polls be a good tool?"" http://poll.fm/uz0y/"|2009-03-11|
+|The Economics of Giving It Away - from the WSJ - http://tinyurl.com/bd574s|2009-03-11|
+|super good computer visualization of a chess game (make a move..let it run) - http://turbulence.org/spotlight/thinking/chess.html|2009-03-11|
+|"has a cassette ethos to music file management, some of the magic is finding track2 on a mix on an old drive from the 99 Napster days."|2009-03-13|
+|✔ hurah remote app and airport for turning down the streaming ♬ ♫ (Fela Kuti http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fela_Kuti) when someone calls.|2009-03-13|
+|17324.05 mph - http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/tracking/|2009-03-16|
+|Hadoop - i just like that word. - http://hadoop.apache.org/|2009-03-18|
+|"Facebook has northwards of 800 memcached servers" - http://tinyurl.com/dludwt"|2009-03-18|
+|@zedshaw - Now I will follow you because you made some good points and because (RT) @d2h Zed's Rails ghetto rant is gone: http://is.gd/nV|2009-03-19|
+|is up early playing around with running Django on the Google App Engine using GQL - http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/|2009-03-20|
+|at 7:44 am (EST) the center of the sun will stand directly over Earth’s equator.|2009-03-20|
+|#pragprog Pragmatic books now in epub mobi PDF. http://tinyurl.com/d4prsl| 2009-03-22|
+|spent the last couple days farming. Rains coming in so it's back to the intraweb plumbing. http://tinyurl.com/d62kyc|2009-03-25|
+|"to stop an information leak in CSS, always set a default (a:visited) - http://tinyurl.com/6m53jy"|2009-03-25|
+|@TheASF Happy 10th Birthday - http://www.apache.org/ - wishing I was in Amsterdam for Apachecon and the hashish :\ |2009-03-26|
+|"@smithk14 thks for the serious distraction, I just installed Wolfenstein 3D on my iphone - http://www.idsoftware.com/wolfenstein3dclassic/"|2009-03-26|
+|@plutado http://drupal.org is (still) down.|2009-03-26|
+|that's enough textmate time. I just can't get it rolling. I'm going to work on a painting - http://davidawindham.com/demiurgic/img/art.gif|2009-03-26|
+|@apeatling you must be traveling.. it's way too late in BC to be working?|2009-03-27|
+|"In fact, adults are exposed to screens for about 8.5 hours on any given day - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/27/business/media/27adco.html"|2009-03-27|
+|"@apeatling @donncha @photomatt how about this idea. wpmu and buddypress could be modified to work as a VLE, like Moodle and Blackboard"|2009-03-27|
+|Open source and public edu seem to be a perfect match. Blackboard released their iphone app yesterday which now has a rating of one star.|2009-03-27|
+|"went digging for the "Going to Acapulco" ..Dylan track from I'm not There. Jim James, lead singer of my morning jacket is the real deal."|2009-03-27|
+|@squaredeye i apprenticed as a furniture maker 2yrs It's a smart model b/c it is void of the bs in the mostly community/forum model online.|2009-03-27|
+|want to really mess with anyone on your wireless network? - http://tinyurl.com/qyzeq|2009-03-27|
+|"thinks colocation for a mac mini is good. http://tinyurl.com/dnkh5x ""AppleTV is even more frugal as a server"""|2009-03-27|
+|@commandlinefu is worth the follow. - http://www.commandlinefu.com/|2009-03-27|
+|check out this rainbow we had late saturday afternoon. - http://tinyurl.com/cgvvoc|2009-03-30|
+|finds this Applescript Finder tool for open in terminal/textmate useful - http://tinyurl.com/yrvhn6|2009-03-30|
+|figured that AT&T would restrict Skype for the Iphone released tomorrow - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/30/technology/internet/30skype.html|2009-03-30|
+|@blankenship they discuss the view.|2009-03-30|
+|Watching the sun rise on the porch with a cup of espresso|2009-03-31|
+|"@grndlvl @cntlscrut - Geoff, you're hired b/c of the mustache."|2009-03-31|
+|"Conficker worm is on fire again, set to mutate tomorrow. Stupid MS Windows DLL's - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conficker"|2009-03-31|
+|Is unplugging. I feel Obfuscated - http://tinyurl.com/kc826|2009-03-31|
+|"@squaredeye congrats.. well deserved. ""monstrous appetite for the tiniest details"" is spot on."|2009-04-01|
+|@markjaquith - agreed. Let's follow Europe's lead on that one.|2009-04-02|
+|is digging the new facebook UI and inviting anyone who follows me here to friend me. http://www.facebook.com/people/David-Windham/664217977|2009-04-02|
+|@apeatling - that took some work. I wouldn't ever want the responsibility of taking care of an open trac or svn.|2009-04-02|
+|RT @zedshaw IBM must die - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RnDgw6SdDE|2009-04-02|
+|RT @smithk14 Amazon managed Hadoop infrastructure? This could be quite interesting. http://tr.im/i8NP|2009-04-02|
+|"RT @jasonbradford "Twitter is real life, it's not a game. People can get hurt" The opening line for my Twoap-Opera, Twubble In Twitterville."|2009-04-02|
+|@danbenjamin- yes|2009-04-03|
+|"this is a note i wrote in 3rd grade, something was poisoning my brain? - http://davidawindham.com/images/in_the_future.jpg"|2009-04-03|
+|"is building an iphone app for farming. Watch out all you tractor driving, overall wearing, iphone toting farmers out there."|2009-04-08|
+|is working on a three letter domain for the first time ever.|2009-04-09|
+|is taking advantage of the push notification in the iphone 3.0 SDK|2009-04-11|
+|"ouch.. incoming messages 2 of 56, but that's not bad for a week."|2009-04-20|
+|is going to work on the wii music skills- http://tinyurl.com/cs6qrx|2009-04-21|
+|"admitting defeat with a four day deadline for the apple design awards, and honestly I couldn't have even hoped for an honorable mention."|2009-04-30|
+|is up before dawn reading the papers. evidently the sc attorney general is now going after craigslist too.|2009-05-06|
+|is planting tobacco today and thinking that the Chairman of Phillip Morris made $32 million last year. - http://www.seedman.com/Tobacco.htm|2009-05-06|
+|@jasongraphix http://svn.browsershots.org/|2009-05-19|
+|@billread ...let me guess... 10.5.6 on an intel mac?|2009-05-20|
+|$ defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE - show hidden files on osx|2009-05-20|
+|@donncha - i got lost on that one for a bit.. I think he's in Ireland too... maybe create an account on bp to clear the confusion.|2009-05-27|
+|@wordpress - 6 long years eh.. how time goes by.|2009-05-27|
+|@markjaquith super awesomes. I'm paying the $79 dollars just to see how you executed the project. http://pro.gigaom.com/|2009-05-28|
+|jquery wysiwyg - http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/|2009-05-29|
+|"Wordpress.com = Nginx, php-fpm, hyperdb, batcache, 250+ MySQL servers, 60 varnish servers - http://serverqa.wordpress.com/"|2009-06-02|
+|RT @alyankovic Rob Zombie just told me that people aren't believing @RWZombie is really him. (It's really him. Really.)|2009-06-02|
+|confirmed awesomes - RT @jasonbradford a great one-man cover of Feel Good Inc by the Gorillaz... http://bit.ly/QfghE|2009-06-02|
+|wake up kids! friendfeed is 10x as nice as twitter and still interacts with it and any other rss or app out there.|2009-06-03|
+|@cdharrison fail.. no need for an additional app for media. - fyi twitpic founder is in charleston today. - http://twitpic.com/6jqw5|2009-06-03|
+|i'm guessing they pushed it out since all the chatter about bing. Google Squared - http://www.google.com/squared|2009-06-03|
+|drinking goji berry green tea with matcha.. Stash tea company is good...we order direct from them - http://shopstashtea.com/240135.html|2009-06-04|
+|thinks folks should pay more attention to the DMOZ - http://www.dmoz.org/|2009-06-07|
+|i'm a mac guy but I might have to ignore the ff/twits for a couple days b/c folks will rehash the wwdc. OH and PHP turned 14 today.|2009-06-08|
+|"@acasalena jtextile, j2ee, and apache tomcat? what is pushing that bad boy? #squarespace"|2009-06-16|
+|@acasalena awesome product one way or another.|2009-06-16|
+|has a hangup with Microsoft and I can't support anything on their SQL server.. move it to BSD/linux/mysql and i'm ok - #squarespace|2009-06-16|
+|is_page_template('page.php') is a very useful conditional statement to streamline the number of template files. #wordpress|2009-06-21|
+|@apeatling @pgibbs can't duplicate error in forums either?|2009-06-25|
+|can I talk my way around testing IE6 with the supercool denial image? - http://bit.ly/bcxEt|2009-06-25|
+|@andrew_chen RT Today’s fail whale http://bit.ly/15kdZe|2009-06-26|
+|"webdav on osx has been a slow dog for years"...http://bit.ly/uedJt"|2009-06-28|
+|@westi more engineers and less UI banter :)|2009-07-01|
+|@janeforshort way to run a tight ship. :gavel: #wordpress|2009-07-01|
+|@nathanrice i would like to be in on that beta - #prodigywp|2009-07-01|
+|FF 3.5 eh? .. the http://webkit.org/ still blows the doors off the others on the Acid test - http://acid3.acidtests.org/|2009-07-02|
+|$0.115/hr - Amazon S3/CC2 - (small size) http://bit.ly/QPW5X|2009-07-05|
+|Sorcerers Apprentice Syndrome http://bit.ly/rRuXJ|2009-07-05|
+|http://drupal.org/node/447564 - sites using Drupal's ApacheSolr http://drupal.org/project/apachesolr|2009-07-05|
+|@iA RT Working hard on getting the interactive Web Trend Map ready for beta testing. Sign up on http://webtrendmap.com|2009-07-06|
+|http://webtrendmap.com/ is made of tubes and pipes - now where's my poster?|2009-07-06|
+|@ryansholin nicely done - http://reportingon.com|2009-07-06|
+|@jimgroom - I logged into the 'Jim Groom' this morning.|2009-07-06|
+|Google Voice is absolutely good news.. and I got a number with my name in it. http://www.google.com/googlevoice/about.html|2009-07-07|
+|"@markjaquith organic milk is worth the extra dollar for the shelf life, taste and lack of hormones."|2009-07-08|
+|"@_cityslicker nice work! For the second time this year. City Slicker is the lead "Hot News" story at Apple.com http://www.apple.com/hotnews/"|2009-07-08|
+|"@crodas agreed RT - Just had a kickass idea for my free time, Twitter for blind people... I'll do it using HTML5"|2009-07-09|
+|exactly what I said a week ago- use safari instead of firefox for web dev - http://bit.ly/CJlFG|2009-07-09|
+|"if you use Mosso, Amazon S3, mobile me, and especially WebDav.. CyberDuck is your friend - http://sudo.ch/category/cyberduck/"|2009-07-10|
+|WebKit’s 3D CSS Effects extensions in action - http://www.satine.org/|2009-07-12|
+|RT @jeresig I've only just got a Wave account and I've already been rick-rolled by a RickRoll Wave bot.|2009-07-20|
+|"@rasmus - seriously, job hunting for you can't be that difficult? "I wrote PHP" can't hurt on a resume."|2009-07-29|
+|"it's been bugging me for years, and I finally matched up my notepad++ and textmate themes - http://bit.ly/4vAWd3"|2009-08-17|
+|"@tweetcc: I license my tweets under Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication - "":nth-child or :nth-last-child?...I'm not sure?"""|2009-09-08|
+|is ISO 9000 certified - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9000|2009-09-08|
+|section 508 patches|2009-09-21|
+|"is building custom taxonomies for wp. the search api is going in the core for 2.9, but that still doesn't touch apache solr in drupal."|2009-09-22|
+|PubSubHubbub'n it and offloading to @superfeedr :D|2009-10-09|
+|@jeresig perhaps google is retaliating for the 'groups' press.|2009-10-27|
+|@janeforshort @wordcampnyc ya'll have a clone (duplicate registration) of me attending #wcnyc.|2009-11-04|
+|@petemall do you have any docs floating around about the wp/wave integration?|2009-11-12|
+|Google released a public DNS today. http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2009/12/introducing-google-public-dns-new-dns.html|2009-12-03|
+|it's far too cold here in the southeastern US.|2010-01-05|
+|RT@yelvington Unlocked #nexus1 is cheaper than one share of GOOG|2010-01-05|
+|http://jquery14.com/ - new jquery 1.4 api site ~ mediawiki to wordpress|2010-01-08|
+|@JohnJamesJacoby - upgrade on the testies again?|2010-01-11|
+|RT @ajkeen: my piece about network neutrality for Directors Guild of America Quarterly http://bit.ly/79ipbH|2010-01-11|
+|@scribu thks for putting pleonastic in my vocabulary|2010-01-11|
+|@nathanrice Scott Wallick has them all covered at http://www.plaintxt.org/|2010-01-12|
+|nintendo ds and 4 iphones in concert - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2dUv7rpvu8|2010-01-12|
+|Nobuyuki Tsujii is one of the finest pianist of all time ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9fo3FoHDBc|2010-01-13|
+|Fwd: # of Function Calls for Popular jQuery Methods - http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeresig/4271690739/ (via... [pic] http://ff.im/ehaSq|2010-01-13|
+|Fwd: wat is dis dude (via http://ff.im/eiCCh) http://ff.im/eiMzU|2010-01-13|
+|jquery 1.4 cheatsheet ~ http://www.futurecolors.ru/jquery/ http://ff.im/eiN9w|2010-01-14|
+|@khawkins98 open the entire project in textmate/notepad - then find replace all < body> with < ! analytics > < body>|2010-01-14|
+|"@boonebgorges @jimgroom Oscar Wilde ~ “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”"|2010-01-21|
+|Fwd: Analysis of The Beatles' Multitrack Masters http://noel.io/?p=3419 (via http://ff.im/eEm3r) http://ff.im/eEm5F|2010-01-22|
+|@yelvington - Axiology - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axiology|2010-01-23|
+|facebook team releasing and os php runtime tomorrow? http://www.sdtimes.com/blog/post/2010/01/30/Facebook-rewrites-PHP-runtime.aspx|2010-02-01|
+|RT @rasmus: HipHop on simpler template-style PHP pages probably isn't going to help you too much. It's not going to make your SQL querie ...|2010-02-02|
+|RT @rasmus: Since everyone is asking. I think HipHop is cool and will certainly help the poor people stuck in framework soup.|2010-02-02|
+|RT @superfeedr: Sending a little magic to the @github. Bring the unicorn back!|2010-02-02|
+|"@developmentseed great set of icons, thank you!"|2010-02-04|
+|@thagler fly safe ~ nice tag #snowpocalypse|2010-02-05|
+|2 good textmate tools ~ http://github.com/ciaran/projectplus http://github.com/fspeirs/changes-tmbundle (changes 5x faster than osx diff)|2010-02-05|
+|Buzz is PubSubHubbub|2010-02-09|
+|@boonebgorges just today?|2010-02-09|
+|RT @jjeff: Lullabot's new Drupal Module Development video is a double-album... like Exile On Main Street or The Wall! http://bit.ly/c2OgXQ|2010-02-26|
+|roast beef sandwich in hopes of curing my moronic enthusiasm for beer yesterday afternoon.|2010-03|
+|"@jeffsayre I think you should turn off the internet for a couple weeks, it's amazing what you can get accomplished"|2010-03-18|
+|XAuth & HTML5 localStorage|2010-04-20|
+|@mazftw ~ you and I may have rolled one too many 9 sided dice ~ $zatho_slurg of the $magician_clan toting a Slime_Slinger (+250)|2010-04-23|
+|@mazftw nice! ~ I had an apple IIc and the first game i got for it was a zork spinoff based on the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy|2010-04-23|
+|"@pgibbs not only that, but @boonebgorges has managed to make me feel like an idiot"|2010-06-30|
+|RT @gaborhojtsy: Ubuntu Linux getting multi-touch: http://blog.canonical.com/?p=414|2010-08-17|
+|@tdominey and the price is under a grand?|2010-08-27|
+|Not your mother's javascript ~ http://www.chromeexperiments.com/arcadefire/|2010-08-30|
+|@littley My SIM card just got de-activated after I texted my dad about Liu Xiaobo winning the Nobel Peace Prize.|2010-10-08|
+|RT @boredzo: You have a problem. You searched for the relevant APIs on the web and found sample code. Now you have two problems.|2010-10-13|
+|@iandstewart // 'wave'|2010-10-13|
+|Rockaway Beach (General Johnson & Joey Ramone) http://ff.im/-s3tOn|2010-10-15|
+|RT @jeresig: jQuery Mobile Released: http://j.mp/jqmobile jQuery 1.4.3 Released: http://j.mp/a13s4q|2010-10-16|
+|Mysterious spike in comment spam spotted http://ff.im/-sf0ce|2010-10-18|
+|Separations / by Benjamin Innes http://ff.im/-sf0ve|2010-10-18|
+|Webcast Recording: Build a LAMP stack with Chef http://ff.im/-sf0F4|2010-10-18|
+|Common Security Mistakes in Web Applications http://ff.im/-sf1pj|2010-10-18|
+|Facebook Is Deeply Broken http://ff.im/-sf1Bz|2010-10-18|
+|OpenStudy Teams Up With MIT OpenCourseWare to Help OCW Users Study Together http://ff.im/-sf38g|2010-10-18|
+|RT @Dries: Fascinating article on how one ecommerce site removed user registration and saw a 300M increase in revenue http://bit.ly/9RuHHV|2010-10-22|
+|U.S. Corporate Interest and the Chamber of Secrets http://ff.im/-sC9e7|2010-10-25|
+|Robert Reich: The Fed’s New Bubble (Masquerading as a Jobs Program) http://ff.im/-sC9ej|2010-10-25|
+|Rent Is Too Damn High: The Website http://ff.im/-sC9rw|2010-10-25|
+|LSE Breaks World Record In Trade Speed With Linux http://ff.im/-sC9Av|2010-10-25|
+|PBS Rolls Out Major Expansion Featuring National-Local Integration http://ff.im/-sCa06|2010-10-25|
+|Creative Commons’ Branding Confusion http://ff.im/-sCaJg|2010-10-25|
+|Significant Broadband over Powerline Standard Is Approved http://ff.im/-sCb4S|2010-10-25|
+|@JohnCleese happy birthday... how about a flashback to this bit on extremism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLNhPMQnWu4|2010-10-27|
+|RT @jjeff: Finally Lorem Ipsum gets tough! Gangsta Lorem Ipsum: http://lb.cm/gli There's a TextMate bundle too: http://lb.cm/glitm|2010-10-27|
+|John Cleese vs Extremism http://ff.im/-sKzZP|2010-10-27|
+|John Hammond Hard Time Killing Floor Blues Skip James at Ace's Music Bradenton, FL 2/4/09 http://ff.im/-sWmsd|2010-10-31|
+|Commercial Open Source Software Company Acquia Raises $8.5 Million More http://ff.im/-sYEqT|2010-11-01|
+|Higher Education: Turning a Painful Reality Into a Thriving Digital Business http://ff.im/-sYEB5|2010-11-01|
+|Chewing Gum Digests Within a Few Days http://ff.im/-sYEG5|2010-11-01|
+|Steve Coll: Will WikiLeaks become a trusted source? http://ff.im/-sYFYY|2010-11-01|
+|"@danbenjamin no, but I had 100's of http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_Pail_Kids"|2010-11-04|
+|sudo dpkg -i mod-pagespeed*.deb >, http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/docs/using_mod.html|2010-11-05|
+|Using AWS S3 to Power Your Digital World http://ff.im/-tmJ29|2010-11-08|
+|Vincent Moon & Efterklang & Creative Commons (win, win, win) - http://fiumenights.com/?p=446 thank you @vincentmoon"|2010-11-09|
+|evidently facebook's getting a new datacenter in western nc to the tune of half a bil. http://www.facebook.com/rutherforddatacenter|2010-11-11|
+|Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean http://ff.im/-tCQUR|2010-11-12|
+|KRS ONE Ft. REDMAN - RZA http://ff.im/-tCQUT|2010-11-12|
+|Mario Limonciello: Caller ID with Google Voice and Asterisk 1.8 http://ff.im/-tMdOa|2010-11-15|
+|Yoast: WordPress plugin updates and how I (ab)used it http://ff.im/-tMdVw|2010-11-15|
+|How Durable Are Information Monopolies On The Internet? http://ff.im/-tMeEM|2010-11-15|
+|Saudi Arabia Bans Facebook for Religious Content http://ff.im/-tMfHR|2010-11-15|
+|RT @pragdave: Confidence inspiring snap of a page displayed during Bank of America log in: http://bit.ly/9QmgWL|2010-11-16|
+|The Holy Chicken of Life & Music http://ff.im/-tUx7I|2010-11-17|
+|Editing your Google Docs on the go http://ff.im/-tVptE|2010-11-17|
+|RT @patrickgmj: When collaborating in a Google-doc, I can't resist chasing others' cursors."|2010-11-17|
+|US Federal Government To Prioritize Cloud Solutions Over On-Premise Solutions http://ff.im/-uakXB|2010-11-22|
+|Advanced HFS+ Forensics and Content Recovery http://ff.im/-ual4X|2010-11-22|
+|@JohnJamesJacoby nice work.. it was only a matter of time.|2010-11-22|
+|@krwindham sweet tweets man.|2010-11-22|
+|Make way for fiber! Australia splits its top telco in two http://ff.im/-uv1YF|2010-11-29|
+|pretty interesting mac git client for the command line disabled - http://www.git-tower.com/|2010-11-29|
+|watching Star Trek (next gen) while running upgrades. cc: @Suscov @boonebgorges @jeffsayre @andrea_r|2010-12-01|
+|RT @GreatDismal: Tuned to a dud Chanel.|2010-12-01|
+|RT @ConanOBrien: Haven’t been on Twitter in a few hours. Are the Koreas still there?|2010-12-01|
+|@mediatemple - Hardboiled Web Design - it's no yoke http://mdtm.pl/eIfOe9|2010-12-03|
+|"Poka-yoke (ポカヨケ?) [poka joke] is a Japanese term that means ""fail-safeing"" or ""mistake-proofing"" - http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Poka-yoke"|2010-12-03|
+|RT @GreatDismal: I for one welcome our arsenic-based interplanetary overlords.|2010-12-03|
+|RT @hakimel: Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Arrested In London http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11937110|2010-12-07|
+|"RT @DalaiLama: Once you encourage the thought of compassion in your mind, once it becomes active, then your attitude towards others can ..."|2010-12-07|
+|windhamdavid started watching mathjax/MathJax http://ff.im/-uPteo|2010-12-08|
+|windhamdavid started watching headjs/headjs http://ff.im/-uVucQ|2010-12-09|
+|RT @hakimel: Google Zeitgeist 2010 just went live with pretty HTML5 canvas visualizations from @F_i! http://bit.ly/hioGOh|2010-12-09|
+|windhamdavid started watching wmcbrine/pytivo http://ff.im/-vishQ|2010-12-15|
+|RT @phase2tech: Drupal7 is out. Read the post from @phase2tech 's @thagler on Lessons Learned in Upgrading to Drupal 7: API to Theming h ...|2011-01-05|
+|RT @davewiner: Next question: Is there a connect betw the mysterious bird deaths and Angry Birds? The helicopters of the East Village?|2011-01-06|
+|RT @jaredwsmith: Helping a senior couple decipher SMS shorthand while reassuring them we all haven't lost our grasp of the English language.|2011-01-07|
+|FCC Open Internet Apps Challenge ~ http://challenge.gov/FCC/114-fcc-open-internet-apps-challenge|2011-01-07|
+|RT @chrismessina: 46% of people have never changed their passwords, 71% of people use the same one everywhere. -Howard A. Schmidt #NSTIC|2011-01-07|
+|@krwindham it's in sweden too. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12129141|2011-01-07|
+|B Movie - Gil Scott Heron http://ff.im/-wqRpO|2011-01-08|
+|Gil Scott Heron - Alien (hold on to your dream) LIVE http://ff.im/-wqRpN|2011-01-08|
+|"RT @thomasfuchs: The WebM spec [...] consists largely of C code copy-pasted from the VP8 source code, up to and including TODOs http: ..."|2011-01-12|
+|RT @w3fools: Are you using W3Schools? We're here to help http://w3fools.com|2011-01-14|
+|RT @tdominey: Fact that HTML5 now has a logo is seriously...odd. And it looks like Soviet-era virus protection software. http://t.co/MoxRPN1|2011-01-18|
+|Woody Allen: Money Can Buy Happiness—As If http://ff.im/-wCewa|2011-01-18|
+|windhamdavid started watching chrismatthieu/nodefu http://ff.im/-wCfCs|2011-01-18|
+|RT @ded: Turns out #NewTwitter has some major slowness due to upgrading from jQuery 1.4.2 to 1.4.4 - We will be downgrading.|2011-01-19|
+|"RT @dallard: Both terrified and amused. I present to you, Clippy the jQuery plugin http://plugins.jquery.com/project/clippy"|2011-01-19|
+|"RT @pragdave: Oh, Lord. Chrome now has an App section and a Web Store."|2011-01-19|
+|windhamdavid started watching mwaylabs/Espresso http://ff.im/-wDoYC|2011-01-19|
+|windhamdavid started watching mwaylabs/The-M-Project http://ff.im/-wDoYB|2011-01-19|
+|"RT @cbarrett: Doesn't matter where I am, at the end of the week it's always Aloha Friday."|2011-01-21|
+|RT @codinghorror: Google takes action on scraper content farms: kudos! http://goo.gl/Q4O9z|2011-01-21|
+|RT @hakimel: Great idea! :) http://hakim.se/experiments/html5/sketch/#1966de71|2011-01-24|
+|"RT @GreatDismal: |2011-01-25|
+|RT @neave: Lots of new JavaScript games frameworks are popping up lately: http://craftyjs.com/ http://impactjs.com/ http://easeljs.com/|2011-01-27|
+|RT @hakimel: @neave There's sure are tons. This page is a really good index: https://gist.github.com/768272|2011-01-27|
+|"RT @GreatDismal: 25 Years of Digital|2011-01-27|
+|"Toro Y Moi ""Still Sound"" http://ff.im/-wYcLn"|2011-01-28|
+|Kraak & Smaak http://ff.im/-wYOuP|2011-01-28|
+|@BoweFrankema the Dutch are certainly not lacking in all around coolness|2011-01-29|
+|"RT @gregnewman: Stupid foot trick http://t.co/ZzfWiPe"|2011-01-31|
+|RT @GreatDismal: Looked like they'd been huffing toner.|2011-01-31|
+|RT @codylindley: jQuery 1.5 has been released. http://bit.ly/fCV9zN|2011-01-31|
+|Winter in Hell http://ff.im/-xaMdM|2011-02-01|
+|RT @alexanderchen: My subway-as-string-instrument project is live. It uses the actual NYC subway schedule. http://www.mta.me|2011-02-01|
+|RT @joshnissenboim: Folks in St Louis might get 6-8 feet of snow. That is anywhere between taller than my family to taller than my famil ...|2011-02-01|
+|windhamdavid started watching phpfreak/Project-Pier http://ff.im/-xeNCx|2011-02-02|
+|3412 queries 0 errors encountered|2011-02-02|
+|"RT @thomasfuchs: ""bundler"" is an anagram of ""blunder"""|2011-02-03|
+|windhamdavid started watching eligrey/l10n.js http://ff.im/-xkhK6|2011-02-03|
+|RT @squaredeye: I love you web people. You are good. Thankful for you.|2011-02-03|
+|RT @pgibbs: I went a whole 5 hours today without checking Twitter|2011-02-03|
+|Iron and Wine | Tree by the river | A Take Away Show http://ff.im/-xm4xM|2011-02|
+|RT @hypem: Godspeed You! Glenn Beck: http://bit.ly/fAIgc9 (via the Awl) (via @griph)|2011-02-04|
+|windhamdavid started watching carlhuda/janus http://ff.im/-xpikm|2011-02-05|
+|The Future of Art http://ff.im/-xB1PZ|2011-02-09|
+|GoPro HD: Banzai Pipeline http://ff.im/-xB1PP|2011-02-09|
+|hellocious ( hellacious / ferocious )|2011-02-09|
+|"RT @thomasfuchs: Gotta love it when people want to be the saviors of big obnoxious corporations that produce nothing but garbage."|2011-02-09|
+|Adam Gopnik: How the Internet gets inside us. http://ff.im/-xF56G|2011-02-09|
+|windhamdavid started watching cashmusic/Seed http://ff.im/-xKcT6|2011-02-10|
+|CHET BAKER - My Funny Valentine http://ff.im/-xNkrC|2011-02-11|
+|"RT @nickmomrik: If you want to impress me, don't try to impress me."|2011-02-16|
+|RT @davewiner: I had a very productive day today. I get to goof off tonight. :-)|2011-02-16|
+|Lunch with KCRW http://ff.im/-ybVP9|2011-02-17|
+|Exray's - Hesitation http://ff.im/-yf0Qu|2011-02-17|
+|"@ivainglory speaking of the modus indorem, can you attest to any validity with the fibonacci in forex?"|2011-02-18|
+|Robert Gates: The Plot to Overthrow Qaddafi (But Not Mubarak!) http://ff.im/-yvwgO|2011-02-21|
+|Pierre Salinger Syndrome|2011-02-21|
+|Flying Cars http://ff.im/-yF2NB|2011-02-23|
+|"RT @tenderlove: It's been years, and still nobody has told me what "updog" is."|2011-03-01|
+|RT @twonds: It's nice not to be lonely|2011-03-02|
+|@boone *ifyouknowwhatimean*|2011-03-02|
+|windhamdavid started watching desandro/masonry http://ff.im/-znTK4|2011-03-09|
+|windhamdavid started watching desandro/isotope http://ff.im/-zoLMH|2011-03-10|
+|RT @merlinofchaos: Daylight Saving Time can kiss my ass. Need a nap. Or two.|2011-03-14|
+|"RT @wpmuguru: when stuck between a rock and hard place, it's time to start carving an elephant"|2011-03-14|
+|"RT @dhh: I give Twitter a lot of shit over biz model and ecosystem, but mostly because I love this form of communication. Twitter is amazing."|2011-03-14|
+|RT @cdharrison: Burt Reynolds is my spirit guide.|2011-03-21|
+|RT @GreatDismal: OPERATION BOOTY DREAD #randommissionnamegenerator|2011-03-22|
+|RT @sh1mmer: Node.js video tutorial now available on O'Reilly http://oreil.ly/gaMsmw|2011-03-23|
+|windhamdavid started watching defunkt/jquery-pjax http://ff.im/-zH6FB|2011-03-25|
+|Detecting Certificate Authority compromises and web browser collusion http://ff.im/-zH70j|2011-03-25|
+|windhamdavid started watching sstephenson/eco http://ff.im/-zHvmn|2011-03-25|
+|RT @cbarrett: Andy Rooney is a usability expert http://t.co/gtAXPFJ|2011-03-29|
+|"RT @davidlenehan: ""in the field of opportunity it's plowing time again"" - Neil Young"|2011-03-29|
+|Interview with ComodoHacker http://ff.im/-zZI5p|2011-03-29|
+|Untitled http://ff.im/-A0rjT|2011-03-29|
+|windhamdavid started watching jamis/csmazes http://ff.im/-A0rkg|2011-03-29|
+|put down your brains and your entrails. - http://www.codeschool.com/users/windhamdavid|2011-03-29|
+|"RT @GreatDismal: Insane astonishing demo of juggling http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3V ..."|2011-03-29|
+|The Aurora http://ff.im/-A1OXb|2011-03-29|
+|windhamdavid started watching ded/qwery http://ff.im/-A54A5|2011-03-30|
+|windhamdavid started watching janl/mustache.js http://ff.im/-A54Ai|2011-03-30|
+|windhamdavid started watching carlhuda/bundler http://ff.im/-A7x9R|2011-03-30|
+|windhamdavid started watching isaacs/npm http://ff.im/-Ab7nL|2011-03-31|
+|RT @timoreilly: fascinating 500 year history of debt. full of rich and thought-provoking material. well worth the read http://bit.ly/emMleT|2011-03-31|
+|RT @justinlilly: Boom. Fully working human again.|2011-03-31|
+|windhamdavid started watching jnicklas/bistro_car http://ff.im/-AckXr|2011-03-31|
+|Final Countdown http://ff.im/-AcHIK|2011-03-31|
+|windhamdavid started watching Sutto/barista http://ff.im/-Aqz96|2011-04-04|
+|RT @agautsc: Mr. Vonnegut explains how robots can write stories - http://goo.gl/ZLZf4|2011-04-04|
+|@thagler the aztek lives on.|2011-04-05|
+|"RT @nacin: Any idea what's wrong here? OH: ""something is fucking up. that's what I got."""|2011-04-05|
+|RT @superfeedr: @thepug And you did well!|2011-04-05|
+|RT @Salon: Jerry Falwell's evangelical private university got more funding than NPR last year http://salon.com/a/sTzAfAA|2011-04-05|
+|RT @thomasfuchs: There are about as many microorganisms living in you as there are grains of sands on all the world's beaches.|2011-04-05|
+|windhamdavid started watching marcuswestin/store.js http://ff.im/-AwHnv|2011-04-06|
+|windhamdavid started watching 37signals/pow http://ff.im/-ABFbm|2011-04-07|
+|"Also, being smarmy is generally frowned upon."|2011-04-08|
+|"RT @jeresig: "The government is going to be putting barcodes on your head in a few years! But not me, I'll be way underground!" -Boston Cabi ..."|2011-04-15|
+|"RT @DEVOPS_BORAT: In devops we have saying ""Fool and his private cloud are soon partitioned""."|2011-04-21|
+| - new digits freshly configured yo.|2011-04-25|
+|RT @hakimel: NodeBeat – a node-based audio sequencer for iOS/desktop by @soulwire and @sethsandler http://nodebeat.com/|2011-04-26|
+|RT @noel: I think you are wonderful.|2011-04-26|
+|back to safari. chrome logging too many errors. bothering me.|2011-04-28|
+|working the 13' standing up a good bit. it seems that the balance and movement act like a focus mechanism against mental distractions.|2011-04-28|
+|RT @otanistudio: rm -rf /bin/laden|2011-05-02|
+|Cicadidae Magicicada by the millions - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magicicada|2011-05-02|
+|RT @thomasfuchs: Announcing http://microjs.com/ — awesome micro-frameworks for fun and profit!|2011-05-03|
+|thks @krwindham - May the 4th be with you.|2011-05-04|
+|You are in 'detached HEAD' state.|2011-05-07|
+|RT @rasmus: Moving a big partitioned MySQL table to MongoDB. It is too easy, feels like I am cheating somehow.|2011-05-07|
+|goobers (boiled peanuts)|2011-05-08|
+|RT @GreatDismal: People often assume I find computers and software interesting in themselves. I find them about as interesting as cars o ...|2011-05-12|
+|"RT @GreatDismal: I gather that people can actually feel empowered by complexity and lack of transparency, but I don't get it."|2011-05-12|
+|"RT @GreatDismal: But I like noticing this, because it tells me that our tech is still laughably primitive, which I find refreshing."|2011-05-12|
+|RT @Sutto: I'm guessing it'd be a good idea to have some lunch about now...|2011-05-13|
+|done learn't out|2011-05-13|
+|why yes I will take my coffee in the jacuzzi.|2011-05-16|
+|"alrighty, here goes. https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap - takes ~1 hour, so just keep a loose eye on it."|2011-05-16|
+|errrrr... memory issues. rebuild. reboot. - https://gist.github.com/974462 -|2011-05-16|
+|"@krwindham yes. its the tits, but i had to strip that (ve) bare to get it running since it's a bit of the school of 'sampler platter'."|2011-05-16|
+|"Suchocka Marcelina - Anders Koppel Concerto for Marimba, Mvt. 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k705AhOzKc"|2011-05-17|
+|"RT @pragdave: "If you add most of the “I just need one unusual feature” requests, you end up with a product where most features are unusual"|2011-05-17|
+|"RT @gmc: ""The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it"" - Thoreau"|2011-05-17|
+|@coderwall -- in·gen·ious --- http://coderwall.com/windhamdavid|2011-05-23|
+|RT @imabug: Hot|2011-05-23|
+|RT @desandro: Quicksilver β59 restores proxy-object triggers! I'm all like opening up a folder in TextMate ⌥⇧M. In yo' face Alfred app k ...|2011-05-23|
+|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardenia 's are of the genus coffee.|2011-05-24|
+|"RT @desandro: Masonry v2.0 is out! http://t.co/7TvKITU Better performance, new options, new methods, and updated docs"|2011-05-25|
+|RT @newsycombinator: Wikipedia Growth Animation http://j.mp/1o1AlG|2011-05-25|
+|@yelvington Zero History @GreatDismal|2011-05-26|
+|@dot_cloud Y U distract -w beta toy|2011-05-27|
+|deposerized ®|2011-05-27|
+|"the first memorial day - Charleston, SC - http://goo.gl/snAle"|2011-05-30|
+|"the first digital nuclear facility - Seneca, SC - http://goo.gl/jzQe0"|2011-05-30|
+|bout clouded out|2011-06-06|
+|.edu & RHEL|2011-06-08|
+|"RT @evgenymorozov: This report from Xinhua is surreal: ""55 websites closed for illegal online publicity"" http://flpbd.it/m8JO"|2011-06-08|
+|the doodle for Les Paul's birthday is cool - http://t.co/tB5mJCa|2011-06-09|
+|and yesterdays solar flare was 4000 times the earth's size - http://t.co/FFHE0TU|2011-06-09|
+|@krwindham u da man chail|2011-06-10|
+|http://t.co/YwPxsY9 - real time code collab|2011-06-10|
+|i need a #nodejs clone of http://t.co/wSduCwz - to control the 'slides' in real time so that folks won't skip to the end #lazyweb|2011-06-15|
+|RT @rem: Just turned JS Bin in to a coffeescript testbed: http://t.co/QasRSgJ (only tested Chrome so far)|2011-06-15|
+|it's Bloomsday - http://t.co/by6neTh|2011-06-16|
+|Everything is a Remix Part 3 - http://t.co/NcHC1af|2011-06-21|
+|"Y U must smudge my screen. just point| no touch."|2011-06-22|
+|"RT @pragdave: ""npm info it worked if it ends with ok"" sounds like a plan for life"|2011-06-23|
+|"migrated 2 sites from IIS6/php4 to RHEL/php5 and 17 databases from mysql 4 to 5... bit of prep work, couple borked tables, but all good now."|2011-06-23|
+|I named my new mbp Tigger|2011-06-23|
+|besides the homeboyisms when talking to it. Tigger has no Wu Wei 无为 (doesn't get in the way of himself and underestimates his limitations)|2011-06-23|
+|@krwindham ~ socket race? ~|2011-06-24|
+|RT @PaperJS: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.|2011-06-27|
+|http://t.co/fQbR4w0 - Vector Graphics Scripting - http://t.co/8AHYyrG|2011-06-27|
+|@krwindham mater sandwich number three today #windhamscrossroads|2011-06-27|
+|"really digging the ""The Last Boy"" about Mickey Mantle on Radio Reader NPR - http://t.co/ttU2zAW"|2011-06-29|
+|RT @imabug: xkcd: Google+ http://ff.im/-GSj37|2011-06-29|
+|@krwindham check this out - coffeescript app for an espresso machine. http://t.co/oEjRAJb|2011-07-06|
+|what i really need is more word documents attached to emails.|2011-07-11|
+|the FCC on Github - http://t.co/yo278Xn|2011-07-12|
+|dey moving some stuff around - http://t.co/4YExQ2y|2011-07-12|
+|RT @photomatt: View from BoA penthouse across from White House http://wp.me/p4-LW|2011-07-14|
+|rstudio-server start ~ http://t.co/zG1cIO5 - http://t.co/ttzx88y|2011-07-15|
+|@krwindham ACK eh ~ betterthangrep.com is down. tues/wed... a tropical storm will be directly offshore with only light winds predicted|2011-07-18|
+|"RT @GreatDismal: Twitter is the street, and I have found my own uses for it. Invitations to malls, even shiny new ones..."|2011-07-18|
+|"@willmcnelis 100° scorcher today, otherwise top notch. down under eh... the reverse flush ( http://t.co/BztVcyu ) blows my mind."|2011-07-23|
+|RT @wayneeseguin: This tweet is self referencing.|2011-07-23|
+|This American Life - When Patents Attack --- http://t.co/nEN4Vo9|2011-07-27|
+|"PEBKAC (""Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair"") --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_error"|2011-07-28|
+|what'd i miss? tweetless for some time and now twitter seems to think I should follow @disneybaby... wha?|2011-08-06|
+|"ween, girl talk, my morning jacket via lolapalooza live chicago - http://t.co/YVkREG1"|2011-08-06|
+|@krwindham dude|2011-08-07|
+|"RT @JerrySeinfeld: Comedy is just complaining in an enter... Enterplaining."|2011-08-07|
+|RT @sh1mmer: If I actually turn the bass up at home I can feel it in my kidneys.|2011-08-07|
+|blame the NOC|2011-08-08|
+|"ello Riot'rs, smile for the camera you morons ~ http://t.co/mijyLFU"|2011-08-09|
+|RT @blankenship: The closest I ever get to a traffic jam on my commute is being stuck behind a moseying tractor.|2011-08-09|
+|RT @tenderlove: Can't tell if I feel AA+ or AAA today.|2011-08-09|
+|@zedshaw actually MoonScript compiles into Lua. - http://t.co/3HAFArc|2011-08-11|
+|"RT @trevorburnham: My book on CoffeeScript is now in Amazon's top 80k of 8 million, i.e. the top 1%. No more long tail for me!"|2011-08-11|
+|Marc Andreessen - Why Software Is Eating The World: http://t.co/3TCZjfK|2011-08-21|
+|i think I just felt an earthquake in South Carolina - http://t.co/ZP7ax80|2011-08-23|
+|RT @yukihiro_matz: Heroku, Heroku for Java http://t.co/KxUSpwd|2011-08-25|
+|"Garbage In, Gospel Out - http://t.co/pQbYRx2"|2011-08-29|
+|RT @andrewchen: Original Amazon.com homepage! http://t.co/DxCp4EQ|2011-09-08|
+|RT @benwerd: Google just bought ZAGAT: http://t.co/8VcuJeK Interesting - and very smart - old-media acquisition.|2011-09-08|
+|RT @charlietuna: Do great things.|2011-09-08|
+|useful: unix tree - http://t.co/c9tua0Y2|2011-09-16|
+|questionable: Muse 0.8 beta (although CyberStudio 3 - GoLive 5 were once valued tools) http://t.co/2ar4tK4e|2011-09-16|
+|useful: ack + zsh - http://t.co/GSQ90jpj|2011-09-16|
+|confirmed: much faster textmate project search with ackmate w/ excludes .filetype - http://t.co/4UnmVRUz|2011-09-16|
+|nice work @fold_it ~ http://t.co/A3zfZj2e|2011-09-19|
+|infinity screen sharing reconnecting loop ~ http://t.co/E6V3a1AF|2011-09-24|
+|RT @charlietuna: Does Amazon have to collect sales tax on digital goods?|2011-09-28|
+|RT @JewellAndGinnie: save a pretzel for the gas jets! http://t.co/NYUUN0tl|2011-09-28|
+|Autumn Leaves - http://t.co/vPOiRaP7 (musescore) ~ and then by Keith Jarret ~ http://t.co/blL0CpvN|2011-09-30|
+|Wings: Band on the Run (Original Video) - http://t.co/cqh87bvN|2011-09-30|
+|@mitchwu signed 'radioheadless in nyc'|2011-09-30|
+|RT @charlietuna: OH: You sound like a hungry Yoda.|2011-09-30|
+|"...because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."|2011-10-06|
+|RT @julien51: I think I'm less dumb when I do less stuff. Do I want to do fewer smart things or more dumb things? Not sure yet.|2011-10-10|
+|@krwindham http://t.co/QTXfB8H5 & http://t.co/I5HrakTF|2011-10-11|
+|"RT @thomasfuchs: The future is small, task-specific, modular libraries that can be mixed and matched, and optionally syntactic sugar (e. ..."|2011-10-11|
+|Dennis Ritchie - http://t.co/1PZFxgOn|2011-10-13|
+|this is a computer - http://t.co/oR66vhhq|2011-10-13|
+|"RT @gregnewman: Sometimes, just throw away what you've been taught and is known to be right and you'll discover a new awesome way to do ..."|2011-10-26|
+|"RT @DEVOPS_BORAT: In startup we are hire only rockstar, ninja or samurai. Vague familiar with computer is big plus."|2011-10-26|
+|RT @folkertgorter: Is it worth your brainpower?|2011-10-28|
+|RT @jeresig: The technologies that we'll be using to teach Computer Science at Khan Academy: http://t.co/x4Y1PUHm|2011-10-28|
+|Why Private PaaS Is Not an Oxymoron?|2011-11-03|
+|RT @thomasfuchs: Added a bunch of new libs to microjs! http://t.co/5euo99S6|2011-11-03|
+|RT @DmitryBaranovsk: ★ Fix your fucking apostrophes & quote marks.|2011-11-03|
+|RT @joa: Tomorrow is 0xfff day|2011-11-10|
+|"RT @rauchg: Van Gogh portraits meets animated gif meet http://t.co/ST0gyQxO"|2011-11-14|
+|@krwindham #rootsurf|2011-11-16|
+|turkey sandwich. imagine that.|2011-11-28|
+|RT @timoreilly: Nicely done! Threadless tries Redbox-style Vending Machines http://t.co/O7f3dX09 via @josephflaherty|2011-11-28|
+|RT @codylindley: browser window pong... creative... http://t.co/pb8qCuoO|2011-11-28|
+|twitter burnt my toast|2011-11-28|
+|kinda pyramid scheme'ish like dropbox|2011-12-08|
+|fun day friday: http://t.co/oDSpHRh7|2011-12-09|
+|RT @jquery: What Is Happening To The jQuery Plugins Site? http://t.co/7G4P8HTX|2011-12-09|
+|RT @wycats: Announcing Amber.js: http://t.co/2DO7OuWd|2011-12-09|
+|The Magic Button - http://t.co/kN57tScU|2011-12-20|
+|RT @fogus: I rarely find thinking about thinking a useful exercise. But thinking about not thinking is extremely important.|2011-12-28|
+|#SOPA @godaddy Y U Make so Mazy'ish http://t.co/VNXTPxn6|2011-12-28|
+|forgot about twitter for a while there....|2012-01-06|
+|RT @scottjehl: New on @filamentgroup lab: A Fix for the iOS Orientationchange Zoom Bug http://t.co/mpbDQd0z Git repo: https://t.co/vzVFcp1t|2012-01-06|
+|@krwindham #screen-time-zero|2012-01-06|
+|RT @DeathStarPR: That awkward moment when you try to Force choke an annoying co-worker and realise you don't have the Force.|2012-01-06|
+|"RT @mathias: How to deobfuscate malicious JavaScript code, like the stuff that’s used in exploit kits: http://t.co/9kNzTtKu"|2012-01-06|
+|@thomasfuchs which one? there are five distinctly different carolina bbq sauces ~ http://t.co/nwfmUvGi|2012-01-11|
+|@thomasfuchs come on down! try the mustard and brown sugar next go round.|2012-01-11|
+|@riddle @mathias ⓐⓢⓚ @ⓤⓝⓘⓒⓞⓓⓔ { @unicode }|2012-01-11|
+|Carrot Juice... i drink tons lots of it. It is good. bugs knows the deal.|2012-01-11|
+|although is does cause carotenoderma { orange skin } ~ http://t.co/uWidlXKg|2012-01-11|
+|"RT @adactio: Y'know, I'm pretty happy with how this 2010 @AnEventApart talk turned out: http://t.co/MNzoMFEc That was fun."|2012-01-13|
+|RT @adactio: Writing about media queries and multiple-column text. http://t.co/D9hViHtQ|2012-01-13|
+|"RT @indexzero: Hate to be a dick here, but if you want to use Wikipedia today just disable #javascript :: http://t.co/qjIGBubr"|2012-01-18|
+|"RT @JimDeMint: I support intellectual property rights, but I oppose SOPA & PIPA. They're misguided bills that will cause more harm than ..."|2012-01-18|
+|how about that... in rare agreement my Senator. Thanks @JimDeMint|2012-01-18|
+|"i discovered something neat to tweet a couple days ago, but I've since forgotten what it was."|2012-01-20|
+|RT @merlinofchaos: Content creators make money just fine. It's content distributors that are all against piracy. It's *their* service th ...|2012-01-20|
+|oh my glob... it's too nice outside. $ shutdown -h now|2012-02-01|
+|RT @UXYoda: User error it may be. But your responsibility it is.|2012-02-01|
+|"RT @tenderlove: "Elves" is the plural form of "Elvis", right?"|2012-02-03|
+|@krwindham hat me...you got the address. I'd look good in a Rails trucker cap.|2012-02-16|
+|@krwindham thk u|2012-02-16|
+|SSH keys audited thks @github|2012-03-07|
+|"RT @RobAshton: So.. the Github vulnerability is actually a known Rails design flaw, double hipster fail."|2012-03-07|
+|Y I enjoy these so much? - https://t.co/oKVQzp9G|2012-03-07|
+|listening to @NodeUp|2012-03-07|
+|"wiacom tablet I Likey! the pen wins over the trackpad, ball, or mouse for some tasks. less muscle movement per pointer pixel distance."|2012-03-07|
+|@krwindham Y yes i am!|2012-03-07|
+|@krwindham birthday gratifying... nice work!|2012-03-08|
+|solar storms|2012-03-08|
+|@lizcastro i like your books. thank you. http://t.co/9Ixvwn9D|2012-03-08|
+|2048/1536 = 1.3334 ( ipad3 ) Y U NO 1.7777... I thought there was some sort of top level unwritten agreement about these kinda things?|2012-03-08|
+|I like to clean the desktop on monday mornings http://t.co/w7GELC0y|2012-03-12|
+|how about that... a story about my twitter background (Cézanne painting) http://t.co/fv431b9j|2012-03-29|
+|RT @defiler: Solve for Milk²: http://t.co/BEf7ZxIi|2012-03-29|
+|max dugan returns > war games|2012-04-06|
+|@krwindham Max Dugan +1 http://t.co/RrS0V5CO|2012-04-06|
+|google: 1.2+(sqrt(1-(sqrt(x^2+y^2))^2) + 1 - x^2-y^2) * (sin (10000 * (x*3+y/5+7))+1/4) from -1.6 to 1.6|2012-04-06|
+|RT @GreatDismal: Hologram Tupac keeping it real.|2012-04-16|
+|RT @HologramTupac: So many digital haters. Only Tron can judge me.|2012-04-16|
+|"RT @gilesgoatboy: I almost feel as if I should only consume tech content through @github, and not even deal with it via twitter at all."|2012-04-16|
+|Twitter Innovators Patent Agreement https://t.co/6EOEnLQp|2012-04-17|
+|"@krwindham Тройка, семерка, туз"|2012-04-18|
+|"@krwindham i'd say perhaps over the summer, but you know better. however, I would like to see this film - https://t.co/XtQpQq6d"|2012-04-18|
+|@krwindham read it. like. In order to win you must be prepared to lose something. And leave one or two cards showing. http://t.co/9Xcpf07k|2012-04-18|
+|@krwindham ur welcome brocefus. I know some things... albeit different types of things { winking queen ) }|2012-04-18|
+|@krwindham Pattern-recognition and The Game of Go: A Programmer's Perspective - http://t.co/6fl7m8Ud|2012-04-19|
+|"RT @jwomack: Disney's Life On Mars, 1957: http://t.co/qfu2FcBs"|2012-04-19|
+|"RT @evgenymorozov: $4829-per-hour supercomputer built on Amazon cloud to fuel cancer research http://t.co/naTNDWrl"|2012-04-19|
+|advanced heuristics eh... i just need to fix a sloppy spreadsheet quickly ~ http://t.co/8jeaaS0c|2012-04-19|
+|"naner latte ~ 4 shots espresso, two bananas, cup of ice/milk, honey... blend, top with nutmeg"|2012-04-21|
+|"@krwindham "I also don't trust Caribou anymore. They're out there, on the tundra, waiting... Something's going down." ~ Joss Whedon"|2012-04-30|
+|just activated 2-step on the google accounts|2012-04-30|
+|Espresso machine- http://t.co/sRLDVvnM|2012-04-30|
+|I like John Cleese { On Creativity } - https://t.co/CeHgnSUb|2012-04-30|
+|"RT @odezenne: _Quelle belle journée que l'Election pour partager ce ""|2012-05-07|
+|On mêle des 1000 et des 100, on pose des mines,... http: ..."|2012-05-07|
+|RT @evgenymorozov: The next wave of digital products won't just be about archiving the web, they'll be about destroying the archive htt ...|2012-05-08|
+|@maxogden #2 ( to the right )|2012-05-08|
+|"RT @izs: Work is generally either self-motivated, or total shit. People don't do things well when they're not feeling it."|2012-05-08|
+|RT @maboa: Happy to say my article 'HTML5 Audio - The State of Play' is now live on @html5doctor http://t.co/fhuFE5a9|2012-05-08|
+|"RT @dominictarr: it's sheer arrogance to call some nations developed, and other developing. this is a developing planet."|2012-05-09|
+|"@krwindham hard drive fail, ouch!"|2012-05-10|
+|@krwindham Good luck. I keep my disc backed up using Carbon Clone http://t.co/d6do5Lqp - the drives are bootable that way.|2012-05-10|
+|odds that a hard drive will fail ~ 100%|2012-05-10|
+|"F*&^ I love expletives... they show a sincere interest - http://t.co/S4b11PAy"|2012-05-10|
+|!!! - Hello? Is this thing on? http://t.co/skAToJBw|2012-05-19|
+|RT @victorporof: Passive aggressive sense of humor: http://t.co/VhQcApdO|2012-05-19|
+|nice work: http://t.co/Y9lDgHcP by @WengersToyBus|2012-05-19|
+|https://t.co/3GdMOMhx |2012-05-19|
+|A loophole is an ambiguity in a system ~ http://t.co/FiuokSWV|2012-05-21|
+|and a window through which an archer can launch arrows - http://t.co/EpizZ2AY|2012-05-21|
+|@krwindham get well kid. I need your NAN skillz like yesterday.|2012-05-22|
+|Ray Bradbury - The Prune of Tomorrow - http://t.co/K4UzfFe3|2012-06-06|
+|"RT @MrPrudence: After wrestling with an ancient database, updating all images, adding a new layout, Dataisnature is back up and running ..."|2012-06-07|
+|"summer vacation plan: take a week off of work to finish other work. And I am excited about having a 'clean' desk, so to speak"|2012-06-07|
+|RT @paul_irish: Really like http://t.co/6oI6fXJQ so I made a video explaining how it works: http://t.co/6nnE3MGr|2012-06-11|
+|late adopter|2012-06-11|
+|"when you get bored, click something. If that doesn't help, then turn off your computer immediately - http://t.co/iKpmWOWQ"|2012-06-13|
+|CSS variables now in webkit ~ http://t.co/Y8E9V3XN|2012-06-13|
+|http://t.co/7mYIHXiv http://t.co/DHLkcluC|2012-06-27|
+|I spotted a neon green 4 ft android logo painted on an early nineties crown vic hood today|2012-06-27|
+|"RT @Kurt_Vonnegut: Beer, of course, is actually a depressant. But poor people will never stop hoping otherwise."|2012-07-23|
+|help Fontforge - http://t.co/G11KggTf|2012-08-13|
+|RT @jasongraphix: So much awesomeness would be possible with compositing and blend modes in CSS. I hope this proposal materializes. http ...|2012-08-13|
+|RT @tenderlove: So this is what it feels like to live socially.|2012-08-13|
+|my evolving naming convention knows no bounds|2012-08-14|
+|i like these expressions: 'i should think so' & 'wouldn't you think'|2012-08-14|
+|I think I've learned more from maintaining projects than from building them.|2012-10-17|
+|Brooke's Law & The Mythical Man-Month - http://t.co/jzhqlkxp|2012-10-17|
+|Dr. Zoidberg - http://t.co/hNy2xuwv|2012-10-17|
+|RT @aaronsw: Every love story is a ghost story.|2013-01-18|
+|RT @tinysubversions: New post on the @Bocoup blog about how I made RapBot: http://t.co/ziVklQJr|2013-02-21|
+|yo --help http://t.co/9efQxg6cGo|2013-04-23|
+|@krwindham +1|2013-04-25|
+|http://t.co/YrGMdDFe2r - Port MuseScore (parts) to Javascript. cc:@krwindham|2013-04-25|
+|@krwindham opted for Futurama over LIfe of Pi: Twitcher Twit worm - http://t.co/cADdDEfbPA|2013-04-25|
+|RT @paul_irish: Animated Books with CSS 3D Transforms http://t.co/GLpnucqS7u Beautiful work.|2013-07-11|
+|think I'll write a Twitterbot to tweet useful things for me.|2013-07-11T16|
+|laugh worthy ~ MySQL Bug #20786 gets cake http://t.co/AafP4onBbZ|2013-07-23|
+|"RT @justinabrahms: "Three simple realities: nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect." http://t.co/aCEb2bGa4z"|2013-10-16|
+|RT @viatropos: Keep the mind moving.|2013-10-16|
+|thanks @sorbits|2013-10-26|
+|Bruce Sterling thinks aloud about the art of code - https://t.co/kkEm25OmZ1|2014-01-17|
+|"If you think there has been a violation of the Open Internet rules, you may file a complaint with the @FCC at http://t.co/jkTP3g34G6"|2014-01-17|
+|RT @BillGates: I'm curious. What % of the U.S. budget do you think goes to foreign aid? Favorite if you think it's more than 2%. RT if you …|2014-01-17|
+|RT @jwomack: Looking for something so profoundly stupid as to demand multiple RTs but no luck so far|2014-01-17|
+|RT @julien51: AOL had it all right it seems. Everyone wants to kill the web.|2014-01-17|
+|@nphaskins whoa +45 #aesop|2014-01-20|
+|"A lot of people are waiting for MLK or Gandhi to come back, but they are gone. We are it. It is up to us. https://t.co/DAGi8NAaDj"|2014-01-20|
+|I can haz @atomeditor ?|2014-02-27|
+|RT @aaronjorbin: Great way to celebrate my WordPress committaversary. Grunt-Patch-WordPress has landed in core. https://t.co/tqITj8jxA2|2014-02-27|
+|RT @viatropos: JavaScript is more than 5x faster than Python. http://t.co/j2BgUXhyDr|2014-02-27|
+|RT @gabrielshalom: That old school feeling.|2014-02-27|
+|RT @RollingStone: Help fund D.A. Pennebaker's film about chimpanzees and animal abuse: http://t.co/BbDWkPgrcU|2014-05-15|
+|RT @MSch: Time to upgrade OpenSSL everyone https://t.co/iabngTBYEw|2014-08-07|
+|@chrishajer why yes you do... thank you!|2014-08-07|
+|RT @mojombo: Spent the last month working on this: How we turn $199 Chromebooks into Ubuntu-based code learning machines for kids! http://t…|2014-08-07|
+|"U.S. Digital Services Playbook #13 - ""Default to Open"" - http://t.co/mbllVWzzoq"|2014-08-17|
+|@pahlkadot @rypan @cew821 @haleyvandyck **High Five**|2014-08-17|
+|RT @JPBarlow: #AlgaeSystems goes visible! Please check out today's NYC Science Section. RT please. http://t.co/5EWC4BiJ00|2014-09-10|
+|"RT @GreatDismal: Apple had Marc Newson in there, and he's a brilliantly accomplished designer of Swiss mech watches. So there's that. Rest …"|2014-09-10|
+|"RT @gilesgoatboy: looking forward to the inevitable moment when Moore's Law makes me retrofit my grandfather's watch, but expecting it to t…"|2014-09-10|
+|@tenderlove you're obviously pretty awesome... so thank you for not being an idiot.|2014-09-12|
+|@bscofield confirmed|2014-09-12|
+|RT @ManMadeMoon: I would imagine her post vote transformation to look something like this... http://t.co/Zm6w43CD05|2014-09-12|
+|Verifying myself: I am windhamdavid on Keybase.io. 6ny1AUTmrN_5jU_N5e-xEA3VYS4ZnQ_2Md2o / https://t.co/3NrijAbNmg|2014-09-17|
+|@ded the new Google Newsstand is pretty nice.|2014-09-25|
+|nothing strange in my GLibc 'ghost' proofed em up|2015-01-28|
+|anyone else's chrome dev tools theme bork out last week? I hacked mine ala https://t.co/nA6cVSji4b cc: @soryu2 http://t.co/63FyFcRt78|2015-01-28|
+|Anthropomorphizing Machines -https://t.co/WoP3HXUU34 https://t.co/gIzu3MIMGz|2015-11-09|
+|"don't adopt my bad habits @AJDesignCo. light, low contrast bg's reduce halation and are better on the eyes. try https://t.co/QHayTrxChg"|2015-12-14|
+|As well and will do @tinkhanson Your wit proceeds you. Happy 😀 you enjoyed my diatribe 😠 on this medium.|2015-12-15|
+|Collaboration vs. Competition - https://t.co/MH4vxWo6Yi|2015-12-17|
+|Non-Linear Publishing - https://t.co/b2fTeRdC2k|2015-12-21|
+|I heard a word I really liked the other day: complijab. It's kinda like humblebrag.|2016-06-13|
+|I learned a lesson in 1990 when I left my 'contacts' device on a pay phone booth while traveling. Never substitute memory for machine.|2016-06-13|
+|@blu3r4d0n Nope. They're an important technique to inform and educate #dataisbeautiful|2020-07-02|
+|@blu3r4d0n @jeffreyFCI @TriggerPsychoma @scdhec it's ok. I'm sure that everything is just peachy with this new private company handling the data: https://t.co/Wis9xfAcn9|2020-07-15|
+|@blu3r4d0n @jeffreyFCI @TriggerPsychoma @scdhec page 10: https://t.co/V1fjdRpUIk|2020-07-15|
+|@blu3r4d0n @jeffreyFCI @TriggerPsychoma @scdhec don't worry.. they're learning react and node.js - https://t.co/2mUTWQy7Fn|2020-07-15|
+|@blu3r4d0n @jeffreyFCI @TriggerPsychoma @scdhec and they're looking for a system architect... while the whole thing is built on Azure which allows Github OAuth for the data portal. https://t.co/H5TLr7XRA1|2020-07-15|
+|"@blu3r4d0n @jeffreyFCI @TriggerPsychoma @scdhec no worries... even their own engineering blog says ""It was kind of a free-for-all when we were creating the cloud resources. https://t.co/uxRWGe7MGy"|2020-07-15|
+|@jaspar yup. something else is up with this.|2020-07-15|
+|@meyerweb Yes. Indeed.|2020-07-15|
+|@cdharrison @chuckwoolery perhaps he went back to selling lubed catheters - https://t.co/EkCAb2wUCz|2020-07-15|
+|"@cdharrison @chuckwoolery Or he reassessed| did some soul searching| clarified it everyone| announced his own son just tested positive| and deleted his account. Now I kinda feel bad for ol' Chuck just trying to make a buck. Would've been better if he gone gone public and hadn't just ducked out on us."|2020-07-17|
+|@charliekirk11 that's easy... because he has more style ~ https://t.co/Csj9eDjrUK|2020-07-17|
+|@jutton_stephen @scdhec This is nicely done. Thank you.|2020-07-18|
+|@scdhec @crossvine2 @COVID_SC Thank you for the clarification on this. I am interested to know if y'all will be able to reconcile the data from the TeleTracking system against your own?|2020-07-18|
+|"@jaspar @postandcourier Hey @jaspar, I saw a couple days ago were you had previously commented on a related question and I'm wondering if you may have any info on this question @scdhec ? https://t.co/7y9eJYhi2g"|2020-07-18|
+|@jeffreyFCI @blu3r4d0n @scdhec @BennettSCSenate I'll second that... Thank you!|2020-07-20|
+|"@scdhec Thank you for clarifying this and continuing the effort to internally track the state data. If I may ask... are we still in the ""next few days of incomplete data with significant gaps""? https://t.co/SziYBI6oPj"|2020-07-21|
+|"@_ericelliott and it seems to be the case in all of the arts, applied mathematics, and sciences. https://t.co/Zw64KHUr1p"|2020-07-21|
+|@adamstb55 Yup. Thank you.|2020-07-23|
+|@FiveDials thank you. just the type of distraction I welcome. nice work @fairfairisles|2020-07-30|
+|@RobynHitchcock @NekoCase yup. this would be good.|2020-08|
+|"@HoggyB @scdhec Ben. Ben… your sense of humor is growing on me. I first thought it was a bit dark given the subject, but it's turned into a nice respite when checking in on the stats"|2020-08-05|
+|@whale @chrismerritt and via @sirstefan - https://t.co/7Vy5gmOmPR|2020-08-05|
+|@sirstefan v'ry obs'rvant w'rk f'r a non jacobean scribe|2020-08-05|
+|@scdhec https://t.co/1gKH9lxLbo|2020-08-06|
+|@mojombo @AgustinLebron3 yup +1|2020-08-06|
+|@nelson may I suggest ~ https://t.co/612p5n8DrF|2020-08-06|
+|@jaspar @postandcourier their loss! the expansion layoff coordination is absurd.|2020-08-06|
+|@laurenstrapa wha?|2020-08-06|
+|"@blu3r4d0n @dunndavidw @scdhec drill down by county and it's under deaths, hospitalizations, & cases."|2020-08-11|
+|"@ijeditor Higher today with 37, which is the highest of any county in South Carolina as measured by percentage of population (53/100/000). cc: @jameshicks3"|2020-08-14|
+|@ijeditor @jameshicks3 I'd like to hope otherwise.|2020-08-14|
+|"@ijeditor @jameshicks3 You don't say? Even after the DHEC board meeting yesterday and press release about the effectiveness of reducing the cases where county ordinances were in place. Unfortunately, I'd be willing to go on record predicting another uptick in cases when the schools open in two weeks."|2020-08-14|
+|@blu3r4d0n @scdhec Hey Phillip. I'd be interested in seeing this graphed for Greenwood County. Thanks.|2020-08-14|
+|@ijeditor @jameshicks3 Here's a percent positive graph for Greenwood County https://t.co/pmo0Nk7wvY|2020-08-14|
+|@blu3r4d0n @scdhec thank you|2020-08-14|
+|@scdhec there we go. way to be SC. starve it down 6 more % https://t.co/6gqpePo6mt|2020-08-17|
+|@ijeditor @jameshicks3 county had 24 yesterday with a drop to 13.8% which is only slightly higher than the state average. cut about 8% off of that and we'd be in business. They'll tow that narrative along unless we spike back up. I'd prefer we don't gain that evidence over proving anyone ill advised.|2020-08-17|
+|@elonmusk I think this more clearly illustrates attention span in the information age rather than symbolic absurdity ( ⊥ ): https://t.co/6N3mMgDz4v|2021-02-04|
+|@daniellecitron @noUpside just wanted to say I think y'all've got it right.|2021-02-22|
+|"@mollyfmielke I enjoyed reading your work and I appreciate your conclusions on standardization, interoperability and collaboration. Might consider ray tracing in your next essay since it's a 16th century concept that’s been instrumental in the development of computer hardware. 1/2"|2021-03-24|
+|@mollyfmielke It has innumerous applications and is a defining element of computer generated creativity. Started as a string attached to a door and is currently a barrier to entry due to the computational resource demands. 2/2|2021-03-24|
+|"@Immildlyupset Hey @Immildlyupset . I really dig your project... so far, folks think they have less sex (82%), are less religions (81%), are smarter (77%), more perceptive (75%), and have more common sense (74%) than the average. Go figure."|2021-05-15|
+|@caker @phil_eaton @linode Yes to this|2021-05-25|
+|@fwideman https://t.co/YBIC1xnnzL|2021-09-16|
+|@fwideman I'll give it three or four years and get back to you here on this same thread.|2021-09-16|
+|@fwideman https://t.co/vyLOrzqhrs|2021-09-16|
+|@fwideman I'm trying to get your attention over here. See also https://t.co/i930JHMtwz|2021-09-16|
+|@atmattb yeah... 👌|2022-01-29|
+|@Kasparov63 yes to this.|2022-03-02|
+|@willmcnelis 11 year delayed reply: it's good. you still down under? Your name came up in a conversation in charlietown yesterday because I think your nephew is dating my niece. both pretty stellar kids. small world.|2022-03-10|
+|@Futurebirds Very nice work fellas. Perhaps y'all can settle a post show debate amongst friends since we can't find any set lists. Several of us are sure you did the stellar Bertha cover but one of us is convinced it was @hissgldnmssr because he's previously covered it. cc: @TravasHunter|2022-06-07|
+|@Futurebirds @hissgldnmssr @TravasHunter Why yes he did! Thanks. I hope to see y'all again soon.|2022-06-09|
+|@P_M_Cu David was my freshman roommate at SCAD.|2022-07-25|
+|"@P_M_Cu Yup, but I transfered to CofC and finished my BA in studio art at CofC in just 8 short years because well... art school."|2022-07-25|
+|"@JDLHSchool Thanks for hosting @JDLHSchool & @postandcourier. Great venue, routes, support, food, entertainment, and people. Very nice work."|2022-10-17|