@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Today I learned about Evi Nemeth and the origin of phrase layer 8 error <sub>1,2
As usually the case, I learned this in a round about way. I was responding to a text message about a dinner reservation over in the Pee Dee<sub>3</sub> when I wondered about the origin of the word and it's spelling. This lead me to the Lynches River's namesake<sub>4</sub>, an early signer of the declaration and the subsequent list of people who had mysteriously disappeared at sea<sub>5</sub>.
-I noticed that Evi is referenced giving the single finger salute in the cover illustrations for the _Unix & Linux System Administration Handbook (4th Edition)_ and then for the revised fifth edition, she's shown on a tropical island hoisting a glass of wine.
+I noticed that Evi is referenced giving the single finger salute in the cover illustrations for the _Unix & Linux System Administration Handbook (4th Edition)_ and then for the revised fifth edition, she's shown on a tropical island hoisting a toast.
