title: Premier Color Spaces
description: Today I learned how to set color spaces in Premier
slug: color-spaces-premier
<!--- authors:
  - name: David Windham
    title: Something Else
    url: https://davidawindham.com
    image_url: https://davidawindham.com/wp-content/themes/daw/img/opengraph_image.jpg -->
tags: [dogs, color, video]
image: https://davidawindham.com/wp-content/themes/daw/img/opengraph_image.jpg
hide_table_of_contents: false

Today I learned why the iPhone 12 HDR setting has blown/washed out video color in Adobe Premier Pro. I mostly prefer to leave the High Dynamic Range enabled on video for my phone so I leave the setting on. It was especially noticeable while uploading some footage of [Iris](/notes/dogs) in the pond <sub>1,2</sub>.


Adobe used to try to map HDR color into Rec. 709 color space. but now they've added a couple settings to handle them. The newer iPhone is recognizing the color space as Req 2100 HLG which is not a bug. There are some options for recognizing HDR now by changing a couple of default settings and/or adding a custom LUT<sub>3</sub>. There is a beta feature coming to automatically tone map the media<sub>3</sub>.

- Settings > General > Enable > 
  - Extended dynamic range monitoring.
  - Display Color Management
- Source Panel > Option Click source > Modify > Interpret Footage 
  - Color Management Input LUT: ( custom Lookup Table file )
  - Color Space Overide Rec 2020/2100
  - (beta) Working Color Space - Automatically Tone Map Media

<video src="https://davidawindham.com/media/HDR_Iphone_Premier.mp4" width="100%" controls="controls">


1. _Iris_ - David A. Windham - <https://davidawindham.com/iris/>
2. Video of Iris in the pond - [https://photo.davidwindham.com/#167344](https://photo.davidwindham.com/#16734437965516/16864345910449)
3. Premier Pro v22 - Understanding Color Spaces & HRD - <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odwptnEhxJs>
4. Understanding Color and HDR in Premiere - Update Jan 2023 - <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-JFl4aRpao>