--- title: Help description: Because sometimes I forget to how to use the software toc_min_heading_level: 2 toc_max_heading_level: 5 --- # Help Because sometimes I forget how to drive the software I'm running. --- ### Todo - Make all links absolute. ( e.g. /docs/sass/ai ) While training the documents with OpenAI, I noticed that some of the link references were not absolute. - Create Github Actions to rebuild a Supabase index of the documents on every commit for the AI Assistant to use. --- ### Log ```mermaid gitGraph commit id: ".md files" tag: "v0.0.1" commit branch gitbook commit id: "mv to gitbook" tag: "v0.0.2" commit branch docusaurus checkout docusaurus commit id: "docusaurus" tag: "v0.0.3" commit checkout main merge docusaurus ``` #### Repos - https://code.davidawindham.com/david/til - https://github.com/windhamdavid/til ### Docusaurus [https://docusaurus.io/docs](https://docusaurus.io/docs) ```bash npm install npm run start npm run build npm run serve ``` **23/11/12** - Docusaurus updated 2.4.3 πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 3.0.0 and React 17.0.2 πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 18.2.0 :::danger This introduced a bunch of breaking errors in the markdown formatting via the MDX formatting that are documented at: - [https://docusaurus.io/blog/preparing-your-site-for-docusaurus-v3](https://docusaurus.io/blog/preparing-your-site-for-docusaurus-v3) - [https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/discussions/9312](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/discussions/9312). Went in and cleaned up the markdown formatting - mostly the tags on links and indented code highlighting formatting. ::: ```bash david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(mainβ—‹) Β» npm outdated Package Current Wanted Latest Location Depended by @docusaurus/core 2.4.3 3.0.0 3.0.0 node_modules/@docusaurus/core daw_til @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog 2.4.3 3.0.0 3.0.0 node_modules/@docusaurus/plugin-content-blog daw_til @docusaurus/preset-classic 2.4.3 3.0.0 3.0.0 node_modules/@docusaurus/preset-classic daw_til @docusaurus/theme-mermaid 2.4.3 3.0.0 3.0.0 node_modules/@docusaurus/theme-mermaid daw_til @mdx-js/react 1.6.22 1.6.22 3.0.0 node_modules/@mdx-js/react daw_til clsx 1.2.1 1.2.1 2.0.0 node_modules/clsx daw_til docusaurus-lunr-search 3.0.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 node_modules/docusaurus-lunr-search daw_til react 17.0.2 17.0.2 18.2.0 node_modules/react daw_til react-dom 17.0.2 17.0.2 18.2.0 node_modules/react-dom daw_til david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(main⚑) Β» npm list daw-til-2@0.0.1 /Users/david/Sites/daw_til β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/core@3.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog@3.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/preset-classic@3.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/theme-mermaid@3.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @mdx-js/mdx@3.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @mdx-js/react@3.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ clsx@2.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-lunr-search@3.3.0 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-plugin-matomo@0.0.6 β”œβ”€β”€ markprompt@0.1.7 β”œβ”€β”€ plugin-image-zoom@1.1.0 (git+ssh://git@github.com/flexanalytics/plugin-image-zoom.git#8e1b866c79ed6d42cefc4c52f851f1dfd1d0c7de) β”œβ”€β”€ react-dom@18.2.0 β”œβ”€β”€ react-player@2.13.0 └── react@18.2.0 ``` **23/09/23** - docusaurus updated - 2.4.1 πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 2.4.3 -> left react at 17 for now, but updated the react player to 2.13. ```bash david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(main⚑) Β» npm list daw-til-2@0.0.1 /Users/david/Sites/daw_til β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/core@2.4.3 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog@2.4.3 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/preset-classic@2.4.3 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/theme-mermaid@2.4.3 β”œβ”€β”€ @mdx-js/react@1.6.22 β”œβ”€β”€ clsx@1.2.1 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-lunr-search@3.0.0 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-plugin-matomo@0.0.6 β”œβ”€β”€ markprompt@0.1.7 β”œβ”€β”€ plugin-image-zoom@1.1.0 β”œβ”€β”€ react-dom@17.0.2 β”œβ”€β”€ react-player@2.13.0 └── react@17.0.2 david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(main⚑) Β» npm outdated Package Current Wanted Latest Location Depended by @mdx-js/react 1.6.22 1.6.22 2.3.0 node_modules/@mdx-js/react daw_til clsx 1.2.1 1.2.1 2.0.0 node_modules/clsx daw_til react 17.0.2 17.0.2 18.2.0 node_modules/react daw_til react-dom 17.0.2 17.0.2 18.2.0 node_modules/react-dom daw_til ``` **23/08/20** - added an image zoom plugin from [https://github.com/flexanalytics/plugin-image-zoom](https://github.com/flexanalytics/plugin-image-zoom) because I didn't like linking to the images or having them constrained between the sidebars. **23/08/18** - updated notes structure to include some personal documents like /documents/family/mom/mom.md which is actually a directory outside of the site build on my computer. I ignore them in the builds and repos. The reason for this is that the more I use machine learning against my own documents, the more the information becomes valuable in vector searches. Because of that, I'm rethinking the way I even organize documents on my computer. For instance this doc when I'm talking to my mom on the phone about whatever, I can reference references I've previously made. **23/05/24** - docusaurus updated - 2.4.0 πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 2.4.1 ```bash david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(main⚑) Β» npm list daw-til-2@0.0.1 /Users/david/Sites/daw_til β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/core@2.4.1 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog@2.4.1 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/preset-classic@2.4.1 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/theme-mermaid@2.4.1 β”œβ”€β”€ @mdx-js/react@1.6.22 β”œβ”€β”€ clsx@1.2.1 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-lunr-search@2.3.2 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-plugin-matomo@0.0.6 β”œβ”€β”€ markprompt@0.1.7 β”œβ”€β”€ react-dom@17.0.2 β”œβ”€β”€ react-player@2.12.0 └── react@17.0.2 ``` **23/05/09** - added react-player - added markprompt ```bash david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(main⚑) Β» npm list daw-til-2@0.0.1 /Users/david/Sites/daw_til β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/core@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/preset-classic@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/theme-mermaid@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @mdx-js/react@1.6.22 β”œβ”€β”€ clsx@1.2.1 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-lunr-search@2.3.2 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-plugin-matomo@0.0.6 β”œβ”€β”€ markprompt@0.1.7 β”œβ”€β”€ react-dom@17.0.2 β”œβ”€β”€ react-player@2.12.0 └── react@17.0.2 ``` **23/03/24** - npm up doc/core 2.3.1 -> 2.4.0 ```bash # still have issues with mdx-js/react@latest - holding it in place david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(main⚑) Β» npm list daw-til-2@0.0.1 /Users/david/Sites/daw_til β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/core@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/preset-classic@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/theme-mermaid@2.4.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @mdx-js/react@1.6.22 β”œβ”€β”€ clsx@1.2.1 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-lunr-search@2.3.2 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-plugin-matomo@0.0.6 β”œβ”€β”€ react-dom@17.0.2 └── react@17.0.2 ``` **22/01/31** - upgraded to docusaurus v2.3.0 ```shell david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(master⚑) Β» npm list daw-til-2@0.0.1 /Users/david/Sites/daw_til β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/core@2.3.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/plugin-content-blog@2.3.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/preset-classic@2.3.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @docusaurus/theme-mermaid@2.3.0 β”œβ”€β”€ @mdx-js/react@1.6.22 β”œβ”€β”€ clsx@1.2.1 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-lunr-search@2.3.2 β”œβ”€β”€ docusaurus-plugin-matomo@0.0.6 β”œβ”€β”€ react-dom@17.0.2 └── react@17.0.2 ``` **22/11/13** - added a Reader page - move branch master -> main for Git - addped mermaid and created overview graph - upgraded to v.2.2.0 ```shell david@ovidπŸ› :~/sites/daw_til(master⚑) Β» npm outdated 127 ↡ Package Current Wanted Latest Location Depended by @docusaurus/core 2.0.0-beta.15 2.2.0 2.2.0 node_modules/@docusaurus/core daw_til @docusaurus/preset-classic 2.0.0-beta.15 2.2.0 2.2.0 node_modules/@docusaurus/preset-classic daw_til @mdx-js/react 1.6.22 1.6.22 2.1.5 node_modules/@mdx-js/react daw_til clsx 1.1.1 1.2.1 1.2.1 node_modules/clsx daw_til docusaurus-lunr-search 2.1.15 2.3.1 2.3.1 node_modules/docusaurus-lunr-search daw_til react 17.0.2 17.0.2 18.2.0 node_modules/react daw_til react-dom 17.0.2 17.0.2 18.2.0 node_modules/react-dom daw_til ``` - colorMode.switchConfig is deprecated #[6771](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/pull/6771) rm'd - ```js switchConfig: { darkIcon: '\u2800', darkIconStyle: { marginLeft: '1px', }, lightIcon: '\u2800', lightIconStyle: { marginLeft: '1px', }, }, ``` - lunr-search broken ( see: https://github.com/praveenn77/docusaurus-lunr-search/pull/91 ) made the following change in the plugin to fix ```diff src/theme/SearchBar/lunar-search.js 29 - url: this.baseUrl !== '/' || doc.url.charAt(0) !== '/' ? this.baseUrl + doc.url : doc.url, + url: doc.url, ``` **12/04/2021** - added in [Notes](/notes) for non-technical docs - upgraded to v.2.0.0-beta.13 **11/10/2021** - Updated the Docusaurus & NPM packages. - Combined my old [awesome-david](/lists) repo into it for simplicity and rebuilt. **03/18/2021** Migrated this version from Gitbook because it wasn't playing nicely with Node.js v14 and it had a couple security vulnerabilities in the packages. Gitbook stop supporting the open source version likely for business reasons, so I migrated it all to ~~[https://docsify.js.org/](https://docsify.js.org/)~~... didn't do docsify because I can't generate static HTML which is what my DOM parser depends on to pull content elsewhere. Decided on using [https://docusaurus.io/](https://docusaurus.io/) instead. It required a bit of cleanup in the Markdown to do so. See: [https://davidawindham.com/til/help](/help) **05/02/2017** While working on another project yesterday afternoon, I ran into set of documentation ([https://docs.feathersjs.com/](https://docs.feathersjs.com/)) that I spent a lot of time reading and will likely forget about sometime soon after I abandon using the library in other projects. Of course I stuffed a bookmark of the documentation into my quasi organized set of chrome bookmarks based on each project, but the fact that the documentation was hosted using [Gitbook](https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook), reminded me of a practice I've seen others do. **03/18/21** - **Gotta Migrate** my TIL. Just noticed that gitbook doesn't play nicely with Node.js v14. ```bash david@macs🐢:~/sites/daw_til(master⚑) Β» gitbook serve --no-live /Users/david/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.4/lib/node_modules/gitbook-cli/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:287 if (cb) cb.apply(this, arguments) TypeError: cb.apply is not a function at /Users/david/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.4/lib/node_modules/gitbook-cli/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:287:18 at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:184:5) david@macs🐢:~/sites/daw_til(master⚑) Β» node -v v14.15.4 david@macs🐢:~/sites/daw_til(master⚑) Β» nvm ls v6.10.3 v6.11.2 v7.6.0 v8.4.0 v8.11.4 v8.12.0 v10.16.3 -> v14.15.4 system default -> 14 (-> v14.15.4) unstable -> N/A (default) node -> stable (-> v14.15.4) (default) stable -> 14.15 (-> v14.15.4) (default) iojs -> iojs- (-> system) (default) lts/* -> lts/fermium (-> v14.15.4) lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A) lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A) lts/carbon -> v8.17.0 (-> N/A) lts/dubnium -> v10.23.2 (-> N/A) lts/erbium -> v12.20.1 (-> N/A) lts/fermium -> v14.15.4 david@macs🐢:~/sites/daw_til(master⚑) Β» nvm use 10.16.3 Now using node v10.16.3 (npm v7.5.4) david@macs🐢:~/sites/daw_til(master⚑) Β» gitbook serve --no-live info: 18 plugins are installed... ``` **3/14/20** Ran into a couple errors with Gitbook and noticed that they are deprecating the open source version. Will need to migrate Gitbook to Docsify: * [https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook](https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook) * [https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/) * the current [Gitbook Search Plugin](https://github.com/lwdgit/gitbook-plugin-search-plus) key to the current setup and the docsify search is good. * ran package upgrades before migration. * docsify doesn't support all prism languages - [https://docsify.js.org/#/language-highlight?id=language-highlight](https://docsify.js.org/#/language-highlight?id=language-highlight) * [gitbook-prism-plugin](https://github.com/gaearon/gitbook-plugin-prism) has an outdated version of [prism](https://www.npmjs.com/package/prismjs). * forked pkg to [https://www.npmjs.com/package/gitbook-plugin-prism-dw](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gitbook-plugin-prism-dw) * add "gitbook-plugin-prism-dw": "^2.4.1" to pkg.json #### migrate ```bash # install docsify globally npm i docsify-cli -g # copy existing repo mv til/ til_old cp /til_old /til docsify init til/ # Rename summary.md to _sidebar.md mv summary.md _sidebar.md #add loadSidebar: true to window.$docsify in index.html docsify serve ``` #### migrate notes: ```js { "name": "windhamdavid_til", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "my til gitbook", "dependencies": { "gitbook": "^3.2.3", "gitbook-plugin-ace": "^0.3.2", "gitbook-plugin-advanced-emoji": "^0.2.2", "gitbook-plugin-anchors": "^0.7.1", "gitbook-plugin-github-embed": "^1.3.1", "gitbook-plugin-piwik": "^0.2.1", "gitbook-plugin-search-plus": "^1.0.4-alpha-3", "gitbook-plugin-toggle-chapters": "0.0.3", "gitbook-plugin-toggle-headers": "^0.1.0", "gitbook-plugin-video": "0.0.3" }, "devDependencies": {}, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/windhamdavid/til.git" }, "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "David A. Windham", "private": true, "license": "UNLICENSED", "homepage": "https://davidawindham.com" } ``` ```sh david@macs:~/sites/til(master⚑) Β» npm outdated 130 ↡ Package Current Wanted Latest Location gitbook-plugin-search-plus 1.0.3 1.0.4-alpha-3 1.0.4-alpha-3 windhamdavid_til gitbook 3.2.2 3.2.3 2.6.9 windhamdavid_til gitbook-plugin-github-embed 1.1.2 1.3.1 1.3.1 windhamdavid_til ``` --- ### Admonitions :::note Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#). ::: ### Mermaid ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good! ``` ```mermaid graph TD A(Does your flowchart have arrows?) --> B[No] A --> C[yes] B --> D(Add them already) C --> E(Yay, what a great flowchart!) D -.->|you can even add text to them| A ``` --- ### Creating Docs Create a Markdown file in /docs/doc.md Add to sidebars.js ### Meta Data using Front Matter ```bash --- id: my-doc title: My document title description: My document description sidebar_label: My doc --- Markdown content ``` ### Markdown links url paths or relative file paths ```bash [Create a page](/create-a-page) [Create a page](./create-a-page.md) ``` --- ### Gitbook: [https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook](https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook) [https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook/blob/master/docs/setup.md](https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook/blob/master/docs/setup.md) [https://toolchain.gitbook.com/](https://toolchain.gitbook.com/) ``` npm install -g gitbook-cli cd sites/til gitbook help gitbook build . gitbook serve . http://localhost:4000/ ``` run for production without livereload.js ``` gitbook serve --no-live ``` ### Markdown: [Markdown Cheatsheet from Github](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) [Markdown Cheatsheet](https://gist.github.com/jonschlinkert/5854601) #### Headers ```markdown # h1 ## h2 ### h3 #### h4 ##### h5 ###### h6 ``` ```markdown Header 1 ======== ``` ```markdown Header 2 -------- ``` #### Emphasis ```markdown *italic* _italic_ ``` ```markdown **bold** __bold__ ``` ```markdown ***bold italic*** ___bold italic___ ``` ```markdown ~~strikethrough~~ ``` ```markdown `code` ``` #### Lists ```markdown * Item 1 * Item 2 ``` ```markdown - Item 1 - Item 2 ``` ```markdown - [ ] Checkbox off - [x] Checkbox on ``` ```markdown 1. Item 1 2. Item 2 ``` #### Links ```markdown [link](http://google.com) ``` ```markdown [link][google] [google]: http://google.com ``` ```markdown ``` #### Images ```markdown ![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) ![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "title") ![Image alt text][img] ``` ```markdown [img]: http://foo.com/img.jpg ``` #### Code ``` 4 space indent makes a code block ``` ~~~markdown ``` code fences ``` ~~~ ~~~markdown ```js codeFences.withLanguage() ``` ~~~ #### Blockquotes ```markdown > This is > a blockquote > > > Nested > > Blockquote ``` #### Horizontal line ```markdown ---- ``` ```markdown **** ``` #### Tables ```markdown | Column 1 Heading | Column 2 Heading | | ---------------- | ---------------- | | Some content | Other content | ``` ```markdown Column 1 Heading | Column 2 Heading --- | --- Some content | Other content ``` ### Code: #### Piwik Plugin [https://github.com/emmanuel-keller/gitbook-plugin-piwik](https://github.com/emmanuel-keller/gitbook-plugin-piwik) use the language identifier after the back ticks for the code block in markdown ```html

Hello world

``` #### Github [https://github.com/visallo/gitbook-plugin-github-embed](https://github.com/visallo/gitbook-plugin-github-embed) #### Toggle Chapters [https://github.com/poojan/gitbook-plugin-toggle-chapters](https://github.com/poojan/gitbook-plugin-toggle-chapters) [https://github.com/hypertrack/gitbook-plugin-toggle-headers](https://github.com/hypertrack/gitbook-plugin-toggle-headers) ### Media: #### Images: ``` ![tabs](./img/til_tabs.png) ``` #### Add video from Youtube or Vimeo ``` {% video %}https://www.domain.com/video_url{% endvideo %} ``` #### Add video from source file ``` //add url using html5 ``` ###HTML adding published date with microformat [https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime) ``` ``` ### Emojis People | :bowtie: `:bowtie:` | :smile: `:smile:` | :laughing: `:laughing:` | |---|---|---| | :blush: `:blush:` | :smiley: `:smiley:` | :relaxed: `:relaxed:` | | :smirk: `:smirk:` | :heart_eyes: `:heart_eyes:` | :kissing_heart: `:kissing_heart:` | | :kissing_closed_eyes: `:kissing_closed_eyes:` | :flushed: `:flushed:` | :relieved: `:relieved:` | | :satisfied: `:satisfied:` | :grin: `:grin:` | :wink: `:wink:` | | :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: `:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:` | :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: `:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:` | :grinning: `:grinning:` | | :kissing: `:kissing:` | :kissing_smiling_eyes: `:kissing_smiling_eyes:` | :stuck_out_tongue: `:stuck_out_tongue:` | | :sleeping: `:sleeping:` | :worried: `:worried:` | :frowning: `:frowning:` | | :anguished: `:anguished:` | :open_mouth: `:open_mouth:` | :grimacing: `:grimacing:` | | :confused: `:confused:` | :hushed: `:hushed:` | :expressionless: `:expressionless:` | | :unamused: `:unamused:` | :sweat_smile: `:sweat_smile:` | :sweat: `:sweat:` | | :disappointed_relieved: `:disappointed_relieved:` | :weary: `:weary:` | :pensive: `:pensive:` | | :disappointed: `:disappointed:` | :confounded: `:confounded:` | :fearful: `:fearful:` | | :cold_sweat: `:cold_sweat:` | :persevere: `:persevere:` | :cry: `:cry:` | | :sob: `:sob:` | :joy: `:joy:` | :astonished: `:astonished:` | | :scream: `:scream:` | :neckbeard: `:neckbeard:` | :tired_face: `:tired_face:` | | :angry: `:angry:` | :rage: `:rage:` | :triumph: `:triumph:` | | :sleepy: `:sleepy:` | :yum: `:yum:` | :mask: `:mask:` | | :sunglasses: `:sunglasses:` | :dizzy_face: `:dizzy_face:` | :imp: `:imp:` | | :smiling_imp: `:smiling_imp:` | :neutral_face: `:neutral_face:` | :no_mouth: `:no_mouth:` | | :innocent: `:innocent:` | :alien: `:alien:` | :yellow_heart: `:yellow_heart:` | | :blue_heart: `:blue_heart:` | :purple_heart: `:purple_heart:` | :heart: `:heart:` | | :green_heart: `:green_heart:` | :broken_heart: `:broken_heart:` | :heartbeat: `:heartbeat:` | | :heartpulse: `:heartpulse:` | :two_hearts: `:two_hearts:` | :revolving_hearts: `:revolving_hearts:` | | :cupid: `:cupid:` | :sparkling_heart: `:sparkling_heart:` | :sparkles: `:sparkles:` | | :star: `:star:` | :star2: `:star2:` | :dizzy: `:dizzy:` | | :boom: `:boom:` | :collision: `:collision:` | :anger: `:anger:` | | :exclamation: `:exclamation:` | :question: `:question:` | :grey_exclamation: `:grey_exclamation:` | | :grey_question: `:grey_question:` | :zzz: `:zzz:` | :dash: `:dash:` | | :sweat_drops: `:sweat_drops:` | :notes: `:notes:` | :musical_note: `:musical_note:` | | :fire: `:fire:` | :hankey: `:hankey:` | :poop: `:poop:` | | :shit: `:shit:` | :+1: `:+1:` | :thumbsup: `:thumbsup:` | | :-1: `:-1:` | :thumbsdown: `:thumbsdown:` | :ok_hand: `:ok_hand:` | | :punch: `:punch:` | :facepunch: `:facepunch:` | :fist: `:fist:` | | :v: `:v:` | :wave: `:wave:` | :hand: `:hand:` | | :raised_hand: `:raised_hand:` | :open_hands: `:open_hands:` | :point_up: `:point_up:` | | :point_down: `:point_down:` | :point_left: `:point_left:` | :point_right: `:point_right:` | | :raised_hands: `:raised_hands:` | :pray: `:pray:` | :point_up_2: `:point_up_2:` | | :clap: `:clap:` | :muscle: `:muscle:` | :metal: `:metal:` | | :fu: `:fu:` | :walking: `:walking:` | :runner: `:runner:` | | :running: `:running:` | :couple: `:couple:` | :family: `:family:` | | :two_men_holding_hands: `:two_men_holding_hands:` | :two_women_holding_hands: `:two_women_holding_hands:` | :dancer: `:dancer:` | | :dancers: `:dancers:` | :ok_woman: `:ok_woman:` | :no_good: `:no_good:` | | :information_desk_person: `:information_desk_person:` | :raising_hand: `:raising_hand:` | :bride_with_veil: `:bride_with_veil:` | | :person_with_pouting_face: `:person_with_pouting_face:` | :person_frowning: `:person_frowning:` | :bow: `:bow:` | | :couplekiss: `:couplekiss:` | :couple_with_heart: `:couple_with_heart:` | :massage: `:massage:` | | :haircut: `:haircut:` | :nail_care: `:nail_care:` | :boy: `:boy:` | | :girl: `:girl:` | :woman: `:woman:` | :man: `:man:` | | :baby: `:baby:` | :older_woman: `:older_woman:` | :older_man: `:older_man:` | | :person_with_blond_hair: `:person_with_blond_hair:` | :man_with_gua_pi_mao: `:man_with_gua_pi_mao:` | :man_with_turban: `:man_with_turban:` | | :construction_worker: `:construction_worker:` | :cop: `:cop:` | :angel: `:angel:` | | :princess: `:princess:` | :smiley_cat: `:smiley_cat:` | :smile_cat: `:smile_cat:` | | :heart_eyes_cat: `:heart_eyes_cat:` | :kissing_cat: `:kissing_cat:` | :smirk_cat: `:smirk_cat:` | | :scream_cat: `:scream_cat:` | :crying_cat_face: `:crying_cat_face:` | :joy_cat: `:joy_cat:` | | :pouting_cat: `:pouting_cat:` | :japanese_ogre: `:japanese_ogre:` | :japanese_goblin: `:japanese_goblin:` | | :see_no_evil: `:see_no_evil:` | :hear_no_evil: `:hear_no_evil:` | :speak_no_evil: `:speak_no_evil:` | | :guardsman: `:guardsman:` | :skull: `:skull:` | :feet: `:feet:` | | :lips: `:lips:` | :kiss: `:kiss:` | :droplet: `:droplet:` | | :ear: `:ear:` | :eyes: `:eyes:` | :nose: `:nose:` | | :tongue: `:tongue:` | :love_letter: `:love_letter:` | :bust_in_silhouette: `:bust_in_silhouette:` | | :busts_in_silhouette: `:busts_in_silhouette:` | :speech_balloon: `:speech_balloon:` | :thought_balloon: `:thought_balloon:` | | :feelsgood: `:feelsgood:` | :finnadie: `:finnadie:` | :goberserk: `:goberserk:` | | :godmode: `:godmode:` | :hurtrealbad: `:hurtrealbad:` | :rage1: `:rage1:` | | :rage2: `:rage2:` | :rage3: `:rage3:` | :rage4: `:rage4:` | | :suspect: `:suspect:` | :trollface: `:trollface:` | Nature | :sunny: `:sunny:` | :umbrella: `:umbrella:` | :cloud: `:cloud:` | |---|---|---| | :snowflake: `:snowflake:` | :snowman: `:snowman:` | :zap: `:zap:` | | :cyclone: `:cyclone:` | :foggy: `:foggy:` | :ocean: `:ocean:` | | :cat: `:cat:` | :dog: `:dog:` | :mouse: `:mouse:` | | :hamster: `:hamster:` | :rabbit: `:rabbit:` | :wolf: `:wolf:` | | :frog: `:frog:` | :tiger: `:tiger:` | :koala: `:koala:` | | :bear: `:bear:` | :pig: `:pig:` | :pig_nose: `:pig_nose:` | | :cow: `:cow:` | :boar: `:boar:` | :monkey_face: `:monkey_face:` | | :monkey: `:monkey:` | :horse: `:horse:` | :racehorse: `:racehorse:` | | :camel: `:camel:` | :sheep: `:sheep:` | :elephant: `:elephant:` | | :panda_face: `:panda_face:` | :snake: `:snake:` | :bird: `:bird:` | | :baby_chick: `:baby_chick:` | :hatched_chick: `:hatched_chick:` | :hatching_chick: `:hatching_chick:` | | :chicken: `:chicken:` | :penguin: `:penguin:` | :turtle: `:turtle:` | | :bug: `:bug:` | :honeybee: `:honeybee:` | :ant: `:ant:` | | :beetle: `:beetle:` | :snail: `:snail:` | :octopus: `:octopus:` | | :tropical_fish: `:tropical_fish:` | :fish: `:fish:` | :whale: `:whale:` | | :whale2: `:whale2:` | :dolphin: `:dolphin:` | :cow2: `:cow2:` | | :ram: `:ram:` | :rat: `:rat:` | :water_buffalo: `:water_buffalo:` | | :tiger2: `:tiger2:` | :rabbit2: `:rabbit2:` | :dragon: `:dragon:` | | :goat: `:goat:` | :rooster: `:rooster:` | :dog2: `:dog2:` | | :pig2: `:pig2:` | :mouse2: `:mouse2:` | :ox: `:ox:` | | :dragon_face: `:dragon_face:` | :blowfish: `:blowfish:` | :crocodile: `:crocodile:` | | :dromedary_camel: `:dromedary_camel:` | :leopard: `:leopard:` | :cat2: `:cat2:` | | :poodle: `:poodle:` | :paw_prints: `:paw_prints:` | :bouquet: `:bouquet:` | | :cherry_blossom: `:cherry_blossom:` | :tulip: `:tulip:` | :four_leaf_clover: `:four_leaf_clover:` | | :rose: `:rose:` | :sunflower: `:sunflower:` | :hibiscus: `:hibiscus:` | | :maple_leaf: `:maple_leaf:` | :leaves: `:leaves:` | :fallen_leaf: `:fallen_leaf:` | | :herb: `:herb:` | :mushroom: `:mushroom:` | :cactus: `:cactus:` | | :palm_tree: `:palm_tree:` | :evergreen_tree: `:evergreen_tree:` | :deciduous_tree: `:deciduous_tree:` | | :chestnut: `:chestnut:` | :seedling: `:seedling:` | :blossom: `:blossom:` | | :ear_of_rice: `:ear_of_rice:` | :shell: `:shell:` | :globe_with_meridians: `:globe_with_meridians:` | | :sun_with_face: `:sun_with_face:` | :full_moon_with_face: `:full_moon_with_face:` | :new_moon_with_face: `:new_moon_with_face:` | | :new_moon: `:new_moon:` | :waxing_crescent_moon: `:waxing_crescent_moon:` | :first_quarter_moon: `:first_quarter_moon:` | | :waxing_gibbous_moon: `:waxing_gibbous_moon:` | :full_moon: `:full_moon:` | :waning_gibbous_moon: `:waning_gibbous_moon:` | | :last_quarter_moon: `:last_quarter_moon:` | :waning_crescent_moon: `:waning_crescent_moon:` | :last_quarter_moon_with_face: `:last_quarter_moon_with_face:` | | :first_quarter_moon_with_face: `:first_quarter_moon_with_face:` | :moon: `:moon:` | :earth_africa: `:earth_africa:` | | :earth_americas: `:earth_americas:` | :earth_asia: `:earth_asia:` | :volcano: `:volcano:` | | :milky_way: `:milky_way:` | :partly_sunny: `:partly_sunny:` | :octocat: `:octocat:` | | :squirrel: `:squirrel:` | Objects | :bamboo: `:bamboo:` | :gift_heart: `:gift_heart:` | :dolls: `:dolls:` | |---|---|---| | :school_satchel: `:school_satchel:` | :mortar_board: `:mortar_board:` | :flags: `:flags:` | | :fireworks: `:fireworks:` | :sparkler: `:sparkler:` | :wind_chime: `:wind_chime:` | | :rice_scene: `:rice_scene:` | :jack_o_lantern: `:jack_o_lantern:` | :ghost: `:ghost:` | | :santa: `:santa:` | :christmas_tree: `:christmas_tree:` | :gift: `:gift:` | | :bell: `:bell:` | :no_bell: `:no_bell:` | :tanabata_tree: `:tanabata_tree:` | | :tada: `:tada:` | :confetti_ball: `:confetti_ball:` | :balloon: `:balloon:` | | :crystal_ball: `:crystal_ball:` | :cd: `:cd:` | :dvd: `:dvd:` | | :floppy_disk: `:floppy_disk:` | :camera: `:camera:` | :video_camera: `:video_camera:` | | :movie_camera: `:movie_camera:` | :computer: `:computer:` | :tv: `:tv:` | | :iphone: `:iphone:` | :phone: `:phone:` | :telephone: `:telephone:` | | :telephone_receiver: `:telephone_receiver:` | :pager: `:pager:` | :fax: `:fax:` | | :minidisc: `:minidisc:` | :vhs: `:vhs:` | :sound: `:sound:` | | :speaker: `:speaker:` | :mute: `:mute:` | :loudspeaker: `:loudspeaker:` | | :mega: `:mega:` | :hourglass: `:hourglass:` | :hourglass_flowing_sand: `:hourglass_flowing_sand:` | | :alarm_clock: `:alarm_clock:` | :watch: `:watch:` | :radio: `:radio:` | | :satellite: `:satellite:` | :loop: `:loop:` | :mag: `:mag:` | | :mag_right: `:mag_right:` | :unlock: `:unlock:` | :lock: `:lock:` | | :lock_with_ink_pen: `:lock_with_ink_pen:` | :closed_lock_with_key: `:closed_lock_with_key:` | :key: `:key:` | | :bulb: `:bulb:` | :flashlight: `:flashlight:` | :high_brightness: `:high_brightness:` | | :low_brightness: `:low_brightness:` | :electric_plug: `:electric_plug:` | :battery: `:battery:` | | :calling: `:calling:` | :email: `:email:` | :mailbox: `:mailbox:` | | :postbox: `:postbox:` | :bath: `:bath:` | :bathtub: `:bathtub:` | | :shower: `:shower:` | :toilet: `:toilet:` | :wrench: `:wrench:` | | :nut_and_bolt: `:nut_and_bolt:` | :hammer: `:hammer:` | :seat: `:seat:` | | :moneybag: `:moneybag:` | :yen: `:yen:` | :dollar: `:dollar:` | | :pound: `:pound:` | :euro: `:euro:` | :credit_card: `:credit_card:` | | :money_with_wings: `:money_with_wings:` | :e-mail: `:e-mail:` | :inbox_tray: `:inbox_tray:` | | :outbox_tray: `:outbox_tray:` | :envelope: `:envelope:` | :incoming_envelope: `:incoming_envelope:` | | :postal_horn: `:postal_horn:` | :mailbox_closed: `:mailbox_closed:` | :mailbox_with_mail: `:mailbox_with_mail:` | | :mailbox_with_no_mail: `:mailbox_with_no_mail:` | :door: `:door:` | :smoking: `:smoking:` | | :bomb: `:bomb:` | :gun: `:gun:` | :hocho: `:hocho:` | | :pill: `:pill:` | :syringe: `:syringe:` | :page_facing_up: `:page_facing_up:` | | :page_with_curl: `:page_with_curl:` | :bookmark_tabs: `:bookmark_tabs:` | :bar_chart: `:bar_chart:` | | :chart_with_upwards_trend: `:chart_with_upwards_trend:` | :chart_with_downwards_trend: `:chart_with_downwards_trend:` | :scroll: `:scroll:` | | :clipboard: `:clipboard:` | :calendar: `:calendar:` | :date: `:date:` | | :card_index: `:card_index:` | :file_folder: `:file_folder:` | :open_file_folder: `:open_file_folder:` | | :scissors: `:scissors:` | :pushpin: `:pushpin:` | :paperclip: `:paperclip:` | | :black_nib: `:black_nib:` | :pencil2: `:pencil2:` | :straight_ruler: `:straight_ruler:` | | :triangular_ruler: `:triangular_ruler:` | :closed_book: `:closed_book:` | :green_book: `:green_book:` | | :blue_book: `:blue_book:` | :orange_book: `:orange_book:` | :notebook: `:notebook:` | | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: `:notebook_with_decorative_cover:` | :ledger: `:ledger:` | :books: `:books:` | | :bookmark: `:bookmark:` | :name_badge: `:name_badge:` | :microscope: `:microscope:` | | :telescope: `:telescope:` | :newspaper: `:newspaper:` | :football: `:football:` | | :basketball: `:basketball:` | :soccer: `:soccer:` | :baseball: `:baseball:` | | :tennis: `:tennis:` | :8ball: `:8ball:` | :rugby_football: `:rugby_football:` | | :bowling: `:bowling:` | :golf: `:golf:` | :mountain_bicyclist: `:mountain_bicyclist:` | | :bicyclist: `:bicyclist:` | :horse_racing: `:horse_racing:` | :snowboarder: `:snowboarder:` | | :swimmer: `:swimmer:` | :surfer: `:surfer:` | :ski: `:ski:` | | :spades: `:spades:` | :hearts: `:hearts:` | :clubs: `:clubs:` | | :diamonds: `:diamonds:` | :gem: `:gem:` | :ring: `:ring:` | | :trophy: `:trophy:` | :musical_score: `:musical_score:` | :musical_keyboard: `:musical_keyboard:` | | :violin: `:violin:` | :space_invader: `:space_invader:` | :video_game: `:video_game:` | | :black_joker: `:black_joker:` | :flower_playing_cards: `:flower_playing_cards:` | :game_die: `:game_die:` | | :dart: `:dart:` | :mahjong: `:mahjong:` | :clapper: `:clapper:` | | :memo: `:memo:` | :pencil: `:pencil:` | :book: `:book:` | | :art: `:art:` | :microphone: `:microphone:` | :headphones: `:headphones:` | | :trumpet: `:trumpet:` | :saxophone: `:saxophone:` | :guitar: `:guitar:` | | :shoe: `:shoe:` | :sandal: `:sandal:` | :high_heel: `:high_heel:` | | :lipstick: `:lipstick:` | :boot: `:boot:` | :shirt: `:shirt:` | | :tshirt: `:tshirt:` | :necktie: `:necktie:` | :womans_clothes: `:womans_clothes:` | | :dress: `:dress:` | :running_shirt_with_sash: `:running_shirt_with_sash:` | :jeans: `:jeans:` | | :kimono: `:kimono:` | :bikini: `:bikini:` | :ribbon: `:ribbon:` | | :tophat: `:tophat:` | :crown: `:crown:` | :womans_hat: `:womans_hat:` | | :mans_shoe: `:mans_shoe:` | :closed_umbrella: `:closed_umbrella:` | :briefcase: `:briefcase:` | | :handbag: `:handbag:` | :pouch: `:pouch:` | :purse: `:purse:` | | :eyeglasses: `:eyeglasses:` | :fishing_pole_and_fish: `:fishing_pole_and_fish:` | :coffee: `:coffee:` | | :tea: `:tea:` | :sake: `:sake:` | :baby_bottle: `:baby_bottle:` | | :beer: `:beer:` | :beers: `:beers:` | :cocktail: `:cocktail:` | | :tropical_drink: `:tropical_drink:` | :wine_glass: `:wine_glass:` | :fork_and_knife: `:fork_and_knife:` | | :pizza: `:pizza:` | :hamburger: `:hamburger:` | :fries: `:fries:` | | :poultry_leg: `:poultry_leg:` | :meat_on_bone: `:meat_on_bone:` | :spaghetti: `:spaghetti:` | | :curry: `:curry:` | :fried_shrimp: `:fried_shrimp:` | :bento: `:bento:` | | :sushi: `:sushi:` | :fish_cake: `:fish_cake:` | :rice_ball: `:rice_ball:` | | :rice_cracker: `:rice_cracker:` | :rice: `:rice:` | :ramen: `:ramen:` | | :stew: `:stew:` | :oden: `:oden:` | :dango: `:dango:` | | :egg: `:egg:` | :bread: `:bread:` | :doughnut: `:doughnut:` | | :custard: `:custard:` | :icecream: `:icecream:` | :ice_cream: `:ice_cream:` | | :shaved_ice: `:shaved_ice:` | :birthday: `:birthday:` | :cake: `:cake:` | | :cookie: `:cookie:` | :chocolate_bar: `:chocolate_bar:` | :candy: `:candy:` | | :lollipop: `:lollipop:` | :honey_pot: `:honey_pot:` | :apple: `:apple:` | | :green_apple: `:green_apple:` | :tangerine: `:tangerine:` | :lemon: `:lemon:` | | :cherries: `:cherries:` | :grapes: `:grapes:` | :watermelon: `:watermelon:` | | :strawberry: `:strawberry:` | :peach: `:peach:` | :melon: `:melon:` | | :banana: `:banana:` | :pear: `:pear:` | :pineapple: `:pineapple:` | | :sweet_potato: `:sweet_potato:` | :eggplant: `:eggplant:` | :tomato: `:tomato:` | | :corn: `:corn:` | Places | :house: `:house:` | :house_with_garden: `:house_with_garden:` | :school: `:school:` | |---|---|---| | :office: `:office:` | :post_office: `:post_office:` | :hospital: `:hospital:` | | :bank: `:bank:` | :convenience_store: `:convenience_store:` | :love_hotel: `:love_hotel:` | | :hotel: `:hotel:` | :wedding: `:wedding:` | :church: `:church:` | | :department_store: `:department_store:` | :european_post_office: `:european_post_office:` | :city_sunrise: `:city_sunrise:` | | :city_sunset: `:city_sunset:` | :japanese_castle: `:japanese_castle:` | :european_castle: `:european_castle:` | | :tent: `:tent:` | :factory: `:factory:` | :tokyo_tower: `:tokyo_tower:` | | :japan: `:japan:` | :mount_fuji: `:mount_fuji:` | :sunrise_over_mountains: `:sunrise_over_mountains:` | | :sunrise: `:sunrise:` | :stars: `:stars:` | :statue_of_liberty: `:statue_of_liberty:` | | :bridge_at_night: `:bridge_at_night:` | :carousel_horse: `:carousel_horse:` | :rainbow: `:rainbow:` | | :ferris_wheel: `:ferris_wheel:` | :fountain: `:fountain:` | :roller_coaster: `:roller_coaster:` | | :ship: `:ship:` | :speedboat: `:speedboat:` | :boat: `:boat:` | | :sailboat: `:sailboat:` | :rowboat: `:rowboat:` | :anchor: `:anchor:` | | :rocket: `:rocket:` | :airplane: `:airplane:` | :helicopter: `:helicopter:` | | :steam_locomotive: `:steam_locomotive:` | :tram: `:tram:` | :mountain_railway: `:mountain_railway:` | | :bike: `:bike:` | :aerial_tramway: `:aerial_tramway:` | :suspension_railway: `:suspension_railway:` | | :mountain_cableway: `:mountain_cableway:` | :tractor: `:tractor:` | :blue_car: `:blue_car:` | | :oncoming_automobile: `:oncoming_automobile:` | :car: `:car:` | :red_car: `:red_car:` | | :taxi: `:taxi:` | :oncoming_taxi: `:oncoming_taxi:` | :articulated_lorry: `:articulated_lorry:` | | :bus: `:bus:` | :oncoming_bus: `:oncoming_bus:` | :rotating_light: `:rotating_light:` | | :police_car: `:police_car:` | :oncoming_police_car: `:oncoming_police_car:` | :fire_engine: `:fire_engine:` | | :ambulance: `:ambulance:` | :minibus: `:minibus:` | :truck: `:truck:` | | :train: `:train:` | :station: `:station:` | :train2: `:train2:` | | :bullettrain_front: `:bullettrain_front:` | :bullettrain_side: `:bullettrain_side:` | :light_rail: `:light_rail:` | | :monorail: `:monorail:` | :railway_car: `:railway_car:` | :trolleybus: `:trolleybus:` | | :ticket: `:ticket:` | :fuelpump: `:fuelpump:` | :vertical_traffic_light: `:vertical_traffic_light:` | | :traffic_light: `:traffic_light:` | :warning: `:warning:` | :construction: `:construction:` | | :beginner: `:beginner:` | :atm: `:atm:` | :slot_machine: `:slot_machine:` | | :busstop: `:busstop:` | :barber: `:barber:` | :hotsprings: `:hotsprings:` | | :checkered_flag: `:checkered_flag:` | :crossed_flags: `:crossed_flags:` | :izakaya_lantern: `:izakaya_lantern:` | | :moyai: `:moyai:` | :circus_tent: `:circus_tent:` | :performing_arts: `:performing_arts:` | | :round_pushpin: `:round_pushpin:` | :triangular_flag_on_post: `:triangular_flag_on_post:` | :jp: `:jp:` | | :kr: `:kr:` | :cn: `:cn:` | :us: `:us:` | | :fr: `:fr:` | :es: `:es:` | :it: `:it:` | | :ru: `:ru:` | :gb: `:gb:` | :uk: `:uk:` | | :de: `:de:` | Symbols | :one: `:one:` | :two: `:two:` | :three: `:three:` | |---|---|---| | :four: `:four:` | :five: `:five:` | :six: `:six:` | | :seven: `:seven:` | :eight: `:eight:` | :nine: `:nine:` | | :keycap_ten: `:keycap_ten:` | :1234: `:1234:` | :zero: `:zero:` | | :hash: `:hash:` | :symbols: `:symbols:` | :arrow_backward: `:arrow_backward:` | | :arrow_down: `:arrow_down:` | :arrow_forward: `:arrow_forward:` | :arrow_left: `:arrow_left:` | | :capital_abcd: `:capital_abcd:` | :abcd: `:abcd:` | :abc: `:abc:` | | :arrow_lower_left: `:arrow_lower_left:` | :arrow_lower_right: `:arrow_lower_right:` | :arrow_right: `:arrow_right:` | | :arrow_up: `:arrow_up:` | :arrow_upper_left: `:arrow_upper_left:` | :arrow_upper_right: `:arrow_upper_right:` | | :arrow_double_down: `:arrow_double_down:` | :arrow_double_up: `:arrow_double_up:` | :arrow_down_small: `:arrow_down_small:` | | :arrow_heading_down: `:arrow_heading_down:` | :arrow_heading_up: `:arrow_heading_up:` | :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: `:leftwards_arrow_with_hook:` | | :arrow_right_hook: `:arrow_right_hook:` | :left_right_arrow: `:left_right_arrow:` | :arrow_up_down: `:arrow_up_down:` | | :arrow_up_small: `:arrow_up_small:` | :arrows_clockwise: `:arrows_clockwise:` | :arrows_counterclockwise: `:arrows_counterclockwise:` | | :rewind: `:rewind:` | :fast_forward: `:fast_forward:` | :information_source: `:information_source:` | | :ok: `:ok:` | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: `:twisted_rightwards_arrows:` | :repeat: `:repeat:` | | :repeat_one: `:repeat_one:` | :new: `:new:` | :top: `:top:` | | :up: `:up:` | :cool: `:cool:` | :free: `:free:` | | :ng: `:ng:` | :cinema: `:cinema:` | :koko: `:koko:` | | :signal_strength: `:signal_strength:` | :u5272: `:u5272:` | :u5408: `:u5408:` | | :u55b6: `:u55b6:` | :u6307: `:u6307:` | :u6708: `:u6708:` | | :u6709: `:u6709:` | :u6e80: `:u6e80:` | :u7121: `:u7121:` | | :u7533: `:u7533:` | :u7a7a: `:u7a7a:` | :u7981: `:u7981:` | | :sa: `:sa:` | :restroom: `:restroom:` | :mens: `:mens:` | | :womens: `:womens:` | :baby_symbol: `:baby_symbol:` | :no_smoking: `:no_smoking:` | | :parking: `:parking:` | :wheelchair: `:wheelchair:` | :metro: `:metro:` | | :baggage_claim: `:baggage_claim:` | :accept: `:accept:` | :wc: `:wc:` | | :potable_water: `:potable_water:` | :put_litter_in_its_place: `:put_litter_in_its_place:` | :secret: `:secret:` | | :congratulations: `:congratulations:` | :m: `:m:` | :passport_control: `:passport_control:` | | :left_luggage: `:left_luggage:` | :customs: `:customs:` | :ideograph_advantage: `:ideograph_advantage:` | | :cl: `:cl:` | :sos: `:sos:` | :id: `:id:` | | :no_entry_sign: `:no_entry_sign:` | :underage: `:underage:` | :no_mobile_phones: `:no_mobile_phones:` | | :do_not_litter: `:do_not_litter:` | :non-potable_water: `:non-potable_water:` | :no_bicycles: `:no_bicycles:` | | :no_pedestrians: `:no_pedestrians:` | :children_crossing: `:children_crossing:` | :no_entry: `:no_entry:` | | :eight_spoked_asterisk: `:eight_spoked_asterisk:` | :eight_pointed_black_star: `:eight_pointed_black_star:` | :heart_decoration: `:heart_decoration:` | | :vs: `:vs:` | :vibration_mode: `:vibration_mode:` | :mobile_phone_off: `:mobile_phone_off:` | | :chart: `:chart:` | :currency_exchange: `:currency_exchange:` | :aries: `:aries:` | | :taurus: `:taurus:` | :gemini: `:gemini:` | :cancer: `:cancer:` | | :leo: `:leo:` | :virgo: `:virgo:` | :libra: `:libra:` | | :scorpius: `:scorpius:` | :sagittarius: `:sagittarius:` | :capricorn: `:capricorn:` | | :aquarius: `:aquarius:` | :pisces: `:pisces:` | :ophiuchus: `:ophiuchus:` | | :six_pointed_star: `:six_pointed_star:` | :negative_squared_cross_mark: `:negative_squared_cross_mark:` | :a: `:a:` | | :b: `:b:` | :ab: `:ab:` | :o2: `:o2:` | | :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: `:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:` | :recycle: `:recycle:` | :end: `:end:` | | :on: `:on:` | :soon: `:soon:` | :clock1: `:clock1:` | | :clock130: `:clock130:` | :clock10: `:clock10:` | :clock1030: `:clock1030:` | | :clock11: `:clock11:` | :clock1130: `:clock1130:` | :clock12: `:clock12:` | | :clock1230: `:clock1230:` | :clock2: `:clock2:` | :clock230: `:clock230:` | | :clock3: `:clock3:` | :clock330: `:clock330:` | :clock4: `:clock4:` | | :clock430: `:clock430:` | :clock5: `:clock5:` | :clock530: `:clock530:` | | :clock6: `:clock6:` | :clock630: `:clock630:` | :clock7: `:clock7:` | | :clock730: `:clock730:` | :clock8: `:clock8:` | :clock830: `:clock830:` | | :clock9: `:clock9:` | :clock930: `:clock930:` | :heavy_dollar_sign: `:heavy_dollar_sign:` | | :copyright: `:copyright:` | :registered: `:registered:` | :tm: `:tm:` | | :x: `:x:` | :heavy_exclamation_mark: `:heavy_exclamation_mark:` | :bangbang: `:bangbang:` | | :interrobang: `:interrobang:` | :o: `:o:` | :heavy_multiplication_x: `:heavy_multiplication_x:` | | :heavy_plus_sign: `:heavy_plus_sign:` | :heavy_minus_sign: `:heavy_minus_sign:` | :heavy_division_sign: `:heavy_division_sign:` | | :white_flower: `:white_flower:` | :100: `:100:` | :heavy_check_mark: `:heavy_check_mark:` | | :ballot_box_with_check: `:ballot_box_with_check:` | :radio_button: `:radio_button:` | :link: `:link:` | | :curly_loop: `:curly_loop:` | :wavy_dash: `:wavy_dash:` | :part_alternation_mark: `:part_alternation_mark:` | | :trident: `:trident:` | :black_square: `:black_square:` | :white_square: `:white_square:` | | :white_check_mark: `:white_check_mark:` | :black_square_button: `:black_square_button:` | :white_square_button: `:white_square_button:` | | :black_circle: `:black_circle:` | :white_circle: `:white_circle:` | :red_circle: `:red_circle:` | | :large_blue_circle: `:large_blue_circle:` | :large_blue_diamond: `:large_blue_diamond:` | :large_orange_diamond: `:large_orange_diamond:` | | :small_blue_diamond: `:small_blue_diamond:` | :small_orange_diamond: `:small_orange_diamond:` | :small_red_triangle: `:small_red_triangle:` | | :small_red_triangle_down: `:small_red_triangle_down:` | :shipit: `:shipit:` |