--- title: The Barron Files slug: the-barron-files description: Today I learned more about Barron Trump. tags: [art, people, journal] image: https://davidawindham.com/wp-content/themes/daw/img/opengraph_image.jpg hide_table_of_contents: true --- Today I learned more about Barron Trump. I keep a couple files rolling on my devices for notes and this is just me clearing em out for a fresh start. It’s been cold for the last week with a couple days of snow. It’s 22 degrees this morning and we still have some ice on the pond and snow on the ground. This is pretty rare in our region given we hardly had a winter last winter. Regardless, I’ve managed to average 3.3 miles of cycling and 3.4 miles of walking over the last 30 days according to my new wrist tracker. I decided I wanted to be more wholistic in my approach to health so I’m diversifying my excessive portfolio and I can barely keep up with the 60+ aged lady on the Apple fitness yoga routines[^1]. I’ve also started tracking all my food for fun and so that I can learn about my habits more objectively. I’m pretty sure that walking out in nature is good for me. We recently lost one of the dogs on a walk during the snow who didn’t have his satellite collar on so I went off trail deep into the woods trying to stand silent listening for his location. While I was there I saw a small herd of deer meander on by which just gave me the feeling of a being lucky to have a set of eyes and brain to ponder the moment as a spec of dust in the universe. I also had an opposite but equal moment on the way to one of those walks. Ran the i4 up against a 700hp blackwing[^2] on the backroads through the early morning fog because I also like a good machine and a little bit of risk. The focus of an intense ride or the quiet or a walk sets my mind at ease, which is exactly where I want it to be. The something’s gonna kill you attitude provides a little balance to the health and mental health stuff. Even in David Lynch’s[^3] obituary photo he’s smoking so you know he lived a some sorta dark sublime 50 year suicide via emphysema. I’m still a bit metaphysical on life. In the back of my mind there’s always some sorta mystical fable going on like, if I don’t help this person that’s seemingly taking all of my attention with relatively worthless tasks, they might turn out to be some sorta wise sage further on down the road. I sometimes forget to look for those subtle clues buried in a sea of information. I’ve been tracking my screen time[^4] and for whatever reason, perhaps that I didn’t want to see the truth, I’ve as of yet used any of the default screen time or focus features. According to the last week, I’m spending an average of 8 hours and 5 minutes a day on a screen… 13 hours of ‘productivity & finance’, 7 hours of ‘information & reading’ and 6 hours of ‘social’. The one thing I’ve really tried to disconnect from in the last several years is constant information intake. I try desperately to focus more on output than intake. If I’m going to be in front of a monitor or other screen, I might as well get some benefit other than being up to date on the latest news or trending Reddit post. The only thing not monitor is my television and it’s hardly ever on except the occasional movie or our Brit comedy wind-down series, which happens to currently be _The League of Gentlemen_[^5]. Before that we finished _The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin_[^6] which has some of the same fellas from _People Just Do Nothing_ and _The Mighty Boosh_. In my opinion, these are the closest thing to modern Monty Python and I’ve found that this sort of humor is the type of medicine my shrink or doctor should be prescribing. I have been a little bit more focused on my information intake recently in that I’ll pick a particular person or topic and stay on them for a bit. I think David Brooks’ recent essay _How the Ivy League Broke America_[^7] is pretty spot on regarding meritocracy and explaining the rise of dumpy populism. I also did a deep dive on some of the underpinnings of the philosophy behind and the whole technocracy bunch. I was inspired by the fact that Peter Thiel used the word apokálypsis in the title of a recent editorial[^8]. During my reading, I kept running into the Claremont Institute[^9] which is John Eastman’s club likely from the NYT piece on Curtis Yavin[^10][^11]. I’ve always kinda wondered how many silicon valley fellas come outa Harvey Mudd, but I never really connected it to the Claremont. Even the recent education gig went to a gal connect to Claremont and I just wonder how, why, and where their ideas were coming from. I won’t bore you with the drivel, but the thing that really stood out is that majority of them are non-religious and our age. I just have a hard time imagining what sort background you’d have to acquire this sorta ’dark enlightenment’[^12] outlook.