# Travel **23/11/12** - We like to travel on occasion. I'm not quite as adventurous as I once was, but I don't mind short trips. Most recently it was a trip to [Portland, Oregon](https://davidawindham.com/portland) to visit family. I'm just going to leave this page here to make notes on future travel. **24/10/07 - 24/10/11** - Aho **25/01/29 - 25/02/02** - Largo ## Log - 24/04/02 - Added Bookmarks[^1] and List/Places[^2] Footnotes - 24/04/02 - Started planning a new trip for Feb 2025 ## References 1. _Faux Travel_ - https://davidawindham.com/faux-travel/ 2. _Portland_ - https://davidawindham.com/portland/ --- [^1]: Bookmarks - Travel - https://davidawindham.com/bookmarks/?searchtags=travel+ [^2]: TIL/ Lists - Places - https://davidawindham.com/til/lists/places/