title: newWindow storage
description: Today I learned that you can use LocalStorage across multiple windows.
slug: newwindow-storage
<!--- authors:
  - name: David Windham
    title: Something Else
    url: https://davidawindham.com
    image_url: https://davidawindham.com/wp-content/themes/daw/img/opengraph_image.jpg -->
tags: [js, webgl, threejs]
image: https://davidawindham.com/wp-content/themes/daw/img/opengraph_image.jpg
hide_table_of_contents: true

Today I learned that you can use LocalStorage across multiple windows.


<video src="https://davidawindham.com/media/localstorage-3js.mp4" width="100%" controls="controls">
<video src="https://davidawindham.com/media/newWindow-3js.mp4" width="100%" controls="controls">

<div style={{display: 'flex',  justifyContent:'center', alignItems:'center', fontSize:'small', marginBottom:'20px'}}>☝🏼 top video by Bjørn Staal <sub>1</sub></div>

I could imagine a use case like some authentication and/or confirmation windows that open could have a subtle graphic reference to the origin window. Otherwise it's just fun and that's why I like it. Here's some example code from [the repo](https://github.com/bgstaal/multipleWindow3dScene):

constructor ()
  let that = this;

  // event listener for when localStorage is changed from another window
  addEventListener("storage", (event) => 
    if (event.key == "windows")
      let newWindows = JSON.parse(event.newValue);
      let winChange = that.#didWindowsChange(that.#windows, newWindows);

      that.#windows = newWindows;

      if (winChange)
      if (that.#winChangeCallback) that.#winChangeCallback();

  // event listener for when current window is about to be closed
  window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (e) 
    let index = that.getWindowIndexFromId(that.#id);

  //remove this window from the list and update local storage
    that.#windows.splice(index, 1);

I found some other examples floating around out there too<sub>3</sub>.


1. Bjørn Gunnar Staal - X - https://twitter.com/_nonfigurativ_/status/1722543833408286927
2. Bjørn Gunnar Staal - Github - https://github.com/bgstaal
3. Momcilo Popov - Fun with Sockets - https://github.com/Momciloo/fun-with-sockets